Humanities & Social Sciences

Esteemed speakers contributing their insights into human culture, behavior, and societal development

Patricia Soler

Patricia Soler

Patricia has a university degree in Biology. She developed her Marketing and Business background at UCSD and SDSU in San Diego. She holds a Marketing Certificate in ESADE and a Communication Master in EADA (Barcelona). She is a certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation and also certified in Organization Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC CRR Global)

Patricia has extensive experience in coaching, facilitation and consultancy around topics like leadership, change management, career development, communication, Emotional Intelligence, time management, and day-to-day performance management. Patricia is working for the European Institutions (Commission, Parliament and Courts of Justice) and for NATO in Brussels and Luxembourg. In the private sector she works with companies like Inditex (ZARA, Bershka), GSK, ING, L’Oréal, Astra Zeneca, Delitraiteur, Cargolux, Banco Santander, IPSEN and TOTAL in Brussels, London, Paris…working together with Human Resources to create specific and adapted trainings.

She is also a Keynote Speaker for Commerce schools like ESADE, ICHEC and companies like JUMP. Loves writing articles and podcasts for companies or for pleasure.

Her passion now is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize his or her own performance, and the best reward is their success.

She works in Spanish, English, French and Catalan.

Patricia has a university degree in Biology. She developed her Marketing and Business background at UCSD and SDSU in San Diego. She holds a Marketing Certificate in ESADE and a Communication Master in EADA (Barcelona). She is a certified Coach by th... Show more

Laura Durieux

Laura Durieux

My name is Laura Durieux, and I have been a developer for 6 years now. Graduated in Web Design and Development, I work with my cousin at Inside Software, where we develop administrative tools, websites, and also serve as consultants in the medical field.

Twice awarded gold at WorldSkills Belgium in the Web Technologies category, I also won a Medal of Excellence at EuroSkills in 2021, representing Belgium.

During my studies, my internship took place in Japan, in Tokyo, at a company called UltraSuperNew, where I worked for 3 and a half months. It went so well that I was called back to develop the website for Tabasco Japan (2020).

Since last year, I ventured into Twitch and started streaming coding sessions. I wanted to add value to my learning. Since then, I have become the host of the live show "On est pas des iencli" on RTBF, the Belgian national media. It's a monthly YouTube live where we discuss the latest developments in the tech industry, held every last Saturday of the month. Additionally, I have started my speaking career for a year now, mainly in France. It would warm my heart to have the opportunity to speak in my own country.

My name is Laura Durieux, and I have been a developer for 6 years now. Graduated in Web Design and Development, I work with my cousin at Inside Software, where we develop administrative tools, websites, and also serve as consultants in the medical fi... Show more

Tatyana Slavova

Tatyana Slavova

Tatyana Slavova: A Woman of Courage, Determination, and Inspiration.

Propelled by her life philosophy, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts," Tatyana fearlessly relocated on her own from Ukraine to the USA, facing the challenges of war.
As a keynote speaker, she empowers individuals to embrace their authentic selves and pursue lives worth living.
Beyond the stage, Tatyana wears multiple hats, excelling as both a Venture Capitalist and Life & Business Coach.

Tatyana Slavova: A Woman of Courage, Determination, and Inspiration. Propelled by her life philosophy, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts," Tatyana fearlessly relocated on her own from Ukraine to... Show more

Mala Mahadevan

Mala Mahadevan

Mala Mahadevan is a senior database professional with over 20 years of experience working with data, primarily in SQL Server and related technologies. She has been volunteering with SQL Server community for the past 15 years and is also a recipient of the PASSion award for being an outstanding volunteer. She is a featured blogger on and also blogs frequently at She is active on twitter as @sqlmal.

Mala Mahadevan is a senior database professional with over 20 years of experience working with data, primarily in SQL Server and related technologies. She has been volunteering with SQL Server community for the past 15 years and is also a recipient o... Show more

Luca Minudel

Luca Minudel

Luca Minudel (he/him) is an Agility and Lean consultant, advisor, mentor, coach, and Complexity-thinking practitioner. Organisational gardener, culture curator, collaboration orchestrator, change agent, and delivery facilitator. He is also an author and a speaker with over 20 years of experience in professional software delivery and digital product development.

He contributed to the adoption of lean and agile practices by Ferrari's F1 racing team. For ThoughtWorks, he delivered training, coaching, assessments and organisational transformations in top-tier organisations in the UK, Europe and the United States. He worked as Agile Transformation Lead, Head of Agility, Interim Product Director, Lean/Agile Practice Lead, and as Lean/Agile Coach in companies such as Lloyds, BP, The AA, Japan Tobacco International, HSBC, LexisNexis, Marsh McLennan.

Luca is the founder and CEO at, a company that helps organisations turn their way of working into their competitive advantage.

Luca Minudel (he/him) is an Agility and Lean consultant, advisor, mentor, coach, and Complexity-thinking practitioner. Organisational gardener, culture curator, collaboration orchestrator, change agent, and delivery facilitator. He is also an author ... Show more

Alessandro Cermesoni

Alessandro Cermesoni

Appassionato di comunicazione e grafica fin dall'infanzia, in un'epoca predigitale, durante la formazione superiore mi sono sporcato le mani con torchio, inchiostro e china e prodotto i primi elaboratoti grafici. Ho successivamente approfondito le mie conoscenze laureandomi in Scienze della Comunicazione. Ho lavorato in diverse agenzie di comunicazione dove ho affrontato i primi brief, ed ho avuto modo di approfondire il digitale e il front-end lavorando per il settore profit e no profit.

Dopo anni come sviluppatore, ho incontrato l'agilità e l'ho fatta mia, appassionandomi al come si svolgono le attività, all'organizzazione e ai rapporti tra le persone, senza perdere la passione per gli aspetti tecnici.

Attualmente, lavoro in una software house italiana specializzata nello sviluppare soluzioni di comunicazione e affianco i team di sviluppo aziendali per la realizzazione dei prodotti e progetti aziendali. Orchestro la trasformazione dell'organizzazione aziendale promuovendo l'agilità e le sue pratiche.
Ho progettato e guido programmi formativi su misura per i team tecnici focalizzati sul potenziamento delle competenze esistenti e creazione di nuove in un percorso che parte dal singolo per restituire al gruppo.

Appassionato di comunicazione e grafica fin dall'infanzia, in un'epoca predigitale, durante la formazione superiore mi sono sporcato le mani con torchio, inchiostro e china e prodotto i primi elaboratoti grafici. Ho successivamente approfondito le mi... Show more

Matti Kiviluoto

Matti Kiviluoto

10+ years of experience as a start-up entrepreneur
15+ years of experience in SW consultation, focused on global websites and self-service portals for customers such as the World Health Organization, Wärtsilä and BorgWarner
15+ years of agile software development in multiple roles
25+ years of experience leading and coaching teams
13 years and counting with the same team - the award winning Siili Sitefinity Team
Agnostic Agile Nordic Chapter Lead
Degree in computer science and a minor in behavioral sciences
Father. Husband. Human being.

10+ years of experience as a start-up entrepreneur 15+ years of experience in SW consultation, focused on global websites and self-service portals for customers such as the World Health Organization, Wärtsilä and BorgWarner 15+ years of agile softw... Show more

Leontin Čapo Milenić

Leontin Čapo Milenić

Leontin Čapo Milenić, poznat i po autorskom pseudonimu Eric Johansson, hrvatski je književnik, lektor, glazbenik i prevoditelj. Član je Društva hrvatskih književnika, a po struci je profesor hrvatskog jezika, književnosti i povijesti. Sa svojim bendom Lyran Lions je napravio prvu eurovizijsku navijačku himnu kao podršku glazbeniku Baby Lasagni.
Piše i objavljuje fantasy, horor i SF romane i priče, nerijetko s elementima humora, satire i groteske. Objavljuje priče i pjesme u časopisima i zbirkama u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Sjevernoj Makedoniji i Bosni i Hercegovini.
Objavio je žanrovske knjige Kordina šaka (Edicije Božičević, 2011), Izlet smrti (Udruga Krug knjiga, 2019), Kraljevstvo nade (Hangar 7, 2020) i Djeca crnih očiju (Planjax Komerc, 2021), "Kordine kronike - Magija alkohola" (Zagrebačka naklada, 2022), "Posljednji princ Lire" (Planjax Komerc, 2022).

Leontin Čapo Milenić, poznat i po autorskom pseudonimu Eric Johansson, hrvatski je književnik, lektor, glazbenik i prevoditelj. Član je Društva hrvatskih književnika, a po struci je profesor hrvatskog jezika, književnosti i povijesti. Sa svojim bendo... Show more

Marline Paul

Marline Paul

Marline Paul, a seasoned educator and entrepreneur, empowers startups and military spouses through her company, Enilram Creative Solutions. With over 17 years in education and a passion for uplifting entrepreneurs, Marline offers strategic guidance and training. As a proud graduate of Florida International University and St. Thomas University, and a devoted mother and military spouse, Marline transitioned from teaching to entrepreneurship. Her hands-on approach and dedication to improving lives set her apart. Marline is also the founder of Rose of Alpha Omega, Inc., a nonprofit supporting women's leadership and well-being.

Marline Paul, a seasoned educator and entrepreneur, empowers startups and military spouses through her company, Enilram Creative Solutions. With over 17 years in education and a passion for uplifting entrepreneurs, Marline offers strategic guidance a... Show more

Maria Manoylo

Maria Manoylo

Soft skills trainer with a programming background, the founder of the @MarfaLab soft skills project, and a teacher of the Frontend Pro course at Hillel IT School.

I possess 11 years of experience in software development, 6 of which have been spent in team management. I am currently working as a HumanScript developer, helping IT professionals and beginners fix bugs hindering their career development. HumanScript development includes conducting webinars and trainings on the topic of soft skills, career counseling, mentoring, and teaching.

Soft skills trainer with a programming background, the founder of the @MarfaLab soft skills project, and a teacher of the Frontend Pro course at Hillel IT School. I possess 11 years of experience in software development, 6 of which have been spent... Show more

Simon Schwab

Simon Schwab

I’m a senior statistician and researcher with professional qualifications in statistics and medical research.

I’m a senior statistician and researcher with professional qualifications in statistics and medical research. Show more

Kristi Straw

Kristi Straw

Elevating Connections and Leadership: The Kristi Straw Experience

Bring a surge of energy and innovation to your conference with Kristi Straw, the powerhouse founder of Lighthouse Leadership Consultants. With a vibrant history of breaking barriers in Fortune 500 landscapes, Kristi embodies the essence of groundbreaking leadership and organizational metamorphosis. Her signature INSIGHT Method not only revolutionizes change management but also cements her status as a trailblazer in cultivating dynamic, resilient, and authentic leaders.

Kristi's keynote is a masterclass in intertwining leadership prowess with the art of strategic networking, designed to turbocharge personal and professional growth. She delves into the art of building and nurturing relationships that don’t just widen your network but deepen connections, transforming them into channels of increased sales, referrals, and unparalleled opportunities. Kristi teaches the secrets of becoming an indispensable resource, a connector who bridges gaps and fosters collaboration at every turn.

This session is more than just a talk; it's a transformative experience that equips attendees with the tools to navigate the complexities of today’s fast-paced world with strategic finesse. Kristi's insights into authentic leadership are paired with actionable strategies for expanding your influence, making every interaction count, and positioning yourself as a thought leader and a central node in your network.

Expect a journey filled with visionary insights, practical wisdom, and inspiring stories of transformation. Kristi doesn't just speak; she engages, challenges, and empowers her audience to embrace innovation, resilience, and the power of meaningful connections. Your conference will not just be an event but a pivotal moment of change, inspiring a renewed commitment to excellence, heart-centered leadership, and the strategic expansion of networks. Get ready for Kristi Straw to ignite a passion and purpose that will elevate your conference experience to new heights.

Elevating Connections and Leadership: The Kristi Straw Experience Bring a surge of energy and innovation to your conference with Kristi Straw, the powerhouse founder of Lighthouse Leadership Consultants. With a vibrant history of breaking barriers... Show more

Kaz Maurice Oleary

Kaz Maurice Oleary

Kaz Maurice O'Leary is a speaker on a mission to protect our highest achievers from burnout as they steer the future of innovation.

With a remarkable career spanning Silicon Valley Big Tech, 60+ global communication awards, founding and selling her own agency, she draws passion and insight from sitting in many different seats.

However, amidst all her achievements, Kaz experienced the sudden loss of her husband in an accident. She unknowingly came very close to almost missing their last meal together due to workload. That meal was his home cooked Bolognese. With a deep desire to make a difference, she launched The Bolognese Philosophy - a workplace wellness initiative that has gained media attention and garnered a passionate community dedicated to getting us home on time and creating positive workspaces.

Kaz's unique speaking style is not just informative, but deeply impactful, she leaves her audiences inspired through storytelling, valuable lessons and creative takeaways.

Kaz Maurice O'Leary is a speaker on a mission to protect our highest achievers from burnout as they steer the future of innovation. With a remarkable career spanning Silicon Valley Big Tech, 60+ global communication awards, founding and selling he... Show more

Yves-Oliver Tauschwitz

Yves-Oliver Tauschwitz

Yves leads the BeCOIL Project at Berlin School of Economics and Law. He has expertise in leveraging digital tools for student-centered learning and pedagogical innovation. Previously he worked at Ulm University, as a DAAD fellow in Kyrgyzstan and collaborated with the Goethe Institute Kazakhstan. In these roles he contributed to curriculum development, teacher training, and international educational projects.

Yves leads the BeCOIL Project at Berlin School of Economics and Law. He has expertise in leveraging digital tools for student-centered learning and pedagogical innovation. Previously he worked at Ulm University, as a DAAD fellow in Kyrgyzstan and col... Show more

Maiden Manzanal-Frank

Maiden Manzanal-Frank

Hi! My name is Maiden Manzanal-Frank, a strategic advisor, consultant, leadership coach, instructor, and author of the book: Provocateurs not Philanthropists: Turning Good Intentions into Global Impact

Hi! My name is Maiden Manzanal-Frank, a strategic advisor, consultant, leadership coach, instructor, and author of the book: Provocateurs not Philanthropists: Turning Good Intentions into Global Impact Show more

Lianna Adams

Lianna Adams

Lianna is empowering change at the intersection of art, culture, technology, and social impact, catalysing positive transformations with a focus on humanity in Web3 and beyond. As a speaker, she imparts invaluable insights on Web3, mental health, and social impact, speaking on platforms such as the World Economic Forum at Davos24, COP28, and TEDx, as well as premier Web3 and NFT conferences.

As an advisor to ARTXV, a neurodivergent collective in Web3, Lianna empowers diverse voices within the community. She's a member of Top Tier Impact Network, recognising leaders driving positive community change. Formerly the VP and Curation Lead at The Dream Conduit, she guided creatives into Web3, fostering innovation and inclusivity. Lianna has been pivotal in leveraging blockchain and NFTs to raise funds for humanitarian crises and promoting social impact in the NFT realm. A committed advocate for mental health, Lianna hosts Weekly Mental Health Check-Ins and meditation sessions, nurturing holistic well-being.

Through Impactful Artistry, she harnesses the fusion of art, technology, and innovation to drive global impact. Recognised as one of the Top 10 Rising Women in Crypto 2023, Lianna stands at the forefront of pioneering change and cultivating a humanity-first culture within the Web3 landscape.

Lianna is empowering change at the intersection of art, culture, technology, and social impact, catalysing positive transformations with a focus on humanity in Web3 and beyond. As a speaker, she imparts invaluable insights on Web3, mental health, and... Show more

Dana Weaver

Dana Weaver

Dana Weaver is a leadership and workforce solutions consultant, coach, and speaker who works with healthcare and aging services executives, to improve their leadership around workforce. Dana focuses on driving retention, landing quality employees and developing leaders to maximize unparalleled service and profit in your organization – even if it feels like a pipe dream today.

With over 25 years in the senior living space, Dana is a proven leader who has trained hundreds of individuals on leadership and workforce solutions.

Her most recent role was focused on workforce and leadership at LeadingAge Kansas, an association of nonprofit aging services providers in Kansas. She was an integral part of creating the Center for Leadership.

She is a former nursing home administrator and is passionate about solving workforce problems in this space to create a sustainable future for anyone who may need these services in the future.

She received her bachelor’s degree in business management from Kansas State University and a Masters in nonprofit administration from MidAmerica Nazarene University.

She lives in Topeka, Kansas with her husband, two girls, and two fur babies.

Dana Weaver is a leadership and workforce solutions consultant, coach, and speaker who works with healthcare and aging services executives, to improve their leadership around workforce. Dana focuses on driving retention, landing quality employees and... Show more

RainbowMosho.nft | Rogue Girls Rule | 💙💛

RainbowMosho.nft | Rogue Girls Rule | 💙💛

I am an artist. I have Autism and my brain sees things differently. I am racially diverse. My colorful art expresses my emotions and discoveries.

Rainbow Mosho is half Greek, half Puerto Rican. She was developing like any other child. But at 30 months, she had a massive regression and autism became a part of her life. She loves Oreos, dinosaurs, whales, family and movies.

Her digital art can be found as NFT's on OpenSea.
Top 25 Girls of Web3
Speaker/Sponsor - Give4Kidz Expo
Exhibits - Frist Art Museum, Riverside Art Museum, Autism Museum
Donations to Ukraine Fund, Monroe Harding, MAWI
Sponsor - Carrots is Consistency Zine

Rainbow is a self-published author with 5 books on Amazon -
What I Gained and Lost During COVID19
Rainbow Rabbit Meets Oracle the Alphabet Creature
Adventures at the Zoo
Rogue Girls Rule

I am an artist. I have Autism and my brain sees things differently. I am racially diverse. My colorful art expresses my emotions and discoveries. Rainbow Mosho is half Greek, half Puerto Rican. She was developing like any other child. But at 30 mo... Show more

Norma Hollis

Norma Hollis

Norma Hollis, Hon.Ph.D., is a change agent who impacts the world in multiple ways. She writes programs for human development, around the theme of ‘Authenticity’, and turns them into training processes to deepen self-awareness and expand consciousness of individuals and organizations. Her work is based on 30 years of research in human nature from personal, professional, and lifestyle perspectives. Norma and her programs offer a fresh approach to life, living, and leadership.

Norma Hollis, Hon.Ph.D., is a change agent who impacts the world in multiple ways. She writes programs for human development, around the theme of ‘Authenticity’, and turns them into training processes to deepen self-awareness and expand consciousness... Show more

Ragnhild "Bridget" Sageng

Ragnhild "Bridget" Sageng

Ragnhild “Bridget” Sageng has several years of experience in the IT (Information Technology) industry, working with IT support, network, and managing IT projects before transcending into a career within pen-testing and further into cyber security culture. She considers her IT experience as a strength that aids her in seeing correlations between systems and the people using them. Before her IT career, “Bridget” educated herself within the field of human psychology and healthcare due to her interest in understanding the human mind.

Due to her interest in both the human mind and IT security, "Bridget” specializes in social engineering and Open-source investigation (OSINT). In 2020, she won an international social engineering CTF hosted by Temple University. In 2021, "Bridget” became a Certified Social Engineering Pentest Professional (SEPP) and has since dedicated her focus towards social engineering pen-testing. Her hands-on experience with social engineering pen-testing has prompted her to further research the topics of ethically handling people affected by the tests. She has spoken about this topic at conferences such as Black Hat Europe, SANS, DTX Europe, NDC security and at the Social Engineering community village at DEF CON, hoping to enlighten people and create a discussion on the topic within the industry.

Ragnhild “Bridget” Sageng has several years of experience in the IT (Information Technology) industry, working with IT support, network, and managing IT projects before transcending into a career within pen-testing and further into cyber security cul... Show more

Jessica Ibarra

Jessica Ibarra

Director, Belfast Women Who Code
Currently in Northern Ireland, previously in South Korea, forever Minnesotan.

Director, Belfast Women Who Code Currently in Northern Ireland, previously in South Korea, forever Minnesotan. Show more

Marie-Laurence Hamelin

Marie-Laurence Hamelin

Marie-Laurence est spécialiste en acquisition de talents chez Gologic, et démontre une passion profonde pour la compréhension du comportement humain. Détentrice d'un baccalauréat en psychologie et d'une expérience en santé mentale, Marie-Laurence a décidé de réorienter sa carrière vers les ressources humaines. Ayant complété une maîtrise en gestion des ressources humaines, elle est devenue une professionnelle RH polyvalente qui s'épanouit en contribuant activement à divers projets. Qu'il s'agisse d'implanter de nouveaux outils, d'élaborer des programmes et des politiques, d'animer des séances de formation ou de participer au marketing RH, Marie-Laurence adore relever des défis et aime apprendre à travers des expériences concrètes.

Marie-Laurence est spécialiste en acquisition de talents chez Gologic, et démontre une passion profonde pour la compréhension du comportement humain. Détentrice d'un baccalauréat en psychologie et d'une expérience en santé mentale, Marie-Laurence a d... Show more

Hazirah M

Hazirah M

Hazirah is an introspective web developer and micropreneur. After an early career in e-government, she went on to work in software and web development. She's been a reading advocate and a volunteer in local tech and sports communities. She dreams of digitally archiving Brunei, our culture and communities, for the future.

Hazirah is an introspective web developer and micropreneur. After an early career in e-government, she went on to work in software and web development. She's been a reading advocate and a volunteer in local tech and sports communities. She dreams of ... Show more

Julia Ferraioli

Julia Ferraioli

julia traces her love of open source back to her time working in machine learning research. Since then, she has contributed to the release, care, and community of open source projects and the open source ecosystem at large. From helping develop strategy for projects to securing infrastructure, she works to secure the sustainability of open source for all.

julia traces her love of open source back to her time working in machine learning research. Since then, she has contributed to the release, care, and community of open source projects and the open source ecosystem at large. From helping develop strat... Show more

Sabrina Mazzola

Sabrina Mazzola

Intersectional journalist (female, first family academic living with disability and migrational background) who turned into a Scrum Master and Diversity Trainer (with 3 years of practice) loves to entertain you with humor and a holistic, positive perspective. After 20 years in journalism and being a leader for 3 years, I realized that my mindset was always agile and I went into IT in 2022. Being there, I saw that all things revolve around two things: psychological safety and belonging.

Intersectional journalist (female, first family academic living with disability and migrational background) who turned into a Scrum Master and Diversity Trainer (with 3 years of practice) loves to entertain you with humor and a holistic, positive per... Show more

Sergio Riveros

Sergio Riveros

Electronic Engineer with a passion for life, helping people and a lover of Colombia, I bring over a decade of diverse experience in the tech industry, facing different challenges throughout my career, as developer, tester and ultimately, to a leadership role as Director Software Engineering at adidas.

Electronic Engineer with a passion for life, helping people and a lover of Colombia, I bring over a decade of diverse experience in the tech industry, facing different challenges throughout my career, as developer, tester and ultimately, to a leaders... Show more

Amanda Austin

Amanda Austin

Amanda has worked in training and leadership development for the past 15 years. She believes the vulnerability required to improvise and create something together on stage as a team can be translated to a professional group of any size. She uses the philosophy of improvisation and the power of "Yes, And" as a catalyst for positive change within an organization. Her active listening approach to coaching focuses on teaching individuals and teams the difference between listening to respond and listening to understand. With over 100 clients to date, Amanda has extensive experience speaking to groups as small as10 and as large as 10,000. Some of her previous clients include Hilton, Accenture, Capital One, Deloitte, PWC, Hitachi Consulting, Infor, Paraveda, SalesForce, McDonald's, US Army, and Southwest Airlines.

Amanda was the Founder/CEO of Dallas Comedy House (2009-2020), where she oversaw day to day operations of DCH. She was the founder and Executive Producer of the Dallas Comedy Festival (2009-2019). She's the Co-founder of ComedyHouse, a professional training and coaching service, and the co-author of the REALway® leadership training program.

Amanda received her Bachelor of Science in Journalism and a Minor in Business Administration from Texas A&M University. She earned her Graduate Certificate in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University and a Certificate in Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace from Cornell. She will compete her Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Harvard University in May 2024. Amanda served as an Adjunct Professor as the Designer in Residence for the SMU Masters of Design and Innovation Program for the Fall 2021 Semester. She's a graduate of the 2018 Leadership Dallas Cohort with the Dallas Regional Chamber, where she continued her commitment as the Leadership Consultant for 2019-2020.

Amanda is a 2020 Tory Burch Foundation Fellow. She's the recipient of the 2020 Arts and Culture Award from the Asian Chamber of Texas and was previously awarded the Dallas Business Journal's Women in Business Award and Best Theater Director by the Dallas Observer. Amanda served as the Marketing Chair of the Executive Committee for the AT&T Performing Arts Center Auxiliary Board, a Board Member of the Deep Ellum Foundation as well as an inaugural Board Member for Fearless Dallas.

Amanda has worked in training and leadership development for the past 15 years. She believes the vulnerability required to improvise and create something together on stage as a team can be translated to a professional group of any size. She uses the ... Show more

Christine Morlet, CSP

Christine Morlet, CSP

After 5 world tours in 3 languages, Christine Morlet is the first French keynote speaker who earns the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional award) delivered by the USA, since 2012. She helps leaders who are lost in their speech content to thrive and become unforgettable.

After 5 world tours in 3 languages, Christine Morlet is the first French keynote speaker who earns the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional award) delivered by the USA, since 2012. She helps leaders who are lost in their speech content to thrive and ... Show more

Noé Achache

Noé Achache

4+ years in Data Science

4+ years in Data Science Show more

Josef Baker-Brunnbauer

Josef Baker-Brunnbauer

Josef Baker-Brunnbauer worked for over 20 years in different industry areas for start-ups and established companies in international projects for market leading clients. He is consulting companies about business model innovation, product innovation, change and digital transformation projects through his consulting company and leading research projects for The research focus is on socio-technical systems, trustworthy artificial intelligence, and its social impact. Besides, he is member of the AI Alliance at the European Commission.

He holds a master’s degree in international business administration (MBA) from LIMAK Johannes Kepler University Linz/Austria and Tsinghua University Beijing/China, an engineering degree in software engineering (Ing), a diploma in life counseling and coaching (LSB), in enterprise design thinking from IBM, in product management (FH) from Marketing Academy Munich & University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and a master’s degree for psychosocial counseling (MSc) from the Karl-Franzens University in Graz/Austria. In his leisure time he likes to travel, discover new opportunities outside his comfort zone, cooking and endurance sports.

Josef Baker-Brunnbauer worked for over 20 years in different industry areas for start-ups and established companies in international projects for market leading clients. He is consulting companies about business model innovation, product innovation, ... Show more

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