Manufacturing & Industrial Materials

A roster of manufacturing and materials specialists at the forefront of innovation in the production and utilization of industrial materials

Semirah Dolan

Semirah Dolan

[Disclaimer: All opinions, insights, and perspectives given and portrayed through my content are my own and are not reflective of the company I work for nor the brands I collaborate with.]

💡 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐚𝐦

👋🏻 Hi! I am Semirah Dolan, a proud women in tech, from the East Coast.

🎙 I share my experience with people everyday as a Cloud Engineer & Instructor. As a Linkedin Learning Instructor & international tech speaker, I've been in rooms of C-Suite Executives, Board Members, Enterprise companies and more!

💡 What Semirah does:

Semirah Dolan is a highly accomplished Cloud Engineer and Diversity Ambassador, with extensive experience in delivering digital technology solutions, products, and services to drive the success of multinational companies at the forefront of digital transformation.

In addition to her impressive work in the tech industry, Semirah is also recognized as a prominent e-learning instructor and inventor. Her career in engineering began with an apprenticeship as a chemical engineer for the US Navy, where she honed her technical skills and went on to work in various industries. From her role as a manufacturing engineer at Johnson & Johnson's neuron-surgery business unit, to serving as a mechanical engineer at Alcoa's aerospace heat treatment plant, and finally as a software engineer at eBay, Semirah has built an extensive toolkit of engineering skills. Currently, she is sharing her expertise with learners worldwide by instructing Cloud Foundations on LinkedIn Learning.

A sought-after speaker, Semirah has presented at conferences globally, including the Mozilla Firefox London All Hands, the Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing, the National Society of Black Engineers, Duke University, University of Massachusetts, BITCON, and many others. Her workshop topics are diverse, ranging from Cloud Computing and Infrastructure to Professional Development, and Diversity issues that have been integral to her own career journey.

During Semirah's time at eBay, she developed and patented a virtual reality experienced to aid in the enablement of live events being more handicap accessible.

PS. I do not accept connection requests if I do not know who you are without a personalized note; if you don't want to write a personalized note (I get it) no worries – just follow me.

P.S.S. Read more about my invention here:

[Disclaimer: All opinions, insights, and perspectives given and portrayed through my content are my own and are not reflective of the company I work for nor the brands I collaborate with.] 💡 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 👋🏻 Hi! I am Semirah Dolan, a proud... Show more

Sai Anvesh Durvasula

Sai Anvesh Durvasula

Sai Anvesh Durvasula is a seasoned technology professional with a track record of aligning business strategy with software development to achieve significant operational impacts. He holds a Master’s in Financial Engineering from New York University and a Bachelor's in Electronics and Communication from BITS Hyderabad. Currently serving as an Architect at Parabole.AI, he has been pivotal in leveraging AI, ML, and NLP technologies to develop no-code machine teaching platforms for optimizing procurement plans and metadata extraction without the need for labeled data. His technical expertise spans multiple programming languages including Python and Java, and he is skilled in various IDEs and SQL tools. Anvesh's professional journey also includes significant roles at Publicis Sapient, Bangalore, where he contributed to digital transformations for oil derivatives order management systems. Known for his sharp analytical skills and effective cross-functional team leadership, he excels in AI model training and validation, knowledge extraction, graphical representation, and customer relationship management.

Sai Anvesh Durvasula is a seasoned technology professional with a track record of aligning business strategy with software development to achieve significant operational impacts. He holds a Master’s in Financial Engineering from New York University a... Show more

Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga

Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga

Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga, um engenheiro mecânico e Profissional Certificado em Gerenciamento de Projetos (PMP), acumulou mais de três décadas de experiência diversificada em campos como construção, petróleo e gás, gestão imobiliária, operações de restaurantes e private equity. Esta vasta experiência concedeu-lhe uma profunda habilidade em resolver problemas complexos e implementar soluções inovadoras em diversos contextos industriais. Ele é altamente especializado em manufatura, equipamentos industriais, organização de processos, controle de qualidade, gestão de produtos, produção enxuta e desenvolvimento de KPIs.

Ele é o fundador da Hydrog, uma startup sediada em Houston que visa revolucionar a indústria de bombas hidráulicas ao integrar inteligência artificial e utilizar materiais avançados, promovendo designs sustentáveis. O objetivo dele é superar as limitações das bombas tradicionais em termos de eficiência, durabilidade e impacto ambiental. Ele montou uma equipe de engenheiros de ponta, garantiu o financiamento necessário e está engajado em negociações com fabricantes de equipamentos importantes que estão interessados em sua tecnologia disruptiva.

Este projeto inovador de bombas hidráulicas está pronto para transformar a indústria de petróleo e gás. Ele apresentou sua linha de produtos em eventos industriais de prestígio, atraindo a atenção de diversas empresas e especialistas em Houston. Num evento importante previsto para junho, ele e sua equipe planejam destacar o equipamento de extração desenvolvido, sublinhando suas funcionalidades e benefícios ambientais. Essa demonstração vai proporcionar aos participantes uma compreensão clara de como a tecnologia avançada pode revolucionar os processos de extração de petróleo, elevando a eficiência e minimizando os impactos ambientais.

Ele completou seu diploma em Engenharia Mecânica na Universidad del Zulia em Maracaibo, Venezuela. Desde os primeiros anos em sua carreira, ele se destacou, envolvendo-se em múltiplos projetos inovadores e estágios que ampliaram sua base prática. Antes mesmo de se formar, ele já havia assumido o papel de Gerente de Controle de Qualidade em uma empresa de usinagem industrial, onde liderou o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia patenteada que se tornou crucial para a indústria de petróleo.

Além de seu trabalho profissional, ele é um investidor ativo em private equity, apoiando startups e empresas em crescimento. Ele também preside a Fundação St Antonio no Panamá, dedicada a apoiar jovens em desafios educacionais e reduzir as taxas de evasão escolar. A fundação fornece recursos, orientação e suporte para ajudar os estudantes a superar desafios e alcançar sucesso. Nos seus momentos de lazer, ele se entrega a hobbies como a pesca em alto-mar e a culinária, mantendo um equilíbrio entre suas paixões e seu compromisso com a família e a comunidade. Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga é reconhecido como um líder inteligente, engenhoso e apaixonado, sempre em busca de aprender mais e contribuir positivamente para o mundo.

Francisco Lino Ramirez Arteaga, um engenheiro mecânico e Profissional Certificado em Gerenciamento de Projetos (PMP), acumulou mais de três décadas de experiência diversificada em campos como construção, petróleo e gás, gestão imobiliária, operações ... Show more

Rich Kopcho

Rich Kopcho

Rich Kopcho is a visionary technology leader with over 25 years of experience, including 12 years as a Product Manager of Enterprise Storage at Hewlett Packard. In this role, he managed enterprise-class data storage solutions. This deep immersion in storage technologies as a product leader gave him an unparalleled understanding of the intricate needs surrounding decentralised data management, especially in sophisticated AI workflows.

After running his own consulting firm for a decade, where he advised prominent Fortune 100 companies such as Honeywell Aerospace, British Aerospace, Jabil, Celestica International, and Scientific Atlanta, among others, Rich was an early adopter of blockchain technology, acquiring his first cryptocurrency in 2013.

An accomplished founder and mentor, Rich has driven innovation across over 20 startups. He operated a Web3 venture studio, advises Techstars web3 and FinTech startups, and leverages his multi-disciplinary expertise in business development, product management, and marketing to support the Web3 ecosystem.

As the Founder of Paisley (AI micro-payments), CMO of Convex (Lattice Tech), and Founder of COVIA AI (decentralised vector DB protocol), Rich is building extremely low-latency AI infrastructure for secure, scalable data management, and AI workflows.

Rich Kopcho is a visionary technology leader with over 25 years of experience, including 12 years as a Product Manager of Enterprise Storage at Hewlett Packard. In this role, he managed enterprise-class data storage solutions. This deep immersion in ... Show more

Kevin Brunton

Kevin Brunton

Providing clients solutions across the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform to meet the client's unique requirements.

Providing clients solutions across the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform to meet the client's unique requirements. Show more

Manuel Olariu

Manuel Olariu

Manuel Constantin Olariu serves as the Chief Innovation Officer at Copernic Space, leading efforts in open science and the development of marketplaces for space assets, and is the founder of DeepVenture DAO, which incubates decentralized communities focused on hardware and space technologies. He is also recognized for his contributions to NASA's Open Science working groups, enhancing access to space science resources.

Manuel Constantin Olariu serves as the Chief Innovation Officer at Copernic Space, leading efforts in open science and the development of marketplaces for space assets, and is the founder of DeepVenture DAO, which incubates decentralized communities ... Show more

Tom Bellinson

Tom Bellinson

Tom Bellinson has been working in IT for over 40 years. His background has allowed him to gain experience in technical, marketing, sales, and executive roles. He currently serves as a Delivery Improvement Consultant for A2Agile. Prior to that, he was an Agile Coach at ITHAKA (JSTOR). Bellinson worked with at-risk businesses in Michigan through the University of Michigan. He served as VP of an ERP software company, as an independent consultant, as chief information officer of an automotive engineering services company, and as founder and President of a systems integration and pioneering internet services firm.

Tom Bellinson has been working in IT for over 40 years. His background has allowed him to gain experience in technical, marketing, sales, and executive roles. He currently serves as a Delivery Improvement Consultant for A2Agile. Prior to that, he was... Show more

Maria Mentzer

Maria Mentzer

Maria Mentzer is the Chief Marketing Officer of See to Solve LLC, responsible for helping customers implement and sustain a high velocity learning and continuous improvement culture based on See to Solve founder Steve Spears research and methods. Maria is a strategic leader with over 20 years of broad business experience spanning leadership roles in engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, operations, sales, marketing, business development, IT, organizational development, DE&I, coaching & mentoring.

She is known for growing people, teams, and organizations to thrive and deliver operational excellence, and for being a passionate champion and driver of continuous improvement culture.

Maria holds an MBA and a S.M. in Civil Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both degrees as a fellow of MIT’s Leaders for Global Operations Program. She also holds a M.S. in Material Science and Engineering from North Carolina State University and a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of South Florida. Maria was born and grew up outside of Stockholm, Sweden and now resides with her family in northern California.

Maria meets leaders on their continuous improvement journey, working hands on with leaders who want help embedding a culture of continuous improvement in their organizations. She applies a practical proven incremental approach to gradually embed collaborative process improvement, problem solving, and discovery into leaders daily work and their peoples daily work for sustained cultural change.

The methods she uses are based on the work of her MIT professor and See to Solve colleague Steven J. Spear. Together they have honed a proven formula based on facilitating hundreds of hands-on sessions coaching teams and leaders to practice the behaviors and organizational capabilities of high velocity learning organizations until they become part of how they do their daily work.

Maria loves facilitating workshops and brings energy, fun and passion to the room. With decades of experience in coaching and facilitation she empowers organizations to discover and apply a high-velocity learning dynamic in their work and daily operations. Maria has facilitated transformation across a variety of business functions (engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, operations, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, business development, IT).

Maria Mentzer is the Chief Marketing Officer of See to Solve LLC, responsible for helping customers implement and sustain a high velocity learning and continuous improvement culture based on See to Solve founder Steve Spears research and methods. Mar... Show more

John Arnold

John Arnold

Senior Software Engineer for US Digital. Geek/nerd for many years (decades) who still loved all forms of programming (C#, SQL...)
Dedicated family man who loves his family, woodworking, Lego, puzzles, and Mtn Dew
Born and raised in Pittsburgh but now calls the PNW home

Senior Software Engineer for US Digital. Geek/nerd for many years (decades) who still loved all forms of programming (C#, SQL...) Dedicated family man who loves his family, woodworking, Lego, puzzles, and Mtn Dew Born and raised in Pittsburgh but ... Show more

Petya Fileva

Petya Fileva

Petya is a highly experienced logistics and supply chain expert, bringing her wealth of knowledge to her role as a trainer at the Bulgarian Logistics Association and working in the industry for more than 10 years. With a keen eye for innovation, she is currently participating in a project focused on digitalization within the logistics sector. Petya's expertise extends to the application of emerging technologies such as IoT, AI/ML, and Blockchain, for optimization of logistics and supply chain processes. Her dedication to staying at the forefront of industry advancements is exemplified by her certification as a Blockchain & Supply Chain Professional. Passionate about bridging the gap between business applications and technologies, she's a driving force in building better connections for the future of logistics and supply chains.

Petya is a highly experienced logistics and supply chain expert, bringing her wealth of knowledge to her role as a trainer at the Bulgarian Logistics Association and working in the industry for more than 10 years. With a keen eye for innovation, she ... Show more

Brian McDonald

Brian McDonald

Brian K. McDonald, Author of Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services through Apress. Brian is a serial entrepreneur and currently is the CEO and CDA for Patriot Consulting. A Veteran owned business in Jacksonville, FL where we serve our clients with integrity & improve their organizational efficiencies with data management expertise and creating actionable insights into their data. Brian was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio but he currently lives in JAX with his beautiful wife and his two children; Bailey and Kylie.

Brian has over 25 years of expertise in Enterprise Data Management Strategy, Organizational Leadership, architecting data warehouses, data modeling, database administration, SQL Server Reporting Services/Power BI/Tableau/Microstrategy, Integration Services/Azure Data Factory, and has dabbled in Analysis Services. He has worked as an application developer, network administrator, and database administrator throughout his IT career. Brian takes pride in all his projects and diligently works to not only meet expectations, but greatly exceed them. All characteristics engrained in him while serving his country in the United States Marine Corps.

In addition to authoring a book, Brian has written for many industry websites (SQLServerCentral & the retired BIDN) and continually strives to improve his skill set both professionally and personally. Brian has presented for user groups, Code Camps, SQL Rally and many SQL Saturday events in the U.S. When not working, Brian enjoys "geeking" out with his wife Sherri and binge-watching Hallmark’s Christmas movies.

Brian K. McDonald, Author of Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services through Apress. Brian is a serial entrepreneur and currently is the CEO and CDA for Patriot Consulting. A Veteran owned business in Jacksonville, FL where we serve our clients with i... Show more

Jeff Woodmansee

Jeff Woodmansee

Experienced and independent software professional with a demonstrated history of working in the supply chain industry, specifically forecasting, supply planning, and inventory optimization. Served in various roles including management, operations, sales, and account management/customer success management with a record of improvement. Dedicated to building rapport and maintaining loyal customer relationships through understanding needs and creating personalized solutions. Offering deep product knowledge with strong communication skills to help meet customer needs.

Experienced and independent software professional with a demonstrated history of working in the supply chain industry, specifically forecasting, supply planning, and inventory optimization. Served in various roles including management, operations, sa... Show more

Michele D'Urzo

Michele D'Urzo

Consulente freelance (scrum, project manager, organizational change manager)
La mia passione per le continue sfide tecnologiche parte da una formazione umanistica.
Dopo aver trascorso 10 anni nella Marina Militare, ho continuato a girare il mondo per progetti internazionali.
Appassionato di metodologie ed ingegneria del software, partecipo attivamente alla comunità Scrum ed alla divulgazione della cultura lean ed agile.

Consulente freelance (scrum, project manager, organizational change manager) La mia passione per le continue sfide tecnologiche parte da una formazione umanistica. Dopo aver trascorso 10 anni nella Marina Militare, ho continuato a girare il mondo p... Show more

Eduardo Zárate

Eduardo Zárate

Mechatronics engineer with experience in developing automation projects in mining and industry in general. After completing a master's degree in a dual degree program between PUCP and TU Ilmenau in Germany, I worked as a researcher at the university and later as a software developer at Sielaff, a German company, specializing in image processing. During my time as a researcher, I implemented artificial intelligence algorithms in applied research projects to identify specific parameters of waste collection equipment (RVM). This experience allowed me to establish a solid network of contacts both in academia and industry, helping me understand the importance of research, development, and innovation (R&D&I). Since 2020, I have been serving as General Manager at E2i, and I am the founder of Dairel, a startup that emerges as a spin-off of E2i.

Mechatronics engineer with experience in developing automation projects in mining and industry in general. After completing a master's degree in a dual degree program between PUCP and TU Ilmenau in Germany, I worked as a researcher at the university ... Show more

Trevor Burton-McCreadie

Trevor Burton-McCreadie

After a failed bid at rock stardom Trevor eventually found a way to get paid for writing software with Macromedia Flash. After twenty years and dabbling with Python, Ruby, Objective-C and C# he now works almost exclusively on the JVM. As a software engineer at Lunatech, Trevor provides expert advice on Akka, Scala and software development in general as a member of teams working directly with clients as well as internal projects. He also enjoys his role as mentor guiding some of Lunatech's junior engineers.

After a failed bid at rock stardom Trevor eventually found a way to get paid for writing software with Macromedia Flash. After twenty years and dabbling with Python, Ruby, Objective-C and C# he now works almost exclusively on the JVM. As a software e... Show more

Naoki Tokuhashi

Naoki Tokuhashi

Naoki is an expert in CAD, PDM, PLM, and Nesting - ERP integration with over 10 years of sales and consulting experience at QBuild Software. QBuild Software is #1 Engineering - ERP integrator with offices around the world helping manufacturers achieve engineering and manufacturing excellency.
Naoki is the APAC regional director based in the QBuild’s APAC headquarters in Japan. He has helped discrete manufacturing companies across the globe bridge the gap between engineering and ERP, saving engineering time and improving manufacturing accuracy in ERP systems including Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
His background is in mechanical engineering from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. His technical background allows him to speak the language of engineers which is essential in understanding challenges engineers face in the modern manufacturing environment.

Naoki is an expert in CAD, PDM, PLM, and Nesting - ERP integration with over 10 years of sales and consulting experience at QBuild Software. QBuild Software is #1 Engineering - ERP integrator with offices around the world helping manufacturers achiev... Show more

Christian Andrade

Christian Andrade

'11 years as Partner Director at Fênix Consultoria, 7 years working experience as a Finance Director at Fumex Tabacalera(American Subsidiary) and 4 years’ experience as CIO at CdF International, with more than 24 years in Executive Positions in Finance, Operations and IT. Has international experience as Program and Project Manager in Brazil, Holland, Spain, Italy, UK, US, Indonesia, Philippines, Colombia, Dominican Republic and Argentina. With deep knowledge in cost and staff reorganization, change management, project finance, company and project valuation, budget and cash flow control, funding, infra-structure projects, corporate policies, standards and procedures to achieve Sarbanes Oxley compliance, ERP implementation and project management. Pursuing 2 Masters degrees (Management Science – Kent, UK and Accounting -UFBa), MBA in Corporate Finance (FGV), and BA in Accounting and BS in Computer Science (Both @ UFBa). Also have the following qualifications: PgMP – Program Management Professional (PMI), PMP – Project Management Professional(PMI). After a successful change management in Fumex Tabacalera, is pursuing a PhD in Accounting and Finance at Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP). Natural leadership, mentoring and coaching skills, high commitment, structured thinking, and excellent negotiations skills completes my profile.

'11 years as Partner Director at Fênix Consultoria, 7 years working experience as a Finance Director at Fumex Tabacalera(American Subsidiary) and 4 years’ experience as CIO at CdF International, with more than 24 years in Executive Positions in Fina... Show more

Roberto Grifalconi

Roberto Grifalconi

I come from the software world, working in many companies and creating one. I was the Agile Product Owner for over ten and then dedicated to People and Organizations.

I am a Business Agility Consultant and Coach to help people and companies achieve ambitious goals or solve seemingly impossible problems.

Curious and passionate, I deal with Change Management, Generational Transition, Training, or, more generally, Business Organization and Problem Solving.

Together we can better deal with all situations that involve people, supporting them and helping them with kindness to effectively achieve their goals: challenges that have always been present in my long working experience with teams, organizations, start-ups and customers.

I come from the software world, working in many companies and creating one. I was the Agile Product Owner for over ten and then dedicated to People and Organizations. I am a Business Agility Consultant and Coach to help people and companies achiev... Show more

Marco Pecoraro

Marco Pecoraro

Husband of Cristina and proud Father of Davide and Chiara.

Mechanical engineer with more than 8 years of experience in the EPC business with a deep passion for new technologies and innovations, especially impacting the Engineering, Procurement and Construction sector and material management.

Husband of Cristina and proud Father of Davide and Chiara. Mechanical engineer with more than 8 years of experience in the EPC business with a deep passion for new technologies and innovations, especially impacting the Engineering, Procurement and... Show more

Debabrata Dash

Debabrata Dash

Equipped with a solid 11+ yrs experience as Digital Leader, Technology expert & leader, Business IT Collaborator, Strategic Leader in Presales Solution, Lead Architect and growth enabler. At heart an entrepreneurial, learner, innovator & problem solver. A dreamer with a passion to excel, take risks, and put clients with employees first, likes indulging in new and creative activities, working with different people, in challenging environment and take social initiatives.

Core competency- Architect solutions,leading Presales activities globally, Web & Business App Development, Infrastructure, Business Case creation, IT consulting, Solution Roadmap creation, Strategy Consulting, Strategy development & execution, post De-merger setup, and Cloud (development, implementation, Architecture & migration).

Equipped with a solid 11+ yrs experience as Digital Leader, Technology expert & leader, Business IT Collaborator, Strategic Leader in Presales Solution, Lead Architect and growth enabler. At heart an entrepreneurial, learner, innovator & problem solv... Show more

Bill Bensing

Bill Bensing

Meet Bill Bensing, the tech guru who discovered the power of Notepad and hasn't stopped fueling the world with tech ever since. He's passionate about creating inclusive environments that allow anyone to develop software and takes pride in building Shadow IT organizations. Yes, you heard that right - he believes in the magic of Shadow IT and how it can drive real Business-IT alignment.

As if that weren't impressive enough, Bill is also a co-author of Investments Unlimited. The book describes bringing security, compliance, and audit into the software delivery lifecycle by automating governance. It's a novel that will make you want to trade your favorite book for it!

But that's not all. Bill's day job is the founder of Attestify and a Governance Engineering evangelist. By night, he's a dreamer, researcher, and creator of various open-source projects. You could say he's a tech superhero fighting for a better world!

Meet Bill Bensing, the tech guru who discovered the power of Notepad and hasn't stopped fueling the world with tech ever since. He's passionate about creating inclusive environments that allow anyone to develop software and takes pride in building Sh... Show more

Grayson Dawson

Grayson Dawson

I've held roles in product and manufacturing engineering in a variety of industries. Lots of automation and people working together. My passion lies at the intersection of hardware, software, and creative problem solving without the red tape.

I'm currently using my background to introduce industrial grade robotics into consumer facing environments. Check out my company page for Hop Robotics or

If you want to reach me directly use: | 678 772-5469

I've held roles in product and manufacturing engineering in a variety of industries. Lots of automation and people working together. My passion lies at the intersection of hardware, software, and creative problem solving without the red tape. I'm ... Show more

Frank Blau

Frank Blau

Frank Blau has been a Business Intelligence Data Architect for 15 years and has over 25 years of technical experience in relational and dimensional database technologies. He is currently a Principal Data Architect at EBCONT in Hard, Austria. He has been a developer, architect, analyst and educator in a variety of vertical markets and technologies. Frank has also been a consultant to Fortune 500 and mid-market companies in the use and implementation of data warehouse architectures, unstructured data, metadata management and analytic presentation.

Frank is a 2018 and 2020 IBM Champion for Cloud and Blockchain, and was a 2014 IBM Champion for Information Management. He continues to provide thought leadership and
research in such diverse areas as Streaming Data, Blockchain, Modern Data Architecture and Cloud Computing. Frank is also a public speaker and author on topics related to Business
Intelligence, disruptive technologies, mobile computing and software methodologies and is also a member of the Digitale Initiativen in Dornbirn, Austria.

Frank Blau has been a Business Intelligence Data Architect for 15 years and has over 25 years of technical experience in relational and dimensional database technologies. He is currently a Principal Data Architect at EBCONT in Hard, Austria. He has b... Show more

Jan Timphaus

Jan Timphaus

Founding Member and Member of Leaderboard of Power Platform Munich User Group
Founding member of Power Platform Scale Up Network @Microsoft
Blogger on

Founding Member and Member of Leaderboard of Power Platform Munich User Group Founding member of Power Platform Scale Up Network @Microsoft Blogger on Show more

Francisco Veiga Simão

Francisco Veiga Simão

Geoscientist and entrepreneur for sustainable development with >5 years experience in turning waste into resources within raw materials field. Neutral-oriented problem solver for a better world combining environmental and socio-economic boundaries.

Geoscientist and entrepreneur for sustainable development with >5 years experience in turning waste into resources within raw materials field. Neutral-oriented problem solver for a better world combining environmental and socio-economic boundaries. Show more

Dishan Otieno

Dishan Otieno

With one and a half years of immersive experience as a Research Assistant, I am driven by an unquenchable passion for the dynamic realms of Research and Development, specifically in the captivating fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). My journey has led me to become a dedicated architect of innovative IoT devices, finely crafted for the sphere of smart agriculture, where technology converges with sustainability to shape a brighter future. Beyond my research work, I proudly serve as a member of the Inaugural Advisory Board of the Sustainable as a Science WorkGroup, contributing to the collective mission of advancing sustainability through scientific innovation. My unwavering commitment to innovation fuels my pursuit of pioneering solutions that transcend boundaries and define the future.

With one and a half years of immersive experience as a Research Assistant, I am driven by an unquenchable passion for the dynamic realms of Research and Development, specifically in the captivating fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Inter... Show more

Wafiya Bukhari

Wafiya Bukhari

Wafiya Bukhari: Where marketing prowess meets the world of affordable floor wall tiling works in dubai . With a proven track record, she orchestrates campaigns that showcase our company's exceptional services and products. Let's embark on a journey of design and marketing excellence!

Wafiya Bukhari: Where marketing prowess meets the world of affordable floor wall tiling works in dubai . With a proven track record, she orchestrates campaigns that showcase our company's exceptional services and products. Let's embark on a journey o... Show more

Arize Nnonyelu

Arize Nnonyelu

A versatile IT professional with a passion for technology and various domains, including full-stack development, mobile, technical support, system administration, forex, and crypto.

A versatile IT professional with a passion for technology and various domains, including full-stack development, mobile, technical support, system administration, forex, and crypto. Show more

Nick Proud

Nick Proud

I’m a senior software engineer, Microsoft MVP and technology leader working within the RPA space, delivering software that enhances day-to-day processes.
I create videos about C# and .NET on YouTube and I am currently the Head of Software Development at NexBotix

I’m a senior software engineer, Microsoft MVP and technology leader working within the RPA space, delivering software that enhances day-to-day processes. I create videos about C# and .NET on YouTube and I am currently the Head of Software Developmen... Show more

Jonas Feddersen Melgaard

Jonas Feddersen Melgaard

D365 F&O Developer and technical lead with an interest in Power Platform and baking

Jonas has worked with Dynamics AX Development for more than 11 years in the partner channel and had a short stint as a technical specialist at Microsoft.

Jonas is passionate about teaching others about D365 F&O and Power Platform and trying out new technologies as soon as they are available.

D365 F&O Developer and technical lead with an interest in Power Platform and baking Jonas has worked with Dynamics AX Development for more than 11 years in the partner channel and had a short stint as a technical specialist at Microsoft. Jonas ... Show more

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