Government, Social Sector & Education

Valued individuals involved in shaping public policies, providing essential services, and promoting education, tirelessly looking to improve society and empower citizens

Priscila Célia Bellico

Priscila Célia Bellico

Graduada em Zootecnia pela UFVJM e Pós Graduada em Engenharia de Software pela PUC Minas. Possui 10 anos de experiência em Tecnologia da Informação, no setor público, em funções de especialista em qualidade, métricas e processo de software e líder de projetos. Atuação desde o início do Programa de transformação ágil da empresa e, desde novembro de 2021, trabalha como Assessora Especial da Diretoria Técnica na Prodemge, Gestora do Programa Mentalidade Ágil e Líder do time de Agilistas.

Graduada em Zootecnia pela UFVJM e Pós Graduada em Engenharia de Software pela PUC Minas. Possui 10 anos de experiência em Tecnologia da Informação, no setor público, em funções de especialista em qualidade, métricas e processo de software e líder de... Show more

Jeannette Roberes, M.Ed.

Jeannette Roberes, M.Ed.

I am Jeannette Roberes, M.Ed. a Speech Language Pathologist with nearly a decade of experience working with students that exhibit special abilities. My expertise in the field of dyslexia has been solicited in The Washington Post alongside the cofounder of the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity. Learning to program ignited my passion for special populations in the tech industry. I have spoken at the Guaranty Trust Bank’s Annual Autism Conference in Nigeria, Mississippi Dyslexia Symposium, A11y Camp Chicago, Pycon Canada, PyCaribbean, and participated on a Diversity in WordPress Panel, to name a few. I can always be found tinkering or boasting the importance of accessibility, inclusivity, cognitive diversity and equity in the tech industry.

I am Jeannette Roberes, M.Ed. a Speech Language Pathologist with nearly a decade of experience working with students that exhibit special abilities. My expertise in the field of dyslexia has been solicited in The Washington Post alongside the cofound... Show more

Craig Tomanini

Craig Tomanini

Craig Tomanini is a paragon of entrepreneurial excellence and inspiring mentorship. His journey in establishing over a dozen businesses has bestowed upon him a profound understanding of the entrepreneurial landscape. As the driving force behind ASKCRAIGTEE, LLC, Craig dedicates his substantial expertise to the realm of business coaching, helping individuals and companies unlock their true potential.

Beyond his entrepreneurial ventures, Craig is also a distinguished speaker and author, sharing insights that are born from a wealth of professional experiences. His contributions extend beyond business strategy, touching upon themes of personal growth and leadership, resonating deeply with diverse audiences.

With a unique combination of seasoned business acumen and a commitment to fostering growth and success in others, Craig Tomanini stands as a key figure in the business community and speaking circuits. His approach, marked by a deep understanding of the complexities of business and a genuine desire to aid in others' success, makes him a sought-after coach and speaker for those aspiring to thrive in their professional journeys.

Craig Tomanini is a paragon of entrepreneurial excellence and inspiring mentorship. His journey in establishing over a dozen businesses has bestowed upon him a profound understanding of the entrepreneurial landscape. As the driving force behind ASKCR... Show more

Luís Guilherme Izycki

Luís Guilherme Izycki

Formado em engenharia elétrica pela UTFPR, com MBA em Liderança, Inovação e Gestão 4.0 pela PUCRS e mestrando em Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento no IPEA, atuei por 6 anos na Central de Compras do Ministério da Economia na criação e implantação de modelos de compras centralizadas e atualmente Assessor Técnico na Diretoria de Integridade do Ministério da Saúde. Fui vencedor do 22º Concurso de Inovação no Setor Público da ENAP pela criação do TáxiGov, serviço de transporte de servidores com uso de aplicativo. Fui parte da banca julgadora de diversos concursos de inovação na administração pública. Sou facilitador do curso "Como Inovar em Compras Públicas" na ENAP, redator voluntário no Centro de Lideranças Públicas (CLP) onde falo sobre inovação e compras públicas, atuo como mentor voluntário para trainees em gestão pública na Vetor Brasil. Coautor do livro "Terceirização na Administração Pública", realizo estudos acadêmicos sobre inovação e modernização do Estado.

Formado em engenharia elétrica pela UTFPR, com MBA em Liderança, Inovação e Gestão 4.0 pela PUCRS e mestrando em Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento no IPEA, atuei por 6 anos na Central de Compras do Ministério da Economia na criação e implantação d... Show more

Miłosz Gaczkowski

Miłosz Gaczkowski

Miłosz is a mobile security specialist at WithSecure, having previously spent entirely too much time working in academia.

His current work revolves around Mobile Device Management solutions (Do you have a work phone or laptop that's been locked down beyond all reason? Yeah, that), Android device security audits, and complaining about password managers.

Outside of technical work, his primary interests are in education and the culture of education.

Miłosz is a mobile security specialist at WithSecure, having previously spent entirely too much time working in academia. His current work revolves around Mobile Device Management solutions (Do you have a work phone or laptop that's been locked do... Show more

Rebecca Block

Rebecca Block

Rebecca’s passion for mindful leadership blossomed in Fall 2019 while working on wellness initiatives and learning about mindful leadership practices at the Office of School Health in NYC. That Fall, she attended the Mindful Leader Summit and began researching mindful leadership in depth to inform her work and career path. She wrote her master’s thesis on using mindful leadership to create mindful healthcare workplaces, enhancing the well-being of healthcare professionals and improving patient care.

At the University of Rochester, she practices mindful leadership in her efforts to support student mental well-being through innovative health education. In this role, she directs the Mindful University Project, promoting a mindful campus culture. She directs the Mindful Professor Training Program, works to develop contemplative spaces at each school, teaches meditation workshops, silent retreats, as well as leads workshops on mindfulness, self-compassion, and yoga.

Rebecca’s passion for mindful leadership blossomed in Fall 2019 while working on wellness initiatives and learning about mindful leadership practices at the Office of School Health in NYC. That Fall, she attended the Mindful Leader Summit and began r... Show more

Ankur Saini

Ankur Saini

Ankur Saini is a technologist who partners with CXOs, Product Owners and Developers to deliver business value through successful technology initiatives. He has over 15 years of experience leading multimillion dollar software development and IT infrastructure support initiatives. With a love for problem solving and technology, Ankur aspires to develop solutions that reduce complexity for everyone.

As the Director for Information Technology at Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Ankur is responsible for establishing the technology strategy for FMCSA that enables the agency mission of reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. Prior to joining FMCSA, Ankur served in Program Management roles at General Services Administration (GSA) managing low-code application development initiatives for the GSA Real Estate Exchange (G-REX) and leading digital transformation initiatives for the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU). Before joining the federal workforce in 2016, Ankur worked in the private sector for over 15 years in roles with federal government contractor firms that demonstrate progressive growth – from an individual contributor as a software developer to leading a team providing infrastructure operations to a leader running business operations for an entire division.

Ankur is originally from New Delhi, India but has lived in the Washington, DC metropolitan area for almost 20 years. He has Bachelor’s degrees in Physics and Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Maryland. When not staring at a screen, Ankur can most likely be found playing cricket or exploring the globe satisfying his wanderlust.

Ankur Saini is a technologist who partners with CXOs, Product Owners and Developers to deliver business value through successful technology initiatives. He has over 15 years of experience leading multimillion dollar software development and IT infras... Show more

Kristian Nadim

Kristian Nadim

Kristian is an accomplished Senior CRM Consultant with a passion for technology and a solution-oriented approach. He is a visionary, always on the lookout for new opportunities and dedicated to sharing his valuable insights with others. His extensive experience with projects of implementeting Customer Service Omnichannel Voice.

With a proven track record in the information technology and services sector, Kristian has been instrumental in helping organizations transition from fragmented data silos to cloud-based CRM systems. His expertise lies in streamlining processes, enhancing customer engagement, and driving growth through the power of customer experience.

Kristian's dedication has helped numerous organizations achieve CRM excellence, making him a sought-after expert in his field. "I'm looking foreward to share knowledge and insights about".

Kristian is an accomplished Senior CRM Consultant with a passion for technology and a solution-oriented approach. He is a visionary, always on the lookout for new opportunities and dedicated to sharing his valuable insights with others. His extensiv... Show more

Caroline Dufau-Seguin

Caroline Dufau-Seguin

Coach professionnel, menuisière et ingénieure. Habitante en habitat partagé avec ma famille dans un écolieu à la campagne.
J'accompagne les personnes et les équipes pour apprendre à mieux se connaître, dépasser leurs blocages pour aller vers plus de sens, de liens, d'envie et donc de performances individuelles et collectives pour une coopération globale et durable.

Coach professionnel, menuisière et ingénieure. Habitante en habitat partagé avec ma famille dans un écolieu à la campagne. J'accompagne les personnes et les équipes pour apprendre à mieux se connaître, dépasser leurs blocages pour aller vers plus d... Show more

Anuradha Tibile

Anuradha Tibile

Anuradha Tibile is a powerhouse of creativity and passion, with a voice that can captivate any audience. She's not just mastering the art of storytelling by majoring a degree in Journalism & Mass Communication, but has also been an amazing keynote speaker at various GDG events.

She's a skilled orator who has held audiences spellbound with her speeches, and her knack for crafting visually compelling communication materials shines through in everything she does.

Anuradha is a true changemaker, driven by a desire to use her skills to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's through her oratory, her leadership, or her creative communication skills, she's constantly pushing boundaries and inspiring others.

Sparked by a passion for technology, she embarked on her professional journey by joining Google Women Techmakers on April 24, 2023. Since then, she has blossomed within the industry, actively contributing to the prestigious Tensor Flow group & Google Developer Groups.

Anuradha Tibile is a powerhouse of creativity and passion, with a voice that can captivate any audience. She's not just mastering the art of storytelling by majoring a degree in Journalism & Mass Communication, but has also been an amazing keynote sp... Show more

Sara Beth Cooper, MPH

Sara Beth Cooper, MPH

Big Brothers Big Sisters' mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Big Brothers Big Sisters' mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Show more

Wendy Wong

Wendy Wong

AWS Community Builder and Data Scientist

Wendy is a Data Scientist, Senior Data Analyst, Business Analyst/Data Engineer, AWS Community Builder and Analytics Mentor with a demonstrated track record delivering strong results in customer success, digital projects and senior leadership. Wendy worked across multiple industries in disruptive market environments. Strong values based, innovative leader with differentiation in consumer/people led business transformation and digital growth.

Wendy has provided data science consulting at the Australian Taxation Office, PwC Australia, Jobgetter and Lend Lease.
Most recently Wendy was a Data Scientist for the AI startup Eliza and also consulted at University of Technology Sydney in Smart Cities.

Wendy graduated with a Masters of Data Science and Innovation degree from the University of Technology, Sydney with Distinction-Average and a Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing.

Wendy is honored to be an AWS Community Builder in the specialty area of data.

Wendy is passionate about technology and is a former Stanford University Women in Data Science Sydney Ambassador in 2018 and 2020 and a Women in Big Data Sydney Chapter Lead.

Wendy recently mentored in Python programming at Academy Xi.

Wendy is passionate about Conversational AI and natural language understanding in Public Sector.

AWS Community Builder and Data Scientist Wendy is a Data Scientist, Senior Data Analyst, Business Analyst/Data Engineer, AWS Community Builder and Analytics Mentor with a demonstrated track record delivering strong results in customer success, dig... Show more

Paul Kühn

Paul Kühn

Ich bin Studentischer Mitarbeiter und Referent an der hochschule für gesellschaftsgestaltung in Koblenz. Zudem studiere ich dort im Master "Ökonomie - Nachhaltigkeit - Gesellschaftsgestaltung". Meine Schwerpunkte sind: Futures Literacy (4FutureLabs), Future Skills, nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, Neue ökonomische Bildung und BNE

Ich bin Studentischer Mitarbeiter und Referent an der hochschule für gesellschaftsgestaltung in Koblenz. Zudem studiere ich dort im Master "Ökonomie - Nachhaltigkeit - Gesellschaftsgestaltung". Meine Schwerpunkte sind: Futures Literacy (4FutureLabs),... Show more

Kevin Cunningham

Kevin Cunningham

Kevin Cunningham is a seasoned software consultant and enthusiastic educator, known for boosting teams' development skills and leading smooth transitions to new technology stacks. With a particular talent for maximising the potential of Node.js in various environments, Kevin transforms tech hurdles into stepping stones for growth.

Drawing from his rich background in classroom teaching, Kevin transforms complex concepts into engaging and accessible learning experiences. Whether it's an online tutorial or an in-person workshop, he knows just how to ignite those "Eureka!" moments.

Off-duty, Kevin trades tech talk for the great outdoors. He's likely to be found embarking on an adventure with his family, proving that even in a world of code, there's always room for a bit of fun!

Kevin Cunningham is a seasoned software consultant and enthusiastic educator, known for boosting teams' development skills and leading smooth transitions to new technology stacks. With a particular talent for maximising the potential of Node.js in va... Show more

Bettina Pfaendner

Bettina Pfaendner

As educational visionary and digital strategist Bettina designs curricula in Higher Education in Australia. Engagements at Swinburne University of Technology, the University of Melbourne and Macquarie University in Sydney were steppingstones in Bettina's career over the last 10 years. Combing her Executive TV Producer knowledge with the experience as educator in the Higher Education landscape Bettina also founded the Digital Dolphins, teaching digital storytelling for emerging leaders online with the .Her research area is how to overcome #Technophabia in Academia, supporting lifelong learning for academics.

As educational visionary and digital strategist Bettina designs curricula in Higher Education in Australia. Engagements at Swinburne University of Technology, the University of Melbourne and Macquarie University in Sydney were steppingstones in Bett... Show more

Efezino Elutabe

Efezino Elutabe

Efezino Elutabe is a Data Scientist and a Student who is currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Lagos. His passion lies in leveraging AI to optimize engineering designs and develop innovative products (whether software or hardware).

As a speaker and author at the IndabaX Nigeria Conference, Efezino is excited to share insights and participate in discussions on the application of AI in the education and energy sectors. He firmly believes that building responsible AI is crucial for driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge across various industries.

Efezino Elutabe is a Data Scientist and a Student who is currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Lagos. His passion lies in leveraging AI to optimize engineering designs and develop innovative products (whether software... Show more

Wellington Luiz Gaboardi

Wellington Luiz Gaboardi

Wellington Luiz Gaboardi é Servidor Público Federal no Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da Nona Região (TRT Paraná) desde 2005. Ele é certificado como PMP pelo PMI desde 2020 e possui graduações em Tecnologia de Processamento de Dados e Ciências Contábeis. Além disso, é especialista em Rede de Computadores e Teleinformática, bem como em Governança de TIC. Com mais de 25 anos de experiência em TI, ele trabalhou nas áreas de Recursos Humanos, Saúde, Educação e Governo. Ao longo de sua carreira, desempenhou diversos papéis, incluindo desenvolvedor de software, analista de sistemas e diretor de desenvolvimento de soluções. Desde 2018, atua como gerente de projetos dentro da organização. Atualmente, ele lidera o Núcleo de Gerenciamento do Portfólio de TIC, sendo responsável por um portfólio com mais de 30 projetos em execução. É também gerente de 5 projetos nacionais coordenados pelo Conselho Superior da Justiça do Trabalho. Wellington tem interesse em estudar novas tecnologias, como frameworks para desenvolvimento, IA Generativa e ferramentas de nuvem. Além disso, ele publica regularmente materiais na plataforma LinkedIn para a comunidade de desenvolvedores e gerentes de projetos.

Wellington Luiz Gaboardi é Servidor Público Federal no Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da Nona Região (TRT Paraná) desde 2005. Ele é certificado como PMP pelo PMI desde 2020 e possui graduações em Tecnologia de Processamento de Dados e Ciências Contábe... Show more

Anja Lorenz

Anja Lorenz

Anja Lorenz ist Instructional Designerin am Institut für Interaktive Systeme an der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck. Nach ihrem Studium der Medieninformatik an der Technischen Universität Dresden setzte sie ihre wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkte in den Bereichen E-Learning, Social Media und Open Education. Seit 2013 entwickelt und erforscht sie MOOCs in unterschiedlichen Formaten und engagiert sich für OER und Open Access. Sie hofft, dass die Internetkompetenz im Wissenschaftsbetrieb bald dafür sorgt, dass sie keine Vitas mehr schreiben muss.

Anja Lorenz ist Instructional Designerin am Institut für Interaktive Systeme an der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck. Nach ihrem Studium der Medieninformatik an der Technischen Universität Dresden setzte sie ihre wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkte in den B... Show more

Thierry Secqueville

Thierry Secqueville

Trainer / Teacher (Agile, project management, edutainment), edutainment researcher, designer of specialist serious learning games (analogue, digital, hybrid).
Has been practising Agile since the 90s.

Trainer / Teacher (Agile, project management, edutainment), edutainment researcher, designer of specialist serious learning games (analogue, digital, hybrid). Has been practising Agile since the 90s. Show more

Gül Akcaova

Gül Akcaova

Gül Akcaova is the lead futurist at SURF - the cooperative for ICT in (higher) education and research in the Netherlands, and the National Education & Research Network. With a keen fascination for IT innovation in education and research, she explores in her role the potential impact of new technologies and emerging concepts on education and research. Her background in management studies provides her with the ability to approach developments from various angles.

Gül Akcaova is the lead futurist at SURF - the cooperative for ICT in (higher) education and research in the Netherlands, and the National Education & Research Network. With a keen fascination for IT innovation in education and research, she explores... Show more

Gregory Trzeciak

Gregory Trzeciak

Gregory Trzeciak has his master’s degree in Education from the University of Florida. He has 9 years of teaching experience in high school, college level, and summer programs where he was recognized as a top educator and leader in interactive education. As a trainer at Pragmatic Works, his primary goal is to help individuals gain confidence in using Power BI and the Power Platform. While not in the office, he enjoys fantasy football, walking his dog, and running half-marathons!

Gregory Trzeciak has his master’s degree in Education from the University of Florida. He has 9 years of teaching experience in high school, college level, and summer programs where he was recognized as a top educator and leader in interactive educati... Show more

Sven Seiler

Sven Seiler

Sven Seiler holds the position of Managing Director at Storm Reply GmbH, a trailblazer in the field of cloud software development and strategic cloud consulting. Built upon a solid academic foundation, he has spent several years delving deep into cloud computing, Internet of Things, and mobility technologies.

As the Managing Director of Storm Reply, he leads an array of teams that tackle various facets of software development and modernization, cloud migrations, and cloud consulting - all grounded in Amazon Web Services.

Outside of work, Sven is not only a co-founder and active participant in the AWS User Groups in Dortmund and Düsseldorf, but he also co-organizes the AWS Community Day DACH. In these communities, he enthusiastically shares his expertise and experiences with like-minded individuals. Moreover, he regularly participates in hackathons to evaluate and explore new technologies and forward-thinking topics, initiatives he organizes alongside his colleagues.

Furthermore, Sven is passionate about integrating cloud computing more effectively into academic education. He frequently supervises academic work on the subject and, in collaboration with Bochum University, organizes a "Cloud School." Through these efforts, he aims to shape the next generation of cloud experts and raise awareness for this pivotal technology.

Sven Seiler holds the position of Managing Director at Storm Reply GmbH, a trailblazer in the field of cloud software development and strategic cloud consulting. Built upon a solid academic foundation, he has spent several years delving deep into clo... Show more

Jeremy Miller

Jeremy Miller

Founded and managed several tech companies that built SaaS software to solve industry issues. I am now focused on building a SaaS and service component for cyber security compliance management, apprenticeship management, and more. I am proud to be a part of the cyber war effort and help protect our country, its companies, and their families from those who would do us harm online, or otherwise.

I was blessed to serve in the Army as a Green Beret and am the President for the Special Forces Association Chapter 500 in Indiana for the last few years to help and assist in transitioning soldiers out of the service and providing a support system for them and their families. I was the AFCEA chapter Indiana President until the end of 2023 on the board of where physicians volunteer their time to help homeless individuals get back on their feet. Past board positions include Chairman of CYT Indy Christian Youth Theater, VP and Education Chair for Central Indiana Real Estate Investors Association, and Executive Director for VetsInHouses (helping to house homeless vets).

When not working, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his wife, two children, and dog. He used to love testing his endurance and strength as an ultra-runner doing 50, 75, 100, and several 200 miles including one 240 milers in Moab UT until he had to have his hip replaced 2 times. De Oppresso Liber -

Founded and managed several tech companies that built SaaS software to solve industry issues. I am now focused on building a SaaS and service component for cyber security compliance management, apprenticeship management, and more. I am proud to be a ... Show more

Nikhil Deshpande

Nikhil Deshpande

As Chief Digital and AI Officer for the state of Georgia, Nikhil led the state government’s transition to an enterprise web-publishing platform based on Drupal. Georgia became the first state in the nation to use Drupal across it's enterprise and meet special needs of constituents making the platform Section 508 and WCAG compliant.

As Chief Digital and AI Officer for the state of Georgia, Nikhil led the state government’s transition to an enterprise web-publishing platform based on Drupal. Georgia became the first state in the nation to use Drupal across it's enterprise and mee... Show more

Anupam Sir

Anupam Sir

Age 62, having experiance in field of Mind, Psychology and Brain etc since age of 12. Challanged Modern Science i.e. theories of Atom etc at age of 17 with PhD Professor Mr Ramnikbhai Thakkar.

Instead of Medical, learned Electornics and Communication (1983 Batch) to know the detailed study of eighth fold of Ayurveda known as BhutaVijyan (Life science).

Worked for Air India since 1986 till 2019 in Major Maitanance Division at Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai.

Registered Anu's Infokit (OPC) Pvt Ltd in year 2017 and Infokit is a registered logo.

Presently focused on upliftment of Educational Process as legging in many fields including Psychology.

And thats all.

Anupam Padaya

Age 62, having experiance in field of Mind, Psychology and Brain etc since age of 12. Challanged Modern Science i.e. theories of Atom etc at age of 17 with PhD Professor Mr Ramnikbhai Thakkar. Instead of Medical, learned Electornics and Communic... Show more

Almog Koren

Almog Koren

Driven by a lifelong passion for technology and a deep connection with dogs, Almog Koren isn't your average tech entrepreneur. With 15 years of software engineering experience and two successful startups under his belt, he understands the ever-evolving digital landscape intimately. But it was his dual background in competitive dog sports and SAR dog handling that truly ignited his vision. Recognizing the untapped potential of technology to elevate working dog performance, Almog founded DogBase. This innovative platform bridges the gap between tech and canine excellence, fueled by his unwavering commitment to problem-solving and serving others – principles instilled during his service in the IDF Special Forces. Today, Almog leverages his unique expertise as both a developer and leader to empower not just canine heroes, but the heroes who rely on them.

Driven by a lifelong passion for technology and a deep connection with dogs, Almog Koren isn't your average tech entrepreneur. With 15 years of software engineering experience and two successful startups under his belt, he understands the ever-evolvi... Show more

Carl Morch

Carl Morch

Carl Mörch is co-director of FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute (ULB-VUB) and a member of the AI Ethics & Law Board of the Federal initiative AI4Belgium. He is also a member of the Ethics Special Interest Group of CLAIRE and a co-chair of CLAIRE Brussels office.

Carl Mörch is co-director of FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute (ULB-VUB) and a member of the AI Ethics & Law Board of the Federal initiative AI4Belgium. He is also a member of the Ethics Special Interest Group of CLAIRE and a co-chair of CLAIRE... Show more

Álvaro Cornago Chivite

Álvaro Cornago Chivite

With more than a decade of experience in management and working with Agile methodologies, Álvaro has experienced the transformation of development teams and companies that started with Agile from the beginning, facilitating that "things happen" in the process towards transformation: accompanying to the management level in necessary decisions and changes, to teams for adapting their way of working towards new work models that incorporate different Frameworks, Methods and Agile Practices in their DNA.

At the beginning of 2017, he joined everis, at Barcelona's BeAgile team as an Agile Coach, to help transform the company from the inside, generating impact to teams, business units and executive level.

For many years, he has taught and participated in meetups, talks and conferences about Mindset Agile, Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, Metrics, Dynamics and techniques of facilitation, High Performance Teams and other Agile related topics. In addition, since 2019 he is an Accredited Kanban Trainer by the Kanban University.

He has a technological orientation, he studied Telecommunications and postgraduate degrees at the UPNA and UPV universities, but also a human side, which leads him to collaborate with various associations and NGOs, and an artistic vein that he develops with his other passion: music.

With more than a decade of experience in management and working with Agile methodologies, Álvaro has experienced the transformation of development teams and companies that started with Agile from the beginning, facilitating that "things happen" in th... Show more

Dr. Stacie Chana

Dr. Stacie Chana

With a career spanning over 20 years in urban education leadership, Dr. Stacie Chana serves at the forefront of TechEd Maven Consulting, where educational excellence meets cutting-edge technology. In the era of the fourth and soon to be fifth industrial revolutions, she passionately promotes Artificial Intelligence as a catalyst to advance educational equality and system enhancement. Her focus on AI is not just technological but deeply rooted in fostering safe, ethical, and equitable use within all communities. Dr. Chana’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity, particularly within STEM education, is central to her mission. She serves in support of the intricate dynamics of today's tech-centric educational environment, guiding and enriching the landscape with her expertise and visionary leadership.

With a career spanning over 20 years in urban education leadership, Dr. Stacie Chana serves at the forefront of TechEd Maven Consulting, where educational excellence meets cutting-edge technology. In the era of the fourth and soon to be fifth industr... Show more

Jonathan Ullmer

Jonathan Ullmer

Jonathan Ullmer MBE has dedicated his illustrious career to elevating educational standards, both nationally and internationally, since 1985. Renowned as the Founding Director of Education and Principal at CATS Colleges, he orchestrated the remarkable transformation of two underperforming schools into paragons of excellence, earning accolades from UK inspectors for his exceptional leadership. CATS Colleges are renowned for their focus on preparing international students for university success and bolstering their English proficiency to thrive in their future careers.

Jonathan's academic journey commenced with English studies at Durham and Oxford Universities, where he distinguished himself in Teaching Practice. He furthered his academic pursuits with an MA from the University of Victoria, Canada, specializing in North American Literature. Notably, he holds a diploma in Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts from the Institute for Arts in Education and Therapy, complemented by the prestigious LRAM designation as a Teacher from the Royal Academy of Music.

Beginning his educational odyssey in 1985 teaching English and Drama at Swanley School, Kent, Jonathan swiftly ascended the ranks. He assumed pivotal roles such as Arts Curriculum Director at Cecil Jones High School and Assistant Principal at Sawyers Hall College of Science and Technology. In 2008, Jonathan's leadership prowess was recognized with the appointment as Vice Principal at CATS College Cambridge, culminating in his role as Principal of CATS Canterbury in 2010.

In 2017, Jonathan undertook a transformative assignment at Haileybury in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, orchestrating a successful school inspection that heralded outstanding international practice ratings. He facilitated the school's prestigious accreditation by NEASC and CIS, enabling the institution to offer American graduation pathways and achieve exceptional International Baccalaureate results.

Jonathan's visionary leadership extended beyond academic realms to encompass community engagement, where he spearheaded over 50 school and community projects in Southend, fostering collaboration with local industry, churches, and organizations. His commitment to educational enrichment is evident in his extensive publications and contributions exploring various educational themes.

Jonathan Ullmer's exemplary career has been marked by numerous accolades, including the esteemed Order of the British Empire for Services to UK and International Education. His founding of Excellence in Schools underscores his enduring commitment to advancing global educational standards and fostering student success on a transformative scale.

Jonathan Ullmer MBE has dedicated his illustrious career to elevating educational standards, both nationally and internationally, since 1985. Renowned as the Founding Director of Education and Principal at CATS Colleges, he orchestrated the remarkabl... Show more

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