Physical & Life Sciences

Scholars dedicating their careers to the study of living organisms and non-living systems

Camila Martinez

Camila Martinez

Camila is a professional with more than 5 years of experience in information technology projects. She has 3 years of experience leading teams in LaTam to drive data-driven insights and optimize operational processes using her background in Data Analytics projects. Experienced in designing and implementing scalable solutions on AWS, ensuring efficient deployment and management. A results-oriented professional with strong leadership, adaptability, continuous learning, and planning skills. Eager to leverage expertise in cloud infrastructure optimization, data workflows enhancement, and maximizing the potential of organizational data assets.

Camila is a professional with more than 5 years of experience in information technology projects. She has 3 years of experience leading teams in LaTam to drive data-driven insights and optimize operational processes using her background in Data Analy... Show more

Charles Scarborough

Charles Scarborough

Charles Scarborough is an air quality data scientist at Sonoma Technology. As an air quality data scientist, he conducts analysis related to air pollution exposure, air pollution impacts, and wildland fires. He is currently developing Shiny Dashboards for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of a multi-year effort to provide quality assurance information to nation-wide air quality monitoring networks. Mr. Scarborough has a B.S. in Geography and a B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Georgia and an M.S. in Geography from the University of Delaware.

Charles Scarborough is an air quality data scientist at Sonoma Technology. As an air quality data scientist, he conducts analysis related to air pollution exposure, air pollution impacts, and wildland fires. He is currently developing Shiny Dashboard... Show more

David Carmona

David Carmona

Llevo más de 5 años haciendo charlas sobre tecnologías Front-end, VR y videojuegos. Soy leader de la comunidad Open Front-end Community de Barcelona y Madrid (

Llevo más de 5 años haciendo charlas sobre tecnologías Front-end, VR y videojuegos. Soy leader de la comunidad Open Front-end Community de Barcelona y Madrid ( Show more

Ellen Shapiro

Ellen Shapiro

Ellen Shapiro is an iOS and Android developer who's been building native apps since late 2010. She works for Pixite on their Zinnia journaling app. She lives in Rochester, New York. When not coding or talking about it, Ellen can generally be found traveling, biking all over the place, playing sous-chef to her wife Lilia, and relentlessly Instagramming their cats.

Ellen Shapiro is an iOS and Android developer who's been building native apps since late 2010. She works for Pixite on their Zinnia journaling app. She lives in Rochester, New York. When not coding or talking about it, Ellen can generally be found tr... Show more

Diana Ackermann

Diana Ackermann

Diana Ackermann is leading big data analysis GmbH in Mainz and combines as a statistician over 17 years of experience with a clear focus on data strategy and visualization. She makes complex data sets accessible through understandable visualizations, supports companies in data-based decisions, and promotes a culture of data competence across all levels of the company.

Diana Ackermann is leading big data analysis GmbH in Mainz and combines as a statistician over 17 years of experience with a clear focus on data strategy and visualization. She makes complex data sets accessible through understandable visualizations,... Show more

Chris Leonard

Chris Leonard

Chris Leonard is a Nashville-based consultant and coach. A career that began in tour buses and stages has brought him to large enterprises and startups in healthcare, life sciences, retail, and defense. Through it all, Chris has distinguished himself as a builder of high-performing teams.
He draws from a wide and growing body of knowledge to lead diverse initiatives and transformations. Recent work has spanned public health, omni-channel marketing, and AI-integrated compliance solutions.
His practical insights in traditional, hybrid and agile methods will benefit leaders at any level and in any industry.

Chris Leonard is a Nashville-based consultant and coach. A career that began in tour buses and stages has brought him to large enterprises and startups in healthcare, life sciences, retail, and defense. Through it all, Chris has distinguished himself... Show more

Alessandra Menini

Alessandra Menini

Sou Alessandra Menini, tradutora especialista em tecnologia, NL, localização e internacionalização. Com muitas experiências acumuladas nessa vida e vontade de sempre desafiar padrões, crio amanhãs diferentes toda vez que for necessário.

Sou Alessandra Menini, tradutora especialista em tecnologia, NL, localização e internacionalização. Com muitas experiências acumuladas nessa vida e vontade de sempre desafiar padrões, crio amanhãs diferentes toda vez que for necessário. Show more

Timothy Shaw

Timothy Shaw

Tim works for a company in the energy sector, handling their IT and business application needs. He enjoys music, sci-fi, the occasional video game, and nerding out with math-based design solutions.

Tim works for a company in the energy sector, handling their IT and business application needs. He enjoys music, sci-fi, the occasional video game, and nerding out with math-based design solutions. Show more

Adnan Masood, PhD.

Adnan Masood, PhD.

Dr. Adnan Masood is the Chief AI Architect at UST, visiting scholar at Stanford AI Lab, and Microsoft Regional Director, and MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for Artificial Intelligence. As Chief AI Architect at UST, he collaborates with Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab, MIT CSAIL, and lead a team of data scientists and engineers building artificial intelligence solutions to produce business value and insights that affect a range of businesses, products, and technology accelerators.

Dr. Adnan Masood is the Chief AI Architect at UST, visiting scholar at Stanford AI Lab, and Microsoft Regional Director, and MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for Artificial Intelligence. As Chief AI Architect at UST, he collaborates with Stanford Ar... Show more

Amber Robinson

Amber Robinson

With a background in architecture and a decade of leading digital transformations, Amber Robinson brings a unique people-centric approach to the tech world. Driven by the belief that successful projects don't just deliver new features, but also transform how we work and live, she excels at uncovering user needs and aligning them with business goals. A champion of collaboration, Amber thrives on turning challenges into opportunities.

With a background in architecture and a decade of leading digital transformations, Amber Robinson brings a unique people-centric approach to the tech world. Driven by the belief that successful projects don't just deliver new features, but also trans... Show more

Piotr Stepinski

Piotr Stepinski

left .Net for Python, left BI for ML, from dev to lead, creating tools and modelling for better time-series industrial data quality - mostly water management in US cities. Happy husband and father of 6 kids, bike commuting, learning and enthusiast of Julia, Rust and rope jumping.

left .Net for Python, left BI for ML, from dev to lead, creating tools and modelling for better time-series industrial data quality - mostly water management in US cities. Happy husband and father of 6 kids, bike commuting, learning and enthusiast of... Show more

Lawal Muslimat

Lawal Muslimat

My name is LAWAL MUSLIMAT, I'm from Kwara state and am also a student of Kwara State College Of Educaton, Ilorin studying Computer science/Integrated science

My name is LAWAL MUSLIMAT, I'm from Kwara state and am also a student of Kwara State College Of Educaton, Ilorin studying Computer science/Integrated science Show more

Eileen Murphy

Eileen Murphy

I'm a certified Health & Wellness Life Coach through NBHWC and A Wellness Revolution, holding a Bachelor’s in Psychology and an IO Psychology Master's. My journey, from a high school swim instructor to a 15+ year HR career, involves helping people overcome challenges. Retired from HR, I now serve those eager to unlock their potential. As a wellbeing coach, I guide individuals to embrace strengths and infuse self-transformation into every aspect of life. On a personal note, I find joy in staying active, trying new recipes, traveling (which led me to live in Denmark), and cherishing time with loved ones. Watch out for pop culture references that I sprinkle in for fun, as I believe we learn best through tangible experiences.

I'm a certified Health & Wellness Life Coach through NBHWC and A Wellness Revolution, holding a Bachelor’s in Psychology and an IO Psychology Master's. My journey, from a high school swim instructor to a 15+ year HR career, involves helping people ov... Show more

Dread One

Dread One

Founder of VYBZ ( NFT project showcasing true community spirit )
Founder of SYS AMA ( Web3 Vetting Show )
Just a guy who knows how to get product to market within the WEB3 Space

Founder of VYBZ ( NFT project showcasing true community spirit ) Founder of SYS AMA ( Web3 Vetting Show ) Just a guy who knows how to get product to market within the WEB3 Space Show more

Binod Jung Bogati

Binod Jung Bogati

rOpenSci 2023/24 Champion, Organizer of R User Group Nepal, who host R community events. He loves working on interesting data projects and focuses on Clinical Data Science / Life Science

rOpenSci 2023/24 Champion, Organizer of R User Group Nepal, who host R community events. He loves working on interesting data projects and focuses on Clinical Data Science / Life Science Show more

Patricia Soler

Patricia Soler

Patricia has a university degree in Biology. She developed her Marketing and Business background at UCSD and SDSU in San Diego. She holds a Marketing Certificate in ESADE and a Communication Master in EADA (Barcelona). She is a certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation and also certified in Organization Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC CRR Global)

Patricia has extensive experience in coaching, facilitation and consultancy around topics like leadership, change management, career development, communication, Emotional Intelligence, time management, and day-to-day performance management. Patricia is working for the European Institutions (Commission, Parliament and Courts of Justice) and for NATO in Brussels and Luxembourg. In the private sector she works with companies like Inditex (ZARA, Bershka), GSK, ING, L’Oréal, Astra Zeneca, Delitraiteur, Cargolux, Banco Santander, IPSEN and TOTAL in Brussels, London, Paris…working together with Human Resources to create specific and adapted trainings.

She is also a Keynote Speaker for Commerce schools like ESADE, ICHEC and companies like JUMP. Loves writing articles and podcasts for companies or for pleasure.

Her passion now is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize his or her own performance, and the best reward is their success.

She works in Spanish, English, French and Catalan.

Patricia has a university degree in Biology. She developed her Marketing and Business background at UCSD and SDSU in San Diego. She holds a Marketing Certificate in ESADE and a Communication Master in EADA (Barcelona). She is a certified Coach by th... Show more

Ashveena Gajeelee

Ashveena Gajeelee

Ashveena Gajeelee is an experienced and passionate cycle breaker in the field of organizational leadership, with a focus on global health policy and adaptive leadership. She has more than 15 years of experience in public policy, global health, and financial management, working with diverse and complex organizations and systems to create positive change and improve health outcomes.

Currently, she is an Adjunct Graduate Faculty at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, where she teaches and mentors doctors, surgeons, nurses, hospital administrators on how to adapt and thrive in complex and challenging systems. As an Adaptive Leadership and Healthcare Instructor, Ashveena engages several institutions such as McGill University - Desautels Faculty of Management, Africa Business School, World Bank and Big Win Philanthropy. Ashveena holds an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School of Government, an MBA from the University of Mauritius, and a Fulbright H.Humphrey Fellowship from Boston University. She is also a graduate of Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) in Paris, France, and the Graduate Institute of Geneva. Ashveena's mission is to strengthen health systems and empower leaders to reduce inequalities and increase access to quality health care.

Ashveena Gajeelee is an experienced and passionate cycle breaker in the field of organizational leadership, with a focus on global health policy and adaptive leadership. She has more than 15 years of experience in public policy, global health, and fi... Show more

Louis Bertson

Louis Bertson

Biographie de Louis Bertson

Louis Bertson est né le 21 Juin 1998 dans la ville de Yako, au Burkina Faso. Dès son jeune âge, il a montré un intérêt vif pour la découverte et l'apprentissage.

Il a commencé son parcours éducatif à l'école primaire Petit Samba Yako, où il a jeté les bases solides de son éducation de base de 2003 à 2010. Durant ces années, Louis a démontré sa curiosité et sa passion pour l'apprentissage.

En 2011, il a poursuivi ses études au Petit Séminaire de Koudougou pour son éducation secondaire, où il a continué à exceller tout en développant ses compétences interpersonnelles et ses intérêts artistiques.

C'est pendant ses années d'école secondaire que Louis a découvert sa passion pour la musique et a commencé à apprendre le piano. De 2016 à 2019, il a consacré une partie de son temps à maîtriser cet instrument, explorant les nuances de la musique et développant son sens artistique.

Cependant, sa passion pour la technologie et le développement web l'a finalement conduit à abandonner le piano pour se plonger entièrement dans l'apprentissage de la programmation. Fasciné par le potentiel infini de la technologie, Louis a décidé de devenir autodidacte en JavaScript à temps plein à partir de 2016.

Son dévouement et sa persévérance l'ont rapidement propulsé vers de nouveaux horizons. En 2020, Louis a intégré la prestigieuse école Simplon à Ouagadougou pour approfondir ses compétences en développement web.

Sa carrière professionnelle a pris son envol lorsqu'il a intégré l'équipe de Switch Maker pour un stage de quatre mois, où il a acquis une expérience précieuse dans le domaine du développement web. Par la suite, il a rejoint Afric Consulting Group, où il a travaillé pendant plus d'un an, contribuant à divers projets innovants.

En quête de défis plus stimulants, Louis a ensuite rejoint Total.js en Slovaquie, où il a passé deux ans à perfectionner ses compétences et à explorer de nouvelles technologies dans le domaine du développement web.

Récemment, Louis s'est tourné vers le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle, où il explore les frontières de la technologie et cherche à apporter des innovations significatives dans ce domaine en constante évolution.

À travers son parcours, Louis Bertson incarne la détermination, la passion et la recherche incessante de connaissances. Il reste un exemple inspirant pour tous ceux qui aspirent à repousser les limites de leurs capacités et à créer un impact positif dans le monde de la technologie.

Biographie de Louis Bertson Louis Bertson est né le 21 Juin 1998 dans la ville de Yako, au Burkina Faso. Dès son jeune âge, il a montré un intérêt vif pour la découverte et l'apprentissage. Il a commencé son parcours éducatif à l'école primaire... Show more

Nataliya Kosmyna

Nataliya Kosmyna

Nataliya is a research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Media Lab.

She is passionate about an idea of creating a partnership between AI and human intelligence, fusion of a machine and a human brain. She obtained her Ph.D in 2015 in the domain of non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) as a part of EHCI team of Université Grenoble-Alpes, France. Most of her projects are focused around EEG-based BCIs in the context of consumer grade applications. Before joining MIT Media Lab - Fluid Interfaces group in 2017, she was a post-doc at Hybrid team (VR/AR), Inria Rennes, France. Nataliya has published and served as a program committee member in conferences and journals such as Nature Scientific Reports, CHI, ACM IDC, Ubicomp, INTERACT, TOCHI, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Plos ONE, IEEE EMBC and ACM AutomotiveUI. She gave 2 TEDx talks. Nataliya worked for the past 15 years on designing solutions to control drones, rolling robots, home appliances using brain activity. These projects were presented to general public and were tested by more than 15000 people in 2015-2024. Nataliya won multiple awards for her work, among which is L’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science award she received in 2016. Nataliya was also named as one of 10 Top French Talent 2017 from MIT Innovators Under 35.

Since 2016 Nataliya is also interested in closed-loop systems using real-time biofeedback to enhance and augment human performance, particularly attention and focus. In 2016 Nataliya also created her first start-up called Braini, for consulting in the domains of Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Enhancement as well as Neuroscience.

At Fluid Interfaces group @MIT Media Lab, Nataliya works on designing and testing novel hardware solutions and paradigms for different applications (such as learning, driving) and user groups (adults, ADD/ADHD kids). Her work was covered in more than 100 TV appearances, radio and other news outlets all around the world including but not limited to: ARTE 28 Minutes, France Culture, France Inter, E=M6, iTELE, Futuremag ARTE, Le Parisien, Le Figaro, Le Point, Paris Match, Sciences et Avenir, Nouvel Observateur, 20 Minutes, Capital, Dauphiné Libéré, Boston Globe, Le Quotidien, CNN, The Economist, MIT Tech Review and more.

Nataliya is a research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Media Lab. She is passionate about an idea of creating a partnership between AI and human intelligence, fusion of a machine and a human brain. She obtained her Ph.D ... Show more

Pirmin Bercher

Pirmin Bercher

33 years of ERP implementations, 22 years with AX / D365 in pharma business.

33 years of ERP implementations, 22 years with AX / D365 in pharma business. Show more

Bjoern Oleson

Bjoern Oleson

Dr. Bjoern E. Oleson is an accomplished IT professional with more than twenty years of experience in Application Life-Cycle Management (ALM). He currently serves as a Principal IT Consultant at Siemens Healthineers, where he possesses in-depth expertise in Azure DevOps, GitHub, and Code LLMS. Bjoern's qualifications include degrees in Computer Science and Biology, attesting to his extensive knowledge and versatility in the fields of science and technology. In addition, Bjoern is deeply interested in the Internet of Things and is a strong advocate of the transformative power of Generative AI. He is always enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge and experiences with others.

Dr. Bjoern E. Oleson is an accomplished IT professional with more than twenty years of experience in Application Life-Cycle Management (ALM). He currently serves as a Principal IT Consultant at Siemens Healthineers, where he possesses in-depth expert... Show more

Lynn Rogoff

Lynn Rogoff

Lynn Rogoff works as a writer, director, producer, & professor., As a media pioneer, she is at the confluence of media with groundbreaking film, television, multimedia content, games, and theatre celebrating BIPOC heroes. Her multiple award-winning works can be seen at &

She is writing & directing the shape-shifting Bird Woman, Sacajawea, a multi-episode drama series based on the Lewis & Clark Native American guide, Sacajawea. Bird Woman, a magical realism AI drama, discovers her supernatural shape-shifting powers as part Woman & part Eagle fighting alongside the Expeditioners. Bird Woman’s revolutionary filmmaking is featured on the D-ID website.,

For Bird Woman Rogoff won the BestHeritage/Historical Impact Award from the Latino and Native American Film Festival, Best Animation SFX at the WPRN International Women’s Film Festival, and Official Selection at The 15th Native Women in Film Festival.

Rogoff won a WGA Nomination for No Maps on My Taps,, capturing the black tap dancer's contribution to American history. Rogoff also directed the filmed concert performance at Small’s Paradise, receiving two Emmy Awards and recently aired on Turner Classic Movies.

As Creator and Head Writer, Rogoff’s Pony Express Rider Game, launched a new division of McGraw-Hill with her $1.5M game.

Rogoff was a WGA Foundation Fellow, dramatizing 20th C icons in “Love, Ben Love, Emma” based on Emma Goldman & Dr. Ben Reitman, Lucille Lortel originally produced her play at the White Barn Theatre in Westport, CT.

Rogoff has her MFA in Theatre Directing, from NYU, School Of the Arts. Presently, Lynn serves as an Adjunct Professor at NY Institute of Technology.

Lynn Rogoff works as a writer, director, producer, & professor., As a media pioneer, she is at the confluence of media with groundbreaking film, television, multimedia content, games, and theatre celebrating BIPOC her... Show more

Akram Sheriff

Akram Sheriff

Akram Sheriff is an Senior AI_ML IoT Software Engineering leader / Product leader/ Technologist with the Cisco IoT BU. Akram holds 30+ software patents, both granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and currently pending review at USPTO and in the Germany/EU region.

He specializes on different wireless protocols, IoT software stacks, and technologies for IoT products, and leads various product series. He is also an active peer reviewer of IEEE publications in areas related to WiFi, BLE, Wireless networking trends, AI/Machine learning, Enterprise WiFi, IoT architectures, Edge computing and the Cloud networking domain.

Akram is also an active member in some IETF working groups related to 6LoWPAN, RAW related to different low power wireless technologies.

Akram is also a frequent presenter in many Internal Cisco Live, Devnet, APJC SecCon -2020 and external conferences in topics related to AI/ML, Wireless Networking, IoT, and Cloud technologies.

You can also follow Akram on Medium.

Akram Sheriff is an Senior AI_ML IoT Software Engineering leader / Product leader/ Technologist with the Cisco IoT BU. Akram holds 30+ software patents, both granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and currently pending r... Show more

Richard de Vries

Richard de Vries

I am a seasoned professional within the dynamic landscape of the Information Technology (IT) industry, boasting an impressive track record of over 25 years filled with multifaceted roles and diverse expertise. Over the course of my extensive career, my journey has been marked by a fervent commitment to the realm of security, propelling me into a realm of comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience.

My professional voyage has seen me involved in a myriad of projects and responsibilities, covering a wide spectrum of critical areas. This includes but is by no means limited to, the establishment and proficient management of intricate network infrastructures, the creation and implementation of complex application stacks, and the deployment and fine-tuning of comprehensive Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) systems.

Beyond the tangible aspects of my expertise, my journey takes me into the realm of research and knowledge dissemination. I actively engage in conducting groundbreaking research on various facets of security and regularly contribute my insights through publications and speaking engagements. This reflects my unwavering dedication to keeping abreast of the latest advancements and trends in the ever-evolving sphere of security, showcasing my relentless pursuit of continuous learning and professional growth.

My extensive background and wealth of experience serve as the bedrock of my ability to excel in my role as a security professional. I possess a keen eye for identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in security controls and systems, employing a unique blend of creativity, pragmatic thinking, and technical prowess to deliver invaluable recommendations. These recommendations extend well beyond the confines of technical aspects, encompassing process and procedural enhancements that are vital for optimizing cybersecurity maturity at the enterprise level.

In essence, my career journey encapsulates a rich tapestry of hands-on experience, a passion for ongoing learning, and a commitment to advancing the security landscape. My holistic approach, which spans from the nuts and bolts of technology to the intricacies of process refinement, underscores my mission to fortify organizations against the ever-persistent threats in the digital realm. With each passing year, my dedication to this mission remains unwavering, propelling me forward as a guardian of digital fortresses and a pioneer in the realm of cybersecurity.

I am a seasoned professional within the dynamic landscape of the Information Technology (IT) industry, boasting an impressive track record of over 25 years filled with multifaceted roles and diverse expertise. Over the course of my extensive career, ... Show more

Erin Howard

Erin Howard

Erin joined Charles River Laboratories in March 2021, tasked with building their first-ever user experience design function. During her time at CRL, Erin has built an enterprise scale design function and now leads a combined customer-focused team delivering experiences end-to-end for the customer. Her team of Product Management, Product Design, and Organizational Change Management builds and implements products for CRL customers and internal teams based on an MVP mindset focused on the most impactful challenges. Erin has nearly 20 years of experience in building high-caliber product design teams that deliver world-class design solutions aligned with the user and business goals. She has held leadership roles in business consulting, data analytics and consumer app-based organizations, where she’s transformed design from a service-delivery mind-set to influential and deep rooted within the culture.
Erin enjoys crocheting, gardening, and building her hobby farm. She lives on 20 acres in Central Virginia with her husband, two daughters, two dogs, and eight chickens.

Erin joined Charles River Laboratories in March 2021, tasked with building their first-ever user experience design function. During her time at CRL, Erin has built an enterprise scale design function and now leads a combined customer-focused team del... Show more

Eve Cogan

Eve Cogan

News producer @ ABC News 🎤 Multimedia producer @ SSW TV 🎥 Graduate of journalism and innovation

News producer @ ABC News 🎤 Multimedia producer @ SSW TV 🎥 Graduate of journalism and innovation Show more

Dan LeFebvre

Dan LeFebvre

Dan LeFebvre was the first Certified Scrum Coach in New England with over forty years in product development as a developer, manager, director, and coach. He has been applying agile practices to successfully deliver products since 2003. He has worked with Dr. Sutherland since 2009.

Dan spent two years as the internal agile coach for Kronos, a Boston-based Software Company, where he coordinated and implemented Scrum within the 700-person engineering organization across all sites including Massachusetts, Atlanta, Chicago, Oregon, Montreal, British Columbia, Belgium, and India. This resulted in increased visibility into the development process and a reduction in defects by 60% in 18 months.

Dan has consulted and coached organizations across various industries including finance, automotive, medical devices, IT, oil & gas, and manufacturing. Dan has coached software teams, hardware product teams, IT operations teams, and executive leadership.

Dan holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Boston University. He is a Registered Scrum Trainer Fellow.

Dan LeFebvre was the first Certified Scrum Coach in New England with over forty years in product development as a developer, manager, director, and coach. He has been applying agile practices to successfully deliver products since 2003. He has worked... Show more

Jonathan Romano

Jonathan Romano

Jonathan is a full stack software developer and devops engineer, currently working at Howard Hughes Medical Institute in the Das Lab (part of the Stanford University Department of Biochemistry) leading development of the Eterna citizen science game and open science platform. His interests focus around UX, DX, and software architecture in domains including R&D, arts & digital media, HCI, information management, collaboration, and education.

Jonathan is a full stack software developer and devops engineer, currently working at Howard Hughes Medical Institute in the Das Lab (part of the Stanford University Department of Biochemistry) leading development of the Eterna citizen science game a... Show more

Adam Scott

Adam Scott

Adam is an accomplished IT leader with over 15 years of experience driving cloud adoption strategies and digital transformation initiatives. As Director of Cloud and Transformation at Tata Consultancy Services, he leads engagements with C-level executives at major healthcare, life sciences, energy, and utilities enterprises.

Leveraging deep technical expertise in cloud platforms, DevOps, and emerging technologies, Adam provides strategic guidance and tailored solutions to help clients migrate legacy systems to the cloud. He has delivered complex cloud implementation and change management programs, shaping technical roadmaps and operations to enable business innovation.

Known for his passion for technology, Adam has driven major modernisation initiatives across industries. He advises senior leaders and key stakeholders on how digital capabilities can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and unlock new revenue opportunities.

With strengths in long-range strategy planning, solution architecture, and governance, he is a trusted advisor for enterprise cloud adoption and digital transformation. Adam thrives on staying ahead of technology disruptions to drive positive impact through innovation.

Adam is an accomplished IT leader with over 15 years of experience driving cloud adoption strategies and digital transformation initiatives. As Director of Cloud and Transformation at Tata Consultancy Services, he leads engagements with C-level execu... Show more

Nijo Joseph Raju

Nijo Joseph Raju

Microsoft MVP, Microsoft Community Contributor, Power Community Organizer, Powerapps UG Leader. Who believes community is the way to grow.

Microsoft MVP, Microsoft Community Contributor, Power Community Organizer, Powerapps UG Leader. Who believes community is the way to grow. Show more

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