Real Estate & Architecture

Experts in the design, construction, and management of buildings and structures, as well as professionals involved in the buying, selling, and development of real estate properties

Hande Yıldız Çekindir

Hande Yıldız Çekindir

I graduated from TOBB ETU Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in 2018. In 2019, I started integrated PhD program in Design Studies at Izmir University of Economics. Since 2019, I have been a researcher and facilitator at Izmir Design Factory, an education, design and research center. Between 2021-2022, I worked as an event and content designer at Originn, a center for creative industries in Izmir and a facilitator at Originnovation, an innovation platform. Now I have been working as a research assistant at Izmir University of Economics, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. Design Thinking is at the center of my work in both the academic and private sectors. I am also a member of Depo Pergamon Association and a volunteer for local restoration projects.

I graduated from TOBB ETU Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in 2018. In 2019, I started integrated PhD program in Design Studies at Izmir University of Economics. Since 2019, I have been a researcher and facilitator at Izmi... Show more

Declan Quinn

Declan Quinn

Declan's Bio:

Declan is an Engineering Manager with Liberty IT. Declan has a background as an Agile Coach, Trainer and Leader working with Agile Team across the globe. He has a passion for helping others as well as continually pushing outside his comfort zone to improve knowledge and skills.

Declan's Bio: Declan is an Engineering Manager with Liberty IT. Declan has a background as an Agile Coach, Trainer and Leader working with Agile Team across the globe. He has a passion for helping others as well as continually pushing outside his ... Show more

Thomas Charrier

Thomas Charrier


Urbaniste Show more

Eddie Christian Aguilar Kleimann

Eddie Christian Aguilar Kleimann

Eddie Christian Aguilar Kleimann es un emprendedor apasionado por los viajes. Nacido en México, estudió Ingeniería Industrial en la Universidad Iberoamericana y posteriormente obtuvo una Maestría en Economía y Negocios Internacionales en la Universidad de Groningen, en Holanda.

En 2006, decidió dar el salto y fundar su propia empresa, Hoteleus, una agencia de viajes en línea que ofrece una amplia variedad de opciones de alojamiento y paquetes turísticos.
Hoteleus ha sido un éxito rotundo, y Eddie ha liderado la empresa con habilidad y pasión durante varias etapas críticas para la industria del turismo.

Desde 2018, ha adoptado el estilo de vida del travel nomad, lo que le ha permitido combinar su amor por los viajes con su trabajo. Esta experiencia le ha brindado una perspectiva única sobre cómo gestionar una empresa vía remota, lo que ha contribuido a su éxito como emprendedor.

Eddie Christian Aguilar Kleimann es un emprendedor apasionado por los viajes. Nacido en México, estudió Ingeniería Industrial en la Universidad Iberoamericana y posteriormente obtuvo una Maestría en Economía y Negocios Internacionales en la Universid... Show more

Jose Alberto Ruiz

Jose Alberto Ruiz

Apasionado del mundo de la tecnología desde niño, posiblemente desde que mi padre me regaló un ZX Spectrum, con el que jugué mucho y realicé algún programita sin saber realmente lo que estaba haciendo.

Apasionado del mundo de la tecnología desde niño, posiblemente desde que mi padre me regaló un ZX Spectrum, con el que jugué mucho y realicé algún programita sin saber realmente lo que estaba haciendo. Show more

Estefany Castro

Estefany Castro

Passionate about facilitating the creation of solutions that improve people's lives, I currently lead corporate innovation, strategy and lean portfolio management. Graduated in architecture and urbanism, specialist in management, entrepreneurship and new business development by PUCRS, certified Management 3.0 and OKR Coach.

Passionate about facilitating the creation of solutions that improve people's lives, I currently lead corporate innovation, strategy and lean portfolio management. Graduated in architecture and urbanism, specialist in management, entrepreneurship and... Show more

Pedro Leal

Pedro Leal

Mais de 20 anos de experiência em Inovação, Digital e Tecnologia liderando e buscando alinhar e direcionar os recursos de TI aos objetivos estratégicos da organização, considerando sua cultura organizacional e seus processos de negócio. Vivência em diversos segmentos de mercado, tais como Financeiro, Energia e Combustível, Telecom, Educação, Mineração, Bens de Consumo, Varejo, Engenharia e Construção.

Mais de 20 anos de experiência em Inovação, Digital e Tecnologia liderando e buscando alinhar e direcionar os recursos de TI aos objetivos estratégicos da organização, considerando sua cultura organizacional e seus processos de negócio. Vivência em d... Show more

Mihaita Tinta

Mihaita Tinta

Mihaita Tinta is a developer with 10+ years of experience who’s delivered numerous mobile and web applications along the way. He is an avid learner, constantly on the lookout for the latest developments in the industry.

Mihaita Tinta is a developer with 10+ years of experience who’s delivered numerous mobile and web applications along the way. He is an avid learner, constantly on the lookout for the latest developments in the industry. Show more

Elisa Bonkowski

Elisa Bonkowski

Elisa Bonkowski has worked with consulting firms in Texas, Oregon, and Illinois, and since 2003, is an engineer with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. in Crystal Lake, Illinois. She plans, designs, and obtains funding for various infrastructure projects.

Elisa Bonkowski has worked with consulting firms in Texas, Oregon, and Illinois, and since 2003, is an engineer with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. in Crystal Lake, Illinois. She plans, designs, and obtains funding for various infrastructure projects. Show more

Marlon Rüscher

Marlon Rüscher

Chief Technology Officer, who has experience in IT for 10+ years, has managed many e-commerce projects, (startup) businesses and different kinds of software services. Can program in various web languages, has been managing diverse teams, led tech projects for 6+ years and has been studying business informatics in Hamburg on the weekends. Interested in new technology, disruptive business ideas and sustainable development goals.

Chief Technology Officer, who has experience in IT for 10+ years, has managed many e-commerce projects, (startup) businesses and different kinds of software services. Can program in various web languages, has been managing diverse teams, led tech pro... Show more

Dr Trent Lovette

Dr Trent Lovette

Dr. Trent Lovette is a leadership expert with a doctorate from Texas Christian University. He is a John Maxwell certified leadership coach and is a co-owner of Summit Leadership and Coaching. Dr. Trent Lovette also co-owns and operates Summit Investment Properties, a real estate investment company.

Dr. Trent Lovette is a leadership expert with a doctorate from Texas Christian University. He is a John Maxwell certified leadership coach and is a co-owner of Summit Leadership and Coaching. Dr. Trent Lovette also co-owns and operates Summit Investm... Show more

Chris Scott

Chris Scott

Entrepreneur and crypto enthusiast.

Entrepreneur and crypto enthusiast. Show more

Wayne Dullerud

Wayne Dullerud

Wayne Dullerud is a contractor with years of hands-on construction experience. He enjoys working on residential properties and has a wealth of experience working in commercial locations. Wayne Dullerud would like to travel to Europe in the future to explore the vast array of cultures there.

Wayne Dullerud is a contractor with years of hands-on construction experience. He enjoys working on residential properties and has a wealth of experience working in commercial locations. Wayne Dullerud would like to travel to Europe in the future to ... Show more

Mohammed Fathaulla Basha

Mohammed Fathaulla Basha

I am complete non technical guy with no coding experience but was always fascinated by power that a software engineer brings in or the real life problem they solve.
So journey started with research of apps like IFTTT and Zapier. Then got to know about Microsoft Flow which is now Power Automate. I just watched Power Automate Beginners videos of Jon Levesque to come up with this flow. Some of other MVP's I followed are Reza Dorrani, Yash Agarwal, Audrie Magno-Gordon...
Going forward want to master whole Power Platform.

I am complete non technical guy with no coding experience but was always fascinated by power that a software engineer brings in or the real life problem they solve. So journey started with research of apps like IFTTT and Zapier. Then got to know ab... Show more

浩佑 小椋

浩佑 小椋

 2014年オルビス株式会社に入社後、ショップの内装デザインディレクション業務に従事。2018年からクリエイティブディレクターとしてリブランディングを推進しながら、「SKINCARE LOUNGE BY ORBIS」のプロジェクトのリーダーを兼務。現在はブランドの統括とデザインチームをマネジメントしながら、クリエイティブディレクターとして従事している。

建築設計、内装デザイン、新規事業立案など、ブランディングやクリエイティブディレクションに関わる業務を複数の企業にて広く経験。  2014年オルビス株式会社に入社後、ショップの内装デザインディレクション業務に従事。2018年からクリエイティブディレクターとしてリブランディングを推進しながら、「SKINCARE LOUNGE BY ORBIS」のプロジェクトのリーダーを兼務。現在はブランドの統括とデザインチームをマネジメントしながら、クリエイティブディレクターとして従事している。 Show more

Brad Porterfield

Brad Porterfield

Brad Porterfield is a managing member of GainProgress, LLC and has years of experience as a restaurant owner and operator. He has been a member of the Ohio State Alumni Association for 30+ years.

Brad Porterfield is a managing member of GainProgress, LLC and has years of experience as a restaurant owner and operator. He has been a member of the Ohio State Alumni Association for 30+ years. Show more

Ajay Singh

Ajay Singh

Focused on delivering continuous digital transformations using Dynamics 365, Collaborating with CXO's on business strategy powered through increasing business adoption. Expertise in effective stakeholder engagement and influencing for impact. Managed large scale business systems implementations, and achieved results through driving and motivating teams.

Specialties: Proactive leadership, Team building, Strategic planning, Leading change, Personal interest in Food & fuels logistics, Supply Chain and Retail.

Focused on delivering continuous digital transformations using Dynamics 365, Collaborating with CXO's on business strategy powered through increasing business adoption. Expertise in effective stakeholder engagement and influencing for impact. Managed... Show more

Paola Badea

Paola Badea

Paola Badea holds a Bachelor Degree in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.
After graduation, Paola spent most of her early years dedicated in schematic design in tandem with the visualization creation of numerous projects in the K-12, Collegiate, commercial and multi-family projects to name a few, where she was able to polish and acquire a better understanding of the process as well as the limitations and possibilities of design. With a background study deeply focused on the island's peculiar architectural and cultural makeup and a design practice that continued to be developed in St. Louis, her work has been able to excel despite diverse cultural backgrounds.
Her education, as well as the education of the younger generation, has long been a priority for Paola. After moving to St. Louis and while adapting to her new home, she decided to fully engage in the St. Louis Community by joining various organizations in the profession aiming for a common goal and focus on empowering young female students. At the firm’s office and in school, she facilitates collaborative activities and learning experiences relevant to architecture and problem-solving skills. Needless to say, Paola participates in high school career fairs and mentor programs to encourage students to pursue careers in architecture and related fields.
Her professional journey and her driven passion to advocate for younger generations has encouraged Paola to share what she knows to inspire those around her and be part of the movement that influences the fabric of our community.

Paola Badea holds a Bachelor Degree in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico. After graduation, Paola spent most of her early years dedicated in schematic design in tandem with the visualization creation of numerous projects i... Show more

Khadija Sabiri

Khadija Sabiri

Khadija SABIRI received her Ph.D. degree in the cloudification legacy system to a cloud-native application from the Science Faculty of Ben M'sik in Casablanca-Morocco, then she moved to the University of Beira Interior in Portugal as Postdoc researcher as part of cloud computing competence center-C4 projects.
Her overarching research is to explore rigorous software development methodologies and cloud-based technology solutions that increase and guarantee citizen rights, such as privacy, transparency, etc. whilst empowering a better and larger digital citizenship both from the local administration’s and from the citizen’s point of view. Furthermore, fundamental research is expected to be conducted on the use of Blockchains for better accountability of the public information system and decision support systems in use in local administration.
She is also certificated in IBM Cloud Developer Application, IBM Blockchain, and Cisco IoT.
She carries out many non-profit projects, she is currently the national coordinator of the world clean up day at Junior Chamber International Morocco

Khadija SABIRI received her Ph.D. degree in the cloudification legacy system to a cloud-native application from the Science Faculty of Ben M'sik in Casablanca-Morocco, then she moved to the University of Beira Interior in Portugal as Postdoc research... Show more

Andres Arias

Andres Arias

Arquitecto Funcional en MS Dynamics NAV y BUSINESS CENTRAL, Consultor de Proyectos con experiencia liderando equipos y proyectos en todas las fases de implementación, certificado como Scrum Master y Cloud Computing, experiencia en finanzas empresariales.

Arquitecto Funcional en MS Dynamics NAV y BUSINESS CENTRAL, Consultor de Proyectos con experiencia liderando equipos y proyectos en todas las fases de implementación, certificado como Scrum Master y Cloud Computing, experiencia en finanzas empresaria... Show more

Albert Marshall

Albert Marshall

Albert Marshall: Experienced Business Analyst at Fountmedia, skilled & knowledgeable.

FountMedia: Your ultimate B2B Email List provider! Offering Technology Users Lists, Business Email Lists, Healthcare Email Lists. Boost your business now!

Contact us:
Call us: +1-732-703-9915

Albert Marshall: Experienced Business Analyst at Fountmedia, skilled & knowledgeable. FountMedia: Your ultimate B2B Email List provider! Offering Technology Users Lists, Business Email Lists, Healthcare Email Lists. Boost your business now! Con... Show more

Olle Mulmo

Olle Mulmo

Problem solver, architect, developer, delivery lead and OBC. Lots of stuff in my tool box, talk to me about cloud, agile project management, solution architecture, application security, data mining, and more.

Problem solver, architect, developer, delivery lead and OBC. Lots of stuff in my tool box, talk to me about cloud, agile project management, solution architecture, application security, data mining, and more. Show more

Max Folaron

Max Folaron

Co-Founder of AssetCut - a Web3 Real Estate Tokenization platform & FineTurtleNFT collection, which forges a revolutionary NFT series with the solidity of real-world assets by rewarding it's holders with Real Estate ownership!

Co-Founder of AssetCut - a Web3 Real Estate Tokenization platform & FineTurtleNFT collection, which forges a revolutionary NFT series with the solidity of real-world assets by rewarding it's holders with Real Estate ownership! Show more

Aashish Indulkar

Aashish Indulkar


Hi Show more

Slobodan Kletnikov

Slobodan Kletnikov

Jacob Bruér

Jacob Bruér

Stockholmaren som böt lägenhet i stan mot livet på vischan i Onsala.

Stockholmaren som böt lägenhet i stan mot livet på vischan i Onsala. Show more

Audrey Long

Audrey Long

Audrey Long is a Senior Security Software Engineer at Microsoft in the Commercial Software Engineering team (CSE), which is a global engineering organization that works directly with the largest companies and not-for-profits in the world to tackle their most significant technical challenges. To Audrey, security is like solving a puzzle, but with real life impact- and she loves to break these puzzles. Because security is such a focal point for many customers, but there are so few people, and especially women in the space, Audrey is passionate about making security accessible both to software engineers and as a career for girls in STEM. She holds DoD secret clearance and a Master of Science degree in Cyber Security at Johns Hopkins.

Audrey Long is a Senior Security Software Engineer at Microsoft in the Commercial Software Engineering team (CSE), which is a global engineering organization that works directly with the largest companies and not-for-profits in the world to tackle th... Show more

Andreas Heinzmann

Andreas Heinzmann

bis 8/2016 - Geschäftsführer Schuler Consulting GmbH
seit 9/2016 - Professor für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Unternehmensplanung, Studiengangsleitung Master Holztechnik
seit 6/2021 - Co-Founder und Geschäftsführer GmbH

bis 8/2016 - Geschäftsführer Schuler Consulting GmbH seit 9/2016 - Professor für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Unternehmensplanung, Studiengangsleitung Master Holztechnik seit 6/2021 - Co-Founder und Geschäftsführer GmbH Show more

Ruchir Mathur

Ruchir Mathur

Ruchir has in-depth architectural knowledge from leading data-driven solutions for several clients in RCP industry. He is technology leader focusing on enterprise data architecture and Cloud modernization leveraging Azure cloud.

Ruchir has in-depth architectural knowledge from leading data-driven solutions for several clients in RCP industry. He is technology leader focusing on enterprise data architecture and Cloud modernization leveraging Azure cloud. Show more

Chester Santos

Chester Santos

Chester Santos – “The International Man of Memory” has left an impression on all corners of the earth. With his unique ability to not only demonstrate extraordinary feats of the mind, but also educate others to do the same, this U.S. Memory Champion is widely regarded to be the world’s leading memory skills expert. Through his entertaining & educational television and movie appearances, professional seminars, and best-selling books, Chester has helped millions of people around the world to realize the benefits of an improved memory and sharper mind.

He is highly sought-after by the media for his exceptional skills and expertise. CNN, ABC, PBS, NBC, CBS, BBC, and the Science Channel have all featured Chester and his memory building tips for viewers. When newspapers and magazines need memory improvement tips for their readers, they also seek out Chester Santos. He has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, and most recently, TIME Magazine featured his advice for remembering numbers in a December 2018 Special Edition entitled, “The Science of Memory”. The 2020 documentary film, "David vs. Goliath" features Chester Santos and his memory skills training.

Chester is also a best-selling author. His first book, “Instant Memory Training for Success”, was published by leading academic publisher John Wiley & Sons (Wiley) in 2016. It quickly became a bestseller in WHSmith stores across the UK and also on the Amazon UK website in multiple categories. Chester’s second book, “Mastering Memory: Techniques to Turn Your Brain from a Sieve to a Sponge”, was published by leading nonfiction publisher Sterling Publishing (Sterling) in 2018. It is currently (as of 2019) still featured in the Psychology section of almost every Barnes & Noble store across the USA. Chester’s books have been acquired by 246 public libraries worldwide.

As the preeminent thought leader on memory skills and their effect on one’s professional, personal, and academic success, Chester has been booked to give presentations in over 30 countries. He has entertained and educated people of varying backgrounds, including executives for CEO Clubs International and YPO, investment professionals for NASDAQ and Credit Suisse, students for organizations at Berkeley, Stanford, and Harvard, and even actors for the Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) Foundation.

His keynote speaking credits include TEDx with some of the nation’s most highly regarded professors and scientists, the prestigious Talks at Google program featuring “the world’s most influential thinkers, creators, makers and doers”, and the International Festival of Brilliant Minds in Puebla that had him speaking to an audience of 5000 people along with Nobel Prize winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, and other luminaries.

Chester Santos is also the personal memory and mind coach to some notable celebrities, politicians, professional athletes, and high-powered executives.

Chester Santos – “The International Man of Memory” has left an impression on all corners of the earth. With his unique ability to not only demonstrate extraordinary feats of the mind, but also educate others to do the same, this U.S. Memory Champion ... Show more

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