
Talented creative individuals working in the field of visual, auditory and performance arts

Hanne Rentsch Ersdal

Hanne Rentsch Ersdal

Hanne R. Ersdal is an industrial designer with over 10 years of experience in the development of industrial products and services. As the head of design at Inventas, she works with strategy in one of Norway's most exciting product development environments. She teaches the subject of Business Design and Development at UiS (University of Stavanger).

On stage, Hanne is full of energy and enthusiasm that is contagious and she has previously participated in the following events and teaching engagements:

2024 - Kaleidoscope, Competence that changes: Energy transformation for a sustainable future, led panel discussion
2024 - Lecturer in Master course Business Design and Development, University of Stavanger 2024 - Lecturer in PhD course, Design Thinking for Transdisciplinary Research, University of Stavanger
2023 - Viking Next Level, Innovate or die, talk
2023 - Laerdal Medical internal Event, Product talk, the Product Trio
2023 - Opportunity Festival, Fomo, Side event, Product talk, led panel discussion
2022 - Tekna X, lecture, Empathy enables technology
2022 - Initiative to create the Master's in Transformation and Innovation, several presentations on design and strategy

Hanne R. Ersdal is an industrial designer with over 10 years of experience in the development of industrial products and services. As the head of design at Inventas, she works with strategy in one of Norway's most exciting product development environ... Show more

Vincent Mayers

Vincent Mayers

Expat Brit, artist, athlete, traveler, and technology community junkie. Vincent is a Java Champion, a steering committee member for MicroProfile, has been a board member of the Atlanta Java Users Group since 2008, and runs some of the USA's premier community technology conferences:

Vincent has a degree in 3D Design from the University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, and, in another life, was a full-time athlete competing at World Championship level in whitewater kayaking.

Expat Brit, artist, athlete, traveler, and technology community junkie. Vincent is a Java Champion, a steering committee member for MicroProfile, has been a board member of the Atlanta Java Users Group since 2008, and runs some of the USA's premier c... Show more

Miklos Philips

Miklos Philips

I'm a Lead UX/Product Designer with more than 18 years of experience. Currently in London and working at the Financial Times, I've built my design career working in the tech hubs of New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

UX and digital design being my passion, I frequently write articles about design, speak at design events, and mentor up-and-coming product designers (with almost ten thousand followers between Medium, LinkedIn, and Twitter).

I'm a Lead UX/Product Designer with more than 18 years of experience. Currently in London and working at the Financial Times, I've built my design career working in the tech hubs of New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. UX and digital design b... Show more

Pascal Verhasselt

Pascal Verhasselt

Je suis facilitateur en intelligence collective (nope, je ne suis pas coach agile ou scrum master), coach et formateur. Je suis issu de l’univers du jeu autant que celui du conte et j’ai mis les pieds dans le monde du soutien au management un peu par hasard. J’aime par-dessus tout travailler avec des groupes hétéroclites et les aider à trouver en eux les ressources dont ils ont besoin pour parvenir à réaliser leurs objectifs. Souvent je leur prête mes outils. Parce que les outils, ça se partage.
Je travaille principalement avec des chefs de projets et des managers. Je trouve souvent ma place entre les lignes.
L’inclusion et le bien-être sont des valeurs importantes pour moi dans le travail.

Je suis facilitateur en intelligence collective (nope, je ne suis pas coach agile ou scrum master), coach et formateur. Je suis issu de l’univers du jeu autant que celui du conte et j’ai mis les pieds dans le monde du soutien au management un peu par... Show more

Frank Poncelet

Frank Poncelet

Frank is a seasoned programmer with more than three decades of experience. He has been involved in the NFT space since early 2021, during which time he has developed over 40 smart contracts for a variety of projects. Frank is recognized as a thought leader in the field of low gas contracts and has presented on this topic at several conferences. In addition, Frank has a passion for exploring the possibilities of soulbound tokens, which have the potential to revolutionise the way we think about digital identity. With his deep knowledge and innovative ideas, Frank is always striving to push the boundaries of what is possible with NFTs and soulbound tokens.

Frank is a seasoned programmer with more than three decades of experience. He has been involved in the NFT space since early 2021, during which time he has developed over 40 smart contracts for a variety of projects. Frank is recognized as a thought ... Show more

Becca Hiller

Becca Hiller

Driven by courage, curiosity, and compassion, Becca Hiller knows valued people deliver value. She helps humans reach agility potential, and her own agility shines through sharpened improv skills, a mighty pen, a hungry brain, and a passion for teaching and coaching.

Becca is currently based in Louisville, KY.

Driven by courage, curiosity, and compassion, Becca Hiller knows valued people deliver value. She helps humans reach agility potential, and her own agility shines through sharpened improv skills, a mighty pen, a hungry brain, and a passion for teachi... Show more

Dora Makszy

Dora Makszy

Dora is a lead product designer with over 17 years of professional experience in design, product delivery and management. In all roles, her goal is to ensure that the processes run smoothly and that her colleagues receive all possible support.

Dora is a lead product designer with over 17 years of professional experience in design, product delivery and management. In all roles, her goal is to ensure that the processes run smoothly and that her colleagues receive all possible support. Show more

David Levai

David Levai

Fullstack product engineer creating content about building production-ready apps as a solopreneur.

Over the past decade, I've worked as a freelance full-stack developer mostly with startups and small businesses. In 2020 I decided to deepen my business and product knowledge, to build outstanding products.

As of now, I'm building production-ready products efficiently, and documenting my journey as a solopreneur product engineer. Twitter, YouTube, and my blog.

Why building in public?
Following other people's journeys can teach you a lot. As well as you, I follow many other creators.
Being active on social media and building in public allowed me to be part of a club that prioritizes shipping and giving value.

Fullstack product engineer creating content about building production-ready apps as a solopreneur. Over the past decade, I've worked as a freelance full-stack developer mostly with startups and small businesses. In 2020 I decided to deepen my busi... Show more

itza Zujuy Blanco

itza Zujuy Blanco

Passionate about tech and creativity. Graphic design roots, IT engineering background. Former marketing lead, now crafting frontend magic at Warner Bros Discovery. Embracing technology's limitless canvas to create captivating experiences!

Passionate about tech and creativity. Graphic design roots, IT engineering background. Former marketing lead, now crafting frontend magic at Warner Bros Discovery. Embracing technology's limitless canvas to create captivating experiences! Show more

Subodh Dubey

Subodh Dubey

I'm Subodh Dubey, currently serving as a Cloud Solutions Architect at Cloudtech Inc.. My professional journey is marked by a deep involvement in designing and architecting a variety of cloud-agnostic solutions, with a particular focus on serverless architectures. My expertise in AWS is backed by five AWS certifications, demonstrating my commitment and in-depth knowledge in this area.

Professionally, I have a strong track record of leading teams, engaging directly with clients, and delivering successful solutions that consistently achieve full customer satisfaction. My technical expertise is broad, encompassing Python scripting, numerous database technologies, and a comprehensive understanding of core AWS services like EC2, Lambda, DynamoDB, and CloudFormation.

My project experience is particularly rich in ETL processes, including data migration, data injection, and streaming. I have worked on projects involving complex data pipelines, designed architectures for AWS Lambda-based data migration pipelines, and have extensive experience with data migration, data injection, and streaming services like AWS Kinesis.

My career objective is to leverage my diverse experience and passion for cloud technologies to drive transformative solutions for clients. I aim to ensure that they remain at the forefront of the rapidly evolving digital landscape, harnessing the power of AWS to achieve their strategic goals.

I'm Subodh Dubey, currently serving as a Cloud Solutions Architect at Cloudtech Inc.. My professional journey is marked by a deep involvement in designing and architecting a variety of cloud-agnostic solutions, with a particular focus on serverless a... Show more

Neeraj Pandey

Neeraj Pandey

Neeraj is the co-founder of Vivid Climate, a climate management and accounting platform. Neeraj is a polyglot. Over the years, he has worked on a variety of full-stack software and data-science applications, as well as computational arts, and likes the challenge of creating new tools and applications, and is an active speaker with talks and tutorials presented at multiple conferences.

Neeraj is the co-founder of Vivid Climate, a climate management and accounting platform. Neeraj is a polyglot. Over the years, he has worked on a variety of full-stack software and data-science applications, as well as computational arts, and likes t... Show more

Joseph Parzel

Joseph Parzel

I have been writing code for about 25 years yet strive to learn something new every day. I’ll never let a technical issue get the best of me and will always find a solution to the problem. My specialties over the last 10 years have been NET C# and Office 365 development. I can make SharePoint look good!

I have been writing code for about 25 years yet strive to learn something new every day. I’ll never let a technical issue get the best of me and will always find a solution to the problem. My specialties over the last 10 years have been NET C# and ... Show more

Hermen Lutje Berenbroek

Hermen Lutje Berenbroek

Hermen is an accomplished visual thinking expert and design strategist. He collaborates with executives globally to align people and activate vision, strategy, and transformation. His visual approach unlocks the human brain's processing power and boosts inventiveness and co-creation in teams.

Hermen has worked with numerous Fortune 500 clients in Europe, the United States, Africa, China, and the Middle East for the past decade. Besides client work, Hermen teaches thousands of students worldwide to structure and communicate ideas in his online Visual Thinking course. He regularly volunteers to use his skills and experience to create a positive impact.

Hermen is an accomplished visual thinking expert and design strategist. He collaborates with executives globally to align people and activate vision, strategy, and transformation. His visual approach unlocks the human brain's processing power and boo... Show more

Roger Kibbe

Roger Kibbe

Roger, an accomplished expert in generative AI, boasts an extensive background and a wealth of insights in the field. As the head of Conversational AI developer relataions at Samsung, he is at the forefront of the company's generative AI products and is recognized as an industry thought leader.

In addition to his role at Samsung, Roger lends his AI expertise as an advisor to various startups. He founded a cutting-edge startup dedicated to equipping artists with tools like NFTs and AI-generated art, enabling them to profitably market their creations. Roger also founded a voice technology startup aimed at propelling advancements in conversational AI. Drawing from his experience as a technology strategist and enterprise architect, Roger offers a distinctive viewpoint on leveraging technology to revolutionize business and elevate user experiences.

Roger, an accomplished expert in generative AI, boasts an extensive background and a wealth of insights in the field. As the head of Conversational AI developer relataions at Samsung, he is at the forefront of the company's generative AI products and... Show more

Emerson Taymor

Emerson Taymor

Emerson Taymor is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and currently the SVP of Design at InfoBeans as well as the creator of multiple hospitality brands in New York City. He co-founded the digital product studio, Philosophie, where he worked with enterprise executives and startup founders to launch over 300 digital products before it was acquired by InfoBeans in 2019.

In the digital world, Emerson works with leaders to help them unstick their big digital ideas through rapid experimentation and making.

In the physical world, he helped create one of the hottest speakeasy concepts in the East Village and one of the top rated cocktail bars in Brooklyn.

He loves weaving together these two worlds, exploring new parts of the world and being a sports fanatic.

Emerson Taymor is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and currently the SVP of Design at InfoBeans as well as the creator of multiple hospitality brands in New York City. He co-founded the digital product studio, Philosophie, where he worked with enterp... Show more

Enrique Lopez Manas

Enrique Lopez Manas

Enrique López Mañas is a Google Developer Expert and independent IT consultant. He has been working with mobile technologies and learning from them since 2007. He is an avid contributor to the open source community and a FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) kind of guy, being among the top 10 open source Java contributors in Germany. He is a part of the Google LaunchPad accelerator, where he participates in Google global initiatives to influence hundreds of the best startups from all around the globe. He is also a big data and machine learning aficionado.

In his free time he rides his bike, take pictures, and travels until exhaustion. He also writes literature and enjoys all kinds of arts. He likes to write about himself in third person. You can follow him on Twitter (@eenriquelopez) to stay updated on his latest movements.

Enrique López Mañas is a Google Developer Expert and independent IT consultant. He has been working with mobile technologies and learning from them since 2007. He is an avid contributor to the open source community and a FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source... Show more

Alex Riviere

Alex Riviere

Alex Riviere is a Senior Frontend Developer for Nexcor Technologies and the Co-Organizer for the Atlanta Vue.js Meetup, as well as the PyATL Meetup.

Alex Riviere is a Senior Frontend Developer for Nexcor Technologies and the Co-Organizer for the Atlanta Vue.js Meetup, as well as the PyATL Meetup. Show more

Romeu Moura

Romeu Moura

Endless conversation — with friends, compilers — on art, equivocacy, Symmathesy, methods, absurdism, dialectic, paradigm jumps, serendipity.

Endless conversation — with friends, compilers — on art, equivocacy, Symmathesy, methods, absurdism, dialectic, paradigm jumps, serendipity. Show more

Himanshu Bharadwaj

Himanshu Bharadwaj

Himanshu is a digital nerd with the mind of a Himalayan yogi. His experience spans Product design, branding, and marketing to make people laugh, cry, and reach for their wallets. It's hard to tell when Himanshu is talking about life and when he's talking about design. He decodes human behavior by blending cognitive and brain sciences and distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy to change how you think about thinking. This is probably why his designs resonate so powerfully deep within to create calm and joy.

Himanshu has created a unique process for designers to become creative, enhance their quality of life, and infuse joy in creations by connecting feelings with features. He uses it to inspire teams to create scalable, compassionate products for startups and large enterprises in the US.


Himanshu is a digital nerd with the mind of a Himalayan yogi. His experience spans Product design, branding, and marketing to make people laugh, cry, and reach for their wallets. It's hard to tell when Himanshu is talking about life and when he's tal... Show more

Jean-Philippe Gillibert

Jean-Philippe Gillibert

Ex-développeur de jeu vidéo, je suis aujourd'hui coach agile.
Je me passionne pour la création de jeux agiles et suis notamment l'auteur du jeu "City for SAFe"

Ex-développeur de jeu vidéo, je suis aujourd'hui coach agile. Je me passionne pour la création de jeux agiles et suis notamment l'auteur du jeu "City for SAFe" Show more

David Schmudde

David Schmudde

David is a technologist practicing at the intersection of computing and culture. He has worked on problems related to digital identity, reproducible data science, and software preservation, exhibited interdisciplinary art across Europe and the United States, and taught at Stevens Institute of Technology and the Illinois Institute of Art. He currently opines on technology in the public interest at Beyond the Frame and applies those ideas as the CTO of Yorba.

David is a technologist practicing at the intersection of computing and culture. He has worked on problems related to digital identity, reproducible data science, and software preservation, exhibited interdisciplinary art across Europe and the United... Show more

Elizabeth Sullivan

Elizabeth Sullivan

As a published children's book author, speaker, and NFT enthusiast, I have a knack for simplifying complex concepts, and create engaging stories to inspire others. I believe in the power of taking action and showing kindness, and I hope to inspire positivity in others.

As a published children's book author, speaker, and NFT enthusiast, I have a knack for simplifying complex concepts, and create engaging stories to inspire others. I believe in the power of taking action and showing kindness, and I hope to inspire po... Show more

Mike de Jager

Mike de Jager

South African born, UK resident, Mike is a Mechanical Design Engineer & spent 20 years as a Draughtsman in the Dairy industry, a Project Technician & ran the drawing office for NCD/Clover Dairies. At Toyota, he worked as a mechanical designer in body in white. He moved to the UK in 2001, spent 7 years creating & designing 3D technical models.
He continued his studies in IT & enhanced his developer & web design skills at Halesowen College.
At age 50, in 2008 Mike jumped tracks & began a new career as IT Manager & NAV implementation project leader for SSI Schaefer in Andover, England. With the NAV project successfully implemented, he moved to Evosoft as support office manager, then to Sci-Net in Oxford as a consultant & then to KPMG for a three year corporate engagement.
As the Dynamics 365 Solution Architect for Experience/GCC for almost 3 years - now Global Solutions Architect for Dynavics, Mike has implemented multiple D365 solutions for a range of customers in a variety of industries in the UK.

South African born, UK resident, Mike is a Mechanical Design Engineer & spent 20 years as a Draughtsman in the Dairy industry, a Project Technician & ran the drawing office for NCD/Clover Dairies. At Toyota, he worked as a mechanical designer in body... Show more

Ms. Tam Lawrence

Ms. Tam Lawrence

Publisher of Keynote Magazine
Publisher of Exposure Magazine

The vivacious Tam Lawrence has owned and operated several businesses for over three decades, driven by her determination to never let her dreams be deferred by corporate America. Her relentless spirit opened doors that no one could close.

Lawrence's educational journey began at a technical college, where she earned a degree in Human Services. She then double-majored at Marquette University, earning a BA in Communication with a minor in Psychology. Pursuing further education, she attended Kent University and obtained a Master’s degree in Journalism.

While in college, Lawrence traveled the world as a professional stand-up comedian, appearing on BET Comic View and touring with Jamie Foxx and Sommore. After graduating, she opened a public relations agency in Charlotte, North Carolina, during the Democratic National Convention. In 2011, she expanded the agency to Atlanta, Georgia, and in 2013, she launched Exposure Magazine. In 2020, during the pandemic, she added Exposure Plus TV and Keynote Magazine to her media empire. Advocating on the frontline for urban media, Lawrence founded the Urban Media Union to ensure diversity and inclusion, providing fair opportunities for boutique urban-owned media platforms during adWeek.

Lawrence's commitment to social causes extends beyond media. She is a former State of Wisconsin Lobbyist who fought to advance the protection and care of aging individuals living in private community residential facilities that are not monitored or supervised.

As a mother of two incredible college graduates who walk in the grace of success that mirrors her compassion, Lawrence is a wealth of knowledge and experience. Over the years, she has owned a daycare center, a nightclub, several retail stores, and a senior care online safety program called Kare Facts.

In addition to her extensive professional achievements, Lawrence is also an accomplished author with two books available on Amazon.

Tam Lawrence’s dynamic career and dedication to advocacy and diversity make her a powerful speaker and a true inspiration.

Publisher of Keynote Magazine Publisher of Exposure Magazine The vivacious Tam Lawrence has owned and operated several businesses for over three decades, driven by her determination t... Show more

Gunnard Engebreth

Gunnard Engebreth

Gunnard began in software development during the Dot Com boom of the 2000s in Atlanta, Ga. The rapidly changing landscape of technology and needs created an environment full of learning opportunities -- beginning with Perl and quickly moving to PHP. He specializes in the modernization of legacy applications, APIs and creating modern development team solutions.

Gunnard Believes in FOSS and has contributed to projects such as Wordpress, The Devil Box, and DischordPHP. As an author, Gunnard has written multiple articles for php[Architect] magazine as well as 2 books from APRESS Publishing on PHP 8. Gunnard has also been a notable speaker at multiple conferences such as MadisonPHP, longhornPHP, Techlahoma and Chaos Carnaval.

You may find him at, on Mastoodn, @gunnard on twitter or his pseudonym @ansivideos on youtube. Gunnard currently lives in the north Georgia mountains with his wife, two boys, 12 chickens and 3 goats.

Gunnard began in software development during the Dot Com boom of the 2000s in Atlanta, Ga. The rapidly changing landscape of technology and needs created an environment full of learning opportunities -- beginning with Perl and quickly moving to PHP. ... Show more

Dylan Beattie

Dylan Beattie

Dylan Beattie is an independent consultant who has been building data-driven web applications since the 1990s. He’s managed teams, taught workshops, and worked on everything from tiny standalone websites to complex distributed systems. He’s a Microsoft MVP, and he regularly speaks at conferences and user groups all over the world.

Dylan is the creator of the Rockstar programming language, and is known for his live music shows featuring software-themed parodies of classic rock songs. He’s online at and on Twitter as @dylanbeattie.

Dylan Beattie is an independent consultant who has been building data-driven web applications since the 1990s. He’s managed teams, taught workshops, and worked on everything from tiny standalone websites to complex distributed systems. He’s a Microso... Show more

Abdelmajid Aneddame

Abdelmajid Aneddame

Cloud Solutions Architect - Engineering @Microsoft| Microsoft Certified Trainer Regional Lead @MSCanada| DevOps and automation enthusiast.

As an Cloud Architect, I have worked for many large compagnies in the IT field, designing and implementing Cloud Infrastructure Solutions, deploying & Operating S-SDLC PaaS platforms and third party vendors: SonarQube, Nexus Repository Manager, JFrog Artifactory, Nexus Lifecycle IQ, Checkmarx, Nagios, DefectDojo.

Since I joined Microsoft, I have been working to help the customers to align their cloud strategies with their business needs, unblocking their issues and milestones and acting as a trusted advisor for them.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford

Cloud Solutions Architect - Engineering @Microsoft| Microsoft Certified Trainer Regional Lead @MSCanada| DevOps and automation enthusiast. As an Cloud Architect, I have worked for many large compagnies in the IT field, designing and implementing C... Show more

Jason Torres

Jason Torres

After 15 years as a unit production manager in the film and television industry, I’ve made the pivot to tech. Here to share my journey and insight with fellow pivoters!

After 15 years as a unit production manager in the film and television industry, I’ve made the pivot to tech. Here to share my journey and insight with fellow pivoters! Show more

Henny Speelman

Henny Speelman

My name is Henny Speelman and I am passionate about data visualizations. I love switching on light bulbs with people – facilitating those ‘aha moments’ that change mindsets and open up new possibilites.

My mission is to empower individuals with the tools and insights to transform data into compelling data stories, fostering a world where information is not just consumed, but truly understood and acted upon. My goal is making sure the right graph is created for the right audience and the right purpose: facilitating data communication and minimize cognitive load as much as possible.

Next to that I am the founder of the ART model, where I describe how our brain processes our data and how we can guide it towards effective data storytelling.

My name is Henny Speelman and I am passionate about data visualizations. I love switching on light bulbs with people – facilitating those ‘aha moments’ that change mindsets and open up new possibilites. My mission is to empower individuals with th... Show more

Jan Schneider

Jan Schneider

Jan has extensive experience in combining agile collaboration, user experience design, and future foresight, and has studied the Internet of Things. He aims for valuable outcomes as a team, prioritizes collaborative workshops, and pays attention to the details that make a difference.

Jan has extensive experience in combining agile collaboration, user experience design, and future foresight, and has studied the Internet of Things. He aims for valuable outcomes as a team, prioritizes collaborative workshops, and pays attention to t... Show more

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