Energy & Basic Resources

Valued experts focusing on the exploration, production, and management of energy sources and raw materials

Victor Getz

Victor Getz

Victor Getz is the Co-Founder & CTO of iits-consulting and has been active in software development for over 10 years. As a CTO & cloud architect, he has created a multitude of cloud architectures in recent years with petabytes of data or millions of daily users.

Victor Getz is the Co-Founder & CTO of iits-consulting and has been active in software development for over 10 years. As a CTO & cloud architect, he has created a multitude of cloud architectures in recent years with petabytes of data or millions of ... Show more

Bucci Kawabuchi

Bucci Kawabuchi

Previously a project manager at Japanese eVTOL startup, utilizing agile practices and team engagement to manage develop the new mobility platform of which the expertise ranges from structure, power train, avionics, aerodynamics to embedded software.

Previously a project manager at Japanese eVTOL startup, utilizing agile practices and team engagement to manage develop the new mobility platform of which the expertise ranges from structure, power train, avionics, aerodynamics to embedded software. Show more

Ryan Bergman

Ryan Bergman

Ryan is a Senior Staff Engineer at John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG) where he oversees API standards and architecture for systems farmers depend on for connecting with experts like agronomists, dealers, other experts.

Ryan is a Senior Staff Engineer at John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG) where he oversees API standards and architecture for systems farmers depend on for connecting with experts like agronomists, dealers, other experts. Show more

Elle Carelle

Elle Carelle

Elle is a non-binary, neuro-divergent drag artist, activist, and social engineer. They have worked in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) since 2005 and has studied ICT since 1995. They have watched communications technology change through time along with society as they served in the Marine Corps, transitioned into civilian life, and raised a family.

Elle has a bachelor's degree in History where they focused on Modern American and Military History and a master's degree in Executive Leadership where she learned how organizations of all types operate. While serving in the Marines, Elle studied and taught tactical and strategic ICT security to active duty Marines. After transitioning to civilian life, Elle has supported two defense contracting firms delivering ICT Intelligence Services to the United States government through contracts supporting the Armed Forces, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, as well as many others.

Elle loves volunteer work and dedicates roughly 1000 hours of community service each year at a variety of organizations, to include: Girl Scouts of the USA, the Rainbow Coalition, Safe Space NOVA, SMYLE, and the Hive Social Garden, a non-profit conceptualized through her daughter's Girl Scout Gold Award project. Elle uses her skills to teach Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) training courses, provide mentorship to LGBTQ+ youth, and advocate for social, economic, and environmental justice through the art of drag.

Elle is a non-binary, neuro-divergent drag artist, activist, and social engineer. They have worked in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) since 2005 and has studied ICT since 1995. They have watched communications technology change throug... Show more

Kanchana Devi Hariyappa

Kanchana Devi Hariyappa

Kanchana is an accomplished IT professional with over 20 years of experience, specializing in cybersecurity architecture, delivery, and consulting. She excels in client and stakeholder engagements, delivery operations, and governance. With a proven track record of reducing costs, strengthening customer relationships, improving business practices, and driving profitable growth. She has successfully delivered security solutions that align with business strategies and roadmaps, accommodating various client requirements under a zero-trust approach. Known for winning numerous successful deals, Kanchana is adept at creating secure and sustainable cybersecurity frameworks ensuring robust protection and compliance. Currently focusing on data security and tackling critical data security challenges. Kanchana has technical hands-on experience in implementing end-to-end security controls for client accounts.

Kanchana is an accomplished IT professional with over 20 years of experience, specializing in cybersecurity architecture, delivery, and consulting. She excels in client and stakeholder engagements, delivery operations, and governance. With a proven t... Show more

Andre Vechiatto

Andre Vechiatto

Sr. Cloud Solution Architect with 20+ years’ experience in software and infrastructure architecture. Empowering people and organizations to achieve more during their journey to adopt cloud services, data analytics, artificial intelligence and Microsoft services.

Sr. Cloud Solution Architect with 20+ years’ experience in software and infrastructure architecture. Empowering people and organizations to achieve more during their journey to adopt cloud services, data analytics, artificial intelligence and Microso... Show more

Caleb Duff

Caleb Duff

A dedicated and evolving Programs Lead and Software Engineer.

A dedicated and evolving Programs Lead and Software Engineer. Show more

Sophie Kempston

Sophie Kempston

Sophie Kempston (she/they) is a current PhD candidate in the School for Cross-Faculty Studies at the University of Warwick. Her research focuses on measuring the sustainability impacts of the increase of demand for critical raw materials as a result of the UK's increasing demand for electric vehicles. This includes forecasting scenarios for electric vehicle uptake and battery market shares in the UK, and developing a framework to assess the holistic sustainability impacts of these scenarios. They are also a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the School for Cross-Faculty Studies at their University and are kindly funded by the Leverhulme Trust through the TRANSFORM Doctoral Programme.

Sophie Kempston (she/they) is a current PhD candidate in the School for Cross-Faculty Studies at the University of Warwick. Her research focuses on measuring the sustainability impacts of the increase of demand for critical raw materials as a result ... Show more

Oluwamayowa Ogbeide

Oluwamayowa Ogbeide

Oluwamayowa ogbeide is an MCT, Power Platform Developer from Lagos Nigeria,he got introduced to the Power platform in his under graduate year through Powerbi but has since gone on to becoming an Power Platform and RPA developer producing solutions for organisations to optimise their process and increase productivity.

Oluwamayowa ogbeide is an MCT, Power Platform Developer from Lagos Nigeria,he got introduced to the Power platform in his under graduate year through Powerbi but has since gone on to becoming an Power Platform and RPA developer producing solutions fo... Show more

Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga

Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga

Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga, um engenheiro mecânico e Profissional Certificado em Gerenciamento de Projetos (PMP), acumulou mais de três décadas de experiência diversificada em campos como construção, petróleo e gás, gestão imobiliária, operações de restaurantes e private equity. Esta vasta experiência concedeu-lhe uma profunda habilidade em resolver problemas complexos e implementar soluções inovadoras em diversos contextos industriais. Ele é altamente especializado em manufatura, equipamentos industriais, organização de processos, controle de qualidade, gestão de produtos, produção enxuta e desenvolvimento de KPIs.

Ele é o fundador da Hydrog, uma startup sediada em Houston que visa revolucionar a indústria de bombas hidráulicas ao integrar inteligência artificial e utilizar materiais avançados, promovendo designs sustentáveis. O objetivo dele é superar as limitações das bombas tradicionais em termos de eficiência, durabilidade e impacto ambiental. Ele montou uma equipe de engenheiros de ponta, garantiu o financiamento necessário e está engajado em negociações com fabricantes de equipamentos importantes que estão interessados em sua tecnologia disruptiva.

Este projeto inovador de bombas hidráulicas está pronto para transformar a indústria de petróleo e gás. Ele apresentou sua linha de produtos em eventos industriais de prestígio, atraindo a atenção de diversas empresas e especialistas em Houston. Num evento importante previsto para junho, ele e sua equipe planejam destacar o equipamento de extração desenvolvido, sublinhando suas funcionalidades e benefícios ambientais. Essa demonstração vai proporcionar aos participantes uma compreensão clara de como a tecnologia avançada pode revolucionar os processos de extração de petróleo, elevando a eficiência e minimizando os impactos ambientais.

Ele completou seu diploma em Engenharia Mecânica na Universidad del Zulia em Maracaibo, Venezuela. Desde os primeiros anos em sua carreira, ele se destacou, envolvendo-se em múltiplos projetos inovadores e estágios que ampliaram sua base prática. Antes mesmo de se formar, ele já havia assumido o papel de Gerente de Controle de Qualidade em uma empresa de usinagem industrial, onde liderou o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia patenteada que se tornou crucial para a indústria de petróleo.

Além de seu trabalho profissional, ele é um investidor ativo em private equity, apoiando startups e empresas em crescimento. Ele também preside a Fundação St Antonio no Panamá, dedicada a apoiar jovens em desafios educacionais e reduzir as taxas de evasão escolar. A fundação fornece recursos, orientação e suporte para ajudar os estudantes a superar desafios e alcançar sucesso. Nos seus momentos de lazer, ele se entrega a hobbies como a pesca em alto-mar e a culinária, mantendo um equilíbrio entre suas paixões e seu compromisso com a família e a comunidade. Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga é reconhecido como um líder inteligente, engenhoso e apaixonado, sempre em busca de aprender mais e contribuir positivamente para o mundo.

Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga, um engenheiro mecânico e Profissional Certificado em Gerenciamento de Projetos (PMP), acumulou mais de três décadas de experiência diversificada em campos como construção, petróleo e gás, gestão imobiliária, operações ... Show more

Brian Moore

Brian Moore

Brian Moore is a Cloud Architect with Occidental Petroleum in Houston, TX. He leads Oxy's cloud computing practices, and has spearheaded adoption and practice of Terraform and other HashiCorp products.

Brian Moore is a Cloud Architect with Occidental Petroleum in Houston, TX. He leads Oxy's cloud computing practices, and has spearheaded adoption and practice of Terraform and other HashiCorp products. Show more

Rohit Ranjan

Rohit Ranjan

Rohit Ranjan has been working with Flutter for the past 2 years, and currently working as a Flutter Developer at Health Tick. Previously worked with Appwrite as a DevRel Intern being the part of GitHub Octernship, worked on apps having more than 50k users. He is also a Google Dev Library contributor and part of Google's startup Bootcamp 2022. For the last 1 year, he has given talks at many technical events like, Frontend Days Nagpur, Code-Day Nagpur, Flutter Nagpur, Encypherist JIT.

Rohit Ranjan has been working with Flutter for the past 2 years, and currently working as a Flutter Developer at Health Tick. Previously worked with Appwrite as a DevRel Intern being the part of GitHub Octernship, worked on apps having more than 50k ... Show more

Orlando Belli

Orlando Belli

Ingeniero Industrial, con más de 20 años de experiencia laboral, actualmente desarrollo modelos de machine learning y Analytics e IoT industrial.
Actual docente en diferentes instituciones como : Centrum Católica, Tecsup, Ingenium, dicto los cursos de Ciencia de datos, Cloud computing, Data warehousing , R y Python for analytics. Power BI for Business Intelligence, Ingeniería IoT entre otros cursos de tecnología emergente.

Ingeniero Industrial, con más de 20 años de experiencia laboral, actualmente desarrollo modelos de machine learning y Analytics e IoT industrial. Actual docente en diferentes instituciones como : Centrum Católica, Tecsup, Ingenium, dicto los cursos ... Show more

Luis Felipe Ariza Vesga

Luis Felipe Ariza Vesga

Working on a cloud-native transformation to bring a world where everything is wirelessly connected to the unconnected through the internet and accelerate learning curve using digital twins. I am working on cloud-native for 5G radio access networks, Open RAN, 5G broadcast, containerization/orchestration, CI/CD of 5G cellular networks and beyond, and cellular network optimizations. I worked on RF IC design (PLL, Mixer, LNA, High-Frequency Divider) and OpenAirInterface5G (Real-time emulation methodologies for Centralized Radio Access Networks), srsRAN, and Magma projects. Additionally, I am an individual contributor of Openairinterface, barista, sommelier, and a YouTube content creator: OpenAirInerface Tutorials:
Conferencia investigación e implementación de redes 5G en Colombia:

Working on a cloud-native transformation to bring a world where everything is wirelessly connected to the unconnected through the internet and accelerate learning curve using digital twins. I am working on cloud-native for 5G radio access networks, O... Show more

Zoe Lee-Park

Zoe Lee-Park

Zoe Lee-Park is a second-year Master of Environmental Science student at the Yale School of the Environment. She studies the theory of environmental justice, within a law and society framework. Outside of academics, Zoe is a Graduate Intern at the United States Forest Service and the President of the Yale Asian Graduate Network. She is part of the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership. Zoe will pursue her PhD in Jurisprudence and Social Policy at the University of California, Berkeley.

Zoe Lee-Park is a second-year Master of Environmental Science student at the Yale School of the Environment. She studies the theory of environmental justice, within a law and society framework. Outside of academics, Zoe is a Graduate Intern at the Un... Show more

Christopher Geckert

Christopher Geckert

I've started 2014 into the consulting business and had several projects, with all SQL Server components, regarding data plattforms. Since 2020 I'm doing only Azure Projects, starting from Setup Data Landing Zones, transforming, analyze and display data. On 2022 I've started my own business.

I've started 2014 into the consulting business and had several projects, with all SQL Server components, regarding data plattforms. Since 2020 I'm doing only Azure Projects, starting from Setup Data Landing Zones, transforming, analyze and display da... Show more

Daniel Ferreira

Daniel Ferreira

Digital Product specialist in a Product Operations team at Petrobras that promotes internal communities and courses to make hundreds of product owners and product managers more fluent in product management and product discovery practices at Petrobras.

Digital Product specialist in a Product Operations team at Petrobras that promotes internal communities and courses to make hundreds of product owners and product managers more fluent in product management and product discovery practices at Petrobra... Show more

Vincenzo Gioia

Vincenzo Gioia

Vincenzo Gioia is a research assistant at the Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of the University of Trieste, Italy.
He received the PhD in Managerial and Actuarial Sciences, curriculum in Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, from the University of Udine in 2023.
His research interests range from asymptotic methods to semi-parametric regression modelling techniques, with particular emphasis on statistical computing and applications in engineering, economics, environmental and life sciences.

Vincenzo Gioia is a research assistant at the Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of the University of Trieste, Italy. He received the PhD in Managerial and Actuarial Sciences, curriculum in Statistics and Actuar... Show more

Aaron Cruz

Aaron Cruz

Freelancing Elixir Developer. Hosts DreamClients podcast ( about how freelance software devs can find better clients and streams Elixir dev on Meetup organizing extraordinaire. Ex-cook. Ex-cheese-maker.

Freelancing Elixir Developer. Hosts DreamClients podcast ( about how freelance software devs can find better clients and streams Elixir dev on Meetup organizing extraordinaire. Ex-cook... Show more

Trevor Burton-McCreadie

Trevor Burton-McCreadie

After a failed bid at rock stardom Trevor eventually found a way to get paid for writing software with Macromedia Flash. After twenty years and dabbling with Python, Ruby, Objective-C and C# he now works almost exclusively on the JVM. As a software engineer at Lunatech, Trevor provides expert advice on Akka, Scala and software development in general as a member of teams working directly with clients as well as internal projects. He also enjoys his role as mentor guiding some of Lunatech's junior engineers.

After a failed bid at rock stardom Trevor eventually found a way to get paid for writing software with Macromedia Flash. After twenty years and dabbling with Python, Ruby, Objective-C and C# he now works almost exclusively on the JVM. As a software e... Show more

Kylah Seltzer Johnston

Kylah Seltzer Johnston

Kylah Seltzer Johnston works for the Bureau of Asset Management at Cook County. Kylah has an extensive background working in community and political organizing, with an emphasis on campaigns related to climate change and environmental justice. She has also collaborated with a number of coalitions and elected officials across Illinois to strengthen and pass legislation, including the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act. An avid lover of the Great Lakes, Kylah has worked on a number of policy research projects related to Great Lakes waterways and water systems and how they interact with climate change, clean drinking water access, and invasive species. She is currently working as a Relationship Manager with Cook County’s Build Up Cook program, working closely with municipalities in South and West Suburban Cook County to move both water and vertical infrastructure projects from start to finish. In her free time, Kylah can be found baking at home or lounging by Lake Michigan.

Kylah Seltzer Johnston works for the Bureau of Asset Management at Cook County. Kylah has an extensive background working in community and political organizing, with an emphasis on campaigns related to climate change and environmental justice. She ha... Show more

Jeremy Coupe

Jeremy Coupe

Jeremy Coupe is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Ames Research Center. He is the Lead for NASA's Sustainable Flight National Partnership Ops demo series and oversees the NASA/FAA Digital Mesh Technology and Applications AI/ML working group. Previously, he led the development of NASA's Machine Learning Airport Surface Model and was the recipient of the 2021 NASA Superior Accomplishment Award for outstanding promotion and proliferation of AI/ML applied to aviation. He received a MS in Applied Mathematics and Statistics and PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Jeremy Coupe is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Ames Research Center. He is the Lead for NASA's Sustainable Flight National Partnership Ops demo series and oversees the NASA/FAA Digital Mesh Technology and Applications AI/ML working group. Previously, ... Show more

Christian Andrade

Christian Andrade

'11 years as Partner Director at Fênix Consultoria, 7 years working experience as a Finance Director at Fumex Tabacalera(American Subsidiary) and 4 years’ experience as CIO at CdF International, with more than 24 years in Executive Positions in Finance, Operations and IT. Has international experience as Program and Project Manager in Brazil, Holland, Spain, Italy, UK, US, Indonesia, Philippines, Colombia, Dominican Republic and Argentina. With deep knowledge in cost and staff reorganization, change management, project finance, company and project valuation, budget and cash flow control, funding, infra-structure projects, corporate policies, standards and procedures to achieve Sarbanes Oxley compliance, ERP implementation and project management. Pursuing 2 Masters degrees (Management Science – Kent, UK and Accounting -UFBa), MBA in Corporate Finance (FGV), and BA in Accounting and BS in Computer Science (Both @ UFBa). Also have the following qualifications: PgMP – Program Management Professional (PMI), PMP – Project Management Professional(PMI). After a successful change management in Fumex Tabacalera, is pursuing a PhD in Accounting and Finance at Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP). Natural leadership, mentoring and coaching skills, high commitment, structured thinking, and excellent negotiations skills completes my profile.

'11 years as Partner Director at Fênix Consultoria, 7 years working experience as a Finance Director at Fumex Tabacalera(American Subsidiary) and 4 years’ experience as CIO at CdF International, with more than 24 years in Executive Positions in Fina... Show more

Marco Pecoraro

Marco Pecoraro

Husband of Cristina and proud Father of Davide and Chiara.

Mechanical engineer with more than 8 years of experience in the EPC business with a deep passion for new technologies and innovations, especially impacting the Engineering, Procurement and Construction sector and material management.

Husband of Cristina and proud Father of Davide and Chiara. Mechanical engineer with more than 8 years of experience in the EPC business with a deep passion for new technologies and innovations, especially impacting the Engineering, Procurement and... Show more

Bill Bensing

Bill Bensing

Meet Bill Bensing, the tech guru who discovered the power of Notepad and hasn't stopped fueling the world with tech ever since. He's passionate about creating inclusive environments that allow anyone to develop software and takes pride in building Shadow IT organizations. Yes, you heard that right - he believes in the magic of Shadow IT and how it can drive real Business-IT alignment.

As if that weren't impressive enough, Bill is also a co-author of Investments Unlimited. The book describes bringing security, compliance, and audit into the software delivery lifecycle by automating governance. It's a novel that will make you want to trade your favorite book for it!

But that's not all. Bill's day job is the founder of Attestify and a Governance Engineering evangelist. By night, he's a dreamer, researcher, and creator of various open-source projects. You could say he's a tech superhero fighting for a better world!

Meet Bill Bensing, the tech guru who discovered the power of Notepad and hasn't stopped fueling the world with tech ever since. He's passionate about creating inclusive environments that allow anyone to develop software and takes pride in building Sh... Show more

Ahmad Iqtidar

Ahmad Iqtidar

Enthusiastic and goal-oriented Process & Analytics Engineer with hands on experience on selection, designing and implementation of Digital Industrial applications to improve the predictivity, performance & reliability of industrial operations & assets. Working on Engro`s Digital transformation journey with the prime focus on Industrial Digital and Automation solutions.

Enthusiastic and goal-oriented Process & Analytics Engineer with hands on experience on selection, designing and implementation of Digital Industrial applications to improve the predictivity, performance & reliability of industrial operations & asset... Show more

Mrs Rep

Mrs Rep

Mom, Wife & Business Owner! Helping women find their voice! Providing information about trading marking your business and how to start a business

Mom, Wife & Business Owner! Helping women find their voice! Providing information about trading marking your business and how to start a business Show more

Francisco Veiga Simão

Francisco Veiga Simão

Geoscientist and entrepreneur for sustainable development with >5 years experience in turning waste into resources within raw materials field. Neutral-oriented problem solver for a better world combining environmental and socio-economic boundaries.

Geoscientist and entrepreneur for sustainable development with >5 years experience in turning waste into resources within raw materials field. Neutral-oriented problem solver for a better world combining environmental and socio-economic boundaries. Show more

Dishan Otieno

Dishan Otieno

With one and a half years of immersive experience as a Research Assistant, I am driven by an unquenchable passion for the dynamic realms of Research and Development, specifically in the captivating fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). My journey has led me to become a dedicated architect of innovative IoT devices, finely crafted for the sphere of smart agriculture, where technology converges with sustainability to shape a brighter future. Beyond my research work, I proudly serve as a member of the Inaugural Advisory Board of the Sustainable as a Science WorkGroup, contributing to the collective mission of advancing sustainability through scientific innovation. My unwavering commitment to innovation fuels my pursuit of pioneering solutions that transcend boundaries and define the future.

With one and a half years of immersive experience as a Research Assistant, I am driven by an unquenchable passion for the dynamic realms of Research and Development, specifically in the captivating fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Inter... Show more

Matthew Burleigh

Matthew Burleigh

Matt wrote his first program in Fortran on a card punch machine in the early 80s. He survived the experience and moved on to use Toolbook, Delphi, VB, and finally the .Net framework for the last 15 years. He still gets twitchy when someone mentions DCOM or CORBA and doesn't want to get into a discussion about where curly braces should go.

He is currently a Software Development Manager at Bally Sports focusing on Azure; previously he was a Senior Developer at Pandora Jewelry and a Lead Developer at Constellation/Exelon.

Matt wrote his first program in Fortran on a card punch machine in the early 80s. He survived the experience and moved on to use Toolbook, Delphi, VB, and finally the .Net framework for the last 15 years. He still gets twitchy when someone mentions D... Show more

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