Environment & Cleantech

Skilled professionals dedicated to innovative technologies and practices that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability

Yutaka Kikuchi

Yutaka Kikuchi

He is a manager of a renewable energy startup besides a professor at Kochi University of Technology. One of his interests is to develop a new platform for developing distributed industrial systems with Nerves. He received his Ph.D. from Tokyo Institute of Technology for his work on no-imperative languages in 1996.

He is a manager of a renewable energy startup besides a professor at Kochi University of Technology. One of his interests is to develop a new platform for developing distributed industrial systems with Nerves. He received his Ph.D. from Tokyo Institu... Show more

John Darrington

John Darrington

John Darrington has been working for the Idaho National Laboratory for the last five years. As the lead architect in the digital engineering department, he works very closely with those seeking to change the world through clean energy. John is a software engineer by trade, and has worked in that field for almost ten years. He has experience in delivering large scale products and leading various sized teams.

John Darrington has been working for the Idaho National Laboratory for the last five years. As the lead architect in the digital engineering department, he works very closely with those seeking to change the world through clean energy. John is a soft... Show more

Pasang Tamang

Pasang Tamang

Pasang Tamang is an experienced .NET and Umbraco Developer as well as software architect with over 13+ years of IT experience working most on Microsoft Technologies. His rich skill set includes developing enterprises web applications with lots of hands-on experience using ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, C#, SQL Server, Umbraco along with client-side programming like jQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS. He is motivated and passionate about technologies and coding. And always up for challenging works. Always keeps on learning new things and keep on sharing knowledge to others.

Pasang Tamang is an experienced .NET and Umbraco Developer as well as software architect with over 13+ years of IT experience working most on Microsoft Technologies. His rich skill set includes developing enterprises web applications with lots of han... Show more

Mariano Salvetti

Mariano Salvetti

A result-driven Tech Director offering vast experience leveraging software engineering to deliver highly effective and creative solutions to business and technology challenges. More than 10 years of experience in the development of Android applications. Excellent experience in all activities of the Software Development Life Cycle.
Eager and enthusiastic about exploring and learning upcoming technologies.

A result-driven Tech Director offering vast experience leveraging software engineering to deliver highly effective and creative solutions to business and technology challenges. More than 10 years of experience in the development of Android applicatio... Show more

Shahansha Shaik

Shahansha Shaik

13+ years of experience in Software Development. From past 5 years working in Arcadis with focus on Digital transformation using Automation and Low code No code. More details at https://shahansha.com

13+ years of experience in Software Development. From past 5 years working in Arcadis with focus on Digital transformation using Automation and Low code No code. More details at https://shahansha.com Show more

Dr. Christine Kolbe

Dr. Christine Kolbe

\\Konzepterin und Moderatorin für Themen der Nachhaltigkeit in Bildung, Kultur und Zivilgesellschaft\\

Als selbständige Diskurgestalterin für die sozial-ökologische Wende und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin mit Schwerpunkt Programmatik in Bildung, Kultur und Zivilgesellschaft habe ich viel erforscht, beobachtet, gelernt und verstanden. Meine breite Praxiserfahrung in der Konzeption und Kuration von Bildungs- und Veranstaltungsformaten hilft mir, drängende gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen mit Workshops, Beratung und Konzeptionen nach nach vorne zu bringen. Ich arbeitet mit Teams an passgenauen transformativen Diskursformaten und nachhaltigem Wissensmanagement, berate und moderiere Prozesse und leite durch eventbasierten Austausch.
Angesichts multipler globaler Krisen, fokussiere ich seit einigen Jahren auf drängende sozial-ökologische Transformationsvorhaben: Postwachstumsökonomien, Umwelt- und Naturschutz, eine nachhaltige Digitalisierung, lebenswerte Städte, Mobilitätswende ... all diese Bereiche (und noch viel mehr) müssen in die öffentliche Wahrnehmung. Dabei steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt, wie Austausch und gemeinsames Lernen in und für die Transformation gestaltet sein müssen, wie soziale Kipppunkte (im positiven, transformativen) Sinne erreicht und gleichzeitig der demokratische Diskurs gestärkt werden kann: systemisch, feministisch, diskrimierungskritisch und empowernd. Neue Formate zu erproben und nicht immer alles so zu machen wie immer schon, ist mir zugleich Herausforderung und Vergnügen!

Ich lebe seit vielen Jahren in Berlin, bin berührt und inspiriert von der Klimabewegung, Openeverything und einer Kultur des Teilens. Vor meiner Tätigkeit als selbständige Diskursgestaltung war ich fünf Jahre als Innovatorin und Projektleiterin der politischen Medienbildung bei mediale pfade tätig. Ich bin Teil der Bits & Bäume Bewegung und Co-Kuratorin der re:publica.

\\Konzepterin und Moderatorin für Themen der Nachhaltigkeit in Bildung, Kultur und Zivilgesellschaft\\ Als selbständige Diskurgestalterin für die sozial-ökologische Wende und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin mit Schwerpunkt Programmatik in Bildung, Kult... Show more

Mandy Lile

Mandy Lile

Potency is defined as “The power of something to influence or make an impression” which is what Potency No. 710 is setting out to achieve.

When Aesthetician Mandy Lile created Potency No. 710, she was already working with plant based ingredients some 20 years, but she became very intrigued by the mystery of what she felt may be the long lost secret ingredient in skincare, cannabis. After embracing cannabinoids like CBD and CBG in her product formulas, and seeing the results and abundance of testimonials, the answer was revealed, and Potency No. 710 has been disrupting the skincare scene with cannabinoid skincare products since 2018.

Since childhood, Mandy has had a gift for taking an ugly situation and making it beautiful. Unfortunately,thanks to draconian cannabis prohibition, her late father spent 15 years incarcerated on cannabis charges encapsulating much of her childhood. This is, without a doubt, something that fuels her fire to change the stigma surrounding this plant, and she is doing so through beauty.

Since opening her first skincare clinic at the age of 20, Mandy has gained a plethora of firsthand knowledge on the importance of safe ingredients. It is this force and the intentions that she puts into the products Potency offers that stand them apart from the rest, making it more than a brand but rather a lifestyle—a lifestyle of self-care powered by nature and higher intentions.

From hometown high school pals to celebrities, Potency No. 710 products are being embraced by thousands of people around the globe. In honor of the ones that have supported her along her journey, Mandy loves to give back through various philanthropy efforts. She is the sponsor of many small events, businesses, and organizations not only in the cannabis culture but in her local community as well.

Mandy works with several causes including the following.

 Watts Community Core
 Cannabis for Children International
 Women Empowered in Cannabis
 Cannabis Spa Association
 Cannabis Physicians Association

Mandy along with her Fiance’ Harry are the owners of 2 dispensaries in Needles California, H Street Patient Care and The Bud Farmacy. Both of these dispensaries are vertically integrated and have been serving Southern California and the surrounding areas for over a decade!

Mandy’s story and Potency No. 710 products have been featured in a variety of publications including Allure, Medium, Modern Luxury, Hello Giggles, Elevated Lifestyle Magazine, Vanilla Plum, Refinery 29, The Social NY, and many others

Potency is defined as “The power of something to influence or make an impression” which is what Potency No. 710 is setting out to achieve. When Aesthetician Mandy Lile created Potency No. 710, she was already working with plant based ingredients s... Show more

Jack Ross

Jack Ross

Jack Ross started off as a backend engineer, but moved to DevOps in 2017 where he has been working since. He currently works as a Principal Software Development Engineer at Shutterfly where he focuses on cloud infrastructure, and as a DevOps Consultant at BlueLabs Analytics. He has previously worked at Formidable, Stelligent, PartnerComm Inc, as well as bookit.com. Additionally, Jack is a husband, father, vegan, and environmentalist. He enjoys playing bass in bands, running long-distance trails, hiking, camping, and kayaking.

Jack Ross started off as a backend engineer, but moved to DevOps in 2017 where he has been working since. He currently works as a Principal Software Development Engineer at Shutterfly where he focuses on cloud infrastructure, and as a DevOps Consulta... Show more

Gael Bokongo

Gael Bokongo

Former Stoke exchange trader, I'm the Co-Founder and
CEO of INGWAZ, the creator of TOKOU, WEB 3.0 social manga anime
gaming ecosystem, developing the P2E Game TOKOU FIGHT among
other games with common Tokenomics, a marketplace, a Build to Earn
platform and a Gaming Incubator, for the community by the community.
I've created an indie gaming studio, 5 years ago,
specialised in social gaming for PC & mobile.
I holds a Phd in financial mathematics applied to energy market and
worked in trading commodity for 10+ years, lived in 5 different
countries (Turkey, Colombia, Singapore, Dubai and Italy).
Tech-Entrepreneur and videographer, I visited 100+ countries and I'm
passionate about world culture in all its form.

Former Stoke exchange trader, I'm the Co-Founder and CEO of INGWAZ, the creator of TOKOU, WEB 3.0 social manga anime gaming ecosystem, developing the P2E Game TOKOU FIGHT among other games with common Tokenomics, a marketplace, a Build to Earn pl... Show more

Vikas Singh (vikas.lens) 🌿

Vikas Singh (vikas.lens) 🌿

Vikas is a self-taught in blockchain. He started in early 2016 when he got introduced to this rebellious tech. He has built consumer products in the past on top of blockchain. Have worked with United Nations on a land registry use case in 2019. Currently, he is focused on solving a $1Tn opportunity in the crypto space which is NFT financial derivatives. He is continuously pushing forward in solving this.

Vikas is a self-taught in blockchain. He started in early 2016 when he got introduced to this rebellious tech. He has built consumer products in the past on top of blockchain. Have worked with United Nations on a land registry use case in 2019. Curre... Show more

Marek Sadowski

Marek Sadowski

Marek Sadowski is a full stack developer advocate, a robotics startup founder and an entrepreneur. He has about 20 year experience in consulting largest enterprises in USA, Europe, Japan, Middle East and Africa. As a graduate from the International Space University Marek pioneered in a research on VR goggles for the virtual reality system to control robots on Mars in NASA Ames. He founded a startup to deliver robotics solutions and services for industries. Marek moved to Silicon Valley to promote IoT/Edge, robotics, RPA, serverless, and container solutions driven by AI, APIs, and Cloud Native. In 2020 Marek published a book on Serverless Swift.

Marek Sadowski is a full stack developer advocate, a robotics startup founder and an entrepreneur. He has about 20 year experience in consulting largest enterprises in USA, Europe, Japan, Middle East and Africa. As a graduate from the International S... Show more

Holly Petersen

Holly Petersen

Holly Petersen has worked as a consultant for over six years creating and building training programs for clients all over the world. She owns her own consulting business based out of Minneapolis, MN.

Holly Petersen has worked as a consultant for over six years creating and building training programs for clients all over the world. She owns her own consulting business based out of Minneapolis, MN. Show more

Marie-Cécile Godwin Paccard

Marie-Cécile Godwin Paccard

Designer systémique, facilitatrice, oratrice, mentor, moteur d'écosystèmes, écoféministe intersectionnelle, j'appréhende le complexe pour comprendre, converger, structurer et construire. Je donne des conférences et je publie sur mon métier et sur des thématiques comme le burnout ou l'anthropocène. Mes valeurs conduisent ma pratique du métier et je pratique un design inclusif et éthique. Depuis bientôt 15 ans, j'aide les personnes et les organisations à définir leurs fondamentaux et leurs objectifs et à construire une communication cohérente en fonction. Je suis membre du chapitre lyonnais d'IxDA avec qui j'ai co-organisé la conférence Interaction 18, des Designers Lyonnais et de groupes locaux d'entraide. J'ai créé et co-anime le think tank Common Future(s).

Designer systémique, facilitatrice, oratrice, mentor, moteur d'écosystèmes, écoféministe intersectionnelle, j'appréhende le complexe pour comprendre, converger, structurer et construire. Je donne des conférences et je publie sur mon métier et sur des... Show more

Jim Gurulé

Jim Gurulé

Innovator, industry insider and technologist who is currently researching and developing an industry platform using Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence to improve the kitchen renovation experience for homeowners and trade professionals. His innovation and insight come from his hands-on experience early in his career as a cabinet maker, then licensed contractor, kitchen designer in the San Francisco Bay Area and later as an owner of a manufacturer’s representative agency where he gained experience in all facets of the business – sales and marketing; the development of product brands, patents and B2B marketing strategies;, the design of professional development programs; and finally consulting for kitchen dealership owners. Called by analysts in the tech sector a “triple threat,” Jim has the technical knowledge, executive sales acumen, and domain expertise in the kitchen renovation space. Today Jim provides business owner consultation, due diligence, industry insight. In addition, Jim is often asked to speak about his ideas and perspective as he did earlier this year at the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show during Design and Construction Week at the Las Vegas Convention Center, AEC 6.1 Hackathon in Silicon Valley & speakers panel at the 2019 Pacific Coast Builder Show at the Moscone Center, San Francisco .

Innovator, industry insider and technologist who is currently researching and developing an industry platform using Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence to improve the kitchen renovation experience for homeowners and trade professionals. His... Show more

Robin Neven

Robin Neven

Data guy with a business view, loving sustainable innovative energy solutions achieved through tech.

Data guy with a business view, loving sustainable innovative energy solutions achieved through tech. Show more

Jared Arms ジャレッド・アームズ

Jared Arms ジャレッド・アームズ

As the founder of エーアイ.コム & クリプト.コム, I am passionate about bringing innovation to the Japanese language web2/web3 space by combining cutting-edge AI and blockchain technologies.

エーアイ.コム leverages large language models and Web3 technologies to enable user-friendly decentralized applications. I am a prominent figure in the global tech industry and have advised numerous Web3 projects.

My mission is to harness the power of AI to make blockchain accessible to all.

Jared Arms-

As the founder of エーアイ.コム & クリプト.コム, I am passionate about bringing innovation to the Japanese language web2/web3 space by combining cutting-edge AI and blockchain technologies. エーアイ.コム leverages large language models and Web3 technologies to ena... Show more

Naureen Imran

Naureen Imran

I transitioned into tech through self-learning , bootcamps and an MSc in Computer Science, after managing a business for over a decade.

I transitioned into tech through self-learning , bootcamps and an MSc in Computer Science, after managing a business for over a decade. Show more

Tamara Chayo

Tamara Chayo

CEO and Founder at MEDU Protection | Thiel Fellow 21’ | Halcyon C16 Fellow l 776 Fellow 24' l Honorary PhD 2023 UAP l Forbes 30 Under 30 2025

CEO and Founder at MEDU Protection | Thiel Fellow 21’ | Halcyon C16 Fellow l 776 Fellow 24' l Honorary PhD 2023 UAP l Forbes 30 Under 30 2025 Show more

Christian Simion

Christian Simion

Accordeur en agilité, permaculteur, j'accompagne les personnes et les organisations dans l'amélioration continue, pour maximiser la valeur livrée tout en minimisant l’effort.

Ancien manager spécialisé dans la maintenance industrielle, je repars après des cours au CNAM comme développeur, intégrateur, ops, puis chef de projet, avant de gérer, depuis 2013, des produits et de l’intégration en mode itératif.

Sur mes dernières missions j'accompagne les équipes et les managers dans la transformation.

Accordeur en agilité, permaculteur, j'accompagne les personnes et les organisations dans l'amélioration continue, pour maximiser la valeur livrée tout en minimisant l’effort. Ancien manager spécialisé dans la maintenance industrielle, je repars ap... Show more

Sharolyn Anderson

Sharolyn Anderson

Dr. Sharolyn Anderson is a physical scientist with the National Park Service, Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division (NSNSD). Her current responsibilities are mainly focus on collaborating with partners to research the effects of noise and light on wildlife and visitor experience and assisting parks throughout the country with management of sound and lighting resources. These projects include spatial modeling of soundscapes and light pollution, aircraft monitor over NPS units, and using experimental design understanding the impacts of lighting on park resources and visitors experience. Sharolyn works with parks and partners to use scenarios to better understand the impacts of different decisions in regard to sound and lighting which affect the natural capital of the parks. This includes using ecosystems services to value the natural capital.

Before joining NSNSD in January 2017, she was faculty at Texas State University, University of Denver, and University of South Australia. Her research areas include light pollution, ecosystem services valuation, green infrastructure, spatial analysis, and modeling. Examples of her work related to the protection of night skies is using satellite night skies data (DMSP or VIIRS) as a proxy with other datasets to map impervious surfaces, human well-being, economic distributions, ecological footprints, characterizing landscape relationships, proxy measures of emergy, and monitoring the effectiveness of environmental policies. She has also been a member of national and international data working groups, e.g. GEO Human Planet Initiative (Global Human Settlement Layer), Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary, and Economics of Land Degradation. Sharolyn Anderson has a PhD in Geography with a specialization in Geographic Information Science. She has her BS in Computer Science and MA in Geography from the University of New Mexico.
She is a DarkSky Advocate in her spare time.

Dr. Sharolyn Anderson is a physical scientist with the National Park Service, Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division (NSNSD). Her current responsibilities are mainly focus on collaborating with partners to research the effects of noise and light on ... Show more

Stephen McKeon

Stephen McKeon

Stephen McKeon is a managing partner at Collab+Currency, a web3 focused venture fund that has completed over 150 deals across nearly every corner of crypto. They focus on the intersection of consumer technologies such as AI and Extended Reality with web3. Previously, he was a tenured finance professor at the University of Oregon, and also taught at Cambridge University, and UC Berkeley. Steve co-founded glitch gallery with his C+C partner, Derek Edws.

Stephen McKeon is a managing partner at Collab+Currency, a web3 focused venture fund that has completed over 150 deals across nearly every corner of crypto. They focus on the intersection of consumer technologies such as AI and Extended Reality with... Show more

Chiamaka AGU

Chiamaka AGU

Biochemist, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist, Data-Analyst and Tech Enthusiast. I have committed over 6 years of my life in the banking sector. I'm currently a strong believer that nature can meet all our needs. So, I cultivate farmlands, invest in self-development and explore the world of tech.

Biochemist, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist, Data-Analyst and Tech Enthusiast. I have committed over 6 years of my life in the banking sector. I'm currently a strong believer that nature can meet all our needs. So, I cultivate farmlands, invest in self-... Show more

Ken Kitatani

Ken Kitatani

Ken Kitatani is a global sustainability advocate, leading a UN-accredited Think Tank as Chief of Executive Board. Raised in New York, his unique perspective informs policies on climate change, ethical AI, and equity. Ken’s mission is fostering solutions that balance environmental integrity with technological advancement, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Ken Kitatani is a global sustainability advocate, leading a UN-accredited Think Tank as Chief of Executive Board. Raised in New York, his unique perspective informs policies on climate change, ethical AI, and equity. Ken’s mission is fostering soluti... Show more

Tim Hart

Tim Hart

Tim Hart is the Managing Director of Urban Initiatives a Landscape Architecture and Urban Design practice with offices in Melbourne and Hobart. The practice has a long and rich history in the design of public realm projects. Over a 35-year career, Tim has led the practice on complex landscape, infrastructure projects and conservation projects. He has expertise in park masterplanning, zoo exhibit and biophilic design, water sensitive urban design, and large-scale environmental planning projects. He has also has passion for conservation, sustainable transport and cycling projects. Tim is also the co-chair of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects National Practice Committee and is currently working on a practice note to educate members about light pollution and the importance of fauna sensitive lighting in landscape architecture projects.

Tim Hart is the Managing Director of Urban Initiatives a Landscape Architecture and Urban Design practice with offices in Melbourne and Hobart. The practice has a long and rich history in the design of public realm projects. Over a 35-year career, T... Show more

Tomasz Puzio

Tomasz Puzio

Tomasz is a second-year Computer Science student at Ontario Tech University, passionate about bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. He has hands-on experience in software development and sustainable AI, contributing as a developer to SUSTAIN—an energy-efficient AI wrapper designed to reduce token usage and optimize AI queries.

His interests lie in data-driven problem-solving, AI research, and the ever-evolving role of technology in shaping the future.

Tomasz is a second-year Computer Science student at Ontario Tech University, passionate about bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. He has hands-on experience in software development and sustainable AI, contributi... Show more

Aradhana Gahlaut

Aradhana Gahlaut

Aradhana is an Associate at RMI's Carbon-Free transportation team where she supports data-driven decision-making for electrifying municipal and transit fleets, charging infrastructure deployment strategies, rate design to reduce EV charging costs, and e-mobility policy development. With a background in quantitative analysis and research in environmental engineering, including climate change mitigation and life cycle assessment, she specializes in techno-economic analysis and stakeholder engagement techniques to find solutions to pressing vehicle electrification problems. Aradhana has also previously studied the energy use and emissions of autonomous delivery vehicles at Carnegie Mellon University, and assessed energy storage solutions and microgrids with the India Energy Storage Alliance.

Aradhana is an Associate at RMI's Carbon-Free transportation team where she supports data-driven decision-making for electrifying municipal and transit fleets, charging infrastructure deployment strategies, rate design to reduce EV charging costs, an... Show more

Randy Litun

Randy Litun

Randy is an energy expert with over 30 years of experience, focused on low-carbon energy transition. Through both creative technical and corporate leadership, he specializes in energy systems and strategic project development focusing on commercializing and optimizing new and existing energy assets, including conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, CCUS, hydrogen, biofuels, and alternative energy. Randy has a proven track record in driving commercial and business development through strategic and operational leadership, leveraging new technologies and data analytics to enhance corporate performance and asset value.

Randy is an advocate for utilizing natural resource-derived low-carbon power generation to support data centre development, enhancing Canadian Data Sovereignty. He has authored significant reports on hydrogen technology and energy transition and has held various operational and management positions with domestic and international exposure. Randy is a Professional Engineer with APEGA and a lifetime member of the SPE, dedicated to transforming the energy landscape through innovative solutions and strategic vision.

Randy is an energy expert with over 30 years of experience, focused on low-carbon energy transition. Through both creative technical and corporate leadership, he specializes in energy systems and strategic project development focusing on commercializ... Show more

Akanksha Tyagi

Akanksha Tyagi

An experimental chemist by training, Akanksha's research at CEEW strives to make India's clean energy transition responsible and inclusive. It involves enabling a circular economy in RE sectors, estimating the employment co-benefits of RE technologies, and developing solutions to make large-scale RE deployment responsible. She has also led some of The Council’s work on critical minerals and supply chains, grid integration and techno-economic analysis of RE technologies and batteries.
She holds a Doctorate in Human and Environmental Studies from Kyoto University, Japan.

An experimental chemist by training, Akanksha's research at CEEW strives to make India's clean energy transition responsible and inclusive. It involves enabling a circular economy in RE sectors, estimating the employment co-benefits of RE technologie... Show more

David Reeck

David Reeck

David received a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Control Systems, has installed Computer Numerically Controlled systems in a General Motors manufacturing plant in the 1970's, led an international team to source/purchase electronic engine, transmission and electric vehicle control systems for GM globally, worked in Japan for 4 years and in China for 10 years where he was the GM China Electrification Strategy and Charging Infrastructure manager. After repatriating to the USA David joined the Douglas County Smart Energy team to host several EV shows and make presentations to various organizations, including the Douglas Electric Co-Op Board of Directors, Umpqua Community College and Earth Day events.

David received a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Control Systems, has installed Computer Numerically Controlled systems in a General Motors manufacturing plant in the 1970's, led an international team to source/purchase electronic engine,... Show more

Marlow Warnicke (Weston)

Marlow Warnicke (Weston)

Marlow is a Principal Cloud Engineer working on scheduling at SchedMD. She also is a chair for the CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG. Marlow has expertise in resource management, the AI/ML Kubernetes cloud compute ecosystem, embedded systems, high performance compute system tools, kernel drivers, tracing libraries, and security. Marlow's interests lie in optimizing the cloud native ecosystem for both performance and sustainability.

Marlow is a Principal Cloud Engineer working on scheduling at SchedMD. She also is a chair for the CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG. Marlow has expertise in resource management, the AI/ML Kubernetes cloud compute ecosystem, embedded systems, hig... Show more

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