Business & Management

Professionals who specialize in the organization and oversight of business activities, as well as focus on planning, directing, and controlling company operations

Letícia Barbosa Damaro

Letícia Barbosa Damaro

Atuo com TI há 23 anos e já trabalhei nas mais diversas áreas.
Estou há mais de12 anos na Prodesp e trabalho articulando as áreas da empresa, buscando: comunicação entre as áreas, troca de experiência com outras empresas, estudo de novas tecnologias e assuntos para ampliar o repertório, apoio a líderes e liderados com práticas/treinamentos usando o ágil, o Design Thinking e principalmente, a comunicação.
Também atuo na comissão de inovação da Prodesp e na 1a comunidade dse Design Sprint no Brasil!
Atuei como redatora voluntária pelo IBEGESP - Instituto Brasileiro de Educação em Gestão Pública em 2022, com quatro artigos publicados no
Sou uma mulher guerreira, alegre, a filha mais velha de três irmãos, aquela que tinha que dar o exemplo em casa. Tenho 2 filhas e estou num momento de desbravar novos caminhos e ir além, por mim, por minhas filhas e por todos que estão à minha volta. O meu negócio é gente, é promover desenvolvimento humano. Compartilhar conhecimento e sempre ajudar quem eu puder, como puder.
Que sejamos a gotinha no oceano que faz toda a diferença!

Atuo com TI há 23 anos e já trabalhei nas mais diversas áreas. Estou há mais de12 anos na Prodesp e trabalho articulando as áreas da empresa, buscando: comunicação entre as áreas, troca de experiência com outras empresas, estudo de novas tecnologias... Show more

Andreas Giesa

Andreas Giesa

Andreas Giesa, Director of Digital Business Consulting at Xebia and former Head of eBusiness at Liebherr, is a visionary leader in the field of digitalization. With over 16 years of experience, he passionately drives digital business models, strategies, and innovative technologies such as AI and IoT. His focus is on customer-oriented solutions, digital excellence, and the development and empowerment of agile teams for digital transformation.

Andreas Giesa, Director of Digital Business Consulting at Xebia and former Head of eBusiness at Liebherr, is a visionary leader in the field of digitalization. With over 16 years of experience, he passionately drives digital business models, strategi... Show more

Karuana Gatimu

Karuana Gatimu

I'm a business solution architect with a passion for people, leadership and Microsoft. Currently, I work in Collaborative Apps & Platform engineering group managing our Customer Advocacy team. My team is filled with talented professionals who globally deliver best practice guidance via, Microsoft Learn, Community Learning Channel and our Partner community. Since the pandemic I've been able to leverage my background in video production to expand my work at Microsoft as an on-air host for our flagship shows, and as Executive Producer of our Community News Desk that creates original content like Mondays at Microsoft, Coffee in the Cloud and our Meet the Makers series.

We are the engineering team for both the Microsoft Tech Community and Global Community Initiatives and help to deliver technical skilling events around the globe produced both by Microsoft and a long list of public community producers. I'm passionate about creating opportunities for women in technology and am a founding member of the Women of Color Leadership Community and the Microsoft E+D Womens' Leadership Board.

I love to travel, cook and read science fiction which is increasingly becoming science fact. As a lifelong learner I'm constantly studying topics about the evolution of the human condition, the mind and our deeper desire for meaningful lives. Meaning for me comes from my husband and two rescue dogs, Cooper & Bandit.

Reach out via LinkedIn at and follow @MSFTAdoption on Twitter

I'm a business solution architect with a passion for people, leadership and Microsoft. Currently, I work in Collaborative Apps & Platform engineering group managing our Customer Advocacy team. My team is filled with talented professionals who glob... Show more

Juliette Lorentz

Juliette Lorentz

Fondatrice de Voilou. et passionnée par les OKR.

Mon objectif ? Transformer vos ambitions en résultats concrets !

Avec plus de 5 ans d'expérience, j'accompagne des entreprises comme Accor, Decathlon et bien d'autres dans leur réussite.

Envie de booster votre stratégie ? Let's go !

Fondatrice de Voilou. et passionnée par les OKR. Mon objectif ? Transformer vos ambitions en résultats concrets ! Avec plus de 5 ans d'expérience, j'accompagne des entreprises comme Accor, Decathlon et bien d'autres dans leur réussite. Env... Show more

Miguel Félix

Miguel Félix

Lead BI Architect, with a background as business analyst with a 20-year experience, data analysis is one of his daily tasks, with Power BI a world of possibilities opened.
Super User in the Power BI community since the start of the program back in 2018 that allowed him to achieve a Microsoft MVP for the first time in 2019.

The engagement with the community, went further in 2020 with the first presentation on DAX and the blog
In 2021 there was a shift in his career with full time job in data, currently he provides solutions in Power BI and the Microsoft environment for customers in different business areas.

Making his own tools in Excel and VBA since University to improve the analysis and ways to show data that allowed users to have quick insights.
With Power Query and Power BI, the insights are easier and faster, and takes BI to a different level since removes the dependency on specialized professionals to have data as we need and when we need it.

Lead BI Architect, with a background as business analyst with a 20-year experience, data analysis is one of his daily tasks, with Power BI a world of possibilities opened. Super User in the Power BI community since the start of the program back in ... Show more

Pia Langenkrans

Pia Langenkrans

Pia has been a SharePoint lover for over 20 years and worked Microsoft 365 since it was born and has extensive experience of working with the digital workplace. She can take the big perspective (strategy, communication plan, change management, training, culture), the middle perspective (digitize and improve flows and work groups) and the small (coach individuals) at the same time.

She has a deep technical knowledge but what makes her most effective is that I have experience with quite a lot but still are quite relaxed and have a great understanding of the human factors. She meets people where they are and are not afraid to tell you what's what. With humor, creativity and a dose of 'nifty' where she finds a good balance between how much time there is and what needs and can be done.

In her work as a change manager, she does webinars, workshops, lectures, speaking engagements. Most of them internal to her customers but some are public and you can find some on Youtube (in Swedish)

Large, small, public, international companies in several different industries, sure. She's been involved in most things but despite the years in the industry, she still loves how much there is left to learn and do.

Pia has been a SharePoint lover for over 20 years and worked Microsoft 365 since it was born and has extensive experience of working with the digital workplace. She can take the big perspective (strategy, communication plan, change management, traini... Show more

Lianne Potter

Lianne Potter

When you follow the cables, behind every piece of tech is a person, consumer and creator, and we should never lose sight of this.

Lianne is an award-winning cyber anthropologist and security transformation leader with experience in the retail, healthcare, finance, private and non-profit sectors.

Her consultancy, The AnthroSecurist, enables teams in complex organisations to understand each other’s motivations, identify barriers that have prevented good security practices in the past, and provide practical steps and insights to increase collaboration between the security team and the rest of the organisation. Lianne is also the Head of SecOps for the largest greenfield technology project in Europe where she builds strategies to create sustainable security cultures throughout the organisation.

As a respected keynote speaker, Lianne has delivered talks across the globe to share her vision for a new type of security function. Drawing upon her expertise as an anthropologist, her practical experience as a security-focused software developer and as a security practitioner; Lianne combines the human and the technical aspects of security to evangelise a cultural security transformation.

In 2020 Lianne formed a health-tech start-up, Liria Digital Health, using technology to improve patient outcomes for those with under-researched, under-represented or unloved health conditions, particularly for people in marganised or minority communities

You can listen to Lianne talk about her human-centric approach every Thursday on her award-winning technology podcast Compromising Positions, in which she interviews non-cybersecurity people from the world of anthropology, psychology and behavioural science about cybersecurity culture.

Lianne is also undertaking a MSc in AI and Data in 2024.

Publications include:

* The Times
* Raconteur
* The Yorkshire Post
* Security Magazine
* IT Pro
* EmTech Anthropology Careers at the Frontier (Book)

Recent awards and honours include:

* Podcast Newcomer - 2024 European Cybersecurity Blogger Awards
* Cybersecurity Personality of the Year 2023 - The Real Cyber Awards
* Security Woman of the Year - Computing Security Excellence Awards 2023 (Highly Commended)
* 40 Under 40 in Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity Magazine
* Security Leader of The Year 2021 - Women in Tech Excellence
* Woman of the Year 2021 - Women in Tech Excellence
* Security Specialist of the Year 2021 -

When you follow the cables, behind every piece of tech is a person, consumer and creator, and we should never lose sight of this. Lianne is an award-winning cyber anthropologist and security transformation leader with experience in the retail, hea... Show more

Michelle Serna

Michelle Serna

As a Microsoft MVP of Business Central, Michelle's passion lies in learning how Microsoft tools can help every user in every role; digging deep into how the application make everyone's day just a little bit better. She now operates as the Director of Ideation Strategy within TruNorth Dynamics, responsible for driving innovation and developing strategic initiatives across the Dynamics business lines.

As a Microsoft MVP of Business Central, Michelle's passion lies in learning how Microsoft tools can help every user in every role; digging deep into how the application make everyone's day just a little bit better. She now operates as the Director of... Show more

Olivier Breda

Olivier Breda

After obtaining a master's degree in Information Systems Architect and Manager at Exia CESI where I had the opportunity to discover agile methodologies, I began to hold positions as a software engineer before quickly seizing the opportunity to access the role of Delivery Manager within a service center of around ten people.
With my management strongly influenced by Agile concepts, I assessed that a manager who puts himself at the service of his team and each member who composes it can achieve excellent results while providing a working environment. healthy and challenging.
I then worked at Merck Millipore within the “Software Analytics & Sensors Integration” innovation and R&D team as an Agile Coach for more than 2 years.
At SFEIR, I also held the position of Engineering Manager where I was responsible for supporting the careers of several dozen consultants.
Today at CoachHub, after two years being an Engineering Manager, I've been promoted to Head of Engineering, driving the tech department vision and leading a product team. Here I implement three of my main areas of expertise: agility, delivery management and career management.

After obtaining a master's degree in Information Systems Architect and Manager at Exia CESI where I had the opportunity to discover agile methodologies, I began to hold positions as a software engineer before quickly seizing the opportunity to access... Show more

Jordi Bosch

Jordi Bosch

• Consultant with 15 years of experience in the professional services sector
• Specialization in data analysis and process automation


# Presentations

[ES] "Mastering Excel Automation with OpenPYXL" (Python Barcelona)

[CA] "Intel·ligència artificial en acció: transformant despatxos professionals" (Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya)

[CA] "Eines pràctiques de IA per a captar talent" (Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya)

[ES] "Transformación digital aplicada a los despachos profesionales" (Grup 20)

[ES] "Creador de Noticias" (Power Platform Bootcamp)

[ES] "Mastering PDF Form-Filling with PyPDF" (Python Barcelona)
* (55:09-1:34:00)

[CA] "Què és ChatGPT per als despatxos professionals?" (Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya)



[ES] Business Intelligence & Data Analytics

[EN] Business Intelligence & Data Analytics

• Consultant with 15 years of experience in the professional services sector • Specialization in data analysis and process automation xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Presentations 2024/06/13 [E... Show more

Alex Radu

Alex Radu

Alex is a VP Product and Marketing Manager for Public Cloud at JP Morgan Chase in Glasgow 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 the land of the unicorns 🦄. She is an international speaker, product community manager and former engineer and conversational developer, among other roles.

In her work as a creative technologist, she combines content, community and cloud, to help products grow. Her role acts as a navigator between product, design, engineering and customers, underpinned by data and feedback.

In her personal life, she loves languages, speaking 4, whilst learning her 5th, Korean, with a 1300+ day streak on Duolingo. Alex adores living in Scotland with her family, 4-year old husky, Kai, and 1-year old Maine Coon kitten, Marvin!

As a fervent advocate of diversity in tech, Alex supports various communities, such as codebar, AWS Community Builders, Aspiring Women Speakers, #IamRemarkable, GitHub Campus Experts, Women Techmakers and more!

Alex is a VP Product and Marketing Manager for Public Cloud at JP Morgan Chase in Glasgow 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 the land of the unicorns 🦄. She is an international speaker, product community manager and former engineer and conversational developer, among o... Show more

Samah Alafeef

Samah Alafeef

Samah Alafeef

Founder and CEO of Metanoia Training and Consulting

Project Management Professional and Regional Officer of the International Federation of Global and Green Information and Communication Technology (IFGICT).
Samah Alafeef a computer engineer brought a broad range of technical and data management skills to her extensive work experience. Samah holds a master's degree in Project Management Engineering and a diploma in Humanitarian Logistics and Supply chain. The combination of managerial and technical skills she has in both the Humanitarian and Commercial sectors enabled her to serve as a consultant in various aspects related to management and technology. Samah is a PMP® certified, Risk RMP ® certified, Agile ACP certified, certified Microsoft innovative educator, and certified green IT professional. She is coaching people and organizations to develop their professional images, being agile, and jump to a higher professional level.

Samah Alafeef Founder and CEO of Metanoia Training and Consulting Project Management Professional and Regional Officer of the International Federation of Global and Green Information and Communication Technology (IFGICT). Samah Alafeef a compu... Show more

Francesco Fullone

Francesco Fullone

I'm Francesco Fullone, a business designer, consultant, and mentor and investor in technology companies focusing on sustainability or social impact.

I help companies (in any stage) to better define their business propositions to create options to validate them, and I advise them to organize themselves better to reach their goals.

I founded, and I contribute to Apropos, a company that helps communities, companies, and local groups organize events and workshops. If you attended an international conference about web technologies in Italy, you met me as a speaker, organizer, or attendee.

I founded companies such as Digitiamo to create NLP and AI-related products, Carma, to work on the next food technologies. In the past, Ideato, where I contributed to its growth for more than ten years, creating an innovative and quality reference for the development agencies in Italy.

I'm the president of the GrUSP, a no-profit association that encourages best practices in web development since 2002.

I'm Francesco Fullone, a business designer, consultant, and mentor and investor in technology companies focusing on sustainability or social impact. I help companies (in any stage) to better define their business propositions to create options to ... Show more

Chime Okure

Chime Okure

Chime is a Microsoft MVP and Senior Low Code Consultant, passionate about empowering businesses with innovative low-code solutions using Microsoft Power Platform. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), he enjoys sharing knowledge, enabling others to learn quickly, and helping teams work more effectively.

Beyond his professional work, Chime is a dedicated Careers Mentor at the University of Greenwich, UK. He actively engages youth in STEM initiatives, guiding students in career planning and inspiring them to explore opportunities in technology.

Chime’s commitment to learning, mentorship, and innovation reflects his belief in using technology as a tool for growth and opportunity. His approachable nature and expertise make him a trusted advisor to those he mentors and collaborates with, driving positive impact in the tech community and beyond.

Chime is a Microsoft MVP and Senior Low Code Consultant, passionate about empowering businesses with innovative low-code solutions using Microsoft Power Platform. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), he enjoys sharing knowledge, enabling others to... Show more

Gerrit Tamboer

Gerrit Tamboer

Gerrit Tamboer, Chief Evangelist at TrueFullstaq, CNCF Ambassador and co-founder of (formerly) Fullstaq, brings a strong technical background to his leadership role. With extensive experience in Kubernetes implementations, Gerrit has transitioned from hands-on technical work to strategic oversight, now focusing on spreadsheets and presentations. In addition to his duties as Chief Evangelist, he also serves as a business consultant, guiding clients as they evolve from managing technical logistics to developing strategic initiatives.

Gerrit Tamboer, Chief Evangelist at TrueFullstaq, CNCF Ambassador and co-founder of (formerly) Fullstaq, brings a strong technical background to his leadership role. With extensive experience in Kubernetes implementations, Gerrit has transitioned fro... Show more

Thomas Martinsen

Thomas Martinsen

Being on the edge of technology and innovation has always been my passion. My role as Tech Evangelist is a match made in heaven—I can use my passion and drive to build amazing and innovative solutions for one of the most dedicated and focused Microsoft partners in Denmark.

I guess it is no surprise that I love the community. I get energized by arranging events for and with the community, and I feel amazed when speaking about how to use the newest technologies and the value they can bring.

Throughout my 25+ years as a professional developer and strategic business influencer, I have participated in many kinds of conferences, community events, and public talks. These range from small community talks with a deep focus on specific technical topics to high-level discussions about the future of technology and humanity at large conferences.

Being on the edge of technology and innovation has always been my passion. My role as Tech Evangelist is a match made in heaven—I can use my passion and drive to build amazing and innovative solutions for one of the most dedicated and focused Microso... Show more

Phil Japikse

Phil Japikse

An international keynote speaker, Microsoft MVP, ASPInsider, MCSD, PSM II, PSD, and PST, and a passionate member of the developer community, Phil Japikse has been working with .NET since the first betas, developing software for over 35 years, and heavily involved in the agile community since 2005 as well as a Professional Scrum Trainer. Phil has taken over the best-selling Pro C# books (Apress Publishing), including "Pro C# 10" (, is the Lead Director for the Cincinnati .NET User’s Group ( and the Cincinnati Software Architect Group, co-hosted the Hallway Conversations podcast (, founded and runs the CincyDeliver conference (, and volunteers for the National Ski Patrol. During the day, Phil works as the CTO for Pintas & Mullins. Phil always enjoys learning new tech and continually strives to improve his craft. You can follow Phil on Twitter via and read his blog at

An international keynote speaker, Microsoft MVP, ASPInsider, MCSD, PSM II, PSD, and PST, and a passionate member of the developer community, Phil Japikse has been working with .NET since the first betas, developing software for over 35 years, and hea... Show more

Kristen B. Hubler

Kristen B. Hubler

Kristen holds an M.Ed, a mini-MBA in Lean Six Sigma, is a certified Change Management Specialist, and certified Scrum Master. As a change and adoption specialist she uses change management and learning best practices to help organizations achieve successful adoption of their software deployment. As a thought leader, she also has several years experience in leadership development and providing professional development workshops. Her book, The Impossible Box, will help you change your own behaviors to develop the habits you need to achieve your biggest goals.

Kristen holds an M.Ed, a mini-MBA in Lean Six Sigma, is a certified Change Management Specialist, and certified Scrum Master. As a change and adoption specialist she uses change management and learning best practices to help organizations achieve suc... Show more

Fletus Poston III

Fletus Poston III

Fletus is a seasoned IT and security professional, with a career spanning since the mid-2000s when he began as an IDS handler. Throughout the years, he has managed cybersecurity initiatives in various industries, including finance, utility, and software development. Fletus holds a Master of Science in Information Systems (M.S.I.S.) specializing in Information Assurance, along with a range of certifications such as CISSP, SSAP, GISF, GSEC, GCED, GPCS, GMON, GCCC, GSLC, GSOM and GCIL. He takes great pleasure in sharing his expertise and passion for cybersecurity with others.

Fletus is a seasoned IT and security professional, with a career spanning since the mid-2000s when he began as an IDS handler. Throughout the years, he has managed cybersecurity initiatives in various industries, including finance, utility, and softw... Show more

Ryan Price

Ryan Price

Ryan is a prolific public speaker and polyglot software person who's worked across a ton of different domains, from operating systems & infrastructure all the way up to "data science". He has spoken at events ranging in size from local Meetup groups to regional tech conferences, and even at Google Next. He is the founder & maintainer of OpenSourceCorp, a project aiming to emulate & educate on typical enterprise IT environments. He loves video games, travel, food, and foreign language, whether of the software or human variety.

Ryan is a prolific public speaker and polyglot software person who's worked across a ton of different domains, from operating systems & infrastructure all the way up to "data science". He has spoken at events ranging in size from local Meetup groups ... Show more

Karen Dredske

Karen Dredske

Karen is a certified Microsoft Service Adoption Specialist, Microsoft Teams Administrator, a Microsoft Certified Professional certified on SharePoint, and SCRUM Certified Product Owner. With over 20 years of experience, she has worked and consulted for companies like Sage Therapeutics, AmerCareRoyal, Booz Allen Hamilton, Protiviti, and is a Senior Solution Architect at Core BTS.

Karen is a certified Microsoft Service Adoption Specialist, Microsoft Teams Administrator, a Microsoft Certified Professional certified on SharePoint, and SCRUM Certified Product Owner. With over 20 years of experience, she has worked and consulted f... Show more

Nikhil Soni

Nikhil Soni

Nikhil is Founder of InfinityVerse, Entrepreneurship Mentor for NASDAQ, Amazon Influencer, Recognized Apple Swift Teacher, Freelance User Researcher & Xbox Technical Support Expert at Microsoft, Product Enthusiast at Sony North America, GATE CS, IIT JEE Physics Chemistry Math Educator at Unacademy, Micro-Entrepreneur at Vedantu, Google Product Expert, User Experience Researcher, Firebase Customer Advisory Council Member for Google, Aerospace Researcher for OrbitX, ISRO's Space Tutor Organization.

Nikhil is one of the few Indians whose name sent to Jupiter's Moon by NASA's Europa Clipper Mission. Nikhil is only male from Vindhyanchal region whose name was sent to Jupiter Moon Europa by NASA.

Expertise in a variety of technologies, including Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and cloud computing platforms. Strong communication and problem-solving skills.

Founded InfinityVerse, a technology company backed by Google and Microsoft.

Served as CEO of Wooplr, a eCommerce Company founded by IIT Delhi Alumini.

Business Manager at PrepBytes.

Freelanced as a User Researcher, Xbox and Windows Technical Support Expert, Sony Product Expert, Google Cloud Trusted Tester, Google Product Expert, and User Experience Researcher at Microsoft and Google.

Recognized as an Apple Teacher and Apple Swift Teacher by Apple.

Currently serving as a Freelance GATE ESE CS/IT & IIT JEE Physics Educator at Unacademy, Former CS/IT & Physics Expert, Math's Expert, SME for CS/IT, and JEE Mains Expert at various online education platforms.

Former Financial Investigator at Amazon.

Worked as a Talent Acquisition Coordinator for Rural India at SBI, HR at Plavate, and HR Virtual Intern at General Electric (GE).

Worked as an Influencer for Amazon and Tech Influencer for DigitSquad.

Did Virtual Internships as UG & Master Asia Intern at Microsoft, Solution Architect Intern at AWS, Software Engineering Intern at HP Enterprise and Walmart, Token Service Technology Intern at VISA, Data Visualization Intern at Tata Group, Engineering Intern at JPMorgan Chase & Co, GE and Goldman Sachs, Agile Intern at Cognizant, STEM Intern at Deloitte, Developer Intern at Accenture, and Global Consumer Banking Intern at Citibank.

I've Mentored for Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, ECell IIT Bombay, Newchip Accelerator.

* Recognized as a preferred expert once a week each month for the entire year as an Xbox Support Expert.
* Earned Silver, Bronze, and Chatterbox achievement badges throughout the year and got Certified as skilled in knowing and handling customer expected behavior via empathy, effective communication, accountability, and resourcefulness as a Windows Support Expert by Microsoft.
* Led my startup, InfinityVerse, to be ranked among the Top 10 Companies 2023-2024: Unveiled Leading the Future of Business and Innovation!
* Secured partnerships with Microsoft for Startup Founders Hub and Google for Startup Cloud AI, which provided up to $748,000 in funding credits.

If we discuss only experience:-
Please refer to About section of my LinkedIn profile.

Nikhil is Founder of InfinityVerse, Entrepreneurship Mentor for NASDAQ, Amazon Influencer, Recognized Apple Swift Teacher, Freelance User Researcher & Xbox Technical Support Expert at Microsoft, Product Enthusiast at Sony North America, GATE CS, IIT ... Show more

Suren Konathala

Suren Konathala

Suren Konathala is a passionate, technology specialist on a mission to simplify technology adoption for organizations. He is a developer, architect, consultant, manager and love to Write and Talk about technology. He works at Adobe as a Technical Architect, holds a Masters degree in Computer science and studied at Carnegie Mellon and Stanford universities. With over 18 years of industry experience working in several levels at small to fortune 100 companies, Suren brings with him the practical real-world implementation experience and the challenges they bring with the lessons learnt. He is a great speaker, presenter, author, mentor and enjoys sharing his knowledge. His one thing that can do all day/night without getting bored.

Suren advocates for a more inclusive and an open-source, community based technology innovation and development and is a constant learner.

He can be reached on Twitter @surenkonathala or LinkedIn

Suren Konathala is a passionate, technology specialist on a mission to simplify technology adoption for organizations. He is a developer, architect, consultant, manager and love to Write and Talk about technology. He works at Adobe as a Technical Arc... Show more

Rachel Kang (SHE/HER)

Rachel Kang (SHE/HER)

Rachel Kang, a Product Manager at Microsoft specializing in .NET MAUI, has spent four years on the .NET MAUI team, starting as a Software Engineer before assuming her current role. Her work is driven by a strong passion for enhancing accessibility in technology.

Rachel Kang, a Product Manager at Microsoft specializing in .NET MAUI, has spent four years on the .NET MAUI team, starting as a Software Engineer before assuming her current role. Her work is driven by a strong passion for enhancing accessibility in... Show more

Tatiana Montenegro

Tatiana Montenegro

Tatiana Montenegro is a Sr. SLED Sales Account Representative at Juniper Networks responsible for preventing cyberattacks and helping leverage Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform for South Florida school districts and local government. She has established a distinguished career in the technology industry, beginning with prominent roles at Citrix, Cisco, VMware, and Palo Alto Networks. Throughout her journey, she has been instrumental in deploying cutting-edge technologies such as Automation, AI, and Machine Learning to deliver business outcomes.

Tatiana Montenegro is a Sr. SLED Sales Account Representative at Juniper Networks responsible for preventing cyberattacks and helping leverage Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform for South Florida school districts and local government. She has es... Show more

Reza Rad

Reza Rad

Reza Rad is a Microsoft Regional Director, an Author, Trainer, Speaker, and Consultant. He has a BSc in Computer engineering; he has more than 20 years of experience in data analysis, BI, databases, programming, and development mostly on Microsoft technologies. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP for 14 continuous years (from 2011 till now) for his dedication to Microsoft BI. Reza is an active blogger and co-founder of RADACAD. Reza is also co-founder and co-organizer of the Difinity conference in New Zealand, the Power BI & Fabric Summit (the biggest Power BI & Fabric conference), and Data Insight Summit (Chicago, USA)

Director at Power BI & Fabric Summit
Director at Difinity conference (Since 2017)
Microsoft Regional Director (Since 2018)
Microsoft Data Platform MVP (Since 2011)
Leader of Data, Insights, and Power BI user group in Auckland, New Zealand (Since 2013)
Microsoft Fast Track Recognized Solution Architect – Power Platform
Power BI All-Star award winner
Dynamic Communities Emerald award winner
Best-selling author of more than 13 books on BI, analytics, and Power BI
Speaker at many conferences such as Ignite, Microsoft Business Applications Summit, PASS, etc.
Blogger, and content creator
Consultant, and trainer
Microsoft Certified trainer
Microsoft Certified professional
His articles on different aspects of technologies, especially on BI, can be found on his blog:

He wrote some books on Microsoft BI and also is writing some others, He was also an active member on online technical forums such as MSDN and Experts-Exchange, and was a moderator of MSDN SQL Server forums, and is an MCP, MCSE, and MCITP of BI. He is the leader of the New Zealand Business Intelligence users group. He is also the author of very popular book Power BI from Rookie to Rock Star, which is free with more than 1700 pages of content and the Power BI Pro Architecture published by Apress.

He is an International Speaker in Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Data Insight Summit, PASS Summit, SQL Saturday and user groups. And He is a Microsoft Certified Trainer.

Reza Rad is a Microsoft Regional Director, an Author, Trainer, Speaker, and Consultant. He has a BSc in Computer engineering; he has more than 20 years of experience in data analysis, BI, databases, programming, and development mostly on Microsoft te... Show more

Ahmad Uzair

Ahmad Uzair

Ahmad Uzair is a tech enthusiast and a passionate entrepreneur who believes in giving back to society and fostering the community's growth. He is on a mission to empower 1,000,000+ individuals and 10,000+ businesses and create a positive impact with technology.

He has been working on building the community since he was a Microsoft Student Partner and is currently leading two technical communities in the UAE, namely, Azure Middle East and Power Platform User Group UAE.

He has been in the consulting business for more than three years and has developed solutions for various industries, such as Healthcare, Education, Construction, Manufacturing, Insurance, Banking, and more, using technology to solve business bottlenecks and improve business efficiencies.

Ahmad Uzair is a tech enthusiast and a passionate entrepreneur who believes in giving back to society and fostering the community's growth. He is on a mission to empower 1,000,000+ individuals and 10,000+ businesses and create a positive impact with ... Show more

Becky Gandillon

Becky Gandillon

Becky Gandillon is the Practice Lead for Data & Analytics for Centric Consulting in St. Louis, and she specializes in data storytelling, data strategy and visualization. She is a big Disney nerd that spends some of her free time analyzing and predicting crowd patterns at Disney World. She and her husband love travelling with their two daughters, and typically have three or four vacations planned in advance at any time.

Becky Gandillon is the Practice Lead for Data & Analytics for Centric Consulting in St. Louis, and she specializes in data storytelling, data strategy and visualization. She is a big Disney nerd that spends some of her free time analyzing and predict... Show more

Manfred Bjørlin

Manfred Bjørlin

Principal Cloud Native architect and developer with a passion for integration and automation. But wait, it's more! Passion does not only have to be in tech! There is also a burning passion for neurodiversity and diversity in tech, across ages, genders, identities, etc...

Loves integration, automation and making processes more streamlined. A back-end developer for over 20 years. Have worked with building integration platforms in the cloud for several bigger organizations. Worked with .Net since early 2000, and Azure since launch.

Have also been a team lead, worked with process streamlining, enterprise architecture and everything between that and made my hands dirty as a developer and cloud native architect.

Principal Cloud Native architect and developer with a passion for integration and automation. But wait, it's more! Passion does not only have to be in tech! There is also a burning passion for neurodiversity and diversity in tech, across ages, gender... Show more

Martin Merino Eiró

Martin Merino Eiró

Martín Merino is a partner at BeUpFlow, a team of consultants who develop senior talent to help companies transform and boost their growth. As an Agile Professional, he develops interdisciplinary transformation projects promoting intrapreneurship and applying Agile methodologies. He is a trainer, mentor, coach and content creator.

Author of the book "Lean Blitz: Mejora tu proceso de negocio radicalmente" (

With a degree in Physical Sciences, he has studied Business Innovation Management and Management and specialized in various agile methodologies such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Scrum, Kanban, etc. He has been trained as an Agile Coach by the Telefónica Agile Academy and is certified as a Scrum Master Professional, Lean Change agent, Team Kanban Practitioner or SAFe agilist, among others.

With more than 9 years of experience as a strategic and transformation consultant in companies in the telco sector, he has worked on innovation and efficiency projects in operations and network areas, putting models such as Lean Management and Agile into practice.

He is a collaborating professor in the University Expert Program in agile methodologies at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) in Spain and is part of its mentoring program for university students.

In accordance with his commitment to sustainability and rural and natural development, he lives in a small town far from Madrid surrounded by mountains, forests and enjoying his animals.

Martín Merino is a partner at BeUpFlow, a team of consultants who develop senior talent to help companies transform and boost their growth. As an Agile Professional, he develops interdisciplinary transformation projects promoting intrapreneurship and... Show more

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