Government, Social Sector & Education

Valued individuals involved in shaping public policies, providing essential services, and promoting education, tirelessly looking to improve society and empower citizens

Amélie Koran

Amélie Koran

Amélie E. Koran is currently the Senior Technology Advocate for Splunk and recently served as the Deputy Chief Information Officer and most recently as Chief Technology Officer for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General. However, Amélie’s path prior to today took her the long way around − through multiple industry sectors, academia, and the public sector. Her professional experience includes time spent at The Walt Disney Company, Carnegie Mellon University’s CERT/CC, Mandiant, The World Bank, Constellation Energy (now Exelon) and The American Chemical Society. She began her time in the public sector as Lead Enterprise Security Architect for the U.S. Department of the Interior, eventually moving on to lead Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation implementation for the U.S. Treasury Department. Amélie later spent time on a leadership development rotation as part of the President’s Management Council Fellowship serving the Federal CIO in supporting cybersecurity policy analysis and legislative review, where she took an active role in the government-wide Open Data Initiative and helped in giving “birth” to the United States Digital Service (USDS). She’s an ardent advocate for innovative approaches to hiring talent and rationally applying security strategies and technologies for the public and private sector.

In her free time she collects movie memorabilia, toys and LEGO sets and swims and bicycles for exercise and fun. She’s an avid motorcyclist, having ridden the Iron Butt 50CC Challenge in 2010 on her way to BlackHat and DEFCON. She volunteers at local security conferences, primarily BSides DC and BSides NoVA, but can also be seen at BSides Las Vegas and DEFCON as a Goon. She’s married to a wonderful spouse (also a techie) and became a recent parent to two precious kittens at the end of October. While working for Stan “The Man” Lee, she received her superhero nickname when helping move his personal comic book collection to the company vaults from his original home in the hills overlooking Hollywood. Her original foray into the Internet was in 1993, building one of the first 1000 websites ever, called the “Star Wars Multimedia Archive”, and then in 1996 built the preeminent film and television music website, SoundtrackNet, which she ran until 2012 when she sold it to focus more towards her main career. While she plays the drums, she’s not very good at them, but can at least keep time.

Twitter: @webjedi

Amélie E. Koran is currently the Senior Technology Advocate for Splunk and recently served as the Deputy Chief Information Officer and most recently as Chief Technology Officer for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspe... Show more

Kelly Melcher

Kelly Melcher

State of Minnesota Department of Human Services

State of Minnesota Department of Human Services Show more

Anand Kumar

Anand Kumar

Anand's a technology executive with over 23 years of experience transforming businesses through innovative IT solutions.

Anand's a technology executive with over 23 years of experience transforming businesses through innovative IT solutions. Show more

Jörg Hafer

Jörg Hafer

Joerg Hafer studied education, philosophy and sociology in Frankfurt a.M., Karlsruhe (GER) and Leiden (NL), graduating with a Magister Artium (M.A.) in Education. Since 1999 he has been professionally active in the e-learning sector.
He has been at the University of Potsdam since 2007, where he has headed the "Teaching and Media" department at the Center for Quality Development in Studies and Teaching since 2014. At the ZfQ, in addition to heading the department, he was primarily involved in consulting, conception and project management of projects in e-learning, innovative teaching and internationalisation. He is board member of the German Society for Media in Science (GMW) e.V. since 2016.

Jörg Hafer has been on leave from the University of Potsdam since September 2022 to take the opportunity to redesign his professional interests in New Delhi.

Joerg Hafer studied education, philosophy and sociology in Frankfurt a.M., Karlsruhe (GER) and Leiden (NL), graduating with a Magister Artium (M.A.) in Education. Since 1999 he has been professionally active in the e-learning sector. He has been at ... Show more

Levente Juhász

Levente Juhász

I like maps and data. That is all.

I like maps and data. That is all. Show more

Jenner Wile

Jenner Wile

Jenner is a Kalamazoo native, ex-stay-at-home-dad, and current Solutions Engineer at Eastport Analytics. He spends his days building custom workflows and ETL processes to help government agencies investigate overseas financial crime, and spends his evenings wrangling a toddler and grinding Old School RuneScape.

Jenner is a Kalamazoo native, ex-stay-at-home-dad, and current Solutions Engineer at Eastport Analytics. He spends his days building custom workflows and ETL processes to help government agencies investigate overseas financial crime, and spends his e... Show more

Andre Luis Cardoso

Andre Luis Cardoso

Social em ação (socialização). User de redes sociais corporativas no time da HCL Latam. Professor e facilitador em instituições de ensino: Sociesc, Anhanguera e Positivo. Tecnólogo em processamento de dados e pós-graduado na FAE. Entusiasta de métodos e processos para abordar problemas e torna-los mais fáceis de serem solucionados. Collab, NodeJS, Storytelling e Design Thinking são as que me dedico neste momento.

Social em ação (socialização). User de redes sociais corporativas no time da HCL Latam. Professor e facilitador em instituições de ensino: Sociesc, Anhanguera e Positivo. Tecnólogo em processamento de dados e pós-graduado na FAE. Entusiasta de método... Show more

Thanakorn Buathongtanakarn

Thanakorn Buathongtanakarn

SG106 | SR
SK145 | GATE19
KRPC 1st Finalist 🛰
ACC Selection Round 🛰
BKK Culinary Gold Medal 🏅
KMUTT Arduino 3rd Place 👨‍🔧

SG106 | SR SK145 | GATE19 2008's KRPC 1st Finalist 🛰 ACC Selection Round 🛰 BKK Culinary Gold Medal 🏅 KMUTT Arduino 3rd Place 👨‍🔧 Show more

Thiago Dieb

Thiago Dieb

Motivated by entrepreneurship and innovation. Currently positioned as an Agilist and Innovation Consultant, with more than 15 years of experience in the area of Consulting and Agile Project Management. I also worked as a University Professor, Lecturer, collaborating in the main Brazilian public bodies; as well as in the main companies in Portugal.

Master in Computer Engineering and Web Technology and Postgraduate in Software Engineering and Project Management.

Motivated by entrepreneurship and innovation. Currently positioned as an Agilist and Innovation Consultant, with more than 15 years of experience in the area of Consulting and Agile Project Management. I also worked as a University Professor, Lecture... Show more

Xandi Wright

Xandi Wright

Xandi Wright (they/them) is an experienced educator and learning designer focused on both higher education and non-formal community learning contexts. Their areas of focus include writing to learn, student-directed learning, and digital literacy and equity in the online classroom.

Xandi Wright (they/them) is an experienced educator and learning designer focused on both higher education and non-formal community learning contexts. Their areas of focus include writing to learn, student-directed learning, and digital literacy and ... Show more

Beatrice Bottini

Beatrice Bottini

Interessata alla ricerca e all'innovazione di approcci e metodi per lo sviluppo delle persone e delle organizzazioni, dopo diversi anni di esperienza gestionale nell’ambito del marketing e del project management ha deciso di dedicarsi al Coaching individuale, di team e organizzazioni.

Grazie alla sua conoscenza diretta dei meccanismi di funzionamento delle organizzazioni, Beatrice lavora con professionisti aiutandoli a rafforzare la loro consapevolezza organizzativa, a sviluppare sinergie tra bisogni e obiettivi organizzativi e personali.

È Certified Practitioner Coach (EIA), Certified Agile Coach (IC-Agile), membro dell’Associazione Italiana Coach Professionisti e di EMCC Global. Come Coach e trainer affianca gruppi e individui facilitando fasi di transizione e supportando cambiamenti nella gestione di sé, dei team e dell’organizzazione.

Nei suoi interventi adotta approcci sperimentali per lo sviluppo delle competenze relazionali e della leadership, utilizza strumenti di facilitazione esperta, serious play, training frontale ed esperienziale.
Oltre al coaching si dedica alla ricerca sul Coaching Organizzativo, in collaborazione con il gruppo di ricerca AICP.

Interessata alla ricerca e all'innovazione di approcci e metodi per lo sviluppo delle persone e delle organizzazioni, dopo diversi anni di esperienza gestionale nell’ambito del marketing e del project management ha deciso di dedicarsi al Coaching ind... Show more

Johanna Schafer

Johanna Schafer

Dedicated to identifying and optimizing the value of teams, individuals, and organizations, Johanna is a lead consultant at Impact Makers with expertise in change management, agile transformation, process improvement, and coaching.

Dedicated to identifying and optimizing the value of teams, individuals, and organizations, Johanna is a lead consultant at Impact Makers with expertise in change management, agile transformation, process improvement, and coaching. Show more

Franziska Krause

Franziska Krause

Mein Name ist Franziska Krause, ich bin wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für erfolgreiches Lehren und Lernen (ZeLL) an der Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften. Studiert habe ich Erziehungswissenschaft und Germanistik im Bachelor und den Master in Organisation, Governance, Bildung abgeschlossen. Am ZeLL bin ich im Projekt "Agile Methoden in digitalen Lehrveranstaltungen" (AGGIT), gefördert durch die Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre und im Projekt "Nachhaltige Ostfalia" (NachOs) tätig.

Mein Name ist Franziska Krause, ich bin wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für erfolgreiches Lehren und Lernen (ZeLL) an der Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften. Studiert habe ich Erziehungswissenschaft und Germanistik im Bachel... Show more

Scott Horvath

Scott Horvath

As a member of the USGS's Digital Services team, Scott Horvath has been a product manager for several areas of USGS's public and internal websites since 2015. Scott began his career as a "webmaster" in 1996 in the era of "under construction" GIFs. He eventually became a web application developer for the federal government and went "fed" in 2006 with the USGS. After years of writing code, he became USGS's first Bureau Social Media Lead (2007 until 2023).

As a member of the USGS's Digital Services team, Scott Horvath has been a product manager for several areas of USGS's public and internal websites since 2015. Scott began his career as a "webmaster" in 1996 in the era of "under construction" GIFs. He... Show more

Sven Koble

Sven Koble

Sven Koble ist Gründer von Ulassa, das Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt agile Kommunikationswerkzeuge, Workshops und Coaching anbietet, damit sie agile Werte und Prinzipien sofort umsetzen können. Er hat mit vielen internationalen Unternehmen zusammengearbeitet und sie dabei unterstützt ein angenehmes und produktives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen. Seit über 12 Jahren gibt er sein agiles Wissen als Teilzeitdozent an Universitäten auf der ganzen Welt weiter.

Sven Koble ist Gründer von Ulassa, das Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt agile Kommunikationswerkzeuge, Workshops und Coaching anbietet, damit sie agile Werte und Prinzipien sofort umsetzen können. Er hat mit vielen internationalen Unternehmen zusammen... Show more

Andrea Mock

Andrea Mock

Full-stack data scientist looking for professional speaking opportunities. Passionate about data science education.

Full-stack data scientist looking for professional speaking opportunities. Passionate about data science education. Show more

Emily Moran

Emily Moran

Passionate about designing engaging training and resources to make accounting relatable to everyone. History of envisioning and implementing innovative programs to increase fiscal literacy, develop strong enterprise-wide partnerships, and improve processes for our campus community. Director of the Controller's Office Center for Excellence, designed to achieve strategic goals through training, innovation, data, proactive fiscal analysis, and implementation of efficient processes. We coordinate professional development opportunities for our division's staff and work with campus partners to better serve our customers.

Passionate about designing engaging training and resources to make accounting relatable to everyone. History of envisioning and implementing innovative programs to increase fiscal literacy, develop strong enterprise-wide partnerships, and improve pr... Show more

Juan García

Juan García

Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Licenciado en Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado por la Uva. Formador ocupacional acreditado por la Junta de Castilla y León.

12 años de experiencia en el área económico-financiera en empresas de diversos sectores.

Más de 4.000 horas de formación presencial impartidas para empresas y organizaciones como CVE, UPTA, AEMTA, CEOE.

Administración de plataformas de elearning, generación de contenidos y tutorización de cursos online para entidades como Ernest & Young, Radio Televisión Española o la productora, Globomedia, con más de 2.000 horas acreditadas.

Varias participaciones en eventos, cursos y actividades desarrolladas como presentador, conferenciante, organizador y/o dinamizador de actos diversos, entre otros:

- Global Power Platform Bootcamp Valladolid
- PechaKucha Night Valladolid vol.13
- Trainers for the Future ed. 2018. Superpoderes para generar contenidos
- Trainers for the Future ed. 2017. Educación Maker
- InnoBAR EDU Valladolid. Encuentro alternativo de innovación educativa
- InnoBAR EDU Palencia. Encuentro alternativo de innovación educativa
- #Emprendizate. De la idea al negocio. Cámara de Comercio de Ávila

Instructor para el perfeccionamiento y actualización del profesorado de Formación Profesional en el Centro de Formación e Innovación Educativa (CFIE) de la Junta de Castilla de León en “Empresa e iniciativa emprendedora” y "Creatividad y emprendimiento"

Instructor de los espacios CyL Digital para facilitar a PYMES y autónomos su presencia activa en el mundo digital a través de redes sociales: #EstoyenInternet

Diseño y dinamización de Living Lab

Organizador #InnoBAR Valladolid (

Lema: No hay preguntas tontas, sólo tont@s que no preguntan

Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Licenciado en Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado por la Uva. Formador ocupacional acreditado por la Junta de Castilla y León. 12 años de experiencia en el área económico-financiera en empresas de diversos sec... Show more

Shawnta Hooks

Shawnta Hooks

Shawnta` Hooks is a Keynote Speaker and CEO of Mindful Culture Creators™. MCC's mission is to make work more human and present by bringing innovative, culturally connected mindfulness programs to people of color, women, and other underserved communities. She fuses her 20-year career in corporate strategy, technology, and risk management with her passion for music (specifically hip hop) to teach a new brand of relatable mindfulness.

Shawnta` Hooks is a Keynote Speaker and CEO of Mindful Culture Creators™. MCC's mission is to make work more human and present by bringing innovative, culturally connected mindfulness programs to people of color, women, and other underserved communit... Show more

Phil Tajitsu Nash

Phil Tajitsu Nash

Phil Tajitsu Nash teaches in the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), and serves as Co-President of the Board of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF). He previously served as Founding Executive Director of the Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), Curator of the Asian Pacific American Program at the Smithsonian Institution’s 2010 Folklife Festival, and columnist for the N.Y. Nichibei and Asian Week newspapers.

Nash has taught law, urban studies, and APA history, art, oral history, and public policy classes at UMCP, Yale University, New York University, The City College of New York, and CUNY and Georgetown law schools. He also is affiliated with the University of Maryland Latin American Studies Center, based on a Study Abroad class he has taught bringing students to an Indigenous community in the Brazilian Amazon, his research on Japanese Brazilians, and his decades of work with Native Americans in North America and Brazil on human rights, culture, and language issues.

Phil Tajitsu Nash teaches in the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), and serves as Co-President of the Board of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF). He previously served as Found... Show more

Andrew Ek

Andrew Ek

Andrew Ek is a principal Engineer for LaunchScout, where he uses Elixir, Javascript, and Ruby to build software.

He otherwise spends most of his time helping other developers find more joy and satisfaction. Prior to being a software developer, he taught middle and high school language arts and math, and computer science at the collegiate level, and ran a non-profit where he taught poetry and taught other teachers how to teach poetry.

Andrew lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, with his really excellent spouse and kiddo and their remarkably photogenic cats.

Andrew Ek is a principal Engineer for LaunchScout, where he uses Elixir, Javascript, and Ruby to build software. He otherwise spends most of his time helping other developers find more joy and satisfaction. Prior to being a software developer, he... Show more

Miguel Bernal Marin

Miguel Bernal Marin

Estudió la licenciatura en matemáticas en la Universidad de Guadalajara, después ingresó a la maestría en ciencias de la computación en el Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV) unidad Guadalajara, en donde también realizó su doctorado en ciencias con especialidad en robótica y visión computacional.

Actualmente esta trabajando en la empresa Intel en la habilitación de características de procesadores Intel en diferentes distribuciones de Linux. También es docente del Instituto Tecnológico de Jalisco unidad académica de Zapopan.

Por su afición a Linux sus compañeros lo conocen como miguelinux.

Estudió la licenciatura en matemáticas en la Universidad de Guadalajara, después ingresó a la maestría en ciencias de la computación en el Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV) unidad Guadalajara, en donde también realiz... Show more

Carla Bleiz

Carla Bleiz

I have 7+ years in the UX field across different industries (real estate, job seeking, culture & entertainment, education and fintech). I was in charge of several end-to-end processes, which gave me a full understanding of the product cycle. Additionally, I find mentoring students in the UX field hugely rewarding and fulfilling.

I have a bachelor’s degree and a teaching degree in Social Communication Science from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and a Diploma in Usability and Accessibility from the National Technological University (UTN).

I have 7+ years in the UX field across different industries (real estate, job seeking, culture & entertainment, education and fintech). I was in charge of several end-to-end processes, which gave me a full understanding of the product cycle. Addition... Show more

Canny Siska Georgina

Canny Siska Georgina

Public servant staff in one of the cybersecurity policy maker organization

Public servant staff in one of the cybersecurity policy maker organization Show more

Ebony Lawrence

Ebony Lawrence

Ebony Lawrence is an instructional designer/curriculum developer with Amazon Web Services (AWS). She likes to refer to herself as an “accidental instructional designer,” as her academic background is deeply rooted in public health (BS in health education and MS in health administration), and epidemiology (DrPH). The transition was a natural step, and she has since gained over a decade of valuable experience in higher education, corporate training development, and management consulting. In 2020, Ebony obtained her CPTD and, despite her non-traditional entry into the field, she’s leaned on her diverse background and skills to build her brand.

Ebony Lawrence is an instructional designer/curriculum developer with Amazon Web Services (AWS). She likes to refer to herself as an “accidental instructional designer,” as her academic background is deeply rooted in public health (BS in health educa... Show more

Godofredo Diaz

Godofredo Diaz

Teacher in the Software Design and Development program at TECSUP.

Teacher in the Software Design and Development program at TECSUP. Show more

Rob Stagni

Rob Stagni

Dr. Rob Stagni has directed the Arkansas Union at the University of Arkansas - Fayetteville for more than nine years. Rob is actively involved in ACUI and has held multiple volunteer and leadership roles over the past decade.

Dr. Rob Stagni has directed the Arkansas Union at the University of Arkansas - Fayetteville for more than nine years. Rob is actively involved in ACUI and has held multiple volunteer and leadership roles over the past decade. Show more

Leonor Cristina Santos

Leonor Cristina Santos

I’m an English teacher interested in technology and a researcher for ten years. Looking for new ways to improve digital literacy with my students and create innovative content too. About me online.

I’m an English teacher interested in technology and a researcher for ten years. Looking for new ways to improve digital literacy with my students and create innovative content too. About me online. Show more

Stephan Kaps

Stephan Kaps

Stephan Kaps leitet die Softwareentwicklung im Bundesamt für Soziale Sicherung und ist Gründer der Java User Group Bonn. Als Software-Architekt und Entwickler hat er seit 2002 mit Java zu tun. Weitere Schwerpunkte liegen in der Konzipierung und Optimierung von Software-Entwicklungsprozessen, DevOps & OpenSource Werkzeugen. Darüber hinaus ist er als Speaker und Autor aktiv.

Stephan Kaps leitet die Softwareentwicklung im Bundesamt für Soziale Sicherung und ist Gründer der Java User Group Bonn. Als Software-Architekt und Entwickler hat er seit 2002 mit Java zu tun. Weitere Schwerpunkte liegen in der Konzipierung und Optim... Show more

Elizabeth Loehr

Elizabeth Loehr

Elizabeth is currently pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of Southern California. Her long-term goal as an educational practitioner is to address complex problems within education by being an inclusive and transformative leader and begin to break down the barriers that make it difficult for marginalized children to access quality and equitable education. Elizabeth’s experience, background, and values will allow her to develop an educational experience that models the real world, one of which reflects diversity and inclusion of all. Her experience of teaching at both the public and private school levels has allowed her to develop the perspective that our children deserve schools that value them in every aspect of their being. Using a social justice lens, she will lead change with evidence-based practices to improve the outcomes for all students within these challenging learning environments.

Elizabeth is currently pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of Southern California. Her long-term goal as an educational practitioner is to address complex problems within education by being an inclusive and transformative... Show more

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