Government, Social Sector & Education

Valued individuals involved in shaping public policies, providing essential services, and promoting education, tirelessly looking to improve society and empower citizens

Kayla Schaefer

Kayla Schaefer

Kayla Schaefer is an Agile practitioner with over a decade of experience in organizational transformations. As an Agile Coach at Collins Aerospace, she has trained many individuals in Agile practices, leading multiple transformations from standalone teams to fully integrated scale programs. Prior roles as a team contributor, scrum master, and release train engineer showcase her adeptness in driving Agile methodologies, improving sprint success rates, and championing Agile practices. Kayla takes a unique approach to Agile transformations, including embedding with teams and focusing largely on change management practices. Her commitment to transparency, efficiency, and continuous improvement has earned her respect and admiration, making her a trusted figure in Agile transformations. Outside of her career, Kayla resides in Iowa and enjoys gardening, bike riding and anything to beat the wild Midwest weather.

Kayla Schaefer is an Agile practitioner with over a decade of experience in organizational transformations. As an Agile Coach at Collins Aerospace, she has trained many individuals in Agile practices, leading multiple transformations from standalone ... Show more

Ricardo Nenê

Ricardo Nenê

Especialista em Gerenciamento de Projetos pela FGV. Gerente de projetos de TI com experiência no desenvolvimento, homologação e implantação de software de grande porte e complexidade para o Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) desde 2009 atuando com equipes distribuídas entre Santa Catarina, Ceará e Rio de Janeiro.
Um dos líderes da Transformação Digital do INSS trabalhando diretamente no simulador de aposentadorias disponível no App MeuINSS e nos projetos de concessão automática de benefícios.
Experiência em gerenciamento de projeto ágeis e projetos com metodologias tradicionais (PMBOK), análise de negócio, mapeamento de processos e requisitos de sistema.

Especialista em Gerenciamento de Projetos pela FGV. Gerente de projetos de TI com experiência no desenvolvimento, homologação e implantação de software de grande porte e complexidade para o Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) desde 2009 at... Show more

Michalina Rajczyk-Szymczyk

Michalina Rajczyk-Szymczyk

Polish soul, living in Berlin since 2018.

Senior Product Owner for IoT Platform at Kieback&Peter for . Former MBitioner delivering Connected Services (in example Apple Music or Dolby Atmos sound quality) for the newest Mercedes-Benz cars.

Worked for:
- Mercedes-Benz Software Hub: MBition,
- Swedish IoT Design and Development house: Sigma Connectivity,
- award-winning Polish startup Inteliclinic,
- ...and more.

Graduated from Embedded Electronics.

Lived in Poland, The Netherlands and Denmark,

Exceptionally tall, yoga and wine lover.

Polish soul, living in Berlin since 2018. Senior Product Owner for IoT Platform at Kieback&Peter for . Former MBitioner delivering Connected Services (in example Apple Music or Dolby Atmos sound quality) for the newest Me... Show more

Jenn Behrens

Jenn Behrens

Jenn Behrens specializes in privacy, security and identity management. She is Partner and Executive Vice President of Privacy and Security for Kuma. Jenn focuses on supporting organizations in transition from compliance to commitment in privacy and security excellence, and led the privacy-engineering and risk management efforts for multiple NIST digital identity pilots, as well as in the commercial marketplace. She oversees Kuma’s Privacy and Security Teams, has been the CISO and CPO for multiple major healthcare systems, and has successfully led organizations through several security and privacy incidents. Jenn is a well-regarded privacy SME within the digital identity field, and has led engagements ranging from assessing privacy compliance with CJIS and HIPAA controls to evalutating law enforcement agency privacy programs to developing privacy policies for mobile drivers licences solutions to composing privacy guidance for agency consideration of automated decision making and artificial intelligence solutions. Jenn speaks on a variety of topics at industry forums, most recently sharing expertise on identifying and controlling privacy risk as implicated by the usage of biometrics.

Jenn served as the IDESG Plenary Chair, (formerly Privacy Committee Chair), and was most recently an IAPP Publications Advisory Board Member (formerly Women Leading Privacy Advisory Board Member.) She currently serves on the Champions Board of the National Girls Collaborative Project as the cybersecurity and privacy expert. Jenn previously served on the HIMSS Patient Identity Integrity Workgroup, and was a member of the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) Privacy-Enhancing Technology Community of Interest. Her expertise extends from HIPAA and HITRUST to PCI, SOC, MARS-E and NIST CSF/PF. Jenn is a sought-after speaker, presenting at conferences such as RSA, AFCEA FedID Summit (f/k/a GIS), IAPP Global Privacy Summit, Identiverse (f/k/a Cloud Identity Summit), NIST Workshops, Solove’s Privacy + Security Forum, IAPP Privacy.Security.Risk Conference, and more.

Jenn has BA (UVA), MSW (VCU), and PhD in Public Policy and Administration (VCU.) Jenn holds CIPP/G, CIPP/US, and CIPM credentials. Jenn is recognized by IAPP as Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP).

Jenn Behrens specializes in privacy, security and identity management. She is Partner and Executive Vice President of Privacy and Security for Kuma. Jenn focuses on supporting organizations in transition from compliance to commitment in privacy and... Show more

Tim Gilday

Tim Gilday

Tim Gilday is a futurist thought leader focused on the ethical and optimal application of emerging technology for the U.S. government and society. He collaborates with government, academic and industry leaders to identify global risks and opportunities, as well as those posed by the increasing pace of technological innovation, and develops policy and practices to guide agency digital transformation and readiness to embrace disruption.

Tim Gilday is a futurist thought leader focused on the ethical and optimal application of emerging technology for the U.S. government and society. He collaborates with government, academic and industry leaders to identify global risks and opportuniti... Show more

Micheal Kaluba

Micheal Kaluba

OpenStreetMap Uganda's field mapping and GIS training associate. I have been a contributor to OSM since 2016 and have shown a lot of people how to use it to produce sustainable solutions through internships and training. Knowledgeable about managing, Collecting, Visualizing, and analysis of field data.

OpenStreetMap Uganda's field mapping and GIS training associate. I have been a contributor to OSM since 2016 and have shown a lot of people how to use it to produce sustainable solutions through internships and training. Knowledgeable about managing,... Show more

Karen Cuthrell

Karen Cuthrell

Karen Cuthrell, a rare Black developer in the white landscape of SEL, is the Chief Emotions Officer at The Feelings Company and a trailblazer in culturally and trauma-responsive SEL pedagogy. She created The Feeling Friends, the only Black evidenced-based early SEL integrated learning program in the United States, revolutionizing emotional literacy, mental wellness, and the SEL landscape. Using the latest neuroscience research, Karen's innovative professional development, Fuel Educator's Emotional Development (FEED), enables educators to reflect on their experiences and transform their lives, to become emotionally intelligent classroom leaders and FEEDers. FEED birthed The Emotionally Intelligent Leader (TEIL) integrated strategies for high school students. As an accomplished facilitator, Karen drives meaningful and long-lasting change in SEL and mental wellness, providing life-changing culturally and trauma-responsive experiences for students, educators, families, and communities.

Karen Cuthrell, a rare Black developer in the white landscape of SEL, is the Chief Emotions Officer at The Feelings Company and a trailblazer in culturally and trauma-responsive SEL pedagogy. She created The Feeling Friends, the only Black evidenced-... Show more

Tiara Jamison

Tiara Jamison

Tiara Jamison
CEO, Millennial Project Management Group

Tiara Jamison is a visionary leader with over 9 years of experience in the project management industry. She founded Millennial Project Management Group in 2022, driven by her extensive background working for tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. With a commitment to Empowering Excellence and Inspiring Impact, Tiara leads her team in redefining project management beyond its conventional boundaries.

Professional Philosophy:
Tiara is propelled by a passion for empowering organizations to thrive and instigating positive change. Her approach transcends traditional project management, focusing on strategic foresight and leveraging cutting-edge technology to not only achieve success but also drive societal impact.

As the CEO of Millennial Project Management Group, Tiara's mission is clear: to empower organizations to thrive in the modern landscape through exceptional project management services. She combines strategic insight, technological expertise, and a commitment to social responsibility to foster lasting success, enrich communities, and inspire positive change.

Tiara envisions Millennial Project Management Group as the foremost global provider of innovative project management solutions. She aims to drive organizational success and societal impact through cutting-edge strategies, technology integration, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Consulting Expertise:
Under Tiara's leadership, Millennial Project Management Group's seasoned consultants bring a wealth of experience to the table. They offer tailored insights and solutions that optimize project management processes, driving sustainable growth for their clients.

"We're not simply managing projects, we're empowering organizations and enriching communities. Our dual commitment to excellence and social responsibility ensures every project leaves a positive footprint on the world." - Tiara Jamison, CEO

Tiara's leadership is characterized by innovation, social responsibility, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. She believes in shaping a future where every project holds the potential for positive change, and her dedication to this vision drives Millennial Project Management Group forward as a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of today's dynamic business environment.

Tiara Jamison CEO, Millennial Project Management Group Tiara Jamison is a visionary leader with over 9 years of experience in the project management industry. She founded Millennial Project Management Group in 2022, driven by her extensive backgr... Show more

Pablo A Ruiz Gonzalez

Pablo A Ruiz Gonzalez

Engineering Professor Pablo A. Ruiz G., boasting over 30 years of experience in Automotive Engineering, is a specialist in the North American Automotive markets and e-learning. As an experienced educator and researcher, he has collaborated with top-tier firms such as Caterpillar, Cummins, Freightliner, and Mercedes Benz, as well as various universities. Professor Ruiz is proficient in data science and AI applications, leveraging his extensive industry and academic expertise.

Engineering Professor Pablo A. Ruiz G., boasting over 30 years of experience in Automotive Engineering, is a specialist in the North American Automotive markets and e-learning. As an experienced educator and researcher, he has collaborated with top-t... Show more

Freddie Bennett

Freddie Bennett

“I learned about decision-making when a drug dealer held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger”

Freddie Bennett is a man on a mission.

Do you know anyone who went from:

Stressed, depressed, addicted, unfit and overweight corporate executive…

...To complete the world toughest footrace across the scorching Sahara Desert, fighting blizzards, frostbite and polar bears to run across the Arctic towards the North Pole, and is featured in the Guinness Book of World Records as the fastest person to ever run a marathon…dressed as a fisherman?

You do now.

Described by Men’s Health magazine as ‘The foremost expert in mindset, resilience and high performance’, Freddie Bennett is a bestselling author with ‘Starting at Zero - The Guide To Making Your Dreams Come True With Everything Else is F**ked', Apple Top-25 Podcast host, sought after consultant and speaker at a variety of leading global brands including Coca-Cola, Amazon, Microsoft, IHG, Vodafone, Heineken, PwC, Accenture, Virgin Atlantic… and The United Nations.


When it comes to resilience, performing under pressure, strength in adversity and leading through change, Freddie gives you experience, insight and emotion like no other.

Other speakers talk about it. Freddie is the only speaker who has lived it.

New Zealand media calls him “The saviour of the professional services industry” and Men’s Health magazine described him as “The foremost expert in mindset, resilience and high performance”.

But this is not your bog-standard, unrelatable, ‘rally the troops’ yawn-fest delivered by a cookie-cutter, square-jawed ‘motivational speaker’ dropping tired-old cliches.

What makes Freddie unique is that he’s NOT an ex-Navy SEAL, a professional athlete, privileged adventurer or a smooth-talking life coach. He was an everyday corporate manager who battled depression, addiction,imposter syndrome burnout and and breakdown…

…then decided to become extraordinary.

Now, he proves to businesses and individuals that they can achieve the goals they once considered impossible.


From Amazon to Virgin Atlantic, from Coca-Cola to Vodafone, and from PwC to Heineken via IHG, Freddie has graced some of the most iconic stages in the US, Australasia and Europe on topics like:

- Turning a Disruption into Your Unfair Advantage
- How to Create a Win In a Losing Streak
- Fit for The Future: Creating Confidence & Resilience Through Change.
- The Mask of Confidence: Why Imposter Syndrome Is Your Secret to Success
- From Burnout To Breakthrough
- ‘Time-Folding’ to Turbocharge Productivity
- The Authenticity Myth: How to Profit From Your True Nature
- Anabolic Thinking: How to create a win in the toughest of markets

“I learned about decision-making when a drug dealer held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger” Freddie Bennett is a man on a mission. Do you know anyone who went from: Stressed, depressed, addicted, unfit and overweight corporate executi... Show more

Jeremy Hamlett

Jeremy Hamlett


... Show more

Feliana Citradewi

Feliana Citradewi

Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feliana Citradewi is a passionate entrepreneur with a multitude of achievements in numerous domains. Founder of the start-up LiVert, which is disrupting the e-commerce sector, as well as its predecessor ShopMate, in parallel she promotes international business relationships through FC IMD consulting. Co-founder of Women Circle Club and Vice-President of Asian Female Founder Foundation as well as President of honour of FemmEntreprendre.

She was a former consultant and business manager at Randstad consulting subsidiary Uno&Company, a corporate communication manager for the CEO of L'Oreal group, a project manager for an open government program at the OECD, a project manager at Préfecture and mayor office at Ardennes department, as well as a consultant at Fitch ratings.

She started her journey in France by studying Public law, then pursued double degrees twice: firstly a Master of International law & Master of Political sciences at SciencesPo;
secondly, she graduated from Sorbonne and the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA), where she was the first Indonesian woman who had ever entered this prestigious school where most French presidents and ministers were educated. Finally, she also did online courses in Philosophy from MIT, in Negotiation from HEC, Business Creation Engineering from VentureLab and English classes at Oxford colleges.

Besides serving as an immense pride for herself and her family, the multiple courses allowed her to deepen her understanding related to government decision-making and the impact of private/public policies, and allowed her to become an expert on public affairs and international matters.

While working on difficult challenges, her driver is the Indonesian proverb "Diligence is the beginning of brilliance."
In a perpetual quest for meaning, Feliana would be keen to pass on the ecological values ​​instilled by a mother from the Borneo forest, as well as contribute to creating wealth and its more fair distribution in the world. Thus, she is open to any opportunities that would be a stepping stone for that purpose through her professional and personal projects.

Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feliana Citradewi is a passionate entrepreneur with a multitude of achievements in numerous domains. Founder of the start-up LiVert, which is disrupting the e-commerce sector, as well as its predecessor ShopMate, in parall... Show more

Fabio Correa da Cruz

Fabio Correa da Cruz

Fabio Correa da Cruz é autor e inventor do framework de inovação em Produtos e Serviços ADesign Startup, é Cofundador da Scaled Innovation Aceleradora, Cofundador da AfirMed TeleMedicina e Bem-estar e SolarOmni Energia Solar, Consultor, Professor, Palestrante e autor do Motor de Inovação e framework Scaled Innovation para estruturar Hubs de Inovação em Negócios, programas de Design Organizacional e Value Stream Transformation que transformaram negócios, empresas grandes com +USD 75B Receita e +100 mil funcionários, além de empresas médias, pequenas e Startups.
Tem em seu legado a construção de MVPs e Produtos digitais que são hoje utilizados por milhões de pessoas no Brasil e no Mundo na área de transportes, sendo do cotidiano de milhões de usuários, além de registros de grandes Marcas, Patentes e Softwares com soluções em TeleMedicina, Telepsicologia, AfirBem Clube de Bem-estar e SolarOmni usinas da energia solar autônomas, consultor para registro de Patentes, Marcas e estruturação de Franquias, com formatação e expansão de modelos de negócios.
Palestrante sobre Cases de Inovação, Lean Portfólio, Agilidade, Business Innovation e Transformação Organizacional
Professor e Oficial Trainer ADesign Startup®, Scrum, Kanban, SAFe®SPC, RTE, LPM, POPM, SASM, SA, VST, EBAS, OKR, M3.0, PMP

Fabio Correa da Cruz é autor e inventor do framework de inovação em Produtos e Serviços ADesign Startup, é Cofundador da Scaled Innovation Aceleradora, Cofundador da AfirMed TeleMedicina e Bem-estar e SolarOmni Energia Solar, Consultor, Professor, Pa... Show more

Danique Motzheim

Danique Motzheim

As the founder and CEO of BYOU, I am driven by the vision of using Tech For Good
and creating a positive impact in the world.

Luxury Beauty Global Inc. is the parent company of BYOU, the world's #1 health app that provides well-being services in-person and virtual, from mental health therapy to beauty treatments. We will be there when you need us the most. Anytime & anywhere.

Luxury Beauty Global Inc. also powers BYOU IMPACT FOUNDATION, a non-profit organization that supports job skills, education, and opportunities for millions of people across the world, by sharing our commission with aid organizations that use technology to become independent from governments.

With over 10 years of experience in digital innovation, I also work as a software ingeneer and tech consultant, helping businesses in various sectors, such as Aviation, Real estate and Healthcare.

I specialize in developing complex applications and integrating AI solutions that help businesses increase revenue, save time and more sustainable. My passion lies in using technology to drive positive change and create a significant impact in the world. I have a proven track record of delivering successful projects for clients worldwide, using the latest tools and techniques in the industry.

I am also the author of The Global Thought Leader Mindset, a book that provides the wisdom and practical tools that can help you transform your life and business and become a thought leader of your own life. All the profits from this book go to BYOU IMPACT and our partnerships worldwide, empowering women and stimulating sustainable economic growth and decent work for all in Africa, South America, and Asia.

I also host The Global Thought Leader podcast, where I share insights and stories from the global leaders that are here to create an impact for others that matters the most.

Born in the Netherlands and living in Marbella, I am always eager to learn new things, explore new opportunities, and connect with like-minded people who share my vision and values.

As the founder and CEO of BYOU, I am driven by the vision of using Tech For Good and creating a positive impact in the world. Luxury Beauty Global Inc. is the parent company of BYOU, the world's #1 health app that provides well-being services i... Show more

Patricia Helena Fierro Vitola - Business & Tech Coach

Patricia Helena Fierro Vitola - Business & Tech Coach

Business & Tech Advisor | Speaker | Escritora Best Seller | Mujer Épica 2023 | Ingeniera en electrónica y
Telecomunicaciones su misión es acompañar a empresas y personas a que sean exitosas a través del aprovechamiento de la tecnología digital.
Cuenta con más de veintitrés (23) años de experiencia profesional exitosa, desde grandes empresas en el sector público Ecopetrol, Colombia
Telecomunicaciones, Caucatel, Telebucaramanga y Alcaldía Distrital de Barrancabermeja. Y como empresaria y emprendedora en el sector privado
en SkyOne, Trueke, Comercial 4G y Best Experts, ha sido consultora independiente en procesos de Innovación, estrategia de negocios y mercadeo
digital para empresas de varios sectores con casos de éxito comprobados para gremios como Asociación Colombiana de Contact Center, Fuerzas
Militares, Totto, Sigra, Cotelco, Andigraf, Anato, Fontur, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá y otras empresas colombianas donde ha impactado a más de
6000 personas con sus procesos de formación especializada en los últimos 4 años. Actualmente cofundadora de la startup tecnológica canadiense
SKYGrid solutions y consultora de varias empresas a nivel nacional e internacional.
Es Profesional Oficial de Reserva de la Armada de Colombia desde 2014 donde se desempeña como Jefe de Comunicaciones Estratégicas del
Comando PORA, Mentora del programa Mujeres TECH de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá,
Mentora del programa Más mujer, más Ciencia, Más equidad de la OID y Woman in Engineering de la IEEE y forma parte del colectivo nacional
MujeresInApps de AlianzaIn, y Womenize Latam labores que realiza de forma Ad honorem.
Escritora por pasión, varios de sus artículos han sido publicados en revistas y medios locales e internacionales. Autora de los libros de poesía
Collage (2010), Metamorfosis (2016) Best Seller en Amazon y Transfórma-T en vendedor digital (2019), La vida en puntos suspensivos (2022). Sus
obras aparecen también en algunas antologías como Miscelánea Poética Tesoro Negro (2003), Libro de Poesía Gimnasio Moderno (2010), En
proceso: Taller de Escritura Creativa (2011), La Misteriosa Poesía (2012) y Antología Flores del Desierto - España (2016). Es Coautora del libro
tecnologías de la cuarta revolución y su aplicación en la Armada de Colombia (2022)
• Ingeniera en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones - U. del Cauca (1998)
• Especialista en Telecomunicaciones - U. Pontificia Bolivariana (2002)
• Especialista en Gerencia de Estratégica - U. de la Sabana (2010)
• Máster en Innovación por IXL Global Innovation Management Institute (2016)
• Certificada Google Adwords, Publicidad en Youtube y Google Analytics por Google (2016)
• Máster in Leadership and Organizational Development with Coaching Avalado por ICF – USA (2017)
• Executive Master's in Leadership Skills Developed in Harvard avalado por Association for Coaching – Europ

Business & Tech Advisor | Speaker | Escritora Best Seller | Mujer Épica 2023 | Ingeniera en electrónica y Telecomunicaciones su misión es acompañar a empresas y personas a que sean exitosas a través del aprovechamiento de la tecnología digital. Cue... Show more

Diane Darling

Diane Darling

The good news is that my topic is ideal for any event.

I speak around the world helping smart people gain confidence when walking into rooms, networking, and building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships.

I'm published by McGraw-Hill in 9 languages. Been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, appeared on MSNBC and NBC Nightly News.

My programs are informative, fun, and packed with information that can be immediately implemented.

In order to overcome my fear of public speaking, I took acting and standup comedy courses.

My love of travel has taken her to all seven continents and 60 countries.

How can I help your event succeed? Let's connect!

The good news is that my topic is ideal for any event. I speak around the world helping smart people gain confidence when walking into rooms, networking, and building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships. I'm published by McGraw-Hill... Show more

Tascha Just

Tascha Just

Tascha Just merges 20 years of psychology expertise to foster resilience across generations. With Black, Indigenous, and Scandinavian heritage, she transforms learning into multicultural opportunities of growth and understanding.

Tascha Just merges 20 years of psychology expertise to foster resilience across generations. With Black, Indigenous, and Scandinavian heritage, she transforms learning into multicultural opportunities of growth and understanding. Show more

Kevin Biegon

Kevin Biegon

Passionate Communication & Digital Marketing Executive based in Nairobi, Africa, driving impactful strategies for brand growth and visibility. Currently steering comprehensive multimedia campaigns at CDI, focusing on video production, internal communication, and social media management. Adept at crafting compelling content, I've orchestrated successful CDI brand-building events and managed media relations.

As a seasoned professional, I've honed my skills in CRM tools, website management, Photoshop, video editing, and copywriting. My journey started as an intern at CDI-Africa, where I actively contributed to brand strategy and communication initiatives, laying the groundwork for my current role.

My diverse experience extends to roles at Huduma Center in Homa Bay, where I handled documentary production, customer service, and government procurement. Earlier, I served as a Graphics & Digital Communication Assistant at the Computer Engineering Forum, specializing in graphic design, event support, and maintaining brand guidelines.

Education-wise, I am pursuing a Master's in Corporate Communication from Daystar University and hold a Bachelor's in Mass Communication from Africa Nazarene University. Additionally, I bring a certificate in Working with The Media from the University of Colorado Boulder and certifications in User Experience and Project Management from Google, along with proficiency in hardware and operating systems from IBM.

I'm enthusiastic about leveraging my skills and knowledge to drive effective communication strategies and contribute to organizational success. Let's connect and explore opportunities to collaborate!

Passionate Communication & Digital Marketing Executive based in Nairobi, Africa, driving impactful strategies for brand growth and visibility. Currently steering comprehensive multimedia campaigns at CDI, focusing on video production, internal commun... Show more

Ebi Gasem

Ebi Gasem

With over 18 years in IT, including 13 years dedicated to cybersecurity, I've excelled in developing information security programs across industries. I've implemented ISO 27001-based systems, conducted audits, and crafted policies. Notable achievements include establishing a robust security management system for a global tech firm and leading a proactive vulnerability program for a major financial institution.
Beyond my corporate roles, I've shared my expertise in academia, teaching software engineering courses at universities and mentoring young minds in ethical hacking and penetration testing. In penetration testing, I've led impactful projects in fintech and telecom, providing valuable insights.
Committed to continuous learning, I stay at the forefront of cybersecurity, delivering clear communication for informed decision-making. With a blend of practical experience and a passion for education, I look forward to contributing to the discourse on Unconscious Secure Coding at the upcoming event.

With over 18 years in IT, including 13 years dedicated to cybersecurity, I've excelled in developing information security programs across industries. I've implemented ISO 27001-based systems, conducted audits, and crafted policies. Notable achievemen... Show more

Philipp Schubert

Philipp Schubert

Academic Backround

2023 – today
PhD Candidate at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER

2021 – 2023
Business Education/Business Informatics (M. Sc.) at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, GER

2017 – 2021
Business Informatics (B. Sc.) at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, GER

Academic Backround 2023 – today PhD Candidate at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER 2021 – 2023 Business Education/Business Informatics (M. Sc.) at the Otto-Friedrich-University ... Show more

Anja Löwe

Anja Löwe

Anja Loewe has been working at the CompetenceCenter E-Learning (CCE), a team within the Vice Rectorate for Teaching and Studies at the University of Cologne, for many years. Her focus lies in the field of E-Assessments/E-Exams, which includes advising and training instructors as well as coordinating the Examination Center.
She has a keen interest in pioneering examination formats, Adaptive Learning, AI, Lifelong Learning, Gamification in Education, Digital Literacy, Diversity, Ethics in Digital Education, and Sustainability.

Ms. Loewe holds a degree in Egyptology and previously engaged in research and teaching prior to joining the CCE.

Anja Loewe has been working at the CompetenceCenter E-Learning (CCE), a team within the Vice Rectorate for Teaching and Studies at the University of Cologne, for many years. Her focus lies in the field of E-Assessments/E-Exams, which includes advisin... Show more

Rona Lewis

Rona Lewis

Rona Lewis calls herself a Play Instigator. She's Co-Founder and CEO of Playful Mind Project and is an outcome driven creativity and play consultant using elements of purposeful and attuned play. She transforms employee attitudes for better creative thinking, innovation and productivity. Playful Mind Project offers programs that broaden the culture of companies through innovative, proven tactics, inspiring, empowering, and honoring employees. Rona's events teach employees how to execute company/client vision, strategy and values, and establish proactive, resilient and efficient teams, promoting a positive, fun and close-knit company experience, yielding employee retention and increased sales.

Rona consults with and enhances and customizes employee experiences for a diverse client base that includes technology, pharma and advertising groups. She also plans and executes events and programs bridging the gap between millennials and baby boomers, creating a collaborative workforce. She coaches senior executives on the importance of transparency and fosters initiatives to build trust between employees and company leaders. Rona is a professional speaker who provides keynotes, seminars and team building events.

Rona Lewis calls herself a Play Instigator. She's Co-Founder and CEO of Playful Mind Project and is an outcome driven creativity and play consultant using elements of purposeful and attuned play. She transforms employee attitudes for better creative ... Show more

Arjun Anapalli

Arjun Anapalli

There's nothing much great to talk about me. Author of 5 books, a TEDx speaker, Career Coach to students searching for colleges. Developer in the field of Data Science. Research and Development scientist in AI.

There's nothing much great to talk about me. Author of 5 books, a TEDx speaker, Career Coach to students searching for colleges. Developer in the field of Data Science. Research and Development scientist in AI. Show more

Dylan Dean

Dylan Dean

Dylan Dean has worked in various roles in education for the past 18 years always with the focus on child and youth mental health advocacy and social-emotional wellness. Certified in Yoga, Mindfulness, and most recently in the transformative program MindUp, Dylan has managed to take her passion for holistic wellness and incorporate it into every facet of her career.
From her roots as an interpreter to her work in the classroom as a special education assistant, to creating and running her own youth-focused mindfulness program, Dylan has always believed that social-emotional education and wellness is pivotal for children to learn personal growth and self-awareness skills allowing them to better understand their brain-body connections, manage their emotions, develop empathy, and foster positive relationships.
Dylan's latest endeavor has been collaborating within her K-12 school community to bring MindUp- a program that beautifully combines neuroscience, positive psychology, mindful awareness, and SEL- to all students and staff.

Dylan Dean has worked in various roles in education for the past 18 years always with the focus on child and youth mental health advocacy and social-emotional wellness. Certified in Yoga, Mindfulness, and most recently in the transformative program M... Show more

Amanda Kavner, PhD

Amanda Kavner, PhD

Dr Amanda Kavner is a cognitive neuroscientist with a research focus on mapping cognitive processes using neurocognitive measurements and machine learning algorithms.

As a professor, Kavner has always focused on the understanding, utilization, and teaching of current and upcoming technological innovations that are positioned to become a mainstream tool for her students' future lives, which is what has brought her to blockchain technology and NFTs.

Dr Amanda Kavner is a cognitive neuroscientist with a research focus on mapping cognitive processes using neurocognitive measurements and machine learning algorithms. As a professor, Kavner has always focused on the understanding, utilization, an... Show more

Shreyan Fernandes

Shreyan Fernandes

Shreyan J. D. Fernandes is a dynamic and accomplished professional with a diverse skill set and a passion for innovation. Graduating from Manipal Institute of Technology with a BTech in Biomedical/Medical Engineering in 2022, he has seamlessly blended academic excellence with a remarkable track record in technology and leadership.
Currently serving as a Software Developer Analyst at KPMG India, Shreyan's journey extends beyond his professional role.
Prior to his role at KPMG, Shreyan demonstrated a strong association with Microsoft, where he served as an Intern under Microsoft Content division and also as Gold Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador. He has also conducted webinars on emerging technologies and delivered sessions on Microsoft technologies, aiding students in learning about Microsoft Azure, and contributing technical blogs and tutorials on various Azure services.
Shreyan's association with Microsoft is marked by numerous accolades, including being a finalist in national-level competitions and securing top positions in Microsoft Azure League Hacks. He has not only delivered webinars on emerging technologies but also actively contributed technical blogs and tutorials on Microsoft Azure services, demonstrating his dedication to knowledge sharing.
Beyond the tech realm, Shreyan has taken on leadership roles as the General Secretary of Ek Sangharsh-Manipal and as the President and Head of AI at XeA Innovations Pvt. Ltd. His multifaceted journey includes contributions to various initiatives, exemplifying his commitment to personal and professional growth.
In summary, Shreyan J. D. Fernandes is a standout individual whose academic background in biomedical engineering, coupled with his leadership roles and notable achievements in the technology domain, make him an ideal speaker for any event seeking insights into the intersection of technology, leadership, and innovation.

Shreyan J. D. Fernandes is a dynamic and accomplished professional with a diverse skill set and a passion for innovation. Graduating from Manipal Institute of Technology with a BTech in Biomedical/Medical Engineering in 2022, he has seamlessly blende... Show more

Dan Dang

Dan Dang

En recherche constante de sens, et de relations humaines, passionné du digital et du produit, amateur de sport de raquettes, fasciné par l'humain et ses interactions… j'ai trouvé LE terrain de jeu parfait dans le Product Management, et désormais le Product Growth en concevant des produits / services / expériences qui font sens et apportent un réel impact positif pour la Planète et l’Humain.

En recherche constante de sens, et de relations humaines, passionné du digital et du produit, amateur de sport de raquettes, fasciné par l'humain et ses interactions… j'ai trouvé LE terrain de jeu parfait dans le Product Management, et désormais le P... Show more

Abderrahmane Merradou

Abderrahmane Merradou

Hey, I'm Merradou Abderrahmane. I've been all over Morocco, from Feguig to Tanger to Marrakech :)
After finishing high school, I jumped into a two-year SOLICODE bootcamp partnered with Simplon, where I learned web and mobile development. Besides coding, I was actively involved in various initiatives that greatly influenced my career.

One of my main contributions was organizing the first and second editions of SOLIHACKATHON. Additionally, I played an active role in our school club, leading robotics and programming workshops for kids using robots and Scratch.

Later, I joined Simplon Maghreb and focused on deploying social projects. I led workshops for over 1000 kids facing difficult situations across Morocco, aiming to involve them in the tech revolution.

Currently, I'm a Project Manager at Simplon Maghreb, overseeing the ENAA bootcamp in Beni Mellal. I'm passionate about tech education and love inspiring others to explore the fascinating world of technology, especially getting kids excited about it!

Hey, I'm Merradou Abderrahmane. I've been all over Morocco, from Feguig to Tanger to Marrakech :) After finishing high school, I jumped into a two-year SOLICODE bootcamp partnered with Simplon, where I learned web and mobile development. Besides cod... Show more

Christi Frias

Christi Frias

As the Student Services Director in San Marcos Unified School District, Christi Frias is a dedicated advocate for mental health and student well-being. Throughout her career, she has worked tirelessly to create and implement programs and services that support student mental health and well-being. She is deeply passionate about promoting healthy and positive learning environments that foster student success. Mrs. Frias has experience working with a variety of stakeholders, including students, parents, faculty, and community members, to create meaningful change.

As the Student Services Director in San Marcos Unified School District, Christi Frias is a dedicated advocate for mental health and student well-being. Throughout her career, she has worked tirelessly to create and implement programs and services tha... Show more

Kelly Heuer

Kelly Heuer

Dr. Kelly Heuer has worked in higher education for more than fifteen years, first as an academic and now as Vice President of Learning Experience at edX/2U. She holds an AB in philosophy from Harvard and an MA and PhD in philosophy from Georgetown, where she helped launch the university’s first MOOC in bioethics and co-founded its innovation lab focused on practical ethics.

Dr. Kelly Heuer has worked in higher education for more than fifteen years, first as an academic and now as Vice President of Learning Experience at edX/2U. She holds an AB in philosophy from Harvard and an MA and PhD in philosophy from Georgetown, w... Show more

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