Humanities & Social Sciences

Esteemed speakers contributing their insights into human culture, behavior, and societal development

Ville Gullstrand

Ville Gullstrand

I inspire people to embrace the potential of today!

This is what it means to me, broken down word by word.

Inspire - This is the method I trust and believe in. By inspire first (the why), I'm confident people will find instructions after (the how).
People - I don't work with organizations. I work with people! We should listen to hear, not to be able to respond.
To embrace - For you to be fully motivated, I want you to drive your practice from within. For your own reasons. That's why it's important that you embrace.
The potential - This could be so many things! Productive ways of work, applications, methods and much more. I want you to reach your highest potential and be the best you.
Of today - Whatever potential is available, I want you to be inspired to embrace it. In an evergreen world, everything constantly changes. This keeps me on my toes and keeps you informed on the latest and greatest.


I inspire people to embrace the potential of today! This is what it means to me, broken down word by word. Inspire - This is the method I trust and believe in. By inspire first (the why), I'm confident people will find instructions after (the h... Show more

Jeremy Treadwell

Jeremy Treadwell

Futurist | Founder | Educator | Speaker | Author

Jeremy Treadwell is a visionary entrepreneur and futurist from Chicago, IL, living in Maryland, minutes from our national capital, Washington, D.C. With a passion for guiding individuals and businesses toward their desired futures, Jeremy has earned the moniker “Vision Capitalist.”

As the founder and owner of Treadwell Agency, a highly respected consulting firm, Jeremy has been instrumental in helping countless individuals and businesses define their visions, gain clarity, and pave the way toward success. Jeremy has empowered clients to reach their full potential and navigate the complexities of the ever-evolving business landscape through innovative strategies and keen Foresight.

Beyond his consulting endeavors, Jeremy shares his wealth of knowledge and expertise as an esteemed adjunct professor at Bradley University, where he imparts his wisdom in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience Strategy. His dedication to education and commitment to nurturing the next generation of visionaries showcase his leadership inside and outside the classroom.

A true believer in the power of Foresight, Jeremy has earned recognition as a certified Futurist through the esteemed Institute of the Future. As a sought-after speaker, he captivates audiences with engaging talks on Cybersecurity, Strategic Futures, and User Behavior, leaving a lasting impact on individuals and organizations alike.

Constantly embracing new challenges, Jeremy is working on his upcoming book, delving deep into the realm of Foresight. With his unique insights and innovative thinking, he aims to inspire others to harness the power of Foresight to achieve greatness.

In addition to his professional achievements, Jeremy is known for his strong sense of community and commitment to helping others. His philanthropic endeavors have left an indelible mark on those fortunate to cross paths with him.

As a visionary thought leader, Jeremy’s relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering dedication to empowering others sets him apart as a true trailblazer in the business world. Jeremy continues to shape a brighter future for individuals, businesses, and society through his visionary approach and compassionate spirit.

Futurist | Founder | Educator | Speaker | Author Jeremy Treadwell is a visionary entrepreneur and futurist from Chicago, IL, living in Maryland, minutes from our national capital, Washington, D.C. With a passion for guiding individuals and busines... Show more

Nova Lorraine

Nova Lorraine

The First Impact Fashion Designer to have her design land on the moon, Nova Lorraine has made history for fashion, sustainability and technology. Named one of the Most Inspirational Women of Web3 and AI, Nova Lorraine is an award-winning Fashion Designer and Futurist. Renowned for her design prowess, has been featured in Forbes, and Inc, with her designs featured in Essence, Italian Vogue, and "The View" to name a few.

Nova is a recipient of the Web3 Creator Future Award, the Metaverse Champion Award, and the LAMINA1 NFT Artist Award, cementing her as a trailblazer in both artistic and digital domains. Named a Top 100 Women of the Future, Nova is the author and podcast host of "Unleash Your Supernova" and Co-Host of the "AI for Creatives" podcast.

Having founded Raine Magazine in 2007, Nova has interviewed hundreds of celebrities including Kendall Jenner, Priyanka Chopra, and Mark Cuban, to name a few. She is currently building the House of Nova, the future of couture.

The First Impact Fashion Designer to have her design land on the moon, Nova Lorraine has made history for fashion, sustainability and technology. Named one of the Most Inspirational Women of Web3 and AI, Nova Lorraine is an award-winning Fashion Desi... Show more

David Gómez-Rodríguez

David Gómez-Rodríguez

Consultor de Desarrollo Organizacional.
Executive MBA y Diploma de Extensión Universitaria en Procesos y Calidad.
Certificado como Green Belt en Lean-Six Sigma, PSM I, ITIL Support & Delivery, Analista Conductual DISC , Master Practitioner en DBM, Consultor de Desarrollo de Liderazgo, Kanban Management Professional (LKU), Spiral Dynamics y Prosci.

Consultor de Desarrollo Organizacional. Executive MBA y Diploma de Extensión Universitaria en Procesos y Calidad. Certificado como Green Belt en Lean-Six Sigma, PSM I, ITIL Support & Delivery, Analista Conductual DISC , Master Practitioner en DBM, ... Show more

Mariana Sathya Llull

Mariana Sathya Llull

I fell in love with tech trying to understand the minds working behind the code. I studied a master's in cognitive sciences applied to computational thinking, I also hold a master's in HR and currently, I am studying behavioral sciences through primatology (yes! monkeys).
The scientific approach has greatly benefited my partnering with tech leads, allowing me to collaborate with them in understanding their team's behavior from the roots of our humanity, avoiding clichés and abstract theories.

I fell in love with tech trying to understand the minds working behind the code. I studied a master's in cognitive sciences applied to computational thinking, I also hold a master's in HR and currently, I am studying behavioral sciences through prima... Show more

Charles-Louis de Maere

Charles-Louis de Maere

Bringing people together is something that lives on through my workshops and training. Whether they take place online or on-premise, I facilitate workshops and learning experiences that focus on high participation, on learning by doing and verifying that the concepts are integrated. I use Live Online Learning Activities to ensure people get a chance to practice their understanding of the new concepts.

What better way is there to give meaning to what we say than to draw to make our thoughts explicit? When we add visual information to what we’re saying, suddenly our intention becomes much more precise, and we can begin to work on shared understanding. This is why I love bringing people in contact with the power of Visual Thinking, of getting back to our roots and using pen and paper to bring people closer together.

Stories are another option for bringing sensitive topics to the surface, which I recently started to explore through my self-development practice, as well as during numerous Around the world in (less than) 80 days workshops throughout the past years!

Bringing people together is something that lives on through my workshops and training. Whether they take place online or on-premise, I facilitate workshops and learning experiences that focus on high participation, on learning by doing and verifying ... Show more

Jessy Ayala

Jessy Ayala

Jessy is a PhD student at UC Irvine studying problems where software engineering meets security. In particular, Jessy is interested in investigating and addressing software supply chain security concerns from various angles. In his free time, Jessy enjoys writing music and training jiu-jitsu, and has even competed in events hosted by ADCC.

Jessy is a PhD student at UC Irvine studying problems where software engineering meets security. In particular, Jessy is interested in investigating and addressing software supply chain security concerns from various angles. In his free time, Jessy e... Show more

Reda Hicks

Reda Hicks

Reda Hicks is an attorney and organizational development consultant based in Houston, Texas. She specializes in helping impact organizations run more efficiently, and serve their missions more effectively. Her work focuses on helping companies and nonprofits address key operational challenges, position for growth, and create new programming. Reda has a JD from the University of California Berkeley School of Law, and an MBA in Sustainable Development from Marylhurst University. Reda is also an alumnus of the Presidential Leadership Scholars program at the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

Reda is actively engaged in two communities she loves: her hometown community in Houston, Texas, and the military families community. She serves on the boards of Texas Lyceum and Impact Hub Houston, and as a strategic advisor for Leadership Houston and the League of Women Voters in Houston. The proud spouse of a retired Army Special Forces soldier, Reda is an alum of the Military Family Advisory Network's Advisory Board, a founding member of the Military Spouse JD Network, and a long-time ambassador of Bunker Labs. She also works on military spouse economic empowerment issues with a number of local, state and national organizations.

Reda Hicks is an attorney and organizational development consultant based in Houston, Texas. She specializes in helping impact organizations run more efficiently, and serve their missions more effectively. Her work focuses on helping companies and no... Show more

Tamas Piros

Tamas Piros

Tamas is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and a seasoned Developer Evangelist. He is a passionate advocate for modern web technologies, helping people understand and unlock the latest & greatest features of web development.

Tamas is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and a seasoned Developer Evangelist. He is a passionate advocate for modern web technologies, helping people understand and unlock the latest & greatest features of web development. Show more

Cyril Clergeau

Cyril Clergeau

J’entendais durant mon enfance et mon adolescence, certain(e)s de mes camarades rêver de devenir informaticien, médecin, mécano, sportif de « haut » niveau, chanteur, plus rarement entrepreneur, manager ou dirigeant de société…

Pour ma part, je crois que j’ai toujours voulu prendre soin des autres humains – et non humains aussi – et de donner envie aux autres d’être plus heureux, de les convaincre du bonheur qu’il y a à prendre soin de sa propre vie et de nos écosystèmes pour aider à passer à l’étape d’après.

J’ai passé mes quinze dernières années à observer, capter l’énergie des groupes, faire des petits pas à leur côté pour de grands effets, travailler avec les forces de chacun plutôt que de vouloir « corriger » les défauts, recycler les « sois disant » déchets dans les groupes pour faire émerger l’innovation…

Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive, mais donne déjà un bon aperçu de ce qu’un Biomim’Agiliste, comme moi, a en tête et applique lors de la rééducation de la pensée des écosystèmes humains.

Soutenu et conforté dans mon identité ainsi que dans mes engagements profondément humanistes, il y a un an, j’ai co-fondé La Libellule Optimiste pour {ré} apprendre à {ré} humaniser les organisations pour impliquer les collaborateurs et collaboratrices dans une agilité durable qui a du sens et génère de la plénitude.

J’organise des ateliers, des formations, mais aussi, j’accompagne les organisations pour vous faire ressentir à quel point l'entraide et l'interdépendance sont innées et facteurs d'évolution si on s’inspire du vivant.

Je conclurais sur cette phrase que j’utilise souvent lors de mes interventions : la nature est le meilleur modèle de prospérité sur terre et le biomimétisme d’écosystèmes est un des remèdes pour soigner les maux de nos organisations.

Envie de vous sentir vivant ? Je vous attends pour un voyage dans l’immense encyclopédie de plus de 3,8 Milliards d'années qu'est la Nature et venir découvrir notre démarche directement inspirée de notre terre mère !

J’entendais durant mon enfance et mon adolescence, certain(e)s de mes camarades rêver de devenir informaticien, médecin, mécano, sportif de « haut » niveau, chanteur, plus rarement entrepreneur, manager ou dirigeant de société… Pour ma part, je cr... Show more

Kaleolani Laymon

Kaleolani Laymon

Kaleolani Laymon is currently a Graduate Student at Seattle University pursuing her Master's in Student Development Administration. She began her higher ed journey as a Program Coordinator in Pre-Orientation & Transitions, and is currently a Graduate Assistant in Housing and Residence Life. She is deeply passionate about student transitions, and is specifically drawn to improving the Leave of Absence process for both students and universities.

Kaleolani Laymon is currently a Graduate Student at Seattle University pursuing her Master's in Student Development Administration. She began her higher ed journey as a Program Coordinator in Pre-Orientation & Transitions, and is currently a Graduate... Show more

Christopher Honda

Christopher Honda

Professional Goober-in-Training | Head Janitor and Cook for the Honda Household | Sometimes does Security for Whistic | Bad at Making Jokes and Writing Bios

Professional Goober-in-Training | Head Janitor and Cook for the Honda Household | Sometimes does Security for Whistic | Bad at Making Jokes and Writing Bios Show more

Humberto Hinestrosa

Humberto Hinestrosa

Involved in Mountain Rescue in Venezuela since1992, Humberto continues volunteering today with SAR organizations in The Netherlands and in Germany. He studied Law and is an Intelligence Analyst graduated from Brunel University in
London. He gained experience in government, private sector, and in international organizations like the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands.
With an unconventional combination of academic, analytic and operational experiences in different countries, Humberto currently combines Intelligence Analysis and SAR delivering a variety of professional and volunteer services related to
international security and the Search and Rescue field.
In 2018 he founded the Dutch organization Rescue International with the mission of facilitating analysis and technological resources to Governments, SAR Organizations and families.

Involved in Mountain Rescue in Venezuela since1992, Humberto continues volunteering today with SAR organizations in The Netherlands and in Germany. He studied Law and is an Intelligence Analyst graduated from Brunel University in London. He gained e... Show more

Justin Paluku Mbunzule

Justin Paluku Mbunzule

Justin Paluku is an IT Specialist and currently taking the MIT MacroMasters Data science course. Justin was born in May 1991, in Butembo, eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo where he was forced to flee to Uganda in 2012 looking for safety.

To support refugee and low income communities to access quality education and advanced technology in Africa, Justin has founded an organisation named Up With Africa based in Uganda.

About his work engagement, Justin has worked as a Research Enumerator with the University of Oxford - Refugee Study Center on a Refugee Economy Study in Uganda in 2018, where he successfully conducted interviews with 123 adult refugees from different slums and households.

Justin has also worked on many projects with the University of Toronto (for 6 years) in Uganda such as: refugees reproductive health, stress management and Virtual Reality as an mental health intervention, managing communication from online systems to refugees' WhatsApp massaging as part of the study.

Additionally, Justin has worked in refugee settlements in Uganda like Nakivale, Kyaka II, Bidibidi and Kiryandongo where he supported the creation of ICT, Entrepreneurship and Conflicts Resolution online course contents for refugees to learn remotely.

Justin Paluku is an IT Specialist and currently taking the MIT MacroMasters Data science course. Justin was born in May 1991, in Butembo, eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo where he was forced to flee to Uganda in 2012 looking for safet... Show more

Lubomír Štěpánek

Lubomír Štěpánek

I hold M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Statistics, an M.D. in General Medicine, and I'm pursuing a Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics. As an assistant professor at Charles University and Prague University of Economics and Business, I specialize in survival analysis, machine learning, computational psychometrics, and robust statistics. I'm passionate about R and LaTeX, and I teach statistics, maths, survival and R programming courses. I'm also a biostatistician consulting research papers' statistics.

I hold M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Statistics, an M.D. in General Medicine, and I'm pursuing a Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics. As an assistant professor at Charles University and Prague University of Economics and Business, I specialize in survival a... Show more

Sharon Murugi

Sharon Murugi

Sharon brings extensive experience in community building and strategic communications to her role of working with developers.

Sharon brings extensive experience in community building and strategic communications to her role of working with developers. Show more

Nicolas Petitjean

Nicolas Petitjean

Nicolas Petitjean is the former VP Design at Sodexo Group (2017-2022). In 2021, he founded "collectivehood", which helps business leaders design operational models where innovation through design thrives and responsible growth practices flourish. With a Master's degree in Design (Rubika 2000') and an Executive MBA (EDHEC 2015'), Nicolas has over 20 years' experience in user research, human-centered design, innovation & design leadership, strategy and entrepreneurship at various levels, with companies such as Salomon, Adidas, Decathlon, Sodexo, Hanesbrands, Caran d'Ache, Ministry of Defence UK, USAA, Google, GSK, Coventry University among others. Nicolas is also an active and leading speaker on innovation practices, business modeling and social leadership by design across Europe.

Nicolas Petitjean is the former VP Design at Sodexo Group (2017-2022). In 2021, he founded "collectivehood", which helps business leaders design operational models where innovation through design thrives and responsible growth practices flourish. Wit... Show more

Gwénaëlle Hirrien

Gwénaëlle Hirrien

After a start in law and arts, then in video game testing, I made a reconversion in dev. After a few years loving quality and testing, I became Scrum Master, then little by little Agile Coach, Professional Coach and finally Digital Lead. I daily feed my path with trainings, MOOCs and researches on sustainable development, responsible digital and psychology, as well as volunteering for causes that are close to my heart (La Fresque du Climat, Time For The Planet, education and emancipation of women from underprivileged backgrounds), the path is made by walking, and taking into account the issues of the climate crisis by our society and our companies, through the social justice, has become the heart of what drives me, years after years :)

After a start in law and arts, then in video game testing, I made a reconversion in dev. After a few years loving quality and testing, I became Scrum Master, then little by little Agile Coach, Professional Coach and finally Digital Lead. I daily feed... Show more

Andrew Coleburn

Andrew Coleburn

Andrew is a theatre kid turned software developer. He got his BA in psychology and theatre from Hobart College and his MA from the University of Central Florida. After a range of disparate adventures including acting, consulting, teaching, and recruiting, he attended the full-stack software engineering program at Thinkful, after which he joined Bitovi as a React Developer. Andrew consults for Fortune 500 companies like Yum and Aflac, helping them build high performing and scalable React applications

Originally from Massachusetts, he currently lives with his partner in Buffalo, NY. In his free time you'll probably find him cooking, reading, board-gaming, skiing, or cheering on the Boston Bruins. Mostly just that last one.

Andrew is a theatre kid turned software developer. He got his BA in psychology and theatre from Hobart College and his MA from the University of Central Florida. After a range of disparate adventures including acting, consulting, teaching, and recrui... Show more

Benoit de Pompignan

Benoit de Pompignan

I'm a scale agile coach and transformation lead. I joined Société Générale in early 2023 where I'm in charge of the agile deployment for the IT of the retail banking.
Prior to joining Société Générale I worked on different large scale agile transformation in the banking and the insurance industries like MGEN, Bpifrance, Generali and HSBC

I'm a scale agile coach and transformation lead. I joined Société Générale in early 2023 where I'm in charge of the agile deployment for the IT of the retail banking. Prior to joining Société Générale I worked on different large scale agile transfo... Show more

Mariia Bakhtina

Mariia Bakhtina

Mariia is a junior research fellow at the University of Tartu (UT), Estonia. Her research interests include the influence of technologies and digital products on organisations, particularly how intelligent systems should be managed in terms of information security and privacy. Mariia received an MA degree in Innovation and technology management from UT in 2021. Currently, Mariia is pursuing a PhD degree in computer science.

Mariia is a junior research fellow at the University of Tartu (UT), Estonia. Her research interests include the influence of technologies and digital products on organisations, particularly how intelligent systems should be managed in terms of inform... Show more

Bri Williams

Bri Williams

Bri Williams helps leaders speak confidently.

She ensures your voice is heard, your contributions are known, and your value is undeniable within your organization through public speaking and leadership development.

An international speaker, she has delivered talks worldwide to culturally diverse audiences in APAC, EMEA, and the Americas.

She brings 20 years of experience in talent, learning, and development within financial services and IT industries, from graduate programs to leadership development.

Her talks help emerging leaders develop unshakeable speaking confidence and skills for:
🟢 Internal and external meetings
🟢 Presentations and Training
🟢 Media
🟢 Events

Her clients are regularly featured in the media, including CNN, Reuters, Bloomberg, COP26, and Macy's, at top industry events or making waves internally with their teams and stakeholders.

Bri has been featured on Thrive Global, International Women's Day and is the in-house communication expert for the wellness app LiveMore.

✔️ 94% of hosts book Bri to speak again.
✔️ 93% of her audience rates her talks as Actionable, Engaging, Inspiring, and Relevant.

Australian-born 🇦🇺 and after a decade of living in London 🇬🇧 Bri is now based in the South of France 🇫🇷 (…if you can't pick the accent!) and loves living between the mountains and the sea, but is always happy to speak at your in-person event or deliver virtually.

Bri Williams helps leaders speak confidently. She ensures your voice is heard, your contributions are known, and your value is undeniable within your organization through public speaking and leadership development. An international speaker, sh... Show more

Jeremiah Lee

Jeremiah Lee

Jeremiah Lee develops monetization tools for digital creators. He previously worked on cloud infrastructure at Stripe, hardware integrations at Spotify, and web APIs at Fitbit. He grew up under the California sun, but now calls Stockholm home.

Jeremiah Lee develops monetization tools for digital creators. He previously worked on cloud infrastructure at Stripe, hardware integrations at Spotify, and web APIs at Fitbit. He grew up under the California sun, but now calls Stockholm home. Show more

Selam Moges

Selam Moges

I'm Selam and I'm currently a software engineer at Apella. I've always been fascinated by technology and its potential to make our lives better and more equitable. As an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), I'm committed to making tech a come inclusive place for everyone.

I'm passionate about computer ethics and ensuring that technology is developed and used in ethical and responsible ways. I believe that technology can be a powerful force for good, but only if we approach it with a thoughtful and ethical mindset.

When I'm not working, you can usually find me reading, out for a run, or at a museum. I also love to connect with other tech professionals who share my passion for DEI, accessibility, and computer ethics.

I'm Selam and I'm currently a software engineer at Apella. I've always been fascinated by technology and its potential to make our lives better and more equitable. As an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), I'm committed to making tec... Show more

Victoria Charra

Victoria Charra

Victoria ha estado trabajando en el ecosistema de start-ups de Argentina durante casi 15 años. Ha contribuido a la formación de equipos de alto rendimiento en ingeniería y desarrollo de productos en empresas como MuleSoft, OLX Group y ASAPP. Además de ser anfitriona y ponente en conferencias tecnológicas y profesora invitada en clases de MBA, sus especialidades incluyen networking, asesoramiento a start-ups, mentorias y desarrollo de estrategias de contratación. Su empresa, Talent Wind, conecta a los mejores talentos con proyectos increíbles, ayudando a organizaciones e individuos a alcanzar sus objetivos de contratación y carrera profesional.

Victoria ha estado trabajando en el ecosistema de start-ups de Argentina durante casi 15 años. Ha contribuido a la formación de equipos de alto rendimiento en ingeniería y desarrollo de productos en empresas como MuleSoft, OLX Group y ASAPP. Además d... Show more

Sarah Doran

Sarah Doran

Growing up a military child, then serving in the U.S. Army as a service member and MilSpouse, Sarah Doran recognizes the value in advocating for authentic military voices in high quality literature.

Growing up a military child, then serving in the U.S. Army as a service member and MilSpouse, Sarah Doran recognizes the value in advocating for authentic military voices in high quality literature. Show more

Wes Shields

Wes Shields

Wes Shields, Principal and founder of Synthminds.AI, leads a team of 15 experts, propelling clients' AI strategies and objectives with ethical and innovative solutions. Under his stewardship, his full-service Artificial Intelligence agency provides bespoke services that exceed their strategic needs to an extensive list of clientele from academia to various industries including aviation, customer service, legal, marketing, logistics, education and technology. He was named one of the first 18 global “OpenAI Experts”, an endorsement awarded and recognized formally by OpenAI. Shields' exemplary work has earned him and his Synthminds team the "Expert-Vetted" AI Consultant accolade from Upwork, a title conferred on the top 1% of the 18 million professionals on the platform.

Recognized as an accomplished strategist and speaker in the field of AI, he is also the host of the popular podcast, 'How to Talk to AI.' He has a notable presence on, the premier prompt sales marketplace, where his prompts rank him amongst the top 200 worldwide.

Shields possesses an impressive academic portfolio, holding an MS in Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School, an MBA from the Mason School of Business at The College of William & Mary, and a BS in Economics from the esteemed United States Naval Academy. His contributions to academic research, particularly in the domains of complex network science and logistics technology integration, have been published and recognized, earning him graduate certifications from both the Kegan-Flagler School of Business at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and the Naval Postgraduate School.

For more insights into his professional pursuits and areas of interest, visit

Wes Shields, Principal and founder of Synthminds.AI, leads a team of 15 experts, propelling clients' AI strategies and objectives with ethical and innovative solutions. Under his stewardship, his full-service Artificial Intelligence agency provides b... Show more

Oscar Cariceo

Oscar Cariceo

Ingeniero de Software con formación académica en antropología y ciencias sociales. Interesado en las posibilidades que ofrece la inteligencia artificial generativa y el desarrollo de aplicaciones orientadas mejorar la experiencia de los seres humanos con los sistemas computacionales. Actualmente se despeña como Manager de UX Research en Scotiabank.

Ingeniero de Software con formación académica en antropología y ciencias sociales. Interesado en las posibilidades que ofrece la inteligencia artificial generativa y el desarrollo de aplicaciones orientadas mejorar la experiencia de los seres humanos... Show more

Jeff Harry

Jeff Harry

Jeff Harry combines positive psychology and play to heal workplaces, help teams build psychological safety and assist individuals in addressing their biggest challenges through embracing a play-oriented approach to work. Jeff was selected by BambooHR & Engagedly as one of the Top 100 HR Influencers and has been featured in the NY Times, Mashable, Upworthy, Shondaland, & Wired. Jeff has worked with Google, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Adobe, the NFL, Amazon, and Facebook, helping their staff to infuse more play into the day-to-day.

Jeff Harry combines positive psychology and play to heal workplaces, help teams build psychological safety and assist individuals in addressing their biggest challenges through embracing a play-oriented approach to work. Jeff was selected by BambooH... Show more

Valentina Halasi

Valentina Halasi

Valentina is an applied mathematician and data scientist with broad research- and industrial experience in AI and scientific data analysis. She is currently working on Storique, a product leveraging generative AI for storybook creature. In her free time she is co-organising the events of Women in Machine Learning & Data Science Zürich community.

Valentina is an applied mathematician and data scientist with broad research- and industrial experience in AI and scientific data analysis. She is currently working on Storique, a product leveraging generative AI for storybook creature. In her free t... Show more

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