Environment & Cleantech

Skilled professionals dedicated to innovative technologies and practices that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability

Daniela Jović

Daniela Jović

Danielina strast za svemirom snage nuklearnog reaktora najbolje opisuje njenu motivaciju za pokretanjem projekta CroCube. Direktorica je prodaje i marketinga tvrtke Spacemanic te živi i diše svemir u svemu što radi.
Teleskopi, amaterski radio, rakete ni sateliti joj nisu strani, a glavna joj je misija popularizirati znanost, stvoriti prilike za mlade te pomoći Hrvatskoj u stjecanju iskustva u svemirskoj industriji. Daniela je radila na lansiranju već nekoliko satelita – VZLUSAT-2, BDSat-1, BDSat-2, Planetum-1, Veronika, a kao mozak i srce ove operacije ima veliku želju i Hrvatsku približiti zvijezdama.

Danielina strast za svemirom snage nuklearnog reaktora najbolje opisuje njenu motivaciju za pokretanjem projekta CroCube. Direktorica je prodaje i marketinga tvrtke Spacemanic te živi i diše svemir u svemu što radi. Teleskopi, amaterski radio, raket... Show more

Ruchi Dhar

Ruchi Dhar

Startup expert with over 6 years of experience in early stage, growth stage, unicorn, and scaling startups. Marketing and Operations expertise with leadership and team handling experience. Member of the Foundation team of a Shark Tank-funded startup. Community Builder and Dev Rel manager for tech events. Organiser Flutter Singapore, Flutter meetup and Flutter Fiesta at Google Singapore. Speaker at International tech conferences.

Startup expert with over 6 years of experience in early stage, growth stage, unicorn, and scaling startups. Marketing and Operations expertise with leadership and team handling experience. Member of the Foundation team of a Shark Tank-funded startup.... Show more

Martin Abbott

Martin Abbott

Martin is a Principal Architect and CTO for a number of not-for-profit organisations in Perth, Western Australia.

He has many years of experience in integration, particularly across the Microsoft Azure stack, as well as experience developing solutions for IoT and Digital Twins.

More recently, he has been involved in many projects in healthcare, including the use of Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare and the Azure Health Data Services.

He is the organiser of the Perth Azure User Group, and a global administrator for both Global Azure and Integration Down Under.

In his spare time, he likes to exercise and read, and wrangle his 3 kids.

Martin is a Principal Architect and CTO for a number of not-for-profit organisations in Perth, Western Australia. He has many years of experience in integration, particularly across the Microsoft Azure stack, as well as experience developing solut... Show more

Cyril Clergeau

Cyril Clergeau

J’entendais durant mon enfance et mon adolescence, certain(e)s de mes camarades rêver de devenir informaticien, médecin, mécano, sportif de « haut » niveau, chanteur, plus rarement entrepreneur, manager ou dirigeant de société…

Pour ma part, je crois que j’ai toujours voulu prendre soin des autres humains – et non humains aussi – et de donner envie aux autres d’être plus heureux, de les convaincre du bonheur qu’il y a à prendre soin de sa propre vie et de nos écosystèmes pour aider à passer à l’étape d’après.

J’ai passé mes quinze dernières années à observer, capter l’énergie des groupes, faire des petits pas à leur côté pour de grands effets, travailler avec les forces de chacun plutôt que de vouloir « corriger » les défauts, recycler les « sois disant » déchets dans les groupes pour faire émerger l’innovation…

Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive, mais donne déjà un bon aperçu de ce qu’un Biomim’Agiliste, comme moi, a en tête et applique lors de la rééducation de la pensée des écosystèmes humains.

Soutenu et conforté dans mon identité ainsi que dans mes engagements profondément humanistes, il y a un an, j’ai co-fondé La Libellule Optimiste pour {ré} apprendre à {ré} humaniser les organisations pour impliquer les collaborateurs et collaboratrices dans une agilité durable qui a du sens et génère de la plénitude.

J’organise des ateliers, des formations, mais aussi, j’accompagne les organisations pour vous faire ressentir à quel point l'entraide et l'interdépendance sont innées et facteurs d'évolution si on s’inspire du vivant.

Je conclurais sur cette phrase que j’utilise souvent lors de mes interventions : la nature est le meilleur modèle de prospérité sur terre et le biomimétisme d’écosystèmes est un des remèdes pour soigner les maux de nos organisations.

Envie de vous sentir vivant ? Je vous attends pour un voyage dans l’immense encyclopédie de plus de 3,8 Milliards d'années qu'est la Nature et venir découvrir notre démarche directement inspirée de notre terre mère !

J’entendais durant mon enfance et mon adolescence, certain(e)s de mes camarades rêver de devenir informaticien, médecin, mécano, sportif de « haut » niveau, chanteur, plus rarement entrepreneur, manager ou dirigeant de société… Pour ma part, je cr... Show more

William Rizzo

William Rizzo

William is a CNCF Ambassador and currently working at SUSE as a Lead Architect Consultant. He’s focused in helping customers designing, building, and running their Kubernetes, and Internal Developer Platforms. He wore many hats in the IT world, Engineering, Pre-Post sales, Product Owner and Consulting. from HPC, Storage to Distributed Systems.
William enjoys volunteering at the Dutch Cloud Native/Kubernetes Meetup and Organizing the KCD Netherlands events. Has lived in many European countries and now Netherlands is the place he calls home.

William is a CNCF Ambassador and currently working at SUSE as a Lead Architect Consultant. He’s focused in helping customers designing, building, and running their Kubernetes, and Internal Developer Platforms. He wore many hats in the IT world, Engin... Show more

Obaloluwa Animashaun

Obaloluwa Animashaun

Oba Animashaun is a product designer, creative, and AI/UX enthusiast with 4 years of experience helping organizations transform user and creative problems into seamless experiences at scale.

Oba currently works as a visual designer at Boardman, and is building Electpoll, a project turned startup focused on revolutionizing e-voting across Nigeria.

He also loves to volunteer and currently serves as the UI/UX Lead for the Google Developers Student Club in the University of Ibadan (GDSC UI), and recently as Design Lead for IEEE UI-SB (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

Oba is a 5th year student of UI where he's pursuing a degree in environmental engineering. And when he is not designing, he loves to watch documentaries on world disruptors, meet new people, and explore his interests/obsessions around the intersection of design, tech, and engineering.

Oba Animashaun is a product designer, creative, and AI/UX enthusiast with 4 years of experience helping organizations transform user and creative problems into seamless experiences at scale. Oba currently works as a visual designer at Boardman, an... Show more

Maxime Bonnin

Maxime Bonnin

Agile Coach & RTE for 5 years in international companies from luxury, aerospace and public sectors. I have extended competencies around in product & portfolio managemen, enterprise architecture and change management.

Agile Coach & RTE for 5 years in international companies from luxury, aerospace and public sectors. I have extended competencies around in product & portfolio managemen, enterprise architecture and change management. Show more

Marco Pierobon

Marco Pierobon

Marco Pierobon, a seasoned Developer at Thoughtworks, brings 13 years of experience in distributed applications, specializing in cloud technologies like Kubernetes and Terraform. With a proven track record of transforming team approaches from project-based to product-oriented, he's an advocate for innovation and efficiency. A champion of modernization, Marco routinely assisted in migrating legacy software to web-based platforms.

Marco Pierobon, a seasoned Developer at Thoughtworks, brings 13 years of experience in distributed applications, specializing in cloud technologies like Kubernetes and Terraform. With a proven track record of transforming team approaches from project... Show more

Benjamin Couet

Benjamin Couet

Très curieux, j'ai eu de nombreux rôles durant mon parcours. Aujourd'hui, coach agile, j'utilise mes connaissances et compétences pour accompagner les individus et les équipes dans la réussite de leurs projets.
Sensible aux enjeux sociétaux, j'anime plusieurs ateliers de sensibilisation sur les sujets du climat et du sexisme.

Très curieux, j'ai eu de nombreux rôles durant mon parcours. Aujourd'hui, coach agile, j'utilise mes connaissances et compétences pour accompagner les individus et les équipes dans la réussite de leurs projets. Sensible aux enjeux sociétaux, j'anime... Show more

Krishnakumar Venkataraman

Krishnakumar Venkataraman

Krishna is a Principal Architect with Infosys Limited, specialized in hybrid and cloud native architectures built on open source tooling such as Linux, Kubernetes, docker, helm, OPA, quay, podman, prometheus, SPIFFE/ Spire, Tekton and Argo. As a lifelong learner, he believes we are in the best decade yet for technologists.

Krishna is a Principal Architect with Infosys Limited, specialized in hybrid and cloud native architectures built on open source tooling such as Linux, Kubernetes, docker, helm, OPA, quay, podman, prometheus, SPIFFE/ Spire, Tekton and Argo. As a life... Show more

Oluwasegun Adedigba

Oluwasegun Adedigba

Oluwasegun Adedigba has a background in Mechanical Engineering. He currently works as a DevSecOps Engineer. He has a range of interests spanning serverless, event-driven architecture, CAD, CAM, CAE, and robotics. His hobbies include playing football and basketball.

Oluwasegun Adedigba has a background in Mechanical Engineering. He currently works as a DevSecOps Engineer. He has a range of interests spanning serverless, event-driven architecture, CAD, CAM, CAE, and robotics. His hobbies include playing football ... Show more

Lionel Dos Santos

Lionel Dos Santos

Hello, Lionel speaking here.
Born in France from Portuguese parents I have always evolved as a citizen of this world with a clear focus on expanding and sharing cultural knowledge and diversity.
Through comics we deliver serious fun vibes and connect with great artists and their community.

Hello, Lionel speaking here. Born in France from Portuguese parents I have always evolved as a citizen of this world with a clear focus on expanding and sharing cultural knowledge and diversity. Through comics we deliver serious fun vibes and conn... Show more

Rasmus Hauch

Rasmus Hauch

As a seasoned business leader, my expertise lies in leveraging technical innovation to drive business success.
With a fervent commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technologies—including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine
Learning (ML), Robotics, Information Technology (IT), and Data Analytics—I thrive on the complexities that
accompany the creation of pioneering companies and projects. My proficiency in nurturing relationships is
matched by a deep commitment to developing talent and fostering organizational growth.
Throughout my career, I've held a variety of pivotal roles, such as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Program
Manager, IT Architecture, and Full Stack Developer, among others. These positions have spanned across diverse
sectors including Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Life Sciences, Industrial, Supply Chain,
Energy, and Telecommunications, serving international clientele.
In my current capacity as the CTO of Boost.ai, I spearhead dynamic teams of highly skilled engineers, product
specialists, designers, as well as compliance and security professionals. Together, we are dedicated to
transforming customer service experiences. Additionally, I contribute my expertise as a board member for several
startups, driving forward innovations and initiatives in AI.
My specialties encompass AI, Machine Learning, company growth, effective technology communication, team
leadership, mentoring, change management, and agile methodologies, alongside delivery, information, enterprise,
and solution architecture.

As a seasoned business leader, my expertise lies in leveraging technical innovation to drive business success. With a fervent commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technologies—including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Robotics,... Show more

Lirone Glikman

Lirone Glikman

Lirone Glikman is an international speaker, a thought leader in the areas of business networking and personal branding, and a global business development consultant catering to startup and high-tech companies. She has been researching business communication in a digital, evolving world.

Over the past decade, Lirone has developed a methodology for achieving business results through authentic networking. She has spoken and taught to hundreds of thousands of professionals worldwide, including developers, executives, and entrepreneurs in leading corporations, universities, and governments globally. She has also presented on some of the world's most prestigious stages, such as the United Nations.

Lirone has gained over 20 years of global work experience, working for corporations in Australia, the U.S., and Israel. She holds a B.A. in social sciences and management from the Open University and is a seasoned contributor to Entrepreneur.com magazine.

Lirone Glikman is an international speaker, a thought leader in the areas of business networking and personal branding, and a global business development consultant catering to startup and high-tech companies. She has been researching business commun... Show more

Alex Bucknall

Alex Bucknall

An Engineer who fell into the world of conservation. Busy developing tools and projects to support conservation, environmental and humanitarian crises. PhD in high performance reconfigurable computing platforms.

An Engineer who fell into the world of conservation. Busy developing tools and projects to support conservation, environmental and humanitarian crises. PhD in high performance reconfigurable computing platforms. Show more

Nensi Ravaliya

Nensi Ravaliya

I'm Nensi Ravaliya⭐, a DevOps Engineer and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador who is passionate about MLOps, DevSecOps, and GitOps. Beyond my role, I'm active as a speaker, content creator, and influencer, engaging in online and offline events and sharing insights on YouTube. As a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, I organize weekly events and hold the AZ-900 certification. You can find my portfolio at www.nensiravaliya.me and connect with me on LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, and Medium.

Tools and Tech Stack: 🚀

➡️ Cloud and DevOps Expertise: I specialize in cloud transformations, secure architectures, and DevOps
practices to optimize workflows and reduce costs.

➡️ Web Development: HTML, CSS, JS, Node, PHP, Java, Python, Flask, MySQL

➡️ Programming Skills: Proficient Python, and Bash scripting for automation and tooling.

➡️ Tool Proficiency:

👉 OS: Linux

👉 Monitoring: Grafana, Prometheus, Loky, and Promtail for robust monitoring and analysis.

👉 DevSecOps: Using SonarQube, Trivy, Synk, OWASP, ZAP, and other tools for secure development

👉 CI/CD Pipelines: Proficient with Azure DevOps, GitHub, GitHub Actions, GitLab, Bitbucket, and

👉 Container & Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS ECR and ECS.

👉 Cloud Platforms: Experienced with Azure, AWS, and basic GCP for cloud infrastructure

👉 Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform for automated deployments.

👉 Other Minors: Ansible, Datadog, Splunk.

➡️ Community Engagement:

1️⃣ As a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, I organize online and offline events regularly.
2️⃣ Subscribe to my LinkedIn newsletter, DevOpSky, for industry insights and updates.

🌐 Connect with me🚀

1️⃣ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nencyravaliya28/
2️⃣ GitHub: https://github.com/Nency-Ravaliya
3️⃣ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NencyRavaliya
4️⃣ Medium: https://medium.com/@ravaliyanensi

➡️ For collaborations or inquiries, reach out at www.nensiravaliya.me

I'm Nensi Ravaliya⭐, a DevOps Engineer and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador who is passionate about MLOps, DevSecOps, and GitOps. Beyond my role, I'm active as a speaker, content creator, and influencer, engaging in online and offline events and sh... Show more

Jan Sulaiman

Jan Sulaiman

As the Global Director of Solution Engineering at 1NCE, I lead a team of experts who engineer and support customers on best practices and utilizing the 1NCE technology. 1NCE is an IoT software company that delivers IoT-like electricity – accessible and ready for consumption by companies, cities, and governments in nearly 160 countries. My mission is to enable organizations to access powerful data insights through IoT easily.

I have 10+ years of experience in IoT, Cloud Architecture, Big Data, and Project Management. I am AWS certified and proficient in various technologies and tools, such as GitLab, Terraform, Kafka, Kinesis, EMQ-X, Python, NodeJS, Serverless Framework, DynamoDB, and more. I have a strong background in product management and innovation, having worked as a Head of Product and a Product Manager at 1NCE and as an Analyst of New Technologies & Services at HeidelbergCement. I have designed and implemented end-to-end analytics platforms, built disruptive managed connectivity and IoT services, and published articles and blogs on IoT topics. I am passionate about creating customer value and transforming businesses with data-driven solutions.

As the Global Director of Solution Engineering at 1NCE, I lead a team of experts who engineer and support customers on best practices and utilizing the 1NCE technology. 1NCE is an IoT software company that delivers IoT-like electricity – accessible a... Show more

Alexander Thiede

Alexander Thiede

Empowering people and organizations to be successful in a sustainable digital age - that‘s Alex's passion. He loves innovation and encourages business decision maker to leverage the potential of digitalization, data and cloud computing to thrive sustainable businesses.

Empowering people and organizations to be successful in a sustainable digital age - that‘s Alex's passion. He loves innovation and encourages business decision maker to leverage the potential of digitalization, data and cloud computing to thrive sust... Show more

Gayathri Devi Srinivasan

Gayathri Devi Srinivasan

I am an accomplished speaker and presenter with a passion for sharing my knowledge and expertise with others.

As an active contributor to several open-source communities, I have delivered talks and hands-on sessions in a variety of tech stacks, including Flutter and Dart. I believe that open source is the future of software development, and I am committed to making a positive impact in this space through my contributions and speaking engagements.

In addition to my open source work, I bring a wealth of experience in business development, strategic planning, and project management to the table. I am a strategic thinker with a strong ability to identify new business opportunities and deliver impactful results, and I have a proven track record of success in both start-up and established environments.

Overall, I am excited to continue pursuing my career as a speaker and presenter, and I look forward to the opportunity to share my insights and expertise with your audience.

I am an accomplished speaker and presenter with a passion for sharing my knowledge and expertise with others. As an active contributor to several open-source communities, I have delivered talks and hands-on sessions in a variety of tech stacks, in... Show more

Philipp Dreßler

Philipp Dreßler

As certified AWS cloud architect and developer with almost 15 years of experience in developing software and software architecture, Philipp is an expert in designing and implementing scalable and fault tolerant cloud native software solutions and joined for Storm Reply the CoP Green Technology providing my knowledge to create green Cloud architectures and join forces for a more sustainable future.

As certified AWS cloud architect and developer with almost 15 years of experience in developing software and software architecture, Philipp is an expert in designing and implementing scalable and fault tolerant cloud native software solutions and joi... Show more

Taylor Troesh

Taylor Troesh

Taylor tinkers with writing, learning, time, design, software, ideas, humor, and entrepreneurship.

Taylor tinkers with writing, learning, time, design, software, ideas, humor, and entrepreneurship. Show more

Tadeh Hakopian

Tadeh Hakopian

With a background in Architecture and Development Tadeh has supported building large scale projects with diverse teams for over 10 years. By promoting open dialogue, systems thinking, and long term planning he has improved operational efficiencies in all his endeavors. He is a course author, trainer, and open source contributor as well as a speaker at national conferences in technology, architecture, design. He loves to talk about the new possibilities with technology and innovation at everyone’s disposal while building communities along the way.

With a background in Architecture and Development Tadeh has supported building large scale projects with diverse teams for over 10 years. By promoting open dialogue, systems thinking, and long term planning he has improved operational efficiencies in... Show more

Chinedu Otutu

Chinedu Otutu

I am a software engineer with over 5 years of professional experience developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining robust software
applications. I excel in creating innovative solutions and seamless user experiences. Beyond my technical skills, I am passionate about physical wellness and enjoy regular workouts to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

I am a software engineer with over 5 years of professional experience developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining robust software applications. I excel in creating innovative solutions and seamless user experiences. Beyond my technical skills, I... Show more

Scott Wipperfurth

Scott Wipperfurth

Scott has a PhD in Geosciences where he specialized in analytics and modeling. He is currently a Sr. Data Scientist on the GTG Digital Experience Analytics team focusing on GCOM Clickstream and Keepstock anaytics.

Scott has a PhD in Geosciences where he specialized in analytics and modeling. He is currently a Sr. Data Scientist on the GTG Digital Experience Analytics team focusing on GCOM Clickstream and Keepstock anaytics. Show more

Divine Aleru

Divine Aleru

Full stack developer with an unconventional twist: I blend the precision of a biochemist, the problem-solving skills of a software engineer, and the clarity of a technical writer. My journey from lab benches to code editors has given me a unique perspective on technology and its applications. I love octopuses, I mean, they do have incredible problem-solving abilities.

Full stack developer with an unconventional twist: I blend the precision of a biochemist, the problem-solving skills of a software engineer, and the clarity of a technical writer. My journey from lab benches to code editors has given me a unique pers... Show more

Bob Elfanbaum

Bob Elfanbaum

Bob Elfanbaum is Chief Executive Officer for Object Computing Inc., a St. Louis-based consultancy focused on transforming companies into data-driven businesses. OCI specializes in software engineering, AI and other technologies to provide solutions to commercial, government and non-profit sectors.

Prior to OCI, Bob was VP of Products for World Wide Technology (WWT), responsible for developing proprietary products. He co-founded and served as CEO/GM of Asynchrony, one of the leading agile development organizations in the US, from 1999 to 2018 (which was renamed WWT Application Services after being acquired by WWT in 2015).

Bob currently supports community initiatives including:
- Board Member of UrbanReachSTL
- Board member of CyberUp
- Member of GeoFutures Advisory Committee

Bob Elfanbaum is Chief Executive Officer for Object Computing Inc., a St. Louis-based consultancy focused on transforming companies into data-driven businesses. OCI specializes in software engineering, AI and other technologies to provide solutions t... Show more

Adriana Creter

Adriana Creter

Adriana is a dynamic and accomplished professional with a background in the luxury hospitality industry. Having worked in prestigious hotels around the world. Her passion for travel and adventure eventually led her back to her homeland, Ecuador, where she founded her own tourism company.
Through her own personal experiences, she discovered the profound importance of living in the present moment. This realization sparked her passion for mindfulness and sound healing, leading her to become a sought-after speaker and wellness expert.
Her tourism company offers unique corporate retreats in the serene natural landscapes of Ecuador. These retreats provide companies with the opportunity to engage in team-building activities, mindfulness practices, and sound healing sessions, all set against the backdrop of Ecuador's stunning scenery. Adriana's retreats are designed to help corporate teams relax, recharge, and find a deeper connection with themselves and each other.

Adriana is a dynamic and accomplished professional with a background in the luxury hospitality industry. Having worked in prestigious hotels around the world. Her passion for travel and adventure eventually led her back to her homeland, Ecuador, whe... Show more

Izis Filipaldi

Izis Filipaldi

For the past ten years, I've worked with agile frameworks, assisting communities and my teams in delivering products and cultivating a judgment-free environment.
My three main work focuses are continuous improvement of people's knowledge, product delivery, and work environment.
I'm an agile community partner in both Brazil and Germany.
My mission is to help people improve their knowledge and professional value within organizations while also fostering an environment with a strong agile culture.

For the past ten years, I've worked with agile frameworks, assisting communities and my teams in delivering products and cultivating a judgment-free environment. My three main work focuses are continuous improvement of people's knowledge, product de... Show more

Dr. Neda Maria Kaizumi

Dr. Neda Maria Kaizumi

Dr. Neda Maria Kaizumi, born and raised in Iran, holds a doctorate in organizational behaviour. With a unique blend of academic achievements, including couple of master's degrees—one in International Management from Liverpool University, and other in Philosophy from Cochin university and she also has completed Business Analytics and Data Science executive program from Harvard Business School - she has cultivated a deep understanding of business goals, strategies, and processes. Neda's expertise extends to the technical realm, where she proficiently integrates technology and IT into business transformation initiatives. Moreover, she boasts more than couple of decades of experience as a certified auditor for various management systems and contributes significantly to international standard committees, shaping new standards for AI, Cyber security and data. As an accomplished author and public speaker, Neda brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to the forefront of discussions on business innovation and transformation.

Dr. Neda Maria Kaizumi, born and raised in Iran, holds a doctorate in organizational behaviour. With a unique blend of academic achievements, including couple of master's degrees—one in International Management from Liverpool University, and other in... Show more

Clémence Piteau

Clémence Piteau

As an independent and committed product designer, I explore new design practices to put my knowledge at the service of a more desirable future for the environment, society and individuals.

As an independent and committed product designer, I explore new design practices to put my knowledge at the service of a more desirable future for the environment, society and individuals. Show more

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