Humanities & Social Sciences

Esteemed speakers contributing their insights into human culture, behavior, and societal development

'Tine Zekis

'Tine Zekis

Christine ('Tine) Zekis is an educator turned software engineer, international speaker, and author. She is the Founder and CEO of Getting Black Women Paid, which empowers Black women professionals to change the trajectory of their careers, dramatically increase their lifetime earning potential, and achieve financial freedom. 'Tine is a sought-after speaker on panels and at tech conferences where she discusses salary negotiation, career changers, imposter syndrome, and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the industry.

Christine ('Tine) Zekis is an educator turned software engineer, international speaker, and author. She is the Founder and CEO of Getting Black Women Paid, which empowers Black women professionals to change the trajectory of their careers, dramatical... Show more

Charles-Louis de Maere

Charles-Louis de Maere

Bringing people together is something that lives on through my workshops and training. Whether they take place online or on-premise, I facilitate workshops and learning experiences that focus on high participation, on learning by doing and verifying that the concepts are integrated. I use Live Online Learning Activities to ensure people get a chance to practice their understanding of the new concepts.

What better way is there to give meaning to what we say than to draw to make our thoughts explicit? When we add visual information to what we’re saying, suddenly our intention becomes much more precise, and we can begin to work on shared understanding. This is why I love bringing people in contact with the power of Visual Thinking, of getting back to our roots and using pen and paper to bring people closer together.

Stories are another option for bringing sensitive topics to the surface, which I recently started to explore through my self-development practice, as well as during numerous Around the world in (less than) 80 days workshops throughout the past years!

Bringing people together is something that lives on through my workshops and training. Whether they take place online or on-premise, I facilitate workshops and learning experiences that focus on high participation, on learning by doing and verifying ... Show more

Dana Spano

Dana Spano

Since studying Behavioral Science at university, Dana Spano been oriented around the core purpose and passion of helping humans human better... first through 14 years in Brand Strategy and UX Design (in-house, freelance, and Studio owner), and now with her latest venture: Entreprana— a proactive mental well-being platform specifically for entrepreneurs.

Steeped in an entrepreneurial atmosphere since birth, and especially so since embarking on her own entrepreneurial journey in 2016 whilst navigating dark challenges with her own mental health— Dana has become fiercely committed to providing elegant tools for fellow founders, soloists, and small business owners that fit an entrepreneur's abnormally arduous lifestyle.

"In my experience, the greatest challenges of entrepreneurship often aren't logistical, but rather psychological. We're human. We have to learn to equalize well-being and ambition, because one without the other is incomplete. In today's entrepreneurial landscape, this equalization is a rare and bold endeavor; an essential, daily practice that can literally save our lives."

Dana aims to help everyone within earshot of her message to walk away feeling energized and empowered with the knowledge that they already have within them exactly what they need to succeed.

Since studying Behavioral Science at university, Dana Spano been oriented around the core purpose and passion of helping humans human better... first through 14 years in Brand Strategy and UX Design (in-house, freelance, and Studio owner), and now wi... Show more

Cyril Clergeau

Cyril Clergeau

J’entendais durant mon enfance et mon adolescence, certain(e)s de mes camarades rêver de devenir informaticien, médecin, mécano, sportif de « haut » niveau, chanteur, plus rarement entrepreneur, manager ou dirigeant de société…

Pour ma part, je crois que j’ai toujours voulu prendre soin des autres humains – et non humains aussi – et de donner envie aux autres d’être plus heureux, de les convaincre du bonheur qu’il y a à prendre soin de sa propre vie et de nos écosystèmes pour aider à passer à l’étape d’après.

J’ai passé mes quinze dernières années à observer, capter l’énergie des groupes, faire des petits pas à leur côté pour de grands effets, travailler avec les forces de chacun plutôt que de vouloir « corriger » les défauts, recycler les « sois disant » déchets dans les groupes pour faire émerger l’innovation…

Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive, mais donne déjà un bon aperçu de ce qu’un Biomim’Agiliste, comme moi, a en tête et applique lors de la rééducation de la pensée des écosystèmes humains.

Soutenu et conforté dans mon identité ainsi que dans mes engagements profondément humanistes, il y a un an, j’ai co-fondé La Libellule Optimiste pour {ré} apprendre à {ré} humaniser les organisations pour impliquer les collaborateurs et collaboratrices dans une agilité durable qui a du sens et génère de la plénitude.

J’organise des ateliers, des formations, mais aussi, j’accompagne les organisations pour vous faire ressentir à quel point l'entraide et l'interdépendance sont innées et facteurs d'évolution si on s’inspire du vivant.

Je conclurais sur cette phrase que j’utilise souvent lors de mes interventions : la nature est le meilleur modèle de prospérité sur terre et le biomimétisme d’écosystèmes est un des remèdes pour soigner les maux de nos organisations.

Envie de vous sentir vivant ? Je vous attends pour un voyage dans l’immense encyclopédie de plus de 3,8 Milliards d'années qu'est la Nature et venir découvrir notre démarche directement inspirée de notre terre mère !

J’entendais durant mon enfance et mon adolescence, certain(e)s de mes camarades rêver de devenir informaticien, médecin, mécano, sportif de « haut » niveau, chanteur, plus rarement entrepreneur, manager ou dirigeant de société… Pour ma part, je cr... Show more

Luciano Lagger

Luciano Lagger


Mi nombre es Luciano, tengo 27 años , me destaco por mis habiliades blandas y técnicas

Filosofia,Metafisica,Historia,psicologia,Tecnologia son pilares que me nutren mi escencia

Mi Maleabilidad y Flexibidad conectan con la Disponibilidad, integración y confidencialidad.

La maleabilidad es el arte de ser como el agua, capaz de fluir con gracia y adaptarse a cualquier contorno, mientras que la flexibilidad es el resorte que nos permite doblarnos sin rompernos ante los desafíos que se nos presentan. La disponibilidad es la puerta abierta de nuestras habilidades, siempre dispuestas a brindar apoyo y soluciones cuando se necesitan.

La integración es el tejido que une los diversos elementos de nuestro conocimiento y experiencia, creando un todo armonioso y completo. La confidenciabilidad es el sólido cimiento sobre el cual se construye nuestra reputación, demostrando que somos dignos de confianza en cualquier situación.

Y la adaptabilidad es la brújula que nos guía en los cambios constantes del entorno profesional, permitiéndonos ajustar nuestro curso y encontrar nuevas oportunidades en medio de la incertidumbre. En resumen, somos como arcilla maleable, capaces de moldearnos y adaptarnos a cualquier situación con flexibilidad y confianza, siempre disponibles para integrar nuestro conocimiento y brindar soluciones confiables en un mundo en constante cambio

Si vamos a factores concretos, hace 6 años que vengo incursionando en el mundo laboral IT, siendo así en el año presente desarollandome como profesional especializado en Inteligencia y caza de amenazas, teniendo como piso años de videojuegos, y aprendizaje autodidacta. Soy músco, me gusta escribir contenido y le recomiendo a la gente meditar para alcanzar un estado de plenitud con el ser.

Hola; Mi nombre es Luciano, tengo 27 años , me destaco por mis habiliades blandas y técnicas Filosofia,Metafisica,Historia,psicologia,Tecnologia son pilares que me nutren mi escencia Mi Maleabilidad y Flexibidad conectan con la Disponibilida... Show more

Carolina Musso

Carolina Musso

Biologist and Statistician, with a phD in Ecology and specialization in Data Science. Working as data analysis in public service for the past seven years.

Biologist and Statistician, with a phD in Ecology and specialization in Data Science. Working as data analysis in public service for the past seven years. Show more

Emmanuel Hervé

Emmanuel Hervé

Coach de managers, d’équipes et d’organisations depuis plus de 10 ans, j’accompagne les entreprises mais avant tout les personnes pour “remettre l’humain” au centre de nos préoccupations. J’attache une attention particulière à donner et/ou trouver du sens en fonction de votre contexte, pour que vous soyez bien avec vous même afin d’être encore mieux avec les autres. Mon approche est caractérisée par l’écoute, la patience, le partage des connaissances pour permettre aux personnes que j’accompagne de développer une intelligence collective et positive.

Coach de managers, d’équipes et d’organisations depuis plus de 10 ans, j’accompagne les entreprises mais avant tout les personnes pour “remettre l’humain” au centre de nos préoccupations. J’attache une attention particulière à donner et/ou trouver du... Show more

Lubomír Štěpánek

Lubomír Štěpánek

I hold M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Statistics, an M.D. in General Medicine, and I'm pursuing a Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics. As an assistant professor at Charles University and Prague University of Economics and Business, I specialize in survival analysis, machine learning, computational psychometrics, and robust statistics. I'm passionate about R and LaTeX, and I teach statistics, maths, survival and R programming courses. I'm also a biostatistician consulting research papers' statistics.

I hold M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Statistics, an M.D. in General Medicine, and I'm pursuing a Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics. As an assistant professor at Charles University and Prague University of Economics and Business, I specialize in survival a... Show more

Shavana Peynado

Shavana Peynado

Shavana Peynado is an award winning Software Developer, public speaker, DEI advocate. Coming from an Finance and Modern Languages background, learning to program during the pandemic, Shav is dedicated to giving back to the community, fostering psychologically safe spaces for women in tech and is actively involved in mentoring.

Shavana Peynado is an award winning Software Developer, public speaker, DEI advocate. Coming from an Finance and Modern Languages background, learning to program during the pandemic, Shav is dedicated to giving back to the community, fostering psycho... Show more

Katjarina Hurt

Katjarina Hurt

Katjarina “Katja” Hurt is the Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit organization, Wilderness Chaplains. Katja has a background in law enforcement with the Washington State and Missouri Departments of Correction as a probation and parole officer, curriculum specialist, policy adviser, and master trainer. She serves as a chaplain for several Search & Rescue and Mountain Rescue groups through the King County Sheriff’s Office. Katja has over fifteen years of experience as a ski patroller, primarily at Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State, where she provides emergency care and oversees the intermountain Peer Support Program for four areas.

Katjarina “Katja” Hurt is the Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit organization, Wilderness Chaplains. Katja has a background in law enforcement with the Washington State and Missouri Departments of Correction as a probation and parole of... Show more

Benoit de Pompignan

Benoit de Pompignan

I'm a scale agile coach and transformation lead. I joined Société Générale in early 2023 where I'm in charge of the agile deployment for the IT of the retail banking.
Prior to joining Société Générale I worked on different large scale agile transformation in the banking and the insurance industries like MGEN, Bpifrance, Generali and HSBC

I'm a scale agile coach and transformation lead. I joined Société Générale in early 2023 where I'm in charge of the agile deployment for the IT of the retail banking. Prior to joining Société Générale I worked on different large scale agile transfo... Show more

Victoria Charra

Victoria Charra

Victoria ha estado trabajando en el ecosistema de start-ups de Argentina durante casi 15 años. Ha contribuido a la formación de equipos de alto rendimiento en ingeniería y desarrollo de productos en empresas como MuleSoft, OLX Group y ASAPP. Además de ser anfitriona y ponente en conferencias tecnológicas y profesora invitada en clases de MBA, sus especialidades incluyen networking, asesoramiento a start-ups, mentorias y desarrollo de estrategias de contratación. Su empresa, Talent Wind, conecta a los mejores talentos con proyectos increíbles, ayudando a organizaciones e individuos a alcanzar sus objetivos de contratación y carrera profesional.

Victoria ha estado trabajando en el ecosistema de start-ups de Argentina durante casi 15 años. Ha contribuido a la formación de equipos de alto rendimiento en ingeniería y desarrollo de productos en empresas como MuleSoft, OLX Group y ASAPP. Además d... Show more

Sarah Doran

Sarah Doran

Growing up a military child, then serving in the U.S. Army as a service member and MilSpouse, Sarah Doran recognizes the value in advocating for authentic military voices in high quality literature.

Growing up a military child, then serving in the U.S. Army as a service member and MilSpouse, Sarah Doran recognizes the value in advocating for authentic military voices in high quality literature. Show more

Peter Laughter

Peter Laughter

Hello there! I'm Peter Laughter, and 12 years ago, an experience transformed my understanding of leadership and set me on a path to fulfill my purpose. I realized that the best solutions come from those closest to the problem, not from the top down. This led me to embrace distributed decision-making, empowering individuals to help organizations become more agile and resilient in today’s rapidly changing landscape.

My purpose is to reveal the profound bonds that connect all humanity, making them visible and tangible in our daily lives. To thrive amid exponential change, organizations must shift from command-and-control to a network system of distributed authority. The traditional command-and-control orthodoxy is as harmful for corporate leaders as it is for employees, stifling innovation and engagement. Through my speaking and consulting, I guide organizations in building dynamic methods for fostering this new approach.

With over 25 years in the recruiting and staffing industry, I've founded three successful firms, served elite consultancies and banks, and pioneered the first SaaS platform for managing enterprise labor programs. My work has earned prestigious awards, including the Inc 500.

I'm a TEDx speaker on Radical Empathy and a three-time Moth Story Slam winner, with a story featured on The Moth Podcast. These experiences reflect my passion for storytelling and my ability to connect deeply with audiences.

When I'm not transforming the business world, you'll find me exploring trails on my bicycle, lost in a book, or sharing stories. And yes, I love a good laugh – after all, it’s in my name! Most of all, I love riding the Cyclone with my daughter Eddy.

Hello there! I'm Peter Laughter, and 12 years ago, an experience transformed my understanding of leadership and set me on a path to fulfill my purpose. I realized that the best solutions come from those closest to the problem, not from the top down. ... Show more

Michael Coplen

Michael Coplen

For 20+ years, Mike conducted human factors research on sleep, fatigue, and culture change at the U.S. Department of Transportation. His rigorous evaluations resulted in dramatic performance improvements at pilot demonstration sites, policy change at the highest levels in government and industry, and industry-wide improvements in safety culture. His accomplishments were recognized by the American Evaluation Association, awarding Mike the 2009 Gunnar Myrdal Government Award and the 2012 Outstanding Evaluation Award. He holds a RYS 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification from LifePower Yoga, a certification for Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training from Dharma Moon and The Tibet House, and is a Certified Mindfulness Workplace Facilitator from The Mindful Leader. He holds an M.A. in Management and Organizational Behavior from the University of Nebraska with 2 years of post-Master’s work in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Connecticut.

For 20+ years, Mike conducted human factors research on sleep, fatigue, and culture change at the U.S. Department of Transportation. His rigorous evaluations resulted in dramatic performance improvements at pilot demonstration sites, policy change at... Show more

Fadi Khoury

Fadi Khoury

Fadi Khoury is a seasoned professional with a passion for innovation and a drive for excellence in the field of technology. Fadi is a distinguished Senior Director of Digital Transformation at Integral Tech Group, bringing over two decades of invaluable experience in the realm of Digital Transformation to his role. With a robust background in leading Agile transformations, Fadi has proven himself as a visionary at navigating complex digital landscapes and established himself as a dynamic leader and problem-solver.

Before his tenure at Integral Tech Group, Fadi served as an Agile Transformation Leader at Ford Motor Company, where his strategic insights and leadership played a pivotal role in driving organizational change and innovation. His tenure at Ford was marked by significant contributions to the company's Agile journey, setting the stage for streamlined processes and enhanced project delivery.

Prior to his role at Ford, Fadi held key positions in renowned institutions, including leading the IT Project Office at Ford Motor Credit Company, where he honed his project management skills and fostered a culture of excellence. His tenure as a Process Consultant at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange further enriched his expertise in optimizing IT processes, while his role as an Application Architect at Web Soft Corporation provided him with a deep understanding of software architecture and development.

Fadi's academic credentials further underscore his commitment to excellence. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Oklahoma City University, a Master of Science in Computer Science from Wayne State University, and a Doctorate in Management Information Technology from Lawrence Technological University. This blend of academic rigor and practical experience positions Fadi as a thought leader in the digital transformation space.

In his current role at Integral Tech Group, Fadi continues to drive digital innovation and transformation, leveraging his wealth of experience and expertise to help organizations navigate the complexities of the digital age. With a relentless focus on delivering value and driving change, Fadi Khoury remains at the forefront of shaping the future of technology-enabled business solutions.

Fadi Khoury is a seasoned professional with a passion for innovation and a drive for excellence in the field of technology. Fadi is a distinguished Senior Director of Digital Transformation at Integral Tech Group, bringing over two decades of invalua... Show more

Leisa Reid

Leisa Reid

As the Founder of Get Speaking Gigs Now and the CEO of the International Speaker Network, Leisa trains entrepreneurs how to use public speaking as a soul-fulfilling business growth strategy. As a self-proclaimed “Talk Doula” she facilitates the birth of new talks all around the world in her “Get Your Talk Ready to Rock” sessions.

Throughout her years of working with speakers, the most frequent confessions she hears are: “I’ve always wanted to be a speaker,” but “I’m still working on my talk,” and “I’m not sure where to get booked.” It is her mission to collaborate with her clients so they can quickly and easily create their talks and deliver them to audiences that are a right fit.

Leisa has booked and delivered over 600 speaking engagements, is a 7-time author, podcast host and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate. Although she has both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Speech Communication, she assures her clients those degrees are NOT required in order to be a speaker. She is a mom, a wife, a dog-lover and loves live rock concerts.

As the Founder of Get Speaking Gigs Now and the CEO of the International Speaker Network, Leisa trains entrepreneurs how to use public speaking as a soul-fulfilling business growth strategy. As a self-proclaimed “Talk Doula” she facilitates the birth... Show more

Mark Christopher Lawrence

Mark Christopher Lawrence

Meet Mark Christopher Lawrence, a dynamic presenter with a multi-faceted career that spans comedy, film, television, and beyond. With decades of experience making audiences laugh, think, and feel, Mark is an exceptional speaker who knows how to captivate a room.

A longtime Comedian, Film & Television Actor, Writer, and Producer: Mark has honed his craft across multiple entertainment mediums, bringing an unparalleled depth of experience to the stage. A Two-Time Emmy Award Nominee, his talent has been recognized at the highest levels,

Mark is an International Headliner, sharing stages with comedy legends such as Sinbad, Jerry Seinfeld, Rodney Dangerfield, and Jeff Foxworthy, entertaining audiences around the globe.

When you Book Mark For Your Next Event, You Get:

A Skilled Speaker and Natural Storyteller: Armed with a BFA in Theater from USC, earned through a Public Speaking Scholarship, Mark combines academic rigor with his inherent flair for storytelling.

An Experienced Event Emcee: Mark is adept at keeping audiences engaged and events running smoothly, ensuring your occasion is both memorable and timely.

Engaging, Inspiring, and Funny Presentations: His presentations are a perfect blend of humor, inspiration, and audience engagement, leaving lasting impressions on all who attend.

An Expert at Event Alignment: Mark excels at tailoring his presentations to meet your event goals, ensuring your audience receives a message that’s as aligned as it is impactful.

Whether you seek a hilarious anecdote or a moving inspirational story, Mark’s ability to align his presentations with your event’s needs makes him an invaluable addition to any lineup. Book him now to guarantee your event's success!

Meet Mark Christopher Lawrence, a dynamic presenter with a multi-faceted career that spans comedy, film, television, and beyond. With decades of experience making audiences laugh, think, and feel, Mark is an exceptional speaker who knows how to capti... Show more

Øyvind Rogstad

Øyvind Rogstad

Øyvind Rogstad har en bakgrunn i klesdesign og grafisk design. Prosjektet med digitaliseringen av manuset til «De tause taler ut» var hans avsluttende masteroppgave i grafisk design og illustrasjon ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Etter uteksaminering har prosjektet blitt bevilget stipend fra Fritt Ord og Kulturrådet, med mål om lansering høsten 2024. Han jobber i dag som lærer og verksmester ved KHiO.

Øyvind Rogstad har en bakgrunn i klesdesign og grafisk design. Prosjektet med digitaliseringen av manuset til «De tause taler ut» var hans avsluttende masteroppgave i grafisk design og illustrasjon ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Etter uteksaminering har ... Show more

Tina Basner

Tina Basner

Tina Basner works at the CHE Centre for Higher Education Development as project manager of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD). Since 2021, she has headed various InnovationHub think tanks on topics such as "equality & diversity", "hybrid teaching" and "internationalisation" in the digital age in Higher Education. Since the beginning of 2024, she has been in charge of setting up the think tank "Well-Being in the Digital Age". Before joining the HFD, Tina Basner travelled the world as a self-employed digital nomad and taught and advised on digital teaching and learning as an online lecturer at universities. She previously worked as a project coordinator in the BMBF project "Advancement through Education - Open Universities" and was repeatedly involved in various international education projects in South Africa and China. Tina Basner is a certified Agile Coach (2021), NLP Coach (2023) and Team- & Outdoor Trainer (since 2013). She studied adult education & lifelong learning at the Humboldt University of Berlin and pedagogy and sociology at the University of Kiel.

Tina Basner works at the CHE Centre for Higher Education Development as project manager of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD). Since 2021, she has headed various InnovationHub think tanks on topics such as "equality & diversity", "hybrid teachi... Show more

Alice Brosey

Alice Brosey

I am a Senior Developer at Hitachi Solutions and a freelance developer for my company The Bunny Network. I'm a wife, and mother of an amazing 10 year old. A third generation printer on both sides of my family, I have ink in my veins and a love of the printed word. I'm also into genealogy, historical preservation, and bicycling.

I am a Senior Developer at Hitachi Solutions and a freelance developer for my company The Bunny Network. I'm a wife, and mother of an amazing 10 year old. A third generation printer on both sides of my family, I have ink in my veins and a love of the... Show more

Bahar Ramazanova

Bahar Ramazanova

Bahar is a Flutter developer and co-founder at Altogether startup, a pioneering law tech platform designed to serve persons with disabilities. With a passion for inclusive design and innovation, Bahar played a pivotal role in leading her team to victory as the 1st place winner at the Global BeChangeMaker 2023 Competition held in Dublin, Ireland organized by WorldSkills and HP Foundation. Drawing on her extensive experience, Bahar has actively collaborated with persons with disabilities to identify and address accessibility challenges within Flutter applications. Through direct engagement and rigorous testing, she has managed to enhance accessibility and ensure adherence to legal compliance guidelines. Furthermore, Bahar also has a background in legal compliance complementing her technical expertise.

Bahar is a Flutter developer and co-founder at Altogether startup, a pioneering law tech platform designed to serve persons with disabilities. With a passion for inclusive design and innovation, Bahar played a pivotal role in leading her team to vict... Show more

Claire Déprez

Claire Déprez

Je suis coach professionnel. C'est un métier que j'exerce avec passion et au travers duquel j'ai le privilège d'assister à l'émergence de belles forces et singularités des personnes et des équipes que j'accompagne à l'atteinte de leurs désirs, challenges et objectifs.
La transmission fait parti de mon ADN, je partage mes connaissances, mes réflexions, mes découvertes au travers de la formation, de l'écriture et des conférences.

Je suis coach professionnel. C'est un métier que j'exerce avec passion et au travers duquel j'ai le privilège d'assister à l'émergence de belles forces et singularités des personnes et des équipes que j'accompagne à l'atteinte de leurs désirs, challe... Show more

Randerson Cirqueira

Randerson Cirqueira

Especialista em Poder Legislativo e Direito Parlamentar pelo Instituto Legislativo Brasileiro do Senado Federal. Estrategista de Mandato político. Autor do livro Mandato de Valor e coautor do livro Processo legislativo integral + Vade Mecum Legislativo Distrital. Mais de 20 anos de experiência no Poder Legislativo. Atuou por dezesseis anos na Câmara dos Deputados na área de tecnologia onde teve muita vivência com o Poder Legislativo. Em 2013 ingressou por concurso público na Procuradoria Geral do DF. Em 2015, foi para a Câmara Legislativa onde atuou como Assessor Legislativo até 2023.
É professor, mentor, palestrante. Servidor de carreira da Procuradoria do DF.

Especialista em Poder Legislativo e Direito Parlamentar pelo Instituto Legislativo Brasileiro do Senado Federal. Estrategista de Mandato político. Autor do livro Mandato de Valor e coautor do livro Processo legislativo integral + Vade Mecum Legislati... Show more

Jarek Bryk

Jarek Bryk

I am a molecular biologist/computational biologist who stumbled upon a data analyst role. I wear three hats at work: I teach data science, genomics and evolution to undergraduates; I study patterns of genetic variation in small mammals to learn about their evolution and demography; I analyse and report on students' educational outcomes and factors that contribute to differential attainment of various groups of students across the entire institution. I also like to cycle.

I am a molecular biologist/computational biologist who stumbled upon a data analyst role. I wear three hats at work: I teach data science, genomics and evolution to undergraduates; I study patterns of genetic variation in small mammals to learn about... Show more

Yujian Tang

Yujian Tang

Yujian Tang is a Developer Advocate at Zilliz. He has a background as a software engineer working on AutoML at Amazon. Yujian studied Computer Science, Statistics, and Neuroscience with research papers published to conferences including IEEE Big Data. He enjoys drinking bubble tea, spending time with family, and being near water.

Yujian Tang is a Developer Advocate at Zilliz. He has a background as a software engineer working on AutoML at Amazon. Yujian studied Computer Science, Statistics, and Neuroscience with research papers published to conferences including IEEE Big Data... Show more

Corree Roofener

Corree Roofener

As a female entrepreneur, Courage Coach and Holistic Life Coach, Corree Roofener has devoted her life to empowering individuals to live authentically, boldly and intentionally.

From a young age, Corree recognized that life’s challenges were stepping stones to realizing her potential. This early mindset laid the foundation for her future endeavors, that would lead her to embrace life with courage and intent. Behind the façade of success, Corree grappled with her own fears and self-doubt. A pivotal moment came when she confronted these demons head-on, realizing that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. This epiphany marked the birth of her true calling.

Driven by a passion to help others break free from the shackles of fear and judgment, Corree’s transitioned from entrepreneur to Courage Coach. She underwent rigorous training in coaching and personal development, honing her skills to guide individual and teams towards unleashing their full potential. She is here today as a testament to her coaching philosophy. She led with courage and authenticity and reached for a goal and dream.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit, Corree expanded her expertise to become a Holistic Life Coach. With a deep understanding of wellness principles, she empowers individuals to achieve balance, resilience and vitality across all aspects of their lives. Her approach encompasses mental, emotional and physical well-being. Through personalized coaching, transformative workshops and inspiring speaking engagements, she equips her clients with tools to align their actions with their aspirations.

“If you want something you've never had, You must be willing to do something you've never done.” ― Thomas Jefferson

As Corree continues to evolve, she envisions a future where people are unafraid to chase their dreams, but more importantly feel empowered to dream. To leave the fear of judgment aside and follow the nudge of the universe in all that you do. With courage, curiosity and unwavering determination, she aspires to leave a lasting impact on the lives of those she touches, inspiring a ripple effect of positivity, balance, joy and transformation.

As a female entrepreneur, Courage Coach and Holistic Life Coach, Corree Roofener has devoted her life to empowering individuals to live authentically, boldly and intentionally. From a young age, Corree recognized that life’s challenges were step... Show more

Dina Bavli

Dina Bavli

Data Scientist with experience in NLP, Graph theory, NetworkX, churn prediction, and ASR (automated speech recognition). Her Master's thesis deals with classifying and characterizing persuasion. She is a former teaching assistant for ML and an experienced international public speaker. She is a data science content writer for workshops, meetups, and online courses, and an official author of the Towards Data Science and Better Programming publications. Spend a significant part of the summer at the German aerospace data science center (DLR).
Dina is passionate about data, sharing knowledge, and contributing to society and open source.
Whenever she can't find a sufficient tutorial, she creates one.

Data Scientist with experience in NLP, Graph theory, NetworkX, churn prediction, and ASR (automated speech recognition). Her Master's thesis deals with classifying and characterizing persuasion. She is a former teaching assistant for ML and an experi... Show more

Janosch Felde

Janosch Felde

Janosch Felde ist Softwareentwickler und Psychosozialer Berater. Er arbeitete viele Jahre freiberuflich als Coach in der DACH-Region und war Verantwortlicher für Mitarbeiterentwicklung im Technischen Bereich des Weltmarktführer für Carsharing-Technologie. Seine Leidenschaft liegt darin, Menschen und Organisationen durch Klarheit und Wertorientierung dabei zu unterstützen, die Belastungen und Herausforderungen ihres Alltags konstruktiv zu gestalten.
Im Moment arbeitet er bei der REWE Digital als Agile Coach und liebt es, als Coach und Berater Menschen und Organisationen aller Art zu verstehen und gemeinsam mit ihnen auf eine positive Zukunft hin zu arbeiten.

Janosch Felde ist Softwareentwickler und Psychosozialer Berater. Er arbeitete viele Jahre freiberuflich als Coach in der DACH-Region und war Verantwortlicher für Mitarbeiterentwicklung im Technischen Bereich des Weltmarktführer für Carsharing-Technol... Show more

Fred Brandon

Fred Brandon

Fred is a SharePoint Solutions Architect and Microsoft Certified Professional. With over 20 years of IT experience, he has developed solutions for clients across the globe. He's been a part of the SharePoint community since 2007 and enjoys using his creativity to solve problems. He's a visionary, world traveler, author, and avid Blockchain enthusiast.

Fred is a SharePoint Solutions Architect and Microsoft Certified Professional. With over 20 years of IT experience, he has developed solutions for clients across the globe. He's been a part of the SharePoint community since 2007 and enjoys using his ... Show more

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