Physical & Life Sciences

Scholars dedicating their careers to the study of living organisms and non-living systems

Roberto Tejero

Roberto Tejero

Padre de los tres mosqueteros, esposo, y espíritu errante. Azure, Servicios de Infraestructura, Seguridad, Office 365. Atrévete a saber, huye de la ignorancia e hipocresia.

Padre de los tres mosqueteros, esposo, y espíritu errante. Azure, Servicios de Infraestructura, Seguridad, Office 365. Atrévete a saber, huye de la ignorancia e hipocresia. Show more

Bjorn S

Bjorn S

Bjorn is an experienced software developer with lots of experience using Angular, RxJs and TypeScript. He has a passion for anything tech related and is happy to share that passion with people.

Bjorn is an experienced software developer with lots of experience using Angular, RxJs and TypeScript. He has a passion for anything tech related and is happy to share that passion with people. Show more

Leonie Engemann

Leonie Engemann

Leonie is studying geoinformatics and is a working student at esri Germany. She is writing her master's thesis on spatial knowledge graphs and is a big data nerd. Leonie feels it's a shame that most spatial graphs are limited to just a few coordinates or addresses. Geodata can do so much more, which is why her research further develops this potential and applies it to real-world problems.

Leonie is studying geoinformatics and is a working student at esri Germany. She is writing her master's thesis on spatial knowledge graphs and is a big data nerd. Leonie feels it's a shame that most spatial graphs are limited to just a few coordinate... Show more

Marco Caruso

Marco Caruso

(CTO) at Lobra Futura
Core competencies:
Azure: I have extensive experience in using Microsoft Azure to create scalable and reliable solutions
Power Platform: I am an expert on the Power Platform where I have designed Enterprise architectures and supported several major customers
Data Platform and AI: I am passionate about data-driven solutions. Implement real data-driven services particularly with Power BI and Microsoft Fabric. Also has experience in artificial intelligence and data analytics.

(CTO) at Lobra Futura Core competencies: Azure: I have extensive experience in using Microsoft Azure to create scalable and reliable solutions Power Platform: I am an expert on the Power Platform where I have designed Enterprise architectures and ... Show more

Oana Juncu

Oana Juncu

Oana likes to call herself an Agile Business DJ, who mixes whatever practices of collective intelligence, from Agile to TheoryU help people, teams and organisations to become proud of their outcomes and delight their customers.
After 15 years of experience in Software Development and System Management has driven Oana to embrace Agile and Lean mind set, principles and practices, that she believes are the most effective approaches for 21st century lead organizations willing to focus on quality products with high impact on the market.
Oana acts as an Agile Transformation facilitator at Reacteev, by using Creative Solution Definition. She trains and coach Agile teams (from core Business to Software Development and Support Services), so they are able to adopt the set of practices, from Scrum to Kanban and Lean improvement techniques, that are most adapted to their context and goal. A key focus is building cross-organizations Product Ownership awareness to align their mission alignment toward User Value creation.

Oana likes to call herself an Agile Business DJ, who mixes whatever practices of collective intelligence, from Agile to TheoryU help people, teams and organisations to become proud of their outcomes and delight their customers. After 15 years of ex... Show more

Ricky Brown

Ricky Brown

Ricky has shared his transformational message in Chile, ​Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Honduras, Dominican Republic, ​Jordan, Turkey & Ghana to name a few, and of course ​throughout the U.S. He's a former commercial pilot, pilot instructor, ​and has served in ministry for over 20 years as a church ​planter and lead pastor. He is also a United States Air Force ​veteran. He is the President and Founder of Speak Life Inc. ​and he's married to his wife Amber. He served on various ​non-profit boards and speaks to a wide audience from ​corporate to congregations and universities. He is the ​author of The Five Hazardous Attitudes: Ways to Win the War ​Within.

Ricky has shared his transformational message in Chile, ​Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Honduras, Dominican Republic, ​Jordan, Turkey & Ghana to name a few, and of course ​throughout the U.S. He's a former commercial pilot, pilot instructor, ​and has serve... Show more

Gianfranco Di Pietro

Gianfranco Di Pietro

Geospatial expert, data scientist - PhD student.

Geospatial expert, data scientist - PhD student. Show more

Reneida Leon

Reneida Leon

Reneida has over 15 years of experience leading product management, UX and business strategy initiatives in various industries, from EdTech, eCommerce and Economic Development to the Life Sciences. Her solutions have spanned Web, mobile and API services for both DTC and SaaS companies. Throughout these experiences, end-user data products have emerged as a common denominator, informing her framework approach to managing high value analytics interfaces. Based in South Florida and originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Reneida is fluent in English and Spanish. She has a BSBA from the University of Florida and MBA from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Reneida has over 15 years of experience leading product management, UX and business strategy initiatives in various industries, from EdTech, eCommerce and Economic Development to the Life Sciences. Her solutions have spanned Web, mobile and API servi... Show more

Niall Canavan

Niall Canavan

First year PhD student whose area of study is looking at the security of the implementation of the classical and quantum interface involved in quantum key distribution.

First year PhD student whose area of study is looking at the security of the implementation of the classical and quantum interface involved in quantum key distribution. Show more

Jenn Donahue

Jenn Donahue

Jenn Donahue PhD is a retired US Navy Captain and engineer who works on large scale, high profile engineering projects. Over her 27-year military career, Jenn has built a bridge across the Euphrates river in the midst of the Iraq war, commanded an 800-personnel Battalion in Afghanistan, and constructed combat outposts in the middle of deserts filled with insurgents. Jenn has led earthquake and tsunami reconnaissance missions in places like Samoa and Japan; designed the seismic plans for a bridge over the Panama Canal; and built roads in the coldest climes of Ketchikan. Along the way she mentored scores of young leaders. Today Jenn runs JL Donahue Engineering and lectures at UC Berkeley and UCLA.

Jenn Donahue PhD is a retired US Navy Captain and engineer who works on large scale, high profile engineering projects. Over her 27-year military career, Jenn has built a bridge across the Euphrates river in the midst of the Iraq war, commanded an 80... Show more

Michael Mgbame

Michael Mgbame


Michael Mgbame is a seasoned Data Scientist with nearly eight years of professional experience in the field of data analytics, business intelligence, and statistical data analysis. Educated with a BSc in Statistics from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture and pursuing an MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Hull, Michael has applied his analytical acumen in various roles, including Senior Data Analyst positions at Venture Garden Group and Softcom Limited, Business Intelligence, Data Viz at The Credit Pros.

As the Founder and Lead Business Intelligence Consultant at Hankali Intel, Michael has been pivotal in automating internal processes and implementing data-driven solutions that aid businesses in informed decision-making. He has also played a significant role in educating the data community through his content on platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn and has trained many enthusiasts to transition into data professionals.

His expertise extends to areas like machine learning, quantitative research, SQL, product management, and project management, with proficiency in tools such as Microsoft Power BI, Tableau Public, Python for Data Science, MySQL, and more. Michael's impact in the data world is further underscored by his voluntary associations with organizations like Data Science Nigeria and his selection for esteemed programs like the Digital Explorers hackathon.

Throughout his career, Michael has not only excelled in data analysis and visualization but also contributed significantly to business growth by generating significant revenue through his data-driven strategies and solutions. He remains a valuable asset to any organization aiming to harness the power of data for growth and development.

Biography: Michael Mgbame is a seasoned Data Scientist with nearly eight years of professional experience in the field of data analytics, business intelligence, and statistical data analysis. Educated with a BSc in Statistics from Michael Okpara U... Show more

Alejandro Lazaro

Alejandro Lazaro

I am a Cloud Architect specialised in AWS, I have been working with AWS for 6 years and I have 7 AWS certifications: the 2 professional, the 3 associate and the Security and the Data Analytics Specialties. I am also AWS Community Builder and AWS Ambassador in my company.

I started as a developer but evolved to a software architect first and finally to a cloud architect. Now with more than 10 years of experience, I have been involved with different clients in all phases of software development and have worked with all types of architectures: monolithic, microservices, event-driven, SOA (service-oriented), serverless, cloud-native... I have also worked on modernisation projects and DevOps transformations. I often teach my co-workers about AWS and I like to collaborate on anything AWS-related that I can help with.

I love serverless, event-driven architectures, DevOps, CDK and new technology challenges!

I am a Cloud Architect specialised in AWS, I have been working with AWS for 6 years and I have 7 AWS certifications: the 2 professional, the 3 associate and the Security and the Data Analytics Specialties. I am also AWS Community Builder and AWS Amba... Show more

Cassandre Tholot

Cassandre Tholot

Agiliste de métier depuis janvier 2021, j'ai essentiellement travaillé avec des équipes qui font leurs premiers pas dans l'agilité et la gestion de produit, au sein de larges DSI. Sans prédilection pour un cadre, une méthode ou une approche spécifique, je les accompagne dans leurs compréhension, appropriation et mise en œuvre des mindset agile et produit.
J'adore échanger avec des pairs, assister à des conférences et lires des livres pour accroitre mon bagage, diversifier ma trousse à outils et affiner ma capacité d'analyse.

Agiliste de métier depuis janvier 2021, j'ai essentiellement travaillé avec des équipes qui font leurs premiers pas dans l'agilité et la gestion de produit, au sein de larges DSI. Sans prédilection pour un cadre, une méthode ou une approche spécifiqu... Show more

Matteo Cristiano

Matteo Cristiano

Passionate about science, technology, science fiction, and sports. I work with Cloud, Kubernetes, and DevOps

Passionate about science, technology, science fiction, and sports. I work with Cloud, Kubernetes, and DevOps Show more

Nicolas Guiho

Nicolas Guiho

En 23 ans de travail dans l'IT, j'ai progressivement migré du DEV COBOL (reconversion scientifique bac + 5 en 1999, après un DEA Océanologie Biologique !!) vers la collaboration avec le client, en tant que MOA, SM puis PO. Quelques missions en analyse fonctionnelle, audit organisation et conduite du changement. Puis en 2021, retour en agilité avec le rôle de PO.

En 23 ans de travail dans l'IT, j'ai progressivement migré du DEV COBOL (reconversion scientifique bac + 5 en 1999, après un DEA Océanologie Biologique !!) vers la collaboration avec le client, en tant que MOA, SM puis PO. Quelques missions en analys... Show more

Chris Yang

Chris Yang

Chris Yang (Yang Zhentao ,杨振涛), Internet R&D Director at vivo, currently focus on R&D management, technical leadership, and open source governance.

He is an observer and practitioner of developer experience and platform engineering technology insights, and also is the founder of the platform engineering local community named PECommunity, and the creator of EngEx(Engineer Experience) concept.

With over 15 years of software development experience in multiple fields, he has previously worked in scientific research in the fields of bioinformatics and gene sequencing.

LFAPAC Open Source Evangelist
TED Translator & Reviewer
Tencent Cloud TVP

Chris Yang (Yang Zhentao ,杨振涛), Internet R&D Director at vivo, currently focus on R&D management, technical leadership, and open source governance. He is an observer and practitioner of developer experience and platform engineering technology ins... Show more

Peter Laughter

Peter Laughter

Hello there! I'm Peter Laughter, and 12 years ago, an experience transformed my understanding of leadership and set me on a path to fulfill my purpose. I realized that the best solutions come from those closest to the problem, not from the top down. This led me to embrace distributed decision-making, empowering individuals to help organizations become more agile and resilient in today’s rapidly changing landscape.

My purpose is to reveal the profound bonds that connect all humanity, making them visible and tangible in our daily lives. To thrive amid exponential change, organizations must shift from command-and-control to a network system of distributed authority. The traditional command-and-control orthodoxy is as harmful for corporate leaders as it is for employees, stifling innovation and engagement. Through my speaking and consulting, I guide organizations in building dynamic methods for fostering this new approach.

With over 25 years in the recruiting and staffing industry, I've founded three successful firms, served elite consultancies and banks, and pioneered the first SaaS platform for managing enterprise labor programs. My work has earned prestigious awards, including the Inc 500.

I'm a TEDx speaker on Radical Empathy and a three-time Moth Story Slam winner, with a story featured on The Moth Podcast. These experiences reflect my passion for storytelling and my ability to connect deeply with audiences.

When I'm not transforming the business world, you'll find me exploring trails on my bicycle, lost in a book, or sharing stories. And yes, I love a good laugh – after all, it’s in my name! Most of all, I love riding the Cyclone with my daughter Eddy.

Hello there! I'm Peter Laughter, and 12 years ago, an experience transformed my understanding of leadership and set me on a path to fulfill my purpose. I realized that the best solutions come from those closest to the problem, not from the top down. ... Show more

Jackie Grant

Jackie Grant

Dr. Jackie Grant taught biology and environmental science at Southern Utah University for 12 years before joining Grand Staircase Escalante Partners in 2024. During that time she established science-based partnerships with Federal land management agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Forest Service. She is the Vice President of the Utah Native Plant Society and served as the Vice President for Education and Outreach for the Society for Conservation Biology. Her broad expertise covers environmental genetics, native plants, pollinators, and active transportation. Dr. Grant was a Fulbright Scholar to New Zealand in 2023, where she learned about seed preservation from an Indigenous (Māori) perspective. She now directs Grand Staircase Escalante Partners, which is the official Friends Group of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

Dr. Jackie Grant taught biology and environmental science at Southern Utah University for 12 years before joining Grand Staircase Escalante Partners in 2024. During that time she established science-based partnerships with Federal land management age... Show more

Fernando Acosta

Fernando Acosta

MSc Industrial Engineer specialized in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence.
Extensive experience in data modelling, data management and data modernization.
Previous experience in Formula 1 as Control Systems / Digital Twin Specialist.
15+ years experience in Automotive, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Insurance, Banking and Consulting services.
Fernando is based in Cognizant UK, London

MSc Industrial Engineer specialized in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence. Extensive experience in data modelling, data management and data modernization. Previous experience in Formula 1 as Control Systems / Digital Twin Specialist. 15+ yea... Show more

Heather McDaniel

Heather McDaniel

Heather McDaniel, founder of Bridge Marketing & Insights, is a marketing strategist and data storyteller on a mission to empower early-stage and growth-stage tech leaders and marketing teams to leverage the power of data for impactful decisions and growth.

With over 20 years of marketing leadership experience across diverse industries, Heather possesses a unique blend of data fluency and marketing expertise. Her "People-First" approach integrates emotional intelligence with data analysis, ensuring everyone connects with the human story behind the numbers.

A Master's degree in Strategic Communication equips Heather to translate complex data into actionable insights and captivating presentations. Audiences walk away educated, inspired, and equipped with practical strategies to implement real change.

Highly sought-after for SaaS conferences, tech startup events, and Women in Leadership, and women in tech forums, Heather is a speaker known for her infectious enthusiasm and engaging delivery. Event planners appreciate her collaborative approach, ensuring a successful and impactful presentation.

Heather is based in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and brings a global perspective to her work.

Heather McDaniel, founder of Bridge Marketing & Insights, is a marketing strategist and data storyteller on a mission to empower early-stage and growth-stage tech leaders and marketing teams to leverage the power of data for impactful decisions and g... Show more

Luke Menzies

Luke Menzies

I am a data scientist at Advancing Analytics that has been in the field for over four years. Before entering the data science world, I completed a PhD in computational materials modelling for applications in nuclear fusion. I have always taken an interest in using the language of mathematics to deliver tangible solutions to the world around me.

I am a data scientist at Advancing Analytics that has been in the field for over four years. Before entering the data science world, I completed a PhD in computational materials modelling for applications in nuclear fusion. I have always taken an int... Show more

Abbey Trent

Abbey Trent

Abbey joined Alias in the summer of 2021 as Executive Assistant after spending 7 years working in the nonprofit sector. Since that time, she has transitioned into Alias’ Chief of Staff to include Operations (overseeing construction and the move into our new HQ!), Human Relations, Sales, Communications, and Marketing. She oversees Alias’ daily operations and contributes to the planning and execution of strategic goals.

Abbey joined Alias in the summer of 2021 as Executive Assistant after spending 7 years working in the nonprofit sector. Since that time, she has transitioned into Alias’ Chief of Staff to include Operations (overseeing construction and the move into ... Show more

Daniel Laird

Daniel Laird

Daniel is a Software Manager with OVO - leading the Developer Platforms team as they enable over 400 engineers to work more effectively, with greater guidance and guardrails, lowering their cognitive load and improving their everyday lived experience.
The overall goal being to increase engineering productivity, staff retention and ensure OVO is considered a great place to work.

Daniel is a former Head of Engineering leading 50+ engineers. Over 5 years they transformed from being an Embedded Software team delivering Custom Hardware solutions to being software focused, developing primarily for the Cloud. To achieve this they transformed teams, ways of working, adopted Cloud platforms with CI and CD pipelines and looked at adopting a full DevOps model.

Daniel strongly believes in empowered teams, and ensuring that they have the freedom to innovate both in process and tooling.

Daniel believes that People, Process and Tech are the key to success, and in that order.

Daniel is a Software Manager with OVO - leading the Developer Platforms team as they enable over 400 engineers to work more effectively, with greater guidance and guardrails, lowering their cognitive load and improving their everyday lived experience... Show more

Amanda Martin

Amanda Martin

Raised in a no-tech farming community in rural Arizona, Dr. Amanda Martin discovered the transformative power of technology and the world of possibilities it opens. This revelation came in college when open-source software became her catalyst for personal growth, reshaping her perspective on how technology can democratize access, empower collaboration, and provide solutions to pressing global issues.

With her Doctorate in Computer Science, Dr. Martin passionately embraced the ethos of open-source endeavors and now serves as the Director of Program Management at the Linux Foundation. Currently, within the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), championing open-source security and global collaboration.

Never forgetting her roots, Dr. Martin continues to propagate her lifelong commitment to education, teaching subjects ranging from technology to physics. Yet, it's her sustained awe for science and technology and her passion to share this wonder with as many individuals as possible that truly make her an inspirational figure.

In essence, Dr. Amanda Martin stands as a testament to the transformative power of open-source technology, continually inspiring others to explore the remarkable potentials of this realm.

Raised in a no-tech farming community in rural Arizona, Dr. Amanda Martin discovered the transformative power of technology and the world of possibilities it opens. This revelation came in college when open-source software became her catalyst for per... Show more

Azure McFarlane

Azure McFarlane

Azure is a Senior Consultant at Hitachi in the Washington, DC area. Prior to joining tech consulting in 2022, she spent 9 years working in both clinical and commercial pharmaceutical manufacturing as a Bioprocess Engineer, discovering Power Automate in late 2019.

Passionate about people and hoping to assume her final form as a bot, she's on a mission to educate and enable more women and underrepresented racial groups into tech, one Flow at a time.

Azure is a Senior Consultant at Hitachi in the Washington, DC area. Prior to joining tech consulting in 2022, she spent 9 years working in both clinical and commercial pharmaceutical manufacturing as a Bioprocess Engineer, discovering Power Automate ... Show more

Balaji Kandasamy

Balaji Kandasamy

Bala is a Practice Director at Computer Enterprises Inc, 4x Sitecore Technology MVP, and Founder of the Pittsburgh Sitecore user group. He hosts meetups and also presents in other user groups.
Shares his experience in his blog An active member of the community also supports open-source projects.

Bala is a Practice Director at Computer Enterprises Inc, 4x Sitecore Technology MVP, and Founder of the Pittsburgh Sitecore user group. He hosts meetups and also presents in other user groups. Shares his experience in his blog An ... Show more

Josh Habka

Josh Habka

Josh Habka is a scientist-astronaut candidate, science communicator, biohacker, and CEO of Astrochain. Josh Habka is a sophomore at Florida Institute of Technology studying a Bachelor of Science in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Additionally, Josh Habka is taking graduate classes in Commercial Enterprise in Space at Florida Institute of Technology. Josh Habka is also pursing Applied Astronautics at the International Institute of Astronautical science. Josh Habka's primary interests are in astronomy, astrophysics, space law(mainly DAO applications for space law), and human spaceflight exploration. You can reach Josh Habka on his LinkedIn:

Josh Habka is a scientist-astronaut candidate, science communicator, biohacker, and CEO of Astrochain. Josh Habka is a sophomore at Florida Institute of Technology studying a Bachelor of Science in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Additionally, Josh Habka... Show more

Robert John

Robert John

Robert has worked with databases and developed enterprise software for over a decade. He currently works with all things data, from engineering to visualization and Machine Learning. He recently started working with embedded systems and TinyML and is eager to see the widespread adoption of embedded systems in Africa.

In the past, Robert worked as a software engineer building systems for finance, telecommunications, and utilities/energy vending.
Robert looks forward to a time when Africans will design and build their own embedded systems with Machine Learning capabilities.
He contributes to the developer ecosystem by speaking at events, hosting meetups and code labs, and tutorials. He also writes articles on, Medium, and his personal blog about data visualization, ML, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). He is a mentor at the Google for Startups Africa Accelerator programme, and is a co-organizer of the GDG Cloud developer community in Kaduna, Nigeria.

Robert has worked with databases and developed enterprise software for over a decade. He currently works with all things data, from engineering to visualization and Machine Learning. He recently started working with embedded systems and TinyML and is... Show more

Bidyut Sarkar

Bidyut Sarkar

I am an IT professional specializing in the Life Science and Industrial Manufacturing industry. Over my 20-year career at IBM, I have developed a blend of industry experience, a comprehensive understanding of AI and Analytics, and strategic solutioning skills. My journey is marked by achievements that reflect my role in IT solutioning functions, and I have been honored with awards like IBM's 'Client and Partner Success Award – 2023' and 'Growth Award -2023'. My work has impacted large pharmaceutical companies and industrial manufacturing industries, particularly in the United States. I have been part of efforts to provide IT solutions against counterfeit drugs and implement AI/ML-powered predictive demand and automated replenishment capabilities. Through AI-driven technologies, I have contributed to solutions that enhance cybersecurity and guarantee the authenticity and safety of medications worldwide. My professional experience has taken me to various parts of the world, including the USA, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and Australia. This multicultural experience has given me insights into global organizational challenges, reinforcing my commitment to addressing critical issues.

I am an IT professional specializing in the Life Science and Industrial Manufacturing industry. Over my 20-year career at IBM, I have developed a blend of industry experience, a comprehensive understanding of AI and Analytics, and strategic solutioni... Show more

Marlow Warnicke (Weston)

Marlow Warnicke (Weston)

Marlow is a Principal Cloud Engineer working on scheduling at SchedMD. She also is a chair for the CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG. Marlow has expertise in resource management, the AI/ML Kubernetes cloud compute ecosystem, embedded systems, high performance compute system tools, kernel drivers, tracing libraries, and security. Marlow's interests lie in optimizing the cloud native ecosystem for both performance and sustainability.

Marlow is a Principal Cloud Engineer working on scheduling at SchedMD. She also is a chair for the CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG. Marlow has expertise in resource management, the AI/ML Kubernetes cloud compute ecosystem, embedded systems, hig... Show more

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