Government, Social Sector & Education

Valued individuals involved in shaping public policies, providing essential services, and promoting education, tirelessly looking to improve society and empower citizens

Merab Tato Kutalia

Merab Tato Kutalia

Software Engineer specializing in Android. He is a fan of all things in software engineering. Tato maintains an active podcast about work ethics and career growth and writes tech blogs. He is a GDG organizer and speaker at international conferences (DroidCon, DevFest, OWASP). Community builder. Does 1:1 mentoring. Alongside his technological pursuits, he is an amateur cyclist and runner.

Software Engineer specializing in Android. He is a fan of all things in software engineering. Tato maintains an active podcast about work ethics and career growth and writes tech blogs. He is a GDG organizer and speaker at international conferences (... Show more

Brian Vermeer

Brian Vermeer

Staff Developer Advocate for Snyk, Java Champion, and Software Engineer with over a decade of hands-on experience in creating and maintaining software. He is passionate about Java, (Pure) Functional Programming and Cybersecurity. Brian is a JUG leader for the Virtual JUG and the NLJUG. He also co-leads the DevSecCon community and is a community manager for Foojay. He is a regular international speaker on mostly Java-related conferences like JavaOne, Devnexus, Devoxx, Jfokus, JavaZone and many more. Besides all that, Brian is a military reserve for the Royal Netherlands Air Force and a Taekwondo Master / Teacher.

Staff Developer Advocate for Snyk, Java Champion, and Software Engineer with over a decade of hands-on experience in creating and maintaining software. He is passionate about Java, (Pure) Functional Programming and Cybersecurity. Brian is a JUG leade... Show more

Johnny Hooyberghs

Johnny Hooyberghs

Johnny Hooyberghs is a consultant for Involved since 2014 focusing on .NET architecture and backend development and a Microsoft MVP since 2020. Prior to joining Involved, he has had experience developing software for Corilus since 2008. He has been passionate about .NET ever since it was released and his areas of expertise are C#, .NET (Core), ASP.NET (Core), Entity Framework (Core), Cloud Native Development, Azure Cloud and ALM using the Microsoft Stack. Every now and then he enjoys doing some web development using Blazor and app development using MAUI. From 2010 to 2020, Johnny spent some of his free time teaching .NET and C# for the adult education institute CVO Antwerpen. When he's not working or teaching, he likes some casual gaming, scuba diving, learning to play the piano, travelling the world and visiting as many theme parks as possible.

Johnny Hooyberghs is a consultant for Involved since 2014 focusing on .NET architecture and backend development and a Microsoft MVP since 2020. Prior to joining Involved, he has had experience developing software for Corilus since 2008. He has been p... Show more

Miguel LLorca Gomez

Miguel LLorca Gomez

Miguel Llorca is a seasoned technologist and entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in the IT industry.

Since 2014, he has been honored with the Microsoft MVP award, for his contributions to technical communities. He is also a member of the Microsoft Regional Director program, recognized for his extensive technical and business acumen and leadership within the community.

Additionally, Miguel is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, an instructor and author for LinkedIn Learning, and a regular speaker at industry events and conferences, earning the distinction of LinkedIn Top Voice in 2024.

Miguel Llorca is a seasoned technologist and entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in the IT industry. Since 2014, he has been honored with the Microsoft MVP award, for his contributions to technical communities. He is also a member of th... Show more

Javier Ramirez

Javier Ramirez

I help developers make the most of their (fast) data, I make sure the core team behind QuestDB listens to absolutely every piece of feedback I get, and I facilitate collaboration in our open source repository.

I love data, big and small. I have extensive experience with SQL, NoSQL, graph, in-memory databases, Big Data, and Machine Learning. I like distributed, scalable, always-on systems.

Before working in Developer Relations, I spent 20 years developing software professionally and sharing what I learnt with the community.

I help developers make the most of their (fast) data, I make sure the core team behind QuestDB listens to absolutely every piece of feedback I get, and I facilitate collaboration in our open source repository. I love data, big and small. I have e... Show more

Jonathan "J." Tower

Jonathan "J." Tower

Jonathan, or J as he's known to friends, is a husband, a father, and the owner of Trailhead Technology Partners, a custom software consulting company with employees all around the world. He is also a Microsoft MVP in .NET and frequently speaks at software meetups and conferences. He doesn't mind too much because he loves sharing what he’s learned, and it also gives him an excuse to visit any nearby National Parks, a passion of his, proven by the fact that he's currently made it to 56 of the 63 parks.

J also has a passion for building community and has served on several non-profit boards over the years as a result. Currently, J sits on the SoftwareGR board, a non-profit trade organization dedicated to building the software industry in West Michigan. He also runs Beer City Code, a software conference, and has served as president on that board for over a decade. J loves hiking, reading, photography, and trying to see all the best picture nominees before the Oscars ceremony.

Jonathan, or J as he's known to friends, is a husband, a father, and the owner of Trailhead Technology Partners, a custom software consulting company with employees all around the world. He is also a Microsoft MVP in .NET and frequently speaks at sof... Show more

Olivier My

Olivier My

Coach Agile et Coach Professionnel, Olivier accompagne des individus, des équipes et des organisations ayant l’envie d’aller vers plus d’adaptabilité, de résilience et de pérennité humaine dans ce monde en perpétuel mouvement. Dans ce sens, il les aide à mobiliser les énergies vers un objectif porteur de sens, à mieux coopérer ensemble et à changer avec plaisir. Son approche se veut simple et légère, sans injonction et teintée de développement personnel.

Coach Agile et Coach Professionnel, Olivier accompagne des individus, des équipes et des organisations ayant l’envie d’aller vers plus d’adaptabilité, de résilience et de pérennité humaine dans ce monde en perpétuel mouvement. Dans ce sens, il les ai... Show more

Sara Alonso Bernardo

Sara Alonso Bernardo

- Asturiana, amante de los 📊y de los 😸.
- Microsoft MVP Data Platform & AI Platform.
- Consultora de Data & IA en Tokiota.
- Además de trabajar en diversos proyectos de Data, IA, y Power Platform también imparto formaciones de Power BI.
- Linkedin Top Data Analysis Voice.

Certificada en Microsoft:
- Power BI Data Analyst Associate.
- Power Platform App Maker Associate.
- Azure AI Fundamentals

- Asturiana, amante de los 📊y de los 😸. - Microsoft MVP Data Platform & AI Platform. - Consultora de Data & IA en Tokiota. - Además de trabajar en diversos proyectos de Data, IA, y Power Platform también imparto formaciones de Power BI. - Linke... Show more

Timothy Spann

Timothy Spann

Tim Spann is the Principal Developer Advocate for Milvus @ Zilliz where he works with Milvus, Towhee, Attu, Generative AI, ML, Hugging Face, Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, Apache NiFi, Apache Iceberg, TensorFlow, Apache Spark, big data, the IoT, machine learning, and deep learning. Tim has over a decade of experience with the IoT, big data, distributed computing, streaming technologies, and Java programming. Previously, he was a Principal Developer Advocate at Cloudera, Developer Advocate at StreamNative, Principal Field Engineer at Cloudera, a Senior Solutions Architect at AirisData and a senior field engineer at Pivotal. He blogs for DZone, where he is the Big Data Zone leader, and runs a popular meetup in Princeton on big data, the IoT, deep learning, streaming, NiFi, the blockchain, and Spark. Tim is a frequent speaker at conferences such as IoT Fusion, Strata, ApacheCon, Data Works Summit Berlin, DataWorks Summit Sydney, and Oracle Code NYC. He holds a BS and MS in computer science.

Tim Spann is the Principal Developer Advocate for Milvus @ Zilliz where he works with Milvus, Towhee, Attu, Generative AI, ML, Hugging Face, Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, Apache NiFi, Apache Iceberg, TensorFlow, Apache Spark, big data, the IoT, machine... Show more

Irina Scurtu

Irina Scurtu

Software Architect @Particular Software, Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies, Microsoft Certified Trainer, always in a quest for the latest trends and best practices in architecture, .NET, and the world around it.

Irina has more than 1000 hours of delivered training, workshops, and presentations, is passionate about .NET and the world around it.

She is the founder of DotNet Iasi User Group where she tries to gather people who are willing to share their knowledge with others, and from time to time publishes articles on her blog:

Software Architect @Particular Software, Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies, Microsoft Certified Trainer, always in a quest for the latest trends and best practices in architecture, .NET, and the world around it. Irina has more than 1000 hou... Show more

Mark Scholman

Mark Scholman

Mark Scholman, is co-founder and director at Cloud Autom8 (CA8) and is a Microsoft Azure MVP. His focus is on Microsoft Cloud technology including Azure, The Azure Stack Family and the components that are involved in the Hybrid Cloud offerings. Mark is also active in the IT community on his blog and YouTube channel. Mark is an author of the book Azure Hybrid Cloud Unleashed and speaks at several events such as Experts Live and local user groups including meetups and the APE (Azure Platform Engineering) Community.

Mark Scholman, is co-founder and director at Cloud Autom8 (CA8) and is a Microsoft Azure MVP. His focus is on Microsoft Cloud technology including Azure, The Azure Stack Family and the components that are involved in the Hybrid Cloud offerings. Mark ... Show more

Indira Bandari

Indira Bandari

I have a Masters degree in Statistics and have over 20 years of experience in designing and developing datawarehouses and analytical solutions.

I am a co-organiser of the NZ Business Intelligence - Power BI User Group and Auckland Artificial Intelligence Meetups. I am also an international Speaker at various events and conferences.

Volunteering and sharing my knowledge is my passion. In my pass time I teach game development for primary school kids. I have started teaching about databases and Power BI to 10 -15 year old kids and amaze myself at the creativity the younger generation is capable of

I have a Masters degree in Statistics and have over 20 years of experience in designing and developing datawarehouses and analytical solutions. I am a co-organiser of the NZ Business Intelligence - Power BI User Group and Auckland Artificial In... Show more

Sander Molenkamp

Sander Molenkamp

Sander Molenkamp is a principal cloud architect and Microsoft Azure MVP with over 25 years of professional experience. He works for Info Support ( designing and developing customer solutions using cloud native architectures.
Sander is also an accomplished speaker, having shared his insights and expertise at numerous international conferences. He is passionate about technology and freely shares his knowledge through the dotnetFlix YouTube channel (
Furthermore, Sander actively contributes to the organization of multiple free community events, including the Dutch Azure Meetup, Azure Fest, and Bitbash.
In his free time, Sander enjoys traveling, is (still) learning to play the ukelele, and tinkers with technology and LEGO. He has also defeated the sword master of Mêlée Island™️.

Sander Molenkamp is a principal cloud architect and Microsoft Azure MVP with over 25 years of professional experience. He works for Info Support ( designing and developing customer solutions using cloud native architectures... Show more

Keren Kenzi

Keren Kenzi

Keren is a senior software developer with over a decade of experience in the industry. She holds an M.Sc. in Computer Science and is passionate about React and learning new technologies. Keren volunteers as a program manager at Baot, a community that supports women in R&D in their professional growth. She instructs and inspires people to write blogs in her tech blogging workshops. Keren has experience as a dev community leader and a co-organizer of meetups and events. And in her not-so-spare time, she studies psychology. Her hobbies include drawing, photography, and singing.

Keren is a senior software developer with over a decade of experience in the industry. She holds an M.Sc. in Computer Science and is passionate about React and learning new technologies. Keren volunteers as a program manager at Baot, a community that... Show more

Morten Knudsen

Morten Knudsen

Morten is Microsoft MVP Security & Azure, MCT and holds +20 active certifications. As a Cloud & Security Architect, he is very passionate about Azure Infrastructure, M365, Automation, Security, Hybrid Cloud - and blogs about these topics on He loves to travel with his family and is a PADI Dive Master & PADI Master Scuba Diver.

Morten is Microsoft MVP Security & Azure, MCT and holds +20 active certifications. As a Cloud & Security Architect, he is very passionate about Azure Infrastructure, M365, Automation, Security, Hybrid Cloud - and blogs about these topics on mortenknu... Show more

Manuela Sakura Rommel

Manuela Sakura Rommel

Manuela is a Flutter Developer, with 5 years of experience and a Women Techmakers Ambassador. She is passionate about using technology to make a positive impact in people's lives, and is particularly focused on accessibility in her work. In addition to her professional experience, Manuela is also a co-organizer of the Berlin Flutter meetup group, where she actively shares her knowledge and learns from others in the community.

Manuela is a Flutter Developer, with 5 years of experience and a Women Techmakers Ambassador. She is passionate about using technology to make a positive impact in people's lives, and is particularly focused on accessibility in her work. In addition ... Show more

Matti Paukkonen

Matti Paukkonen

In my role, I'm helping customers to gain more of their tools and effectively utilize technology supporting daily work-life. I'm a versatile professional always learning new, sharing knowledge, and going forward. Hosting workshops, solving problems, and designing solutions are near my heart. When adopting a new service or a technology, I need to get my hands dirty first and try it out.

On the community side, I'm co-organizing Teams Community Finland, which is Microsoft Teams-focused community for all Teams fanatics, end-user, developers, and consultants in Finland. I'm also active in Microsoft communities and speaking at events.

In my role, I'm helping customers to gain more of their tools and effectively utilize technology supporting daily work-life. I'm a versatile professional always learning new, sharing knowledge, and going forward. Hosting workshops, solving problems, ... Show more

Aditya Oberai

Aditya Oberai

Aditya Oberai is a Developer Advocate at Appwrite and an avid tech community and hackathon enthusiast. Having worked with various technologies such as .NET, Microsoft Azure, etc., he has spent the last 5 years empowering student and tech communities and is currently active as a Microsoft MVP. Aditya was named among Major League Hacking's Top 50 hackers of 2021 and has recently been awarded "Best Developer Relations Professional of the Year" at the CMX Community Industry Awards 2024.

Aditya Oberai is a Developer Advocate at Appwrite and an avid tech community and hackathon enthusiast. Having worked with various technologies such as .NET, Microsoft Azure, etc., he has spent the last 5 years empowering student and tech communities ... Show more

Aditya Soni

Aditya Soni

Aditya Soni is a DevOps/SRE tech professional He worked with Product and Service based companies including Red Hat, Searce, and is currently positioned at Forrester Research as a DevOps Engineer II. He holds AWS, GCP, Azure, RedHat, and Kubernetes Certifications.He is a CNCF Ambassador, and AWS Community Builder for 4 years He leads AWS, CNCF, and HashiCorp user groups for Rajasthan State in India. He has spoken at many conferences, both in-person and virtually.

Aditya Soni is a DevOps/SRE tech professional He worked with Product and Service based companies including Red Hat, Searce, and is currently positioned at Forrester Research as a DevOps Engineer II. He holds AWS, GCP, Azure, RedHat, and Kubernetes Ce... Show more

Julia Undeutsch

Julia Undeutsch

I am Dev & UX Accessibility Specialist at Atos.
After graduating University in Musicology and Japanese Studies in summer 2020, I started learning front-end development and specialized in the topic of web accessibility early on. Since then, I take every opportunity to spread awareness on the topic by regularly creating content in form of writing blog articles and such.
I have been certified by IAAP as a Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC) in 2022 and got accepted in the Google Developer Expert Program in 2023.

I am Dev & UX Accessibility Specialist at Atos. After graduating University in Musicology and Japanese Studies in summer 2020, I started learning front-end development and specialized in the topic of web accessibility early on. Since then, I take ev... Show more

Adele Carpenter

Adele Carpenter

Adele is a software engineer at Trifork Amsterdam, where she is working on backend systems for the educational sector. Most of her work day is spent in the JVM/Spring ecosystems. Adele got the coding bug later in life but since then has been making up for lost time, going from command line noob to employed software engineer in just one year. Her experiences both in and out of tech have given her a unique perspective on the art of programming together with humans, which she hopes is useful to other humans who program with humans.

Adele is a software engineer at Trifork Amsterdam, where she is working on backend systems for the educational sector. Most of her work day is spent in the JVM/Spring ecosystems. Adele got the coding bug later in life but since then has been making u... Show more

Ruby Jane Cabagnot

Ruby Jane Cabagnot

Ruby Jane Cabagnot, a proficient web developer, speaker, and co-author of Practical Enterprise React, is an active figure in the tech world. Passionate about programming languages like TypeScript, C#, and React, RJ's ongoing learning fuels her drive for innovation and boundary-pushing. She is dedicated to educating and promoting women in technology.

Ruby Jane Cabagnot, a proficient web developer, speaker, and co-author of Practical Enterprise React, is an active figure in the tech world. Passionate about programming languages like TypeScript, C#, and React, RJ's ongoing learning fuels her drive ... Show more

Stefan Pölz

Stefan Pölz

Stefan's passion is to practice Clean Code and test-driven development in order to build maintainable high-performance software in an ever-evolving team, supported by tools from the .NET Ecosystem. He loves to attend and speak at public developer events, co-organize local community gatherings, stream live programming sessions, and author open source projects, complementing his expertise in professional software development. As Microsoft MVP (Developer Technologies), JetBrains Community Contributor (.NET) and co-organizer of, it's his ambition to share knowledge about everything C#.

Stefan's passion is to practice Clean Code and test-driven development in order to build maintainable high-performance software in an ever-evolving team, supported by tools from the .NET Ecosystem. He loves to attend and speak at public developer eve... Show more

Sasha Kranjac

Sasha Kranjac

Sasha is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and Microsoft Regional Director (RD), CEO at Kloudatech, and CEO at Kranjac - IT TAC.

Sasha and his companies empower professionals and organisations worldwide to be secure in cloud.

Aside from Cloud, Security Architecture, and consulting, they deliver Microsoft, EC-Council, CompTIA, and tailored courses and PowerClasses internationally.

Sasha is also Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), MCT Regional Lead, Certified EC-Council Instructor (CEI), CompTIA Instructor, frequent speaker at various international conferences, user groups and events, book author on cloud security, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, and Windows Server.

Sasha is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and Microsoft Regional Director (RD), CEO at Kloudatech, and CEO at Kranjac - IT TAC. Sasha and his companies empower professionals and organisations worldwide to be secure in cloud. Aside f... Show more

Grishma Jena

Grishma Jena

Grishma Jena is a Data Scientist with the UX Insights team at IBM in San Francisco. As the only Data Scientist in the org, she supports 80+ user researchers and designers and uses data to understand user struggles and opportunities to enhance product experiences. She has received the Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (Major), one of the most prestigious company-wide awards, as recognition of her work.

She earned her Masters in Computer Science at University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests are in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. She has delivered 50+ talks and workshops across 9 countries including at PyCon US (largest Python conference in the world) and O’Reilly OSCON. She has also taught Python at the San Francisco Public Library and frequently guides school and university students.

Grishma is extremely passionate about encouraging, mentoring, and empowering people, especially women and students, in the world of technology. She has been recognized by the Python Software Foundation as a Fellow for her extraordinary efforts and impact upon Python, the community, and the broader Python ecosystem. She won the Silver Stevie Award for Changemaker of the Year (Gender) and was selected as one of Women Impact Tech honorees. She serves on the AI/ML Advisory Board for DevNetwork. She is also an ambassador for the Women in Data Science initiative, as well as a part of the leadership team for Society of Women Engineers - Golden Gate Section. In 2023, she was recognized by Women Who Code as one of 100 Technologists To Watch for her excellence, innovation, and leadership, and was also a finalist for Venture Beat's Women in AI mentorship award.

In her free time, she likes to write, cook, and explore new places.

Grishma Jena is a Data Scientist with the UX Insights team at IBM in San Francisco. As the only Data Scientist in the org, she supports 80+ user researchers and designers and uses data to understand user struggles and opportunities to enhance product... Show more

Yannis Martin

Yannis Martin

Yannis Martin is an engineer and sociologist by training. With 15 years of experience in project and transition management, he is the founder of NISTIN and co-founder of OMK. Consultant and trainer certified COBIT® 2019, ITIL® 4, PECB Certified Trainer and PRINCE2®, his skills cover governance, IT security, and project management, making him a valuable asset for optimizing processes and managing the digital transformation of companies.

Speaker since 2019, he regularly speaks at international events: from Agile Tour to Devopsdays, or at the IIBA and SMP congresses. He enriches this career with an academic approach by becoming a temporary lecturer at the University of Avignon in 2021 and is undertaking a thesis in 2024 on the contribution of AI to complex systems.

Yannis Martin is an engineer and sociologist by training. With 15 years of experience in project and transition management, he is the founder of NISTIN and co-founder of OMK. Consultant and trainer certified COBIT® 2019, ITIL® 4, PECB Certified Train... Show more

Pamela Paterson

Pamela Paterson

Pamela Paterson, MS, CBAP, PMP, is an international best-selling author and a senior IT consultant in business analysis and project management. She has worked with +50 organizations, presented at +200 events, and written 10 books, two of them international best-sellers: Creating Requirements for Software Projects and Get the Job. She is an award-winning speaker with an engaging teaching style drawn from her years of teaching project management in Toronto, Canada. Pamela is one of the most active speakers in 2023 on Sessionize. Her complete profile is available on

Pamela Paterson, MS, CBAP, PMP, is an international best-selling author and a senior IT consultant in business analysis and project management. She has worked with +50 organizations, presented at +200 events, and written 10 books, two of them interna... Show more

Ivan Pesenti

Ivan Pesenti

Ivan is an Italian guy who loves coding and computer stuff. He lives in a small town in the north of Italy.
Since 2014, he works as a software developer. He's mainly focused on server-side programming, especially in building Web APIs and serverless applications. Two of his major concerns about software development are code security and tests.
During his spare time, he loves sharing his knowledge with the community by giving talks related to computer science stuff. He also writes technical blog posts sharing his expertise and best practices. He's also a mentor for junior developers and also for students who aim to be professional software developers in their lives. He tries to help everyone (without distinction in gender, nationality, age, and so on) with empathy and determination. He's also a course author.
One of the things he loves most by far is problem-solving. His attitude reflects on Q&A platforms, like Stack Overflow, where he tries to help others figure out their challenges.
He's a great listener. One of his mantras is: "We can learn everything from everyone.".
He's funny and loves spending time with friends and geeks. During his activities, his primary goal is not to be toxic in the community. He always tries to help others with a smile without any distinction.

Ivan is an Italian guy who loves coding and computer stuff. He lives in a small town in the north of Italy. Since 2014, he works as a software developer. He's mainly focused on server-side programming, especially in building Web APIs and serverless ... Show more

Domagoj Pavlesic

Domagoj Pavlesic

Developer with kids. Geek entrepreneur. C# magician. Azure friendly. Works at, founded, Microsoft MVP. Always looking for new dev challenges!

Developer with kids. Geek entrepreneur. C# magician. Azure friendly. Works at, founded, Microsoft MVP. Always looking for new dev challenges! Show more

Jemima Abu

Jemima Abu

Jemima Abu is a self-taught Front End Developer and recognised Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies.
She is an avid advocate for diversity and intersectionality in technology and accessibility in web development.

Jemima Abu is a self-taught Front End Developer and recognised Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies. She is an avid advocate for diversity and intersectionality in technology and accessibility in web development. Show more

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