Energy & Basic Resources

Valued experts focusing on the exploration, production, and management of energy sources and raw materials

Dr. Neda Maria Kaizumi

Dr. Neda Maria Kaizumi

Dr. Neda Maria Kaizumi, born and raised in Iran, holds a doctorate in organizational behaviour. With a unique blend of academic achievements, including couple of master's degrees—one in International Management from Liverpool University, and other in Philosophy from Cochin university and she also has completed Business Analytics and Data Science executive program from Harvard Business School - she has cultivated a deep understanding of business goals, strategies, and processes. Neda's expertise extends to the technical realm, where she proficiently integrates technology and IT into business transformation initiatives. Moreover, she boasts more than couple of decades of experience as a certified auditor for various management systems and contributes significantly to international standard committees, shaping new standards for AI, Cyber security and data. As an accomplished author and public speaker, Neda brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to the forefront of discussions on business innovation and transformation.

Dr. Neda Maria Kaizumi, born and raised in Iran, holds a doctorate in organizational behaviour. With a unique blend of academic achievements, including couple of master's degrees—one in International Management from Liverpool University, and other in... Show more

Dirk Fröhner

Dirk Fröhner

In his role as Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, Dirk Fröhner supports enterprise customers to reach their goals better using the cloud, push ahead digitalization, and allow more space for innovation. For this, he contributes his wealth of experience in backend development, software architecture, devops principles, and knowledge of human nature - all of which he built up during 20+ years of professional experience. In his spare time, Dirk is a pain-resistant supporter of Schalke 04.

In his role as Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, Dirk Fröhner supports enterprise customers to reach their goals better using the cloud, push ahead digitalization, and allow more space for innovation. For this, he contributes his wealth of ... Show more

Boran Seref

Boran Seref

Software Engineer focused on supporting large-scale software systems since 2015
Dedicated to streamlining processes, automation, configuration management.
Since 2019, I've been a proud member of RedHat's Platform team, serving as a Senior Site Reliability Engineer

Software Engineer focused on supporting large-scale software systems since 2015 Dedicated to streamlining processes, automation, configuration management. Since 2019, I've been a proud member of RedHat's Platform team, serving as a Senior Site Reli... Show more

Thomas Sermpinis

Thomas Sermpinis

Thomas Sermpinis (a.k.a. Cr0wTom) is the Technical Director of Auxilium Cyber Security and an independent security researcher with main topics of interest in the automotive, industrial control, embedded device, and cryptography sectors.

Thomas Sermpinis (a.k.a. Cr0wTom) is the Technical Director of Auxilium Cyber Security and an independent security researcher with main topics of interest in the automotive, industrial control, embedded device, and cryptography sectors. Show more

Quiana Berry

Quiana Berry

Quiana is a dynamic Product Lead at Red Hat/IBM with a diverse academic background in Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry from CUNY. Committed to reshaping the Future of Work, she advocates for wellness, women empowerment, and the intersection of DEI and Ethical AI. A global citizen, community builder, and international speaker, she leverages her human-centric approach to drive positive impact in the open-source community, large enterprises, and global customers while considering environmental sustainability. Join Quiana as she pioneers a more inclusive and impactful future in the tech industry.

Quiana is a dynamic Product Lead at Red Hat/IBM with a diverse academic background in Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry from CUNY. Committed to reshaping the Future of Work, she advocates for wellness, women empowerment, and the intersection of DE... Show more

Molly Rupert-Sullivan

Molly Rupert-Sullivan

Molly Rupert-Sullivan is the Global Adoption Lead for one of the earliest and largest Microsoft Copilot deployments at Accenture. She also advises clients across industries and geographies on how to strategically position Copilot, who to engage and how to support them, how to minimize risk, and how to maximize value.

Molly Rupert-Sullivan is the Global Adoption Lead for one of the earliest and largest Microsoft Copilot deployments at Accenture. She also advises clients across industries and geographies on how to strategically position Copilot, who to engage and h... Show more

Ryan Shahbazi

Ryan Shahbazi

Ryan has spent a decade at SoCalGas, the largest natural gas distribution company in the United States, focusing on energy efficiency and leveraging big data to outreach to the hard-to-reach, disadvantaged, and low-income communities. Ryan also acts as a project manager for Microsoft suite related initiatives. He feels privileged to be able to give back to his community and help those in need. In his free time, Ryan enjoys the challenge of trying to replicate his favorite restaurants' menus and supporting his Los Angeles sports clubs.

Ryan has spent a decade at SoCalGas, the largest natural gas distribution company in the United States, focusing on energy efficiency and leveraging big data to outreach to the hard-to-reach, disadvantaged, and low-income communities. Ryan also acts ... Show more

Safia Zouaoui

Safia Zouaoui

Issue d’une formation en psychologie cognitive et d’un Master en ergonomie obtenu en 2005, Safia a toujours eu à coeur de répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs des produits qu’elle crée.

Après une carrière d’UX researcher, elle co fonde, en 2019, un centre de compétence Design et expérience utilisateur chez un de ses clients et manage une dizaine de designers produit.
Elle porte la vision du design et de la culture produit au sein de l'entreprise et accompagne également les équipes produit dans la mise en place de bonnes pratiques pour faciliter le travail collaboratif entre les membres des équipes et les utilisateurs.

Afin de mieux accompagner ses clients dans leur transformation vers une culture produit, Safia se spécialise en product management.
Elle s'intéresse également à l’agile à l’échelle et obtient sa certification SAFe Agiliste 6.0 en 2023.

Issue d’une formation en psychologie cognitive et d’un Master en ergonomie obtenu en 2005, Safia a toujours eu à coeur de répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs des produits qu’elle crée. Après une carrière d’UX researcher, elle co fonde, en 2019,... Show more

Christopher Nwosu-Madueke

Christopher Nwosu-Madueke

Christopher is a mobile engineer passionate about creating innovative apps that solve real-world problems. He's a natural storyteller who loves simplifying complex concepts so they are easy to understand while delivering exceptional user experiences.

Christopher is a mobile engineer passionate about creating innovative apps that solve real-world problems. He's a natural storyteller who loves simplifying complex concepts so they are easy to understand while delivering exceptional user experiences. Show more

Amit Tidke

Amit Tidke

AWS Certified Solution Architect professional specializing in cloud Computing technologies, DevOps tools, and Linux System Administration. Passionate about designing, delivering, and maintaining highly available and secure cloud solutions. My current focus revolves around the AWS platform and containerized applications.

AWS Certified Solution Architect professional specializing in cloud Computing technologies, DevOps tools, and Linux System Administration. Passionate about designing, delivering, and maintaining highly available and secure cloud solutions. My current... Show more

Stéphane Yapoudjian

Stéphane Yapoudjian

Après des études en sciences où j'ai aiguisé mon appétence pour les nouvelles technologies, je me suis naturellement dirigé vers l'informatique où j'ai occupé les postes de développeur puis de chef de projet web. J'ai ensuite basculé dans le monde du conseil pour accompagner les entreprises dans leur transformation numérique, principalement dans le domaine de l’énergie. J'ai rejoint la DSI d'Enedis en 2022 en tant que coordinateur de chaîne de valeur et, depuis mi 2023, je suis responsable d'un ensemble de trains/produits.

Après des études en sciences où j'ai aiguisé mon appétence pour les nouvelles technologies, je me suis naturellement dirigé vers l'informatique où j'ai occupé les postes de développeur puis de chef de projet web. J'ai ensuite basculé dans le monde du... Show more

Devang Shah

Devang Shah

Devang is a Principal Program Manager specializing in working on terabyte to petabyte-scale big data analytics projects in the EMEA region. He specializes in product innovation, product evangelization, community building, and product adoption strategies. With a strong educational and professional background in technology, software development, cloud adoption, and data analytics, he has spent the last decade advising clients on implementing large-scale and complex software systems, and data analytics solutions. Devang has been involved in producing training content, and tutorials for Microsoft Fabric experiences.

Devang is a Principal Program Manager specializing in working on terabyte to petabyte-scale big data analytics projects in the EMEA region. He specializes in product innovation, product evangelization, community building, and product adoption strateg... Show more

Ashwini Mahendiran

Ashwini Mahendiran

Ashwini Mahendiran is a versatile professional with a Master's degree and over three years of experience in full-stack development and data science. With a proven track record of winning multiple hackathons and research expos, Ms. Mahendiran excels in driving innovation and delivering impactful solutions. Her expertise lies at the intersection of Data, AI, and Software Development, where she leverage cutting-edge technology to address complex challenges. Known for her collaborative approach and strong communication skills, Ms. Mahendiran thrives in dynamic environments, inspiring teams to achieve ambitious goals. Committed to Responsible and Ethical AI, Ms. Mahendiran is passionate about shaping a more inclusive and sustainable future in the tech industry.

Ashwini Mahendiran is a versatile professional with a Master's degree and over three years of experience in full-stack development and data science. With a proven track record of winning multiple hackathons and research expos, Ms. Mahendiran excels i... Show more

Scott Bock

Scott Bock

Scott has developed Java, Groovy, Grails, and Javascript web apps for industries as varied as Financial, Defense, Health Care, Energy, Agriculture, Education and Commercial. Scott's favorite aspects of being a developer are solving problems, learning new technologies, and mentoring newer developers.

Scott has developed Java, Groovy, Grails, and Javascript web apps for industries as varied as Financial, Defense, Health Care, Energy, Agriculture, Education and Commercial. Scott's favorite aspects of being a developer are solving problems, learning... Show more

Bernd Rederlechner

Bernd Rederlechner

Bernd Rederlechner ist ein "Principal Lead" Enterprise Architect mit Vorliebe für DevOps, Cloud Native und Code. Er übernimmt regelmäßig Architekturverantwortung in Konzeption und Entwicklung von realen Produkten und Lösungen. Als ehrenamtlicher Host der Magenta Architecture Community, aber auch über Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge mit Praxisbezug, inspiriert er Entwickler, junge Architekten und Kunden aller Ebenen mit einem Fokus auf menschliche Herausforderungen in der Digitalisierung.

Bernd Rederlechner ist ein "Principal Lead" Enterprise Architect mit Vorliebe für DevOps, Cloud Native und Code. Er übernimmt regelmäßig Architekturverantwortung in Konzeption und Entwicklung von realen Produkten und Lösungen. Als ehrenamtlicher Hos... Show more

Timothy Shaw

Timothy Shaw

Tim works for a company in the energy sector, handling their IT and business application needs. He enjoys music, sci-fi, the occasional video game, and nerding out with math-based design solutions.

Tim works for a company in the energy sector, handling their IT and business application needs. He enjoys music, sci-fi, the occasional video game, and nerding out with math-based design solutions. Show more

Eduardo Páez Hernández

Eduardo Páez Hernández

Cofundador y responsable de Desarrollo de Negocio en data4all, compañía dedicada a la digitalización de procesos e implantación de cultura del dato mediante Microsoft 365 y Power Platform.

Experto en Transformación Digital y Máster en BI & Big Data por MBIT School. Tengo más de 10 años de experiencia en puestos tecnológicos de grandes empresas de sectores como consultoría IT y Oil & Gas.

Soy cofundador del Think Tank «People Analytics Spain». Me motiva el poder implantar la cultura del dato en las empresas y así ayudarlas a crecer sacando todo el potencial al ecosistema de Microsoft.

Cofundador y responsable de Desarrollo de Negocio en data4all, compañía dedicada a la digitalización de procesos e implantación de cultura del dato mediante Microsoft 365 y Power Platform. Experto en Transformación Digital y Máster en BI & Big Dat... Show more

Aaron Morva

Aaron Morva

--- Deutsche Version ---

Aaron Morva ist ein leidenschaftlicher Microsoft 365-Experte und Power Platform-Enthusiast mit einem klaren Fokus auf innovative Lösungen und praxisnahe Umsetzung. Als erfahrener Berater bei der fme AG hat er eine beeindruckende Erfolgsbilanz bei der Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Lösungen für verschiedene Branchen.
Mit seinem Hintergrund als Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration und einem breiten Spektrum an Zertifizierungen kombiniert Aaron seine analytische Denkweise mit kreativem Technologieeinsatz, um transformative Projekte zu realisieren. Zu seinen bisher erfolgreichsten Projekten zählen die Entwicklung einer Wissensmanagement-Plattform, eines Hubs für die Erstellung und Nutzung von intelligenten Meeting-Notizen, einer App zur Ressourcenüberwachung sowie einer Anwendung für Gesundheitschecks.

--- English version ---

Aaron Morva is a passionate Microsoft 365 expert and Power Platform enthusiast with a clear focus on innovative solutions and hands-on implementation. As an experienced consultant at fme AG, he has an impressive track record in developing customized solutions for various industries.
With a background as an IT specialist for system integration and a broad range of certifications, Aaron combines his analytical mindset with creative application of technology to realize transformative projects. His most successful projects to date include the development of a knowledge management platform, a hub for the creation and use of smart meeting notes, a resource monitoring app and a health check application.

--- Deutsche Version --- Aaron Morva ist ein leidenschaftlicher Microsoft 365-Experte und Power Platform-Enthusiast mit einem klaren Fokus auf innovative Lösungen und praxisnahe Umsetzung. Als erfahrener Berater bei der fme AG hat er eine beeindru... Show more

Fabio Borges Monteiro

Fabio Borges Monteiro

I am a teacher, biologist and technology enthusiast. I have been working at Petrobras since 2006, in various areas of the company, from services to E&P operations, in disciplines such as environment, contingency, contractual management, management support, and currently, I am in the Management of Evaluation and Integration of SMS for E&P.
My current role is as a transformer (SMS) for the company, focusing on digital transformation and developing skills in agile tools and methodologies, creative thinking, design thinking, and design flow. I have completed the systems analyst certification by Petrobras and have been involved in several successful cases related to the use of co-creation methodologies and agile tools.

I am a teacher, biologist and technology enthusiast. I have been working at Petrobras since 2006, in various areas of the company, from services to E&P operations, in disciplines such as environment, contingency, contractual management, management su... Show more

Alvaro Callero

Alvaro Callero

I’m a Senior Software Developer and Computer Engineer with 9 years of full experience in the IT industry, with passion for learning cutting-edge technologies.

I’ve participated in more than 10 projects in cross-functional teams between 6 and 12 people, with clients like Paypal, Ancestry, Salesforce, Mercedes Benz, Bancolombia, just to name a few, so I feel comfortable being involved in industries like Software, Health, Finance, Energy.

In my latest projects I met Elixir and I just fell in love with this functional programming language, and how complex problems can be solved in a fancy way, tackling situations like high availability, concurrency and distributed systems.

I’m a Senior Software Developer and Computer Engineer with 9 years of full experience in the IT industry, with passion for learning cutting-edge technologies. I’ve participated in more than 10 projects in cross-functional teams between 6 and 12 pe... Show more

Piotr Stepinski

Piotr Stepinski

left .Net for Python, left BI for ML, from dev to lead, creating tools and modelling for better time-series industrial data quality - mostly water management in US cities. Happy husband and father of 6 kids, bike commuting, learning and enthusiast of Julia, Rust and rope jumping.

left .Net for Python, left BI for ML, from dev to lead, creating tools and modelling for better time-series industrial data quality - mostly water management in US cities. Happy husband and father of 6 kids, bike commuting, learning and enthusiast of... Show more

Frank Folsche

Frank Folsche

Frank never stays still, and he brings this drive to the teams he works with. His passion lies in technology, and he immerses himself in the latest developments in Azure and .NET (especially on mobile devices). However, he’s also the first to recognize that technology alone won’t suffice; it must be combined with an aversion to inefficiency. Over the past year, he has been actively implementing DevOps practices at Luminis.

His ambition extends beyond technology—Frank aims to apply this drive from his role as an Architect. He enjoys helping clients enhance efficiency through the use of cloud-native solutions.

But having a good idea isn’t enough; you must also convey and share it. That’s why Frank enjoys speaking about his field, as evident in his blogs and conference presentations.

Frank never stays still, and he brings this drive to the teams he works with. His passion lies in technology, and he immerses himself in the latest developments in Azure and .NET (especially on mobile devices). However, he’s also the first to recogni... Show more

Marcello Pedalino

Marcello Pedalino

Marcello Pedalino is a lifestyle expert. As a certified fitness trainer, nutrition consultant, and lifespan coach, he delivers empowering keynote presentations that help people prioritize work-life integration and recognize the importance of energy management. Marcello is the author of Celebrate Life: How to live it up, discover fulfillment, and experience the joy you deserve and Onwards and Upwards: How to prioritize your health and live your best life. He loves being the class Dad for his daughter, being the CEO of his wife's medical practice, and of course... helping the world Celebrate Life with his entertainment and event production company.

Marcello Pedalino is a lifestyle expert. As a certified fitness trainer, nutrition consultant, and lifespan coach, he delivers empowering keynote presentations that help people prioritize work-life integration and recognize the importance of energy... Show more

Rauhmel Fox

Rauhmel Fox

Although I am a Reputable Individual, I prefer to aid in the scientific education of college or university students and/or offer instruction and training to individuals to improve or develop their capabilities.

Although I am a Reputable Individual, I prefer to aid in the scientific education of college or university students and/or offer instruction and training to individuals to improve or develop their capabilities. Show more

Pranava Manthena

Pranava Manthena

Pranava is an ambitious 16-year-old who attends Middleton High School. He has already demonstrated remarkable leadership and initiative through his various pursuits. Most notably, Pranava placed first in the nation in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competition, and first in his state as well. He also owns and operates a website design agency at his young age.

Beyond competitions and business, Pranava actively seeks opportunities to create positive change. He has led workshops at FBLA national conferences and is currently developing two educational tools - one to help teachers assign differentiated coursework tailored to each student's needs, and another to provide personalized learning recommendations. Both tools will be openly accessible to benefit students and teachers globally.

Additionally, Pranava is conducting research at the intersection of artificial intelligence and energy. Pranava is committed to making a meaningful difference in the world and is ready to make his mark.

Pranava is an ambitious 16-year-old who attends Middleton High School. He has already demonstrated remarkable leadership and initiative through his various pursuits. Most notably, Pranava placed first in the nation in the Future Business Leaders of A... Show more

Haggai Dror

Haggai Dror

Haggai Dror brings over 15 years of hands-on experience in American infrastructure development, holding key positions such as Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer at Shikun & Binui Group. With a focus on change management, Haggai has successfully led executive committees and managed multimillion-dollar projects, navigating diverse cultural dynamics and achieving collective goals. Notable projects under Haggai's leadership include the PA Major Bridges P3 and Fargo-Moorhead Diversion Project P3. As Managing Director at S&B USA eMobility, Haggai played a pivotal role in establishing a division, showcasing adaptability and a forward-thinking approach. Whether overseeing project integration or spearheading innovative initiatives, Haggai's career underscores a commitment to effective change management and successful outcomes in the dynamic infrastructure development landscape.

Haggai Dror brings over 15 years of hands-on experience in American infrastructure development, holding key positions such as Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer at Shikun & Binui Group. With a focus on change management, Haggai has su... Show more

Richard Crane

Richard Crane

Hi, I’m Richard. I am the Co-Founder and CTO of MILL5. I live and work in the Boston area. I enjoy working on the bleeding edge of technology including AI/ML, Microservices, IoT, Azure, SaaS, Mobile, and more. My goal is to inspire others to innovate using software.

Hi, I’m Richard. I am the Co-Founder and CTO of MILL5. I live and work in the Boston area. I enjoy working on the bleeding edge of technology including AI/ML, Microservices, IoT, Azure, SaaS, Mobile, and more. My goal is to inspire others to innovat... Show more

Sridhar Mamella

Sridhar Mamella

Having a Master's in Big Data & AI, Sridhar Mamella now works at Porsche as a Product Lead, building robust data streaming services to enable real-time data in the cloud.
In his talks, he speaks about the importance of streaming data, cloud architectures and the future of connected cars.

Having a Master's in Big Data & AI, Sridhar Mamella now works at Porsche as a Product Lead, building robust data streaming services to enable real-time data in the cloud. In his talks, he speaks about the importance of streaming data, cloud archite... Show more

Jaime Diego da Rosa

Jaime Diego da Rosa

Contador Sênior na Petrobras, pós graduado em Gamificação, Engajamento e Marketing Digital. Atuo com inovação, soluções digitais e Projetos de Gamificação com foco em motivação e engajamento dos funcionários.

Contador Sênior na Petrobras, pós graduado em Gamificação, Engajamento e Marketing Digital. Atuo com inovação, soluções digitais e Projetos de Gamificação com foco em motivação e engajamento dos funcionários. Show more

Pallavi Thukral

Pallavi Thukral

I am Pallavi Thukral, and I am thrilled to express my interest in joining your esteemed conference as a speaker. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies and a background in computer science, I bring a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the realms of emerging technologies, cloud, DevOps, .NET, C++, Kotlin, backend development, Ruby, Blockchain, ML, AI and many more.

Currently serving as a software developer at BNY Mellon, I am immersed in the dynamic world of software engineering, contributing to the development of innovative solutions in a financial services environment. My journey in the tech industry has been shaped by a dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, making me a constant learner and enthusiast for emerging trends.

As a gold medalist in Bachelor of Technology, my academic foundation has instilled in me a commitment to excellence and a drive for continuous improvement. This academic achievement, coupled with my practical experience, positions me as a speaker who can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application.

I am eager to share insights, best practices, and practical experiences with the community. My sessions aim to provide valuable takeaways for developers, engineers, and tech enthusiasts, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge exchange. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant discussions and learning experiences.

I am Pallavi Thukral, and I am thrilled to express my interest in joining your esteemed conference as a speaker. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies and a background in computer science, I bring a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the r... Show more

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