Real Estate & Architecture

Experts in the design, construction, and management of buildings and structures, as well as professionals involved in the buying, selling, and development of real estate properties

Nerijus Pazereckas

Nerijus Pazereckas

Solution and Cloud Architect with a rich history in information technologies and systems management. During my career, I have laid hands on many projects in IT infrastructure and software development, varying in size, scale and complexity. Starting with the first steps of planning and preparation, to the final deployment and implementation. I have experience working with many business domains: energy, e-commerce, banking, IT industry, telecommunication, logistics and supply chain management and other.

Solution and Cloud Architect with a rich history in information technologies and systems management. During my career, I have laid hands on many projects in IT infrastructure and software development, varying in size, scale and complexity. Starting w... Show more

Yevgen Spektor

Yevgen Spektor

I've been working with Sitecore for more than 10 years, starting with Sitecore 6.

Sitecore Technology and Commerce MVP (2018-2021)

Really enjoy the platform and believe it has a great future ahead.

I'm covering my experience with Sitecore on my blog here:

I've been working with Sitecore for more than 10 years, starting with Sitecore 6. Sitecore Technology and Commerce MVP (2018-2021) Really enjoy the platform and believe it has a great future ahead.... Show more

Kirk Barnes

Kirk Barnes


Kirk Barnes is an author, entrepreneur, speaker, investor and super connector. Kirk’s mission is to help over 1 million people learn the art and science of intentional relationship building and storytelling, by teaching his L.E.N.S. Principles, which consists of Leadership, Entrepreneurship/innovation, Networking and Sales Excellence.

Kirk is the author of Networking…The Path to Profit, Promotions and Power, as well as numerous articles in Forbes. Additionally, Kirk’s engagements include Program Director for the Southeast MBDA Minority Business Growth Hub, Co-Chair of TogetherHealth, Entrepreneur-in-Residence for the University of Miami Innovation Coulter Center, Board Member of the Ora Lee Cancer Research Foundation, Advisory Council of The Tulsa Innovation Labs, Partner for the Georgia Institute of Technology, Enterprise Innovation Institute, former EIR for the Engage Venture Fund and commercialization partner with foreign governments such as Canada, Argentina and Colombia.

He is the Co-Founder and CEO of TransPharMed, an international business development firm that uses their 25/15/60 CAP Selling Model ®and networking to accelerate the sales cycle of healthcare technology & innovation. Kirk has worked with corporations, venture capital firms, startups, accelerators and governments to help their businesses successfully scale.

Previously, Kirk raised the funds to launch the inaugural healthcare technology program overseeing 40 startups at the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC), which serves the entire state of Georgia and is housed at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Kirk is married with two wonderful children. In his spare time, he enjoys music, hiking, golfing, exploring new technology, traveling the world and spending time with friends and family.

Kirk holds a B.A. in Economics from Florida A&M University. (Go Rattlers!)

Bio Kirk Barnes is an author, entrepreneur, speaker, investor and super connector. Kirk’s mission is to help over 1 million people learn the art and science of intentional relationship building and storytelling, by teaching his L.E.N.S. Principles... Show more

Johannes Foufas

Johannes Foufas

Johannes Foufas is a Lead Architect Sw at Volvo Cars, known for his significant contributions to the field of automotive software engineering. His expertise particularly shines in the area of continuous integration toolchains for embedded software development. Zuul was implemented under his guidance and enables continuous building, testing, and deployment of iterative code changes across multiple projects, streamlining the software development process at Volvo Cars.

Moreover, Foufas innovative spirit is evident in his contributions to the field of automotive technology through various patents. He holds patents related to methods and systems for controlling fuel injection, but also gas flow control, in combustion engines, showcasing his ability to address complex challenges in vehicle performance and efficiency.

Johannes Foufas is a Lead Architect Sw at Volvo Cars, known for his significant contributions to the field of automotive software engineering. His expertise particularly shines in the area of continuous integration toolchains for embedded software de... Show more

Aleksei Chernogor

Aleksei Chernogor

I began working as a software developer in 2015 during my Bachelor's degree, where I created computer models of physical processes. Since then, I have been passionate about software development, consistently enhancing my skills and knowledge in this field. For my master’s degree graduation, I developed a program to the stage of a ready-to-use product. This achievement motivated me to pursue a career as a professional developer.

For last seven years, I've worked as a full-stack developer. During this time, I've had the opportunity to work on both large projects and small startups, refactoring legacy projects, and pioneering new frameworks and methodologies. I contribute to the open-source community, actively study and research development issues, and assist people in finding answers on StackOverflow, maintain flatpack and snap packages, write articles.

I began working as a software developer in 2015 during my Bachelor's degree, where I created computer models of physical processes. Since then, I have been passionate about software development, consistently enhancing my skills and knowledge in this ... Show more

Armand Brière

Armand Brière

Working full-time on developing and integrating AI solution for our clients. Machine learning expert and Cloud DevOps Engineer.

Master's degree specialized in artificial intelligence and bachelor degree in software engineering.

Working full-time on developing and integrating AI solution for our clients. Machine learning expert and Cloud DevOps Engineer. Master's degree specialized in artificial intelligence and bachelor degree in software engineering. Show more

Saurabh Gupta

Saurabh Gupta

Americas Lead - Security & AI Strategy at Microsoft | IEEE Senior Member- Cybersecurity | Podcaster | Public Speaker

With over 18 years in the technology industry, I lead the unified security strategy for the Americas at Microsoft. I specialize in guiding leaders through identifying and implementing impactful security measures. As a certified data privacy solutions engineer and customer business outcomes expert, I emphasize data governance and AI integration through tools like Microsoft Purview. Passionate about sharing knowledge, I speak at various conferences, helping organizations secure their AI-driven futures.

My LinkedIn Profile:

Americas Lead - Security & AI Strategy at Microsoft | IEEE Senior Member- Cybersecurity | Podcaster | Public Speaker With over 18 years in the technology industry, I lead the unified security strategy for the Americas at Microsoft. I specialize i... Show more

Yemurai Rabvukwa

Yemurai Rabvukwa

Yemurai is a dynamic individual at the intersection of Chemistry and Cybersecurity. She is a Cybersecurity Engineer within the Financial Services and holds a First-Class Chemistry degree.
Yemurai's expertise lies in: providing strategies for organisations to increase diversity of talent within STEM, navigating squiggly careers and discussing the Cyber threat landscape.
She has spoken at: Devoxx, UK Cyber Week, Skyscanner.

Yemurai is a dynamic individual at the intersection of Chemistry and Cybersecurity. She is a Cybersecurity Engineer within the Financial Services and holds a First-Class Chemistry degree. Yemurai's expertise lies in: providing strategies for organi... Show more

Emeka Mbah

Emeka Mbah

A results-driven Software Developer with years of proven excellence in crafting maintainable web applications

A results-driven Software Developer with years of proven excellence in crafting maintainable web applications Show more

Christopher Moravec

Christopher Moravec

By day, Christopher Moravec is the CTO and founder of dymaptic, where he leads a team of skilled professionals in creating innovative GIS and AI solutions. With years of experience in software development and a deep understanding of geospatial technologies, Christopher is known for his ability to tackle complex problems and deliver results that exceed expectations.

As a certified ArcGIS Enterprise Administration Professional, Christopher has a keen eye for detail and a passion for pushing the boundaries of what's possible with GIS. He's always exploring new ways to integrate AI and other cutting-edge technologies into his projects, ensuring that his clients stay ahead of the curve.
But when the sun goes down, Christopher transforms into a maker extraordinaire. From building candy-spewing spiders to designing self-watering garden beds, he's always tinkering with something new and exciting. His latest obsession? A reasonably sized laser cutter that he dreams of adding to his ever-growing collection of tools and gadgets.

Whether he's working on a software project or a physical creation, Christopher brings the same level of creativity, passion, and problem-solving skills to the table. He's a firm believer in the power of imagination and the importance of never giving up, even when faced with the most challenging of obstacles.
So, whether you need a cutting-edge GIS solution or a custom-built contraption that defies explanation, Christopher Moravec is your man. Just don't be surprised if he shows up to your meeting with a few spare parts in his pockets and a glint of mischief in his eye.

By day, Christopher Moravec is the CTO and founder of dymaptic, where he leads a team of skilled professionals in creating innovative GIS and AI solutions. With years of experience in software development and a deep understanding of geospatial techno... Show more

Aaron Murphy

Aaron Murphy

Aaron is a passionate design professional, consultant, and advocate for Aging-In-Place in your own community. He has been presenting at a national and international level for over 15 years. He is a licensed architect, “Certified Aging In Place Specialist” through NAHB, and an engaging and entertaining public speaker. Aaron is a known industry expert & author in the Aging-in-Place field, and a business coach teaching other executives how to own the AIP & UD niche of a home modification business. He teaches GCs, remodelers, OTs and associated fields, what it takes to become your own local go-to expert in your community. Aaron has been a Seattle radio host on subject and is a known entertainer and educator on stage across multiple home and building industries. Aaron has been preaching “Empowering Housing” for 15+ years from Chicago to Tokyo.

Aaron is a passionate design professional, consultant, and advocate for Aging-In-Place in your own community. He has been presenting at a national and international level for over 15 years. He is a licensed architect, “Certified Aging In Place Specia... Show more

Carmen Josefina López Arismendi

Carmen Josefina López Arismendi

Carmen Josefina López Arismendi se graduou em direito trabalhista na Universidade de Carabobo, na Venezuela, e iniciou sua carreira jurídica na equipe do Dr. Luis Ruiz Carrillo. Lá, ela se destacou na preparação de documentos e estratégias para litígios complexos, estabelecendo-se rapidamente como uma profissional meticulosa e dedicada.

Após ganhar experiência e reconhecimento no campo jurídico, ela e seu esposo decidiram diversificar seus investimentos, entrando no setor empresarial com foco em imóveis e restaurantes. A transição de Carmen para o empreendedorismo revelou sua habilidade em aplicar conhecimentos jurídicos em um contexto comercial, administrando com sucesso os aspectos legais e operacionais de seus negócios.

Mais recentemente, ela liderou a fundação da Hydrog, uma startup baseada em Houston que trouxe inovações para a indústria de extração de petróleo com uma tecnologia patenteada. Este empreendimento, gerido em parceria com seu esposo, promete revolucionar os métodos tradicionais de extração de petróleo, oferecendo soluções mais eficientes e sustentáveis. A apresentação dessa tecnologia ocorrerá em um evento de lançamento que pretende reunir especialistas do setor e potenciais parceiros.

Desde jovem, Carmen foi uma atleta excepcional, participando de competições de natação e basquete, onde suas habilidades e espírito competitivo a levaram a várias vitórias. Sua paixão pelo esporte andava de mãos dadas com um amor pela leitura, que alimentava sua mente com ficção e textos históricos, expandindo sua visão de mundo.

Ela tem um profundo apreço pela cultura venezuelana, dedicando tempo para explorar o país e aprender sobre sua história e diversidade cultural. Esses esforços para entender e celebrar sua herança ajudaram a reforçar sua identidade e valores pessoais.

No centro de sua vida está sua família. Carmen prioriza o bem-estar e a união familiar, desempenhando com orgulho o papel de matriarca. Ela cultiva um ambiente familiar onde amor, apoio e respeito são fundamentais, perpetuando os valores herdados de sua mãe.

Nos últimos anos, ela adotou práticas de vida saudável, integrando Pilates e meditação em sua rotina diária para manter o equilíbrio entre as demandas de sua vida pessoal e profissional.

Junto com seu esposo, Carmen Josefina López Arismendi também lidera esforços através da Fundação St. Antonio no Panamá, focada em reduzir a evasão escolar e apoiar jovens em suas trajetórias educacionais. Eles estão empenhados em melhorar a educação como meio de transformação social, procurando ampliar o impacto de suas iniciativas para beneficiar um número maior de estudantes.

Carmen Josefina López Arismendi se graduou em direito trabalhista na Universidade de Carabobo, na Venezuela, e iniciou sua carreira jurídica na equipe do Dr. Luis Ruiz Carrillo. Lá, ela se destacou na preparação de documentos e estratégias para litíg... Show more

Guy Silva

Guy Silva

Experienced engineering manager with over 15 years of experience in the tech industry

Experienced engineering manager with over 15 years of experience in the tech industry Show more

Prashanth Sayeenathan

Prashanth Sayeenathan

As an Azure Global Black Belt (GBB) Specialist at Microsoft, I help the largest and most complex companies in EMEA to modernize their data estate. I support our customers by evangelizing technology, providing collaborative guidance, helping them design end-to-end analytics solutions and driving digital transformation in the era of AI.

As an Azure Global Black Belt (GBB) Specialist at Microsoft, I help the largest and most complex companies in EMEA to modernize their data estate. I support our customers by evangelizing technology, providing collaborative guidance, helping them desi... Show more

Andrea Andrea

Andrea Andrea

Andrea è un DevOps Engineer in Avanade. Ha una profonda passione per l'informatica e l'innovazione tecnologica. Nella sua carriera, si sta specializzando nel migliorare i processi aziendali, puntando ad automatizzare i compiti ripetitivi e liberare così tempo e risorse per attività più creative e strategiche. Sempre pieno di idee e desideroso di mettersi continuamente alla prova, Andrea ama affrontare ogni nuova sfida con l'energia e l'impegno che lo caratterizzano.
Oltre al suo impegno nel campo della tecnologia, Andrea trova tempo per le sue passioni personali: ama gli animali, pratica vari sport e si dedica costantemente a sfidare i propri limiti per una sua continua crescita personale.

Andrea è un DevOps Engineer in Avanade. Ha una profonda passione per l'informatica e l'innovazione tecnologica. Nella sua carriera, si sta specializzando nel migliorare i processi aziendali, puntando ad automatizzare i compiti ripetitivi e liberare c... Show more

Romera Hillebrandt

Romera Hillebrandt

I am a Data Scientist at Nationale Nederlanden proud to be working with the latest and greatest in tooling.

I am a Data Scientist at Nationale Nederlanden proud to be working with the latest and greatest in tooling. Show more

Maximilian Lude

Maximilian Lude

Maximilian Lude is professor for Innovation & Strategy as well as co-program director of Responsible Entrepreneurship & Management at ToU. In research and teaching he specializes in the intersection between innovation and marketing. This covers business model innovation, innovation culture, ambidexterity, as well as marketing and brand related challenges and research questions. Thereby he focuses on small & medium sized companies as well as family firms. His research has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ETP), Psychology & Marketing, or Journal of Business Research. Maximilian also serves as Reviewer for several journals such as Journal of Brand Management and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and is Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Family Business Strategy. Concurrently he is Founder & Managing Partner at philoneos GmbH, a strategy and innovation consultancy for family businesses located in Munich.

Maximilian Lude is professor for Innovation & Strategy as well as co-program director of Responsible Entrepreneurship & Management at ToU. In research and teaching he specializes in the intersection between innovation and marketing. This covers busin... Show more

David Ta

David Ta

Staff Software Engineer at Decathlon · GDG Nantes Android Lead · AndroidMakers by droidcon Staff · Watercolorist

Staff Software Engineer at Decathlon · GDG Nantes Android Lead · AndroidMakers by droidcon Staff · Watercolorist Show more

Marco Altea

Marco Altea

Born in 1986 in the beautiful city of Cagliari on the island of Sardinia, Italy, my life took a turn that even I couldn't have predicted. At the age of 6, my father made a purchase that would forever change the course of my life. He bought our family's first computer, spending almost an entire month's salary on something he barely understood. But that computer became my gateway to a whole new world.

Growing up, my passions were twofold: technology, thanks to that first computer, and basketball, a sport I fell in love with at the same age. The basketball court was where I learned about teamwork, discipline, and the thrill of competition—lessons that have stayed with me throughout my life.

My academic journey took me to the University of Cagliari, where I pursued electronic engineering. Though I didn't complete my degree, those years were far from wasted. It was during this time that I ventured into entrepreneurship, founding my first startup, Admunity. Despite its lack of commercial success, Admunity was a personal triumph. It taught me how to build real technology platforms from the ground up and gave me invaluable insights into the digital world.

This experience created the way for my next chapter. I was hired by Accenture as a software engineer, a role that aligned perfectly with my passion for e-commerce and the expertise I had gained through my startup journey. After three rewarding years in Italy, my career took me to Milan, and then to the bustling city of London.

The move to London marked another significant milestone. I accepted an offer from IBM, hoping to expand my horizons beyond the e-commerce space. This hope was more than fulfilled. At IBM, I was exposed to a wide range of industries, technologies, and brilliant minds, tackling real-world problems and contributing to projects that made a difference.

But life isn't just about work. I've also embraced other passions. I became a runner, a wine lover, a blog writer, and a dog owner. And now, I'm preparing for a new adventure—marrying my Greek partner. From the young boy in Sardinia fascinated by a new computer, to a professional in London preparing for marriage, it's been a journey of growth, learning, and embracing every opportunity that comes my way.

Born in 1986 in the beautiful city of Cagliari on the island of Sardinia, Italy, my life took a turn that even I couldn't have predicted. At the age of 6, my father made a purchase that would forever change the course of my life. He bought our family... Show more

Dr. Lisa Critchley

Dr. Lisa Critchley

Dr. Lisa Critchley provides mindfulness-based organizational and leadership strategy and coaching for public, private, and academic institutions to drive leadership and human capital excellence. Practice areas include mindfulness-based organization culture, presence-based leadership development and coaching, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and human resources strategy.

Lisa’s dissertation entitled, The Leader’s Mind Matters: The Effect of Mindful Leadership Development Programs on Leadership Effectiveness, Mindfulness, and Well-Being Among Global Manufacturing Leaders, earned the Exemplary Performance in Scholarship Award from St. John Fisher College. Her research focuses on the impact of mindfulness on leadership, employee, and organizational effectiveness and the relationship between leader mindfulness and student well-being and academic flourishing, and mindfulness as a pathway to social justice.

Lisa developed, designed and delivered the groundbreaking Mindful Professor Program and co-conducted a year-long research study with Rebecca Block for the University of Rochester focused on faculty leadership effectiveness and well-being to promote mutual flourishing.

Lisa’s career spans over 30 years leading the human resources profession across diverse business sectors including higher education, real estate, manufacturing, and consumer packaged goods for local, national, and global entities driving transformative culture change and strategic alignment. Her education includes an Executive Leadership doctorate from St. John Fisher College, MBA from RIT in human resources and international business, and a BA in communications/journalism and business administration from St. John Fisher College. Lisa’s infectious enthusiasm and positive energy ignites minds, engages hearts, and transforms people and organizations.

Inspiring mindfulness and presence one breath at a time.

Dr. Lisa Critchley provides mindfulness-based organizational and leadership strategy and coaching for public, private, and academic institutions to drive leadership and human capital excellence. Practice areas include mindfulness-based organization c... Show more

Shilpa Nagavara

Shilpa Nagavara

Shilpa Nagavara is a Software Architect at Globalization Partners. She has spent the last many years in a transformative journey through the evolving landscapes of cloud computing and serverless architectures. Recently, she has been architecting and crafting resilient, scalable and cost-effective systems leveraging AWS and serverless. In her previous outing, she built a wealth management platform from scratch that scaled to process hundreds of millions of transactions using serverless services in AWS. She believes in serverless-first but not serverless-only.

Lately, she has been exploring the interesting world of event driven architecture. She has been mesmerised about events that drive communication between functions, unlocking unparalleled flexibility and efficiency. She is currently working on modernizing monolith systems into event driven systems using microservices that respond to change, effortlessly scale and elegantly integrate services.

Shilpa Nagavara is a Software Architect at Globalization Partners. She has spent the last many years in a transformative journey through the evolving landscapes of cloud computing and serverless architectures. Recently, she has been architecting and ... Show more

Sundus Hussain

Sundus Hussain

A Software Engineer by profession with 7 years of experience, I have worked in both India and the USA. I am also a Google Cloud innovator with extensive experience in cloud computing and education. With over 1.2k students on Udemy, I have a proven track record of imparting cloud technology knowledge and practical skills.

A Software Engineer by profession with 7 years of experience, I have worked in both India and the USA. I am also a Google Cloud innovator with extensive experience in cloud computing and education. With over 1.2k students on Udemy, I have a proven tr... Show more

Doyin Sobowale

Doyin Sobowale

As a leader (Senior Director) in Zillow’s Rentals organization, Doyin oversees the operations, analytics, and client support groups. He is responsible for ensuring that the business' systems work well, the sales teams are able to showcase the value of products, and that renters, property managers and landlords receive top notch service. Rentals is an important aspect of Zillow’s business because, for many, it’s the entry point into the real estate journey, and Doyin’s team ensures customers are having a great experience and have the tools to reach the next step of homeownership. As an executive sponsor for Billow, Zillow’s employee resource group for Black employees and allies, he uses his leadership position to create a voice, increase representation, and encourage forward mobility for Black people inside and outside Zillow. Doyin is an active participant in the the City of Seattle’s Black Tech Night and has spoken at some of the most prominent events in the industry such as InvestFest and AfroTech.

As a leader (Senior Director) in Zillow’s Rentals organization, Doyin oversees the operations, analytics, and client support groups. He is responsible for ensuring that the business' systems work well, the sales teams are able to showcase the value o... Show more

Jenna Ritten

Jenna Ritten

Jenna Ritten (@jritten) is the Lead Architect for InnerSource@IBM and the Chief Developer Advocate for IBM Developer Advocacy. She works on expanding the reach of open source technologies to global developer communities. Her areas of interest include hackathons, design-thinking workshops, NLU/NLP, gamified learning, Blockchain, and Serverless. Jenna is an advocate for non-traditional people in tech, much like herself, and provides support by building and fostering communities for underrepresented people in tech.

Jenna Ritten (@jritten) is the Lead Architect for InnerSource@IBM and the Chief Developer Advocate for IBM Developer Advocacy. She works on expanding the reach of open source technologies to global developer communities. Her areas of interest include... Show more

Molly Swenson

Molly Swenson

Molly Swenson is the Director of Land Use & Licensing within Stanford Medicine’s Planning, Design & Construction department, and has partnered with Stanford Health Care’s Sustainability Program Office to develop Sustainable Building Standards for the organization. Molly holds Master of Architecture and Master of Community & Regional Planning degrees from the University of Oregon with a focus on ecological design, and earned her LEED Accredited Professional designation in 2009. She has more than 10 years of experience in the healthcare design and construction field.

Molly Swenson is the Director of Land Use & Licensing within Stanford Medicine’s Planning, Design & Construction department, and has partnered with Stanford Health Care’s Sustainability Program Office to develop Sustainable Building Standards for the... Show more

Romik Yeghnazary

Romik Yeghnazary

Romik Yeghnazary Is the owner of a Lending Arena that provides FHA home loans, VA home loans, fixed mortgages, and home-buying services. Romik Yeghnazary is likely a skilled and experienced individual in the mortgage and real estate industry.

Romik Yeghnazary Is the owner of a Lending Arena that provides FHA home loans, VA home loans, fixed mortgages, and home-buying services. Romik Yeghnazary is likely a skilled and experienced individual in the mortgage and real estate industry. Show more

Anja Humljan

Anja Humljan

I flexed my way into being called "a very bendy architect". As the founder of Retouch I help people improve mental health by making science on architecture & health accessible. As the artist behind the book & photo series The Urban Yoga I aim to enrich people’s awareness of the effects that architecture has on our well-being.

I flexed my way into being called "a very bendy architect". As the founder of Retouch I help people improve mental health by making science on architecture & health accessible. As the artist behind the book & photo series The Urban Yoga I aim to enri... Show more

Gerry Kavanaugh

Gerry Kavanaugh

Gerry Kavanaugh is a real estate developer working on many projects in the greater Metropolitan Boston area. He attended Lafayette College, where he still holds the single-game assist record. He is a dedicated volunteer and published author, with a dissertation concerning race in new Bedford.

Gerry Kavanaugh is a real estate developer working on many projects in the greater Metropolitan Boston area. He attended Lafayette College, where he still holds the single-game assist record. He is a dedicated volunteer and published author, with a d... Show more

Emmanuelle Morin

Emmanuelle Morin

Dans mon activité de Coach en immobilier, j’accompagne les personnes (en particulier, les femmes) qui souhaitent se constituer ou entretenir un patrimoine immobilier locatif, à définir leur meilleure stratégie immobilière, en vue de les faire accéder à une sérénité financière.

J'aime transmettre mes connaissances et j'organise des conférences, formations et ateliers interactifs, en particulier sur les thématiques:
🔹 Se lancer en immobilier en partant de zéro
🔹 Les stratégies locatives à hautes rentabilités
🔹 s'entrainer à la négociation: atelier "NEGOCIEZ GAGNANTS!"
🔹 Maîtriser la fiscalité en immobilier

Dans mon activité de Coach en immobilier, j’accompagne les personnes (en particulier, les femmes) qui souhaitent se constituer ou entretenir un patrimoine immobilier locatif, à définir leur meilleure stratégie immobilière, en vue de les faire accéder... Show more

Bryan Chris Brown

Bryan Chris Brown

Bryan graduated from Morgan State University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Environmental Design. During his studies at Morgan State he worked for architecture firms such as GWWO architects and ADW architects working on various residential, commercial, and institutional projects. During his junior year at Morgan State, he began an internship at HighRock Studios working on creating a new pipeline with Unreal Engine for VR visualization. Bryan was able to integrate VR into unreal before official support was added to the software, and eventually shift a majority of 3D work into realtime environments like Unreal Engine. Shortly after graduating from Morgan State, Bryan picked up Leap Motion’s project Northstar project and began leading the community development effort via the group's discord server.

Bryan graduated from Morgan State University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Environmental Design. During his studies at Morgan State he worked for architecture firms such as GWWO architects and ADW architects working on variou... Show more

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