Humanities & Social Sciences

Esteemed speakers contributing their insights into human culture, behavior, and societal development

Ahmed Hamdy

Ahmed Hamdy

Software Engineer at Flink Engine team in Ververica taking part in providing core Flink and Connectors features to Ververica Cloud and Ververica Platform users, previously at AWS Managed service for Flink.
Ahmed has been an active member of the Flink community helping provide and maintain AWS connectors.

Software Engineer at Flink Engine team in Ververica taking part in providing core Flink and Connectors features to Ververica Cloud and Ververica Platform users, previously at AWS Managed service for Flink. Ahmed has been an active member of the Flin... Show more

Divine Aleru

Divine Aleru

Full stack developer with an unconventional twist: I blend the precision of a biochemist, the problem-solving skills of a software engineer, and the clarity of a technical writer. My journey from lab benches to code editors has given me a unique perspective on technology and its applications. I love octopuses, I mean, they do have incredible problem-solving abilities.

Full stack developer with an unconventional twist: I blend the precision of a biochemist, the problem-solving skills of a software engineer, and the clarity of a technical writer. My journey from lab benches to code editors has given me a unique pers... Show more

Tyler Suard

Tyler Suard

Tyler Suard is a Python software developer in the field of Machine Learning and AI. He loves spaceships, giant robots, and his cat Ridley.

Tyler Suard is a Python software developer in the field of Machine Learning and AI. He loves spaceships, giant robots, and his cat Ridley. Show more

Arjun Sharda

Arjun Sharda

My name is Arjun Sharda and I am passionate about technology. Despite my young age of 13, I am already an entrepreneur, writer, full-stack developer, and YouTuber. I have been working on many open-source projects and have earned certifications from reputable institutions such as Stanford, Meta, Google, Amazon Web Services, and

My name is Arjun Sharda and I am passionate about technology. Despite my young age of 13, I am already an entrepreneur, writer, full-stack developer, and YouTuber. I have been working on many open-source projects and have earned certifications from r... Show more

Clara Rohloff

Clara Rohloff

Mein Name ist Clara Rohloff (w), ich bin 28 Jahre alt und promoviere über das Thema Vlogging auf YouTube im Fach Allgemeine Rhetorik an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Ich beschäftige mich schon eine Weile mit Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Diversität in der akademischen Bubble und habe als Hochschullehrende bereits Seminare zum Thema Gender und Rhetorik gegeben. In meiner Rolle als Promotionsstudentin setze ich mich täglich mit den strukturellen Herausforderungen des Wissenschaftssystems auseinander und erlebe auch immer wieder Momente des Zusammenhalts und des Wandels – diese Perspektive möchte ich gerne mit den Besucher*innen des Future Festivals 2023 teilen.

Mein Name ist Clara Rohloff (w), ich bin 28 Jahre alt und promoviere über das Thema Vlogging auf YouTube im Fach Allgemeine Rhetorik an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Ich beschäftige mich schon eine Weile mit Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und D... Show more

Ala Kuzniatsova

Ala Kuzniatsova

Agilist, feminist, humanist

Agilist, feminist, humanist Show more

Rami Ruhayel

Rami Ruhayel

I love mathematics, coffee, software and talking long walks off short piers.

I love mathematics, coffee, software and talking long walks off short piers. Show more

Emmanuel Hervé

Emmanuel Hervé

Coach de managers, d’équipes et d’organisations depuis plus de 10 ans, j’accompagne les entreprises mais avant tout les personnes pour “remettre l’humain” au centre de nos préoccupations. J’attache une attention particulière à donner et/ou trouver du sens en fonction de votre contexte, pour que vous soyez bien avec vous même afin d’être encore mieux avec les autres. Mon approche est caractérisée par l’écoute, la patience, le partage des connaissances pour permettre aux personnes que j’accompagne de développer une intelligence collective et positive.

Coach de managers, d’équipes et d’organisations depuis plus de 10 ans, j’accompagne les entreprises mais avant tout les personnes pour “remettre l’humain” au centre de nos préoccupations. J’attache une attention particulière à donner et/ou trouver du... Show more

Juan Claramunt

Juan Claramunt

Bachelor in Mathematics at Universidad de Cantabria, Utrecht University & Brown University.
Master in Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical, and Social Sciences, & European Master in Official Statistics (Utrecht University).
Scientific information specialist at Leiden University since 2018. Research includes regression and classification trees, multiple imputation, or reproducibility in simulation studies. Coordinator of R seminars for five bachelor Statistics courses.

Bachelor in Mathematics at Universidad de Cantabria, Utrecht University & Brown University. Master in Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical, and Social Sciences, & European Master in Official Statistics (Utrecht University). Sc... Show more

Sam Cranford

Sam Cranford

Long-time agile jiggler, eXtreme programmer and agile catalyst, amateur bon vivant. Bilingual EN/FR - fr_US

Long-time agile jiggler, eXtreme programmer and agile catalyst, amateur bon vivant. Bilingual EN/FR - fr_US Show more

Moran Weber

Moran Weber

Moran Weber is the CEO & Founder of Women on Stage; a global upskilling and support network for women in tech ( She’s formerly Tech Lead at Wix with 10 years of experience in software development. In addition, she is a Social Psychologist, holding an MA in Social Psychology, along with a BSc in Computer Science and Psychology from Tel-Aviv University.

In the past, Moran suffered from severe stage fright and impostor syndrome. Her path of overcoming these anxieties included stepping up to as many stages as possible, and becoming a renowned speaker and speakers’ trainer. Her unique background as a Software Developer, a Social Psychologist, and as a woman in tech drove her to embark on a mission to amplify women's voices everywhere.

Moran Weber is the CEO & Founder of Women on Stage; a global upskilling and support network for women in tech ( She’s formerly Tech Lead at Wix with 10 years of experience in software development. In addition, she is a ... Show more

Katjarina Hurt

Katjarina Hurt

Katjarina “Katja” Hurt is the Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit organization, Wilderness Chaplains. Katja has a background in law enforcement with the Washington State and Missouri Departments of Correction as a probation and parole officer, curriculum specialist, policy adviser, and master trainer. She serves as a chaplain for several Search & Rescue and Mountain Rescue groups through the King County Sheriff’s Office. Katja has over fifteen years of experience as a ski patroller, primarily at Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State, where she provides emergency care and oversees the intermountain Peer Support Program for four areas.

Katjarina “Katja” Hurt is the Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit organization, Wilderness Chaplains. Katja has a background in law enforcement with the Washington State and Missouri Departments of Correction as a probation and parole of... Show more

Freddy Jackson

Freddy Jackson

Freddy is an inspirational and transformational lecturer and speaker, social-emotional learning (SEL) mentor, health and wellness trainer, educator, author, and founder of The Love No Ego Foundation.

Freddy's Love...No Ego philosophy serves as the foundation for success, strengthening the motivation needed for change, igniting intuitions, identifying and removing egotistical behaviors, minimizing stress and conflict, and facilitating value and purposeful action that enables participants to grow and perform better than their everyday pressures despite their chosen industry.

Domestically, as well as internationally, Freddy has delivered powerful, engaging, and relevant presentations, mentored, consulted, and conducted workshops for individuals, teams, and organizations, improving insight, sustainability, and resiliency.

Freddy is an inspirational and transformational lecturer and speaker, social-emotional learning (SEL) mentor, health and wellness trainer, educator, author, and founder of The Love No Ego Foundation. Freddy's Love...No Ego philosophy serves as th... Show more

Neha Lagoo Ratnakar

Neha Lagoo Ratnakar

Neha Lagoo Ratnakar is a tiny speaker with a big name and an even bigger message. Her talks are part wakeup call and part kick in the behind.

Neha’s bestselling book, Back on Your Feet (Goodreads 4.5, Amazon 4.7) has helped hundreds of women start their career comeback journey and she’s spent hours directly coaching them.

But throughout her career spanning 8 countries, and her work as the Head of Education at a non-profit in Europe, she was shocked to hear that it was difficult for leaders to bridge the gender numbers despite their best intentions.

So Neha made it her mission to help organisations bridge this gap and support women on their journey.

What she has to say may offend you, could provoke you, but will definitely make you think. If you’re looking for a keynote speaker who can talk from authentic global experiences infused with actionable insights, then Neha is your choice.

Neha Lagoo Ratnakar is a tiny speaker with a big name and an even bigger message. Her talks are part wakeup call and part kick in the behind. Neha’s bestselling book, Back on Your Feet (Goodreads 4.5, Amazon 4.7) has helped hundreds of women star... Show more

Kevin Mireles

Kevin Mireles

Kevin Mireles has a BA in BS and a PhD from the school of Hard Knocks, which he earned after successfully burning through millions of dollars of other people’s money.

His claims to fame include getting a ride from Hunter S. Thompson's attorney while hitchhiking from Colorado to California , fleeing from killer bee's while biking through the Amazon, and being a dad of three amazing girls.

In addition, he’s an undercover Hispanic, former journalist and current product manager with 20+ years of experience blending quantitative and qualitative insights to develop e-commerce, news and analytic solutions used by hundreds of thousands around the globe.

Kevin Mireles has a BA in BS and a PhD from the school of Hard Knocks, which he earned after successfully burning through millions of dollars of other people’s money. His claims to fame include getting a ride from Hunter S. Thompson's attorney wh... Show more

Dr. Kimberly Taylor MPA,DRS

Dr. Kimberly Taylor MPA,DRS


Fatherhood Show more

Emanuele Moscato

Emanuele Moscato

I spent several years working in large companies in different areas (business development, marketing, sourcing, organization, digital innovation) measuring myself in different fields, from software simulation and validation, to strategic sourcing and finally to organizational methodologies. In these experiences I was able to put into practice what I learned in my studies and learn new things using my ability to see and my propensity to think out of the box. Now is the time to help companies improve themselves by providing them with an external, competent and sometimes visionary, point of view. That's why I decided to take care of companies, and even before the people who make them live, from outside as a consultant.

I spent several years working in large companies in different areas (business development, marketing, sourcing, organization, digital innovation) measuring myself in different fields, from software simulation and validation, to strategic sourcing and... Show more

Gemma Honour

Gemma Honour

Gemma Honour is a therapeutic coach, visual facilitator, consultant and speaker. She uses a fusion of visual thinking and coaching skills to enthuse and ignite change in organisations. Gemma moved into the world of Agile where she learned the power of using visuals, psychological theory and play based techniques to build great culture, aid learning of new concepts and solve tricky problems in ways that get everyone involved.

Gemma Honour is a therapeutic coach, visual facilitator, consultant and speaker. She uses a fusion of visual thinking and coaching skills to enthuse and ignite change in organisations. Gemma moved into the world of Agile where she learned the power... Show more

Rachael Lewis

Rachael Lewis

NCRC works with individuals across the globe to help resolve conflicts at all levels of society, through our unique training programs.

NCRC works with individuals across the globe to help resolve conflicts at all levels of society, through our unique training programs. Show more

Benoît Pilorget

Benoît Pilorget

Who is Benoît?

With 8 years' experience managing complex collaborative projects, including 3 as PO, I know that any project can turn into a Tower of Babel...
I also know that I don't know anything, even though I can forget this fact from time to time :)

So let's hear each other out, let's communicate and together we just might end up creating a cool product!

Has he ever given any talk?

I led several webinars during the pandemic and I currently lead my client's PO community by organising (with my colleagues) self-training sessions on agile issues. I also sometimes share my thoughts on Linkedin when I feel like it.

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Who is Benoît? ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ With 8 years' experience managing complex collaborative projects, including 3 as PO, I know that any project can turn into a Tower of Babel... I also know that I don't know anything, even thou... Show more

Aquayemi - Claude Garnett Akinsanya (Claude)

Aquayemi - Claude Garnett Akinsanya (Claude)

My name is Aquayemi-Claude from London, Richmond Upon Thames, England, United Kingdom. I am 24 year old who has created a Campaign back 2020 and also a in the year of 2015 to then create a brand line for my Campaign. Which was created into the fashion line of awareness for, The Claudes SEN Law Campaign in 2020. My noneprofit Clothing Brand grow to gain awareness, in result of my years of discrimination in Britain.

Who has also created a number of innovations for example the Instagram Live Interview Opportunity which get's uploaded to my podcast. Where you able to #ShareYourStories which will give you awareness which you are looking for, including the Artist Tuesday and Track Of The Week which takes place on my other Instagram Musician page: @Garnett_2000 which gives unsigned unheard fellow musician the awareness and exposure which they or the individual deserve.

Which was created back in 2015 and has grown overtime. #SaveTheArts The Instagram Live and Podcast Interview opportunity was created back in 2021 and has also equally grown overtime. 

When I am a British black male neurodiverse who has managed epilepsy. Who is born and brought up in Britain all my life. I also have published four books at the age of 23 while being denied an education from 2017, because of my hidden disabilities, and also the colour of my skin as a young black male individual who is changing the narrative for Inclusive and diverse world, with equal opportunities.

In the 21st century Britain which is stuck in a time capsule, who also created the Safe Space Tuesday Afternoon Tea Event.

Which is in aid of mental health awareness for individuals. Who require a safe space to talk while drinking tea online weather that's Twitter Space or Zoom. Who believes in: "Inclusive equal world for Neurodivers, people with hidden, visable disabilities and the awareness of the  #TheClaudesSENLaw

Occupation: Student, Author,  Campaigner,  Youth Delegate,  Entrepreneur, Influencer, Keynote Public Speaker, Philanthropist, Activist in reducing Inequality + Quality Education, CEO, Fashion Designer, Singer Songwriter also the creator of "The Claudes SEN Law Campaign. Which is National & International  Campaign & Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range non-profit organisation. This news issue would be important to me because I personally believe in the  awareness of The Claudes SEN Law Campaign ~ Mission is to deliver and execute "Inclusive equal world for Neurodivers, people with hidden, visable disabilities and the awareness of the  #TheClaudesSENLaw 

Society judges a individual by its appearance and abilities. Let's change the narrative. In up rooting the current system for inclusive, diverse world with equal opportunities in addressing low efficiency of representation in government and society. The noneprofit Clothing brand, "Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range," which is "For the Eccentric, Fashionable people which  are in the World.  For their Voice to be out there Heard among the Crowd." #signatureuniqueness

My name is Aquayemi-Claude from London, Richmond Upon Thames, England, United Kingdom. I am 24 year old who has created a Campaign back 2020 and also a in the year of 2015 to then create a brand line for my Campaign. Which was created into the fashio... Show more

Stephan Swart

Stephan Swart

Stephan Swart has chosen engineering leadership as his craft. Stephan has held a range of titles including: developer, architect, agile coach, and CTO. He is currently consulting to tech companies, helping them to get the best out of their dev teams. He is passionate about creating work-environments where software teams and individuals can flourish. He has seen the insides of small, medium, and large organisations. In all teams he has been part of, he has grown a reputation of bringing clarity, trust, and courage.

Stephan Swart has chosen engineering leadership as his craft. Stephan has held a range of titles including: developer, architect, agile coach, and CTO. He is currently consulting to tech companies, helping them to get the best out of their dev teams.... Show more

Silje Holtmon Akø

Silje Holtmon Akø

Autistforeningen er en frivillig organisasjon som søker å spre kunnskap om autisme, og er utelukkende drevet av autister selv .

Autistforeningen er en frivillig organisasjon som søker å spre kunnskap om autisme, og er utelukkende drevet av autister selv . Show more

Marc Bouvier

Marc Bouvier

Developpeur depuis 10 ans dans des domaines variés tels que l'assurance, les services publics et le RGPD. J'ai pu développer une sensibilité pour le craft et aussi les pratiques humaines qui font du développement logiciel plus que simplement écrire du code.
Je souhaite aujourd'hui mettre en action mon savoir faire pour contribuer à répondre aux enjeux majeurs de notre siècle tels que le réchauffement climatique, les inégalités et la démocratie.

Developpeur depuis 10 ans dans des domaines variés tels que l'assurance, les services publics et le RGPD. J'ai pu développer une sensibilité pour le craft et aussi les pratiques humaines qui font du développement logiciel plus que simplement écrire d... Show more

Mercy Makinde

Mercy Makinde

Mercy is a guidance counsellor with a B.Sc degree in guidance and counselling, with expertise in psychotherapies, mental health, and career/vocational counselling. Additionally, she is a skilled front-end developer and has experience in technical writing and social media management. Her skill set allows her to contribute to personal and professional growth.

Mercy is a guidance counsellor with a B.Sc degree in guidance and counselling, with expertise in psychotherapies, mental health, and career/vocational counselling. Additionally, she is a skilled front-end developer and has experience in technical wri... Show more

Nicholas Adams

Nicholas Adams

Nicholas is a British IT engineer living in Japan, early adopter of tech, early discarder of tech, legacy user and Head of Global Support for TI Tokyo, running the team that provides 24/7/365 Enterprise Grade support for Riak.
Nicholas enjoys presenting and teaching and keeps in practice through regular small lectures and training sessions in and around Tokyo.

Nicholas is a British IT engineer living in Japan, early adopter of tech, early discarder of tech, legacy user and Head of Global Support for TI Tokyo, running the team that provides 24/7/365 Enterprise Grade support for Riak. Nicholas enjoys presen... Show more

Fadi Khoury

Fadi Khoury

Fadi Khoury is a seasoned professional with a passion for innovation and a drive for excellence in the field of technology. Fadi is a distinguished Senior Director of Digital Transformation at Integral Tech Group, bringing over two decades of invaluable experience in the realm of Digital Transformation to his role. With a robust background in leading Agile transformations, Fadi has proven himself as a visionary at navigating complex digital landscapes and established himself as a dynamic leader and problem-solver.

Before his tenure at Integral Tech Group, Fadi served as an Agile Transformation Leader at Ford Motor Company, where his strategic insights and leadership played a pivotal role in driving organizational change and innovation. His tenure at Ford was marked by significant contributions to the company's Agile journey, setting the stage for streamlined processes and enhanced project delivery.

Prior to his role at Ford, Fadi held key positions in renowned institutions, including leading the IT Project Office at Ford Motor Credit Company, where he honed his project management skills and fostered a culture of excellence. His tenure as a Process Consultant at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange further enriched his expertise in optimizing IT processes, while his role as an Application Architect at Web Soft Corporation provided him with a deep understanding of software architecture and development.

Fadi's academic credentials further underscore his commitment to excellence. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Oklahoma City University, a Master of Science in Computer Science from Wayne State University, and a Doctorate in Management Information Technology from Lawrence Technological University. This blend of academic rigor and practical experience positions Fadi as a thought leader in the digital transformation space.

In his current role at Integral Tech Group, Fadi continues to drive digital innovation and transformation, leveraging his wealth of experience and expertise to help organizations navigate the complexities of the digital age. With a relentless focus on delivering value and driving change, Fadi Khoury remains at the forefront of shaping the future of technology-enabled business solutions.

Fadi Khoury is a seasoned professional with a passion for innovation and a drive for excellence in the field of technology. Fadi is a distinguished Senior Director of Digital Transformation at Integral Tech Group, bringing over two decades of invalua... Show more

Simon Pierre Nolin

Simon Pierre Nolin

Coach Agile
Passionné du fonctionnement du cerveau et des comportements attenant
Légèrement NeuroAtypique

Coach Agile Passionné du fonctionnement du cerveau et des comportements attenant Légèrement NeuroAtypique Show more

Yanina Costero

Yanina Costero

Soy Yani, Licenciada en Recursos Humanos. Cuento con mas de 5 años de experiencia trabajando en diferentes roles dentro del área de HR.
Hace 3 años me sumé a Rootstrap y formo parte del equipo de Talent Acquisition donde mi enfoque principal es identificar, atraer y seleccionar a los mejores profesionales en IT. También colaboro en procesos cross como onboarding, mentorías, analytics, comunidades, entre otros.
Me apasiona el trabajo con personas, y la combinación con el mundo IT.

Soy Yani, Licenciada en Recursos Humanos. Cuento con mas de 5 años de experiencia trabajando en diferentes roles dentro del área de HR. Hace 3 años me sumé a Rootstrap y formo parte del equipo de Talent Acquisition donde mi enfoque principal es ide... Show more

Amber Shand

Amber Shand

Amber Shand is an award winning Software Engineer, keynote speaker, DEI consultant, and creator of the Own Your Wins newsletter with 1,900+ subscribers. Coming from an Economics and Accounting background, she learned how to code over the pandemic and is now on a mission to help women in tech use their voice and take up space in the industry to land more opportunities and unapologetically celebrate their wins.

Amber Shand is an award winning Software Engineer, keynote speaker, DEI consultant, and creator of the Own Your Wins newsletter with 1,900+ subscribers. Coming from an Economics and Accounting background, she learned how to code over the pandemic and... Show more

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