Humanities & Social Sciences

Esteemed speakers contributing their insights into human culture, behavior, and societal development

Dr. Karen Eilers

Dr. Karen Eilers

Karen Eilers ist Wirtschaftspsychologin und beschäftigt sich mit Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätzen für Führungskräfte, Teams und Unternehmen in agilen Transformationen. Begonnen in ihrer Promotionszeit im Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik der Universität Kassel sowie der Universität St.Gallen, vertieft sie heute die Agilitätsforschung und transferiert die Erkenntnisse aus der Wissenschaft in die Praxis. Sie leitet das Institut für Transformation in Hamburg.

Karen Eilers ist Wirtschaftspsychologin und beschäftigt sich mit Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätzen für Führungskräfte, Teams und Unternehmen in agilen Transformationen. Begonnen in ihrer Promotionszeit im Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik der Uni... Show more

Rafael Tizzani

Rafael Tizzani

En sus inicios lideró la guerra de las colas de los 90, reposicionando en el liderazgo a la hasta entonces desaparecida Pepsi. Este logro fue resultado de aplicar creatividad y esfuerzos comerciales que revolucionaron las técnicas de promoción y venta en nuestro país.

Luego impulsó los cambios en Bieckert, tomando más de 20 puntos de participación del líder del mercado. En esta ocasión la segmentación y los cambios en la distribución fueron las claves para lograr el éxito.

Cerrando el ciclo de bebidas recaló en IVESS dónde la necesidad era “un cambio total”, pasar de una cultura de reparto y monoproducto a una de venta profesional multiproducto, logrando vencer las barreras del cambio que colocan las personas cuando están en un negocio rentable con una marca líder.

El siguiente paso fue desarrollar planes comerciales innovadores en Arcor directamente desde el área de RRHH comercial, la función era desarrollar la máxima potencialidad a través de planes de seguimiento que involucraban la capacitación y mejora continua...

El punto en común de esta primera etapa era enseñar a las compañías de consumo masivo a brindar servicio y potenciar los procesos de calidad. En la segunda la misión fue despertar a las empresas de servicios hacia la necesidad del consumo masivo, adaptación al cambio y creatividad.

Así fueron Hartford Life, Liberty, BNL, Lloyds Bank, Banco Galicia, AFJP Prorenta y Citibank, los primeros beneficiados a través de los servicios de consultoría y capacitación.

Han pasado más de veinte años y con servicios de excelencia acompañó importantes emprendimientos de capacitación a empresas como: Sancor Seguros, Automóvil Club, AGFA, Telecom, Calsa, AUDI, Carrefour, VW, Philis Morris, DHL, YPF, Exxon Mobil, Du Pont Pionner, John Deere, Manpower, Fibertel, Toyota, Peugeot, Novartis, Unilever, Accenture, ACARA, Energía San Juan, Shell, San Cristóbal y muchas más.

También trabaja con empresas en el exterior y acreditó experiencia como profesor de la UBA y USAL en Negociación, Ventas, Liderazgo, Coaching y Creatividad.

En sus inicios lideró la guerra de las colas de los 90, reposicionando en el liderazgo a la hasta entonces desaparecida Pepsi. Este logro fue resultado de aplicar creatividad y esfuerzos comerciales que revolucionaron las técnicas de promoción y vent... Show more

Joanne Enders

Joanne Enders

Joanne's journey, shaped by her mother's and grandmother's wisdom, exemplifies the transformative power of art. As an internationally acclaimed multimedia artist, she embodies resilience, authenticity, and personal growth. Her emotionally charged work resonates with global audiences, while her trailblazing multimedia creations captivate through digital art, AI, and photography. Joanne has two #1 internationally best-selling books, "The Creative Lifebook: Reflections On The Art Of Living A Fully Expressed Life" and “Radical Self Love: How To Ignite Your Light Through Creativity”. Showcasing her narrative talent and promoting community building and collaboration among artists, authors, and other creatives. Besides being an artist, photographer, and all-around nerd, she is a high-level Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance Director and accountant, who always looks for solutions to issues that create risks of derailing projects, movements, and cultures. Being of the viewpoint to consider, communicate, and collaborate but most importantly take action, Joanne is a doer. Her business savvy, combined with her artistic prowess, positions her as a driving force for change and inspiration. From her modest beginnings to her worldwide success, Joanne's life and creativity are testaments to growth, resilience, and authenticity.

Joanne's journey, shaped by her mother's and grandmother's wisdom, exemplifies the transformative power of art. As an internationally acclaimed multimedia artist, she embodies resilience, authenticity, and personal growth. Her emotionally charged wor... Show more

Jeremy Coupe

Jeremy Coupe

Jeremy Coupe is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Ames Research Center. He is the Lead for NASA's Sustainable Flight National Partnership Ops demo series and oversees the NASA/FAA Digital Mesh Technology and Applications AI/ML working group. Previously, he led the development of NASA's Machine Learning Airport Surface Model and was the recipient of the 2021 NASA Superior Accomplishment Award for outstanding promotion and proliferation of AI/ML applied to aviation. He received a MS in Applied Mathematics and Statistics and PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Jeremy Coupe is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Ames Research Center. He is the Lead for NASA's Sustainable Flight National Partnership Ops demo series and oversees the NASA/FAA Digital Mesh Technology and Applications AI/ML working group. Previously, ... Show more

Vipul Siddharth

Vipul Siddharth

Vipul Siddharth, currently working as the Open Source Innovation Specialist at UNICEF Office of Innovation, has over 8 years of diverse experience in open source communities - From developer, operations, infrastructure engineering, to leadership positions encompassing mentorship and DEI.
At UNICEF, he helps establishing Open Source guidelines & policies, evaluates startups for the Venture Fund, and helps humanitarian innovators understand and leverage the power of open source for impactful solutions.

Vipul Siddharth, currently working as the Open Source Innovation Specialist at UNICEF Office of Innovation, has over 8 years of diverse experience in open source communities - From developer, operations, infrastructure engineering, to leadership posi... Show more

Helen Rapp

Helen Rapp

Helen is a psychologist and has been supporting teams and organizational units in learning together for several years, for example in the role of an agile coach. She uses her training, her systemic approach, and her experience in designing and facilitating collaborative workshops to make collaboration effective and at eye level. In her work, she pays particular attention to the people in the organization without losing sight of the big picture.

Helen is a psychologist and has been supporting teams and organizational units in learning together for several years, for example in the role of an agile coach. She uses her training, her systemic approach, and her experience in designing and facili... Show more

Manuel Herrera-Usagre

Manuel Herrera-Usagre

tazzista has been working on his music, paintings, and illustrations as a commissioned artist since 2006. He has produced songs for and collaborated with different awarded artists and collectives such as contemporary professional dancer and professor Laila Tafur, the composer and interpreter Raphäel Wildemann, the photographer DDO, and the podcaster Brooke Estin, among many others.

Every NFT collection and piece he has published has a leitmotiv and in-depth research on the topic, addressing fundamental human, sociological, and philosophical questions from a combination of artistic and scientific approaches.
For instance, in his collection 'Eyes: The Emotions Within' (2021) on the Objkt marketplace, the author explored how we connect through our eyes and only through them, especially during the pandemic when full facial expressions were minimal. Emotions make humans equal, so he used his artwork to represent the broad spectrum of emotions all humans, regardless of social origin, ethnicity, or gender, can experience. He developed different threads and tweets to integrate sociological and psychological knowledge with hand-crafted pieces.
The climate emergency and the climate stress many people are experiencing are leading them to constantly look for a way to connect with nature in isolation, far away from the densely populated urban areas. With that in mind, tazzista created the 'Cabins at the End of the World' (2021) Collection. Those animated watercolor paintings with original soundtracks evoke the desire to disconnect from the endless anxiety created by the contradiction of covering our needs and incrementing our ecological footprint.
On the other hand, tazzista has also explored the 'Altered States of Consciousness' (2022) as a topic in his collection on KnownOrigin. He studied their effects and abstract representation through history, from cave paintings to contemporary artists, using the oldest mediums for representing those states: Paintings and Music.

His pieces have been reviewed by the Museum of Contemporary Digital Art (MoCDA), selected to be exhibited at: the NFT Factory Gallery during the NFT Paris Conference 2023, NFT.NYC 2024 exhibition, NFC Conference in Lisbon 2023, along with top artists such as Ali Sabet, Farrah Carbonell, Dead Seagull, Brian Bixby, and many more physical and digital collective exhibitions.

He also has extensive research experience advising international institutions (Spanish Government, European Commission as an Independent Expert) about how intertwining technology, culture, and health can provide a more equal, sustainable, and cohesive society. Among his scientific achievements, he has published more than 30 papers in indexed scientific journals, received numerous awards, and spoken at international conferences worldwide (Tokyo, Tallin, Palo Alto, Kuala Lumpur, Lisbon, Madrid, etc.).

tazzista has been working on his music, paintings, and illustrations as a commissioned artist since 2006. He has produced songs for and collaborated with different awarded artists and collectives such as contemporary professional dancer and professor... Show more

Victor del Aguila

Victor del Aguila

Administrador de Empresas, con Postgrado en Business Agility & Digital Transformation Management en Centrum PUCP y con Especialización en Gestión de Personas.

04 acompañando, trabajando y guiando a las personas hacia la Agilidad, operando como agente de cambio y colaborando en levantar impedimentos para la Transformación Cultural & Organizacional. Mi experiencia abarca sectores de Banca y Finanzas, Seguros y Retail, en países como Perú, México y Puerto Rico.

Administrador de Empresas, con Postgrado en Business Agility & Digital Transformation Management en Centrum PUCP y con Especialización en Gestión de Personas. 04 acompañando, trabajando y guiando a las personas hacia la Agilidad, operando como ag... Show more

Leonel Morales Díaz

Leonel Morales Díaz

A graduate in systems engineering and electronics engineering with a master's degree in information systems, currently fully engaged in academia. Active in the field of HCI researching, publishing, and teaching, with published papers in journals and conferences on HCI, usability, computer science, development, education, and others. An enthusiast of programming languages for youth like Scratch, Alice, Codeblocks, and learning platforms like Tinkercad, Kahoot!, and Khan Academy. A persistent observer of the effects of technology on users and society.

A graduate in systems engineering and electronics engineering with a master's degree in information systems, currently fully engaged in academia. Active in the field of HCI researching, publishing, and teaching, with published papers in journals and ... Show more

Rocky Heckman

Rocky Heckman

International speaker and technical visionary at the center of emerging technology adoption. Former Microsoft Program Manager and Developer Advocate speaking on AI, AI Ethics, AI Security, Cyber Security, Cloud, and AR/VR. With over 20 years of experience in all facets of software development he has worked with governments, law enforcement, aviation, health care, financial, game studios and ISV audiences. He is the author of the book Designing Platform Independent Mobile Apps and Services.

International speaker and technical visionary at the center of emerging technology adoption. Former Microsoft Program Manager and Developer Advocate speaking on AI, AI Ethics, AI Security, Cyber Security, Cloud, and AR/VR. With over 20 years of exper... Show more

Kimberley Paradis

Kimberley Paradis

Kimberley is a law student at the University of Ottawa and an analyst for the Canadian government. Her research focuses on ethical technologies and the application of legal concepts in digital environments. As part of her work with the government, she has conducted foresight projects on financial technologies. Kimberley co-founded the Engineering Toolkit, a database that promotes the inclusion of equity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering research. She is involved with the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, Engineers Canada and IEEE and is on the board of directors of the Community-Based Research Center. Kimberley holds a BASc in Computer Engineering.

Kimberley is a law student at the University of Ottawa and an analyst for the Canadian government. Her research focuses on ethical technologies and the application of legal concepts in digital environments. As part of her work with the government, sh... Show more

Frank Blau

Frank Blau

Frank Blau has been a Business Intelligence Data Architect for 15 years and has over 25 years of technical experience in relational and dimensional database technologies. He is currently a Principal Data Architect at EBCONT in Hard, Austria. He has been a developer, architect, analyst and educator in a variety of vertical markets and technologies. Frank has also been a consultant to Fortune 500 and mid-market companies in the use and implementation of data warehouse architectures, unstructured data, metadata management and analytic presentation.

Frank is a 2018 and 2020 IBM Champion for Cloud and Blockchain, and was a 2014 IBM Champion for Information Management. He continues to provide thought leadership and
research in such diverse areas as Streaming Data, Blockchain, Modern Data Architecture and Cloud Computing. Frank is also a public speaker and author on topics related to Business
Intelligence, disruptive technologies, mobile computing and software methodologies and is also a member of the Digitale Initiativen in Dornbirn, Austria.

Frank Blau has been a Business Intelligence Data Architect for 15 years and has over 25 years of technical experience in relational and dimensional database technologies. He is currently a Principal Data Architect at EBCONT in Hard, Austria. He has b... Show more

Pratik Dasa

Pratik Dasa

Dedicated and advancing the Android platform, also mentoring and inspiring the next generation of the developers. I believe in the collaboration and the importance of staying at the forefront of the technological advancements.

Dedicated and advancing the Android platform, also mentoring and inspiring the next generation of the developers. I believe in the collaboration and the importance of staying at the forefront of the technological advancements. Show more

Oliver Ewinger

Oliver Ewinger

verheiratet und Vater von 3 wunderbaren Teenager Girls
seit > 35 Jahre im Maschinen-/ Automobilbau
Konstruktion | Teamleiter | Projektleiter
2015- 2019 Berufspädagoge "Master Professional of Vocational Training"
2017 CoFounder CorporateLearning Community CLC0711
2020 CoFounder coroNarrative
2020-22 Im Vorstand der Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement
Start 2021 Business School ThePowerMBA
2022 Consulting für Netzwerke und Sichtbarkeit / Wirksamkeit auf SocialMedia Plattformen wie LinkedIn
2022 Kernteam Corporate Learning Community/ Arbeitskreis AI
2023 CoFounder KI-Insights Community - TrainingCenter
2023 LinkedIn Top Voice
2023 Startnetz Reutlingen Team und Berater für GründerInnen &
Startup, Netzwerken & KI

verheiratet und Vater von 3 wunderbaren Teenager Girls seit > 35 Jahre im Maschinen-/ Automobilbau Konstruktion | Teamleiter | Projektleiter 2015- 2019 Berufspädagoge "Master Professional of Vocational Training" 2017 CoFounder CorporateLearning ... Show more

Keny López

Keny López

Profesional con experiencia en análisis de datos operacional y de gestión. Experto en los ecosistemas Office de Microsoft y Google Workspace. Analista de datos con Power BI, Looker Studio y Tableau y candidato a científico de datos.

Poseo habilidades analíticas y gestión de la información, con enfoque en la identificación y resolución de problemas. Cuento con habilidades para integrar equipos de alto desempeño y enfoque en el cumplimiento de los resultados.

Gran capacidad de adaptación y aprendizaje de nuevos entornos y aplicativos. Actualmente enfocado en seguir aprendiendo y aplicando las nuevas tecnologías, especialmente Big Data, con las que se están realizando los procesos ETL, BI y Análisis de Datos orientados a un enfoque "Data Driven" de la toma de decisiones.

Profesional con experiencia en análisis de datos operacional y de gestión. Experto en los ecosistemas Office de Microsoft y Google Workspace. Analista de datos con Power BI, Looker Studio y Tableau y candidato a científico de datos. Poseo habilida... Show more

Natasha Welcome

Natasha Welcome

Natasha Welcome is a Professor, speaker, researcher, and education consultant. She is the founder of Metamorphosis Education Consultants which manages organizational transformation. She is a firm believer that business partners can synergize though they do not speak the same language. Therefore, she helps to bridge the language barrier to avoid employers dismissing highly -valued employees or partners because of their language barrier. Her model will help employers to reduce high turnovers and diminish division caused by 'language barriers.'
Her passion is English language acquisition and has served English Language Learners for over 20 years. She has taught English language learners from China, South Korea, Israel, Europe, and several Latin American countries, just to name a few. During her career as an educator, she spent 14 of those years at an International School. Her expertise in this area has emerged in her becoming a consultant to help the integration of English Language Learners in educational institutions and corporate organizations.

Natasha Welcome is a Professor, speaker, researcher, and education consultant. She is the founder of Metamorphosis Education Consultants which manages organizational transformation. She is a firm believer that business partners can synergize though ... Show more

Kelly Cuesta

Kelly Cuesta

Kelly, multi-award winning Brand Marketing and Communications leader in tech, excels in driving DEIB.
With vast experience in Spain and the UK, she's led teams for major clients and focused on organisational culture at Ingram Micro.
Her commitment to DEI is evident in her role as the founder of Latinas In Tech Madrid, mentoring young professionals and entrepreneurs.

Kelly, multi-award winning Brand Marketing and Communications leader in tech, excels in driving DEIB. With vast experience in Spain and the UK, she's led teams for major clients and focused on organisational culture at Ingram Micro. Her commitmen... Show more

Utkarsh Sharma

Utkarsh Sharma

A seasoned DevOps and Cloud expert boasting a decade of experience, proficient in various cloud technologies with many certifications. Currently employed at Google for the past two years as a senior solutions consultant.

A seasoned DevOps and Cloud expert boasting a decade of experience, proficient in various cloud technologies with many certifications. Currently employed at Google for the past two years as a senior solutions consultant. Show more

Muhammad Apriandito

Muhammad Apriandito

Apriandito is the Director of Socilax, a prominent social research company in Indonesia. With his extensive expertise, he has led Socilax to become a vital resource for various entities, including government institutions and universities, aiding them in tracking and analyzing social data. In addition to his role at Socilax, Apriandito also serves as a lecturer at the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). His academic and professional endeavors focus on leveraging technology in social science research, exemplifying a unique blend of practical and theoretical knowledge in this field

Apriandito is the Director of Socilax, a prominent social research company in Indonesia. With his extensive expertise, he has led Socilax to become a vital resource for various entities, including government institutions and universities, aiding them... Show more

AJ Lauer

AJ Lauer

Dr. AJ Lauer helps science and technology leaders thrive both inside and outside of the workplace. She is an expert on HPC diversity and workforce development. Her company Thriving Ibis Leadership Solutions provides a tailored-to-you mix of workshops, coaching, retreats, and consulting to provide individual and team leadership development, and help build inclusive workplaces.

AJ holds an EdD in Interdisciplinary Leadership from Creighton University, MS in Higher Education Administration from Florida International University, and BA in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dr. AJ Lauer helps science and technology leaders thrive both inside and outside of the workplace. She is an expert on HPC diversity and workforce development. Her company Thriving Ibis Leadership Solutions provides a tailored-to-you mix of workshops... Show more

Dennis Nerush

Dennis Nerush

Dennis is an AI Director at Elementor with over 15 years of experience as a developer, director, and consultant. He’s a seasoned leader, writer, public speaker, and mentor with a passion for technological challenges, culture, and people growth. He constantly looks for ways to improve team performance and personal skills and uses his vast experience to help leaders boost their leadership skills.

Dennis is an AI Director at Elementor with over 15 years of experience as a developer, director, and consultant. He’s a seasoned leader, writer, public speaker, and mentor with a passion for technological challenges, culture, and people growth. He c... Show more

Randy Gonzales

Randy Gonzales

A native New Orleanian of Filipino descent, Randy Gonzales is a poet, writer, and community historian who researches and shares the stories of Filipino Louisiana. He is an associate professor of English at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where he holds the Dr. James Wilson/BORSF Eminent Scholar Endowed Professorship in Southern Studies. His book Settling St. Malo (UL Press, 2023) is a history of Filipino Louisiana in verse. You can find out more about Filipinos in Louisiana at and more about Randy at

A native New Orleanian of Filipino descent, Randy Gonzales is a poet, writer, and community historian who researches and shares the stories of Filipino Louisiana. He is an associate professor of English at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, wh... Show more

DeAngelo Burse

DeAngelo Burse

DeAngelo Burse is a social psychologist, college professor, and keynote speaker. He has a bachelor's in philosophy and religious studies and a Master's in Social Psychology from Walden University. Additionally, DeAngelo has certificates in Positive Psychology from both the University of Pennsylvania and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Through cognitive-behavioral coaching, Burse assists leaders in dealing with thoughts that lead to unhealthy behaviors.

DeAngelo is the founder and CEO of Breakroom Huddle, a corporate consulting firm that assists businesses in developing positive employee relationships. He believes that his life's purpose is to develop better people who treat people better. In his own words, “I help people reshape their identities and make more meaningful life connections to experience greater fulfillment in their work, relationships, and purpose.”

As a result, DeAngelo is committed to empowering and helping others develop their individual and social abilities. He enjoys speaking about subjects, such as social and emotional intelligence, identity and self-worth, human personality and character strengths, human motivation and performance, racial and cultural diversity, hidden biases, and other topics related to social influence and human interaction. His past speaking engagements include churches, high schools, colleges, social groups, and corporations.

As a motivational speaker, DeAngelo has a passion for helping people change the way they experience the world. Many will agree—Burse's entrepreneurial experiences, leadership training, philosophical background, and understanding of psychological concepts set him apart.

Burse has written for online publications like Medium, ResearchGate, and Thought Catalog. He lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with his wife and three children. DeAngelo enjoys spending time with his family, skeet shooting, working out, and watching NFL football in his spare time.

DeAngelo Burse is a social psychologist, college professor, and keynote speaker. He has a bachelor's in philosophy and religious studies and a Master's in Social Psychology from Walden University. Additionally, DeAngelo has certificates in Positive P... Show more

Marissa Gomez-Palmer

Marissa Gomez-Palmer

Marissa Gomez-Palmer is a Information Security and Governance, Risk, and Compliance Senior Leader with 12+ years of hands-on industry experience in Banking, Technology, Energy and FinTech who specializes in applying a holistic dynamic narrative risk strategy to help organizations understand their risk story. She holds a BA in English Literature from the University of Texas at Austin, MBA from Georgia State University, MA in International Management from IAE Sorbonne in Paris, France, Operations Management Certification from COPPEAD in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in addition to multiple professional certifications. Through-out her career she's received numerous awards while at JPMorgan Chase, Vrbo an Expedia Company and Marqeta. In 2020 she won the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GAHCC) Latinas in Leadership - Technology award. In 2021 she was honored as a woman who uplifts and inspires her community at the 2021 Texas Conference for Women during their Storyteller Program. Her most recent honor is being chosen as Grace Hopper Conference 23/24 Co-chair for the diversity, equity, inclusion, & belonging (DEIB) track.

Marissa Gomez-Palmer is a Information Security and Governance, Risk, and Compliance Senior Leader with 12+ years of hands-on industry experience in Banking, Technology, Energy and FinTech who specializes in applying a holistic dynamic narrative risk ... Show more

Michelle Peterson Clark

Michelle Peterson Clark

Michelle is a speaker, author, content marketer, historian and mother of 3 boys.

As the Content Marketing Queen for the past 13 years, she has helped countless small businesses understand and develop their content strategies and focus on a customer first approach.

In 2017, Michelle and her husband John entered the world of ‘crypto’ and they have been involved with a number of Web3 companies including, Bolt.Global, Switcheo, Quantstamp, Emsany and she was the Head of Marketing for

Michelle is a co-host of the Web3 By Three Podcast a weekly show that discusses NFT & Web3 news.

Michelle has created the first History/Travel Newsletter on Paragraph and Mirror xyz, where customers can collect NFTs of her weekly editions.

Michelle is a speaker, author, content marketer, historian and mother of 3 boys. As the Content Marketing Queen for the past 13 years, she has helped countless small businesses understand and develop their content strategies and focus on a custome... Show more

Julie Anderson

Julie Anderson

Julie Anderson is one of the nation’s top experts on the Brain Personality Connection and creator of the Brain Personality Assessment. She is an international professional speaker; corporate keynote; business/communication/relationship consultant. For over 17 years she has been using neuroscience and neuropsychology to ignite corporate leaders, teams, and individuals to fire up their brains. The information she shares will assist listeners to accelerate their success. Her background includes Natural Health, Psychology, Human Resource Development, Leadership Development, Psychoneuroimmunology, and Stress Management. She holds certificates in Neuroscience of Leadership, Psychological First Aid, Positive Psychology, Body Language, HR Development, and Brain Health.

Julie Anderson is one of the nation’s top experts on the Brain Personality Connection and creator of the Brain Personality Assessment. She is an international professional speaker; corporate keynote; business/communication/relationship consultant. Fo... Show more

Yujian Tang

Yujian Tang

Yujian Tang is a Developer Advocate at Zilliz. He has a background as a software engineer working on AutoML at Amazon. Yujian studied Computer Science, Statistics, and Neuroscience with research papers published to conferences including IEEE Big Data. He enjoys drinking bubble tea, spending time with family, and being near water.

Yujian Tang is a Developer Advocate at Zilliz. He has a background as a software engineer working on AutoML at Amazon. Yujian studied Computer Science, Statistics, and Neuroscience with research papers published to conferences including IEEE Big Data... Show more

ilyarjbᴺᶠᵀ N/A

ilyarjbᴺᶠᵀ N/A

I am Ilyar Jabari
I am 41 years old
I have 27 years of artistic activity
Calligraphic painting and graphics
I am a university professor in the field of art

I am Ilyar Jabari I am 41 years old I have 27 years of artistic activity Calligraphic painting and graphics I am a university professor in the field of art Show more

Corree Roofener

Corree Roofener

As a female entrepreneur, Courage Coach and Holistic Life Coach, Corree Roofener has devoted her life to empowering individuals to live authentically, boldly and intentionally.

From a young age, Corree recognized that life’s challenges were stepping stones to realizing her potential. This early mindset laid the foundation for her future endeavors, that would lead her to embrace life with courage and intent. Behind the façade of success, Corree grappled with her own fears and self-doubt. A pivotal moment came when she confronted these demons head-on, realizing that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. This epiphany marked the birth of her true calling.

Driven by a passion to help others break free from the shackles of fear and judgment, Corree’s transitioned from entrepreneur to Courage Coach. She underwent rigorous training in coaching and personal development, honing her skills to guide individual and teams towards unleashing their full potential. She is here today as a testament to her coaching philosophy. She led with courage and authenticity and reached for a goal and dream.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit, Corree expanded her expertise to become a Holistic Life Coach. With a deep understanding of wellness principles, she empowers individuals to achieve balance, resilience and vitality across all aspects of their lives. Her approach encompasses mental, emotional and physical well-being. Through personalized coaching, transformative workshops and inspiring speaking engagements, she equips her clients with tools to align their actions with their aspirations.

“If you want something you've never had, You must be willing to do something you've never done.” ― Thomas Jefferson

As Corree continues to evolve, she envisions a future where people are unafraid to chase their dreams, but more importantly feel empowered to dream. To leave the fear of judgment aside and follow the nudge of the universe in all that you do. With courage, curiosity and unwavering determination, she aspires to leave a lasting impact on the lives of those she touches, inspiring a ripple effect of positivity, balance, joy and transformation.

As a female entrepreneur, Courage Coach and Holistic Life Coach, Corree Roofener has devoted her life to empowering individuals to live authentically, boldly and intentionally. From a young age, Corree recognized that life’s challenges were step... Show more

Kamran Sadin

Kamran Sadin

35 Years old father, funny, curious, like to learn and share what learned.

35 Years old father, funny, curious, like to learn and share what learned. Show more

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