Business & Management

Professionals who specialize in the organization and oversight of business activities, as well as focus on planning, directing, and controlling company operations

Jan Schneider

Jan Schneider

Jan has extensive experience in combining agile collaboration, user experience design, and future foresight, and has studied the Internet of Things. He aims for valuable outcomes as a team, prioritizes collaborative workshops, and pays attention to the details that make a difference.

Jan has extensive experience in combining agile collaboration, user experience design, and future foresight, and has studied the Internet of Things. He aims for valuable outcomes as a team, prioritizes collaborative workshops, and pays attention to t... Show more

Sebastian Sieber

Sebastian Sieber

For the past ten years, Sebastian has been a member of the ISV Solutions team at proMX AG. During this time, proMX’s project and resource management tool, proRM Fast Start, has won numerous awards. Sebastian was one of proMX’s liaisons to Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation (now: Project Operations) development team, thus gaining exceptionally thorough knowledge of the product almost since its inception first launch/release. He has proven his PSA expertise in several successful implementation projects for proMX's international customers.

For the past ten years, Sebastian has been a member of the ISV Solutions team at proMX AG. During this time, proMX’s project and resource management tool, proRM Fast Start, has won numerous awards. Sebastian was one of proMX’s liaisons to Microsoft’s... Show more

Allie Reitz

Allie Reitz

I'm Allie. I'm a founder, business coach, product consultant, and UX designer with 8 years of on-the-ground experience launching impact businesses. My Mission: to increase success rates for impact initiatives by replacing outdated startup culture and education with humble, iterative implementation strategies that generate a sustainable exchange of impact and revenue from day one.

Through my company Meep, I offer structured 1 on 1 Launch Coaching, as well as the Launch Academy: a 5-month immersive program for idea-stage visionaries to plan, design, build, and launch the first version of your business or nonprofit.

I love my Colorado home, and you can usually find me camping, practicing yoga, or doing a happy dance at the intersection of design, philosophy, impact, and innovation. ☀

I'm Allie. I'm a founder, business coach, product consultant, and UX designer with 8 years of on-the-ground experience launching impact businesses. My Mission: to increase success rates for impact initiatives by replacing outdated startup culture and... Show more

Michael Novak

Michael Novak

Michael is a technical executive helping enterprises and public sector agencies leverage conversational AI and Web3 solutions to make better business decisions, drive AI value chain growth, and increase operational efficiency.

A Senior Responsible AI Advisor for LFAI & Data Foundation Trustmark Initiative. He co-wrote an edX course chapter on "Ethical Considerations for Conversational AI".

He contributes to the 2024 NIST AI Safety Institute and participated in developing the 2023 NIST Generative AI guidelines. He provided conversational AI responses to EU GDPR Virtual Voice Assistants RFI's. As a member of ACT-ACT Emerging Technology Center of Excellence, he authored sections of Safety, Privacy, Security in an AI-Enabled World whitepaper, and response to NIST Artificial Intelligence and User Trust (NISTIR 8332).

A member of the Government Blockchain Association, he has taught sections on Web3, blockchain, NFT's, and cryptocurrency to university business students.

Michael is a technical executive helping enterprises and public sector agencies leverage conversational AI and Web3 solutions to make better business decisions, drive AI value chain growth, and increase operational efficiency. A Senior Responsibl... Show more

Kristen Brun Sharkey

Kristen Brun Sharkey

Kristen Brun is an executive and leadership coach and corporate facilitator who previously spent 15 years leading teams in advertising tech and marketing at companies ranging from early-stage startup to Fortune 100. Today she helps technology leaders advance their careers, make better decisions, execute change effectively, develop innovative solutions and successfully engage their teams.

She is an ICF-credentialed coach and has a Master’s degree in Management, Strategy and Leadership from Michigan State University. Her unique approach combines evidence-based business and leadership frameworks with principles and skills from improvisational theatre in order to help her clients accelerate their impact. Her recent speaking engagements have included the California Women’s Conference and the WomenTech Global Conference.

You can regularly find her performing in the San Francisco-based improv group Required Taste at theaters and festivals across the country. Learn more about Kristen at or connect with her on LinkedIn (@kristenbsharkey).

Signature Topics Include:
- Unleashing Your Leadership Potential with Improv
- Embracing Authentic Leadership
- Building a Culture of Innovation
- Improv Skills for Effective Decision-Making
- Navigating Uncertainty with Confidence
- Leading with Presence

Kristen Brun is an executive and leadership coach and corporate facilitator who previously spent 15 years leading teams in advertising tech and marketing at companies ranging from early-stage startup to Fortune 100. Today she helps technology leaders... Show more

Mikko Hämäläinen

Mikko Hämäläinen

Mikko loves dogs, technology and agile development. He has a tech background, but has worked the past ten years in business development educating customers about the possibilities of technology. He is the CEO of a Finnish Drupal company Druid ltd and tries his best to be an active member in the Drupal community.

He spends his free time with his family and dogs doing outdoorsy stuff, doing random software development projects and studying.

Mikko loves dogs, technology and agile development. He has a tech background, but has worked the past ten years in business development educating customers about the possibilities of technology. He is the CEO of a Finnish Drupal company Druid ltd and... Show more

Solenny Peralta López

Solenny Peralta López

Solenny Peralta, actualmente Lidera implementaciones de software como IT Project Manager en cecomsa, Certificada en scrum & Scrum máster, también debido a la implementación de software trabaja con Python, JavaScript y SQL.

En su implementación utiliza metodologías agiles, y se asegura que los flujos de negocios se alineen con el software, abogando por la transformación digital y la gestión del cambio en todas las tomas de decisiones.

Actualmente es voluntaria en la comunidad de GDG Santo Domingo, es Co-organizadora del capítulo de PyladiesSDQ.

Ha sido speaker en varios eventos, entre los cuales estan:el Developerweek 2023 Latin America, Github Presente, Pyday Chile y Jconf Dominicana 2023.

Solenny Peralta, actualmente Lidera implementaciones de software como IT Project Manager en cecomsa, Certificada en scrum & Scrum máster, también debido a la implementación de software trabaja con Python, JavaScript y SQL. En su implementación uti... Show more

Christophe Martinot

Christophe Martinot

Managing Director & Co-Founder SeedingEnergy

Christophe is a former executive in FMCG, pharma, medical devices, and a convinced promoter of happy workplaces, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and significant profit for the organizations

Currently, he contributes to several companies in the USA, UK, and Spain transformational accompaniment as well as strategic support. Christophe is passionate about continuous improvement and constantly searching for more efficiency.

He is also teaching Agile Way of Working in master’s programs at Instituto Europeo de Diseño (IED) and ESEI Business School and is a guest professor at ESADE Business School

Christophe is a member of the global leadership group for the drafting of version 2 of the Agile Marketing Manifesto.

He is the co-author of the Agile Customer Centricity Manifesto and co-initiator of the Business Agility Hub

He strongly believes in the benefits of using Agile; including improved time to market, optimized team operations, and more importantly, improved customer experience. His mission is to support teams looking for greater efficiency using Agile project management frameworks to assist people and organizations in a transformation towards a new paradigm, authentically people-centric, sustainable, and with a raison d’être beyond generating profit.

Furthermore, he works in English, French, and Spanish.

Managing Director & Co-Founder SeedingEnergy Christophe is a former executive in FMCG, pharma, medical devices, and a convinced promoter of happy workplaces, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and significant profit for the organizations ... Show more

Emir Kurtovic

Emir Kurtovic

30+ years living with code: as an entrepreneur, developer, freelancer, team lead, CTO, business analyst, product owner and founder of several companies and startups.

30+ years living with code: as an entrepreneur, developer, freelancer, team lead, CTO, business analyst, product owner and founder of several companies and startups. Show more

Fernando Vinner de Sá

Fernando Vinner de Sá

Fernando de Sá, with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from ITA, is an organizational transformation specialist focusing on individuals and interactions. He developed a model for harmonizing agile teams with hierarchical organizations and successfully applied it. Holding certifications such as Master Coach, PSPO I, and Agile Coach, he shares his knowledge at renowned events. He is the IT Governance Coordinator at DTI, boasting a solid career in the Brazilian Air Force. Fernando's proven results include improvements in organizational culture, delivery quality, and development time reduction.

Fernando de Sá, with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from ITA, is an organizational transformation specialist focusing on individuals and interactions. He developed a model for harmonizing agile teams with hierarchical organizations and successfully appl... Show more

Dr. Gomathi S

Dr. Gomathi S

Dr. S. Gomathi is an esteemed Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), renowned for her expertise in data analytics and Data Visualization. She holds multiple certifications, including Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate and Power Platform Solution Architect Expert, alongside her role as a Google for Education Certified Trainer. With over 13 years of experience in academia and industry, Dr. Gomathi has distinguished herself as a skilled trainer and professor, specializing in Business central, Power BI, Power Apps, Tableau, Data Science, ETL tools, Big Data, and Machine Learning.

Dr. Gomathi is a member of the Computer Society of India and has contributed significantly as a peer reviewer and editor in various SCOPUS indexed and international journals. Her accolades include several Asia Book of record holder, India book of record holder, "Young Scientist" and "Women Scientist" awards, highlighting her contributions to the field of data analytics.

As a holder of 6 national and international patents, she continues to inspire and lead in the ever-evolving world of technology and analytics.

Dr. S. Gomathi is an esteemed Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), renowned for her expertise in data analytics and Data Visualization. She holds multiple certifications, including Microsoft Certified Da... Show more

Massimo Terzo

Massimo Terzo

I am an Agile Coach and Consultant passionate about my job and I am specialised in the application of Agile in the development of physical products.

I am currently a freelance Agile coach and consultant and my mission is to support organisations of different sectors and sizes in their Agile journey and to help development teams in creating amazing new products in a complex environment.

I worked in London and Paris for different companies, every experience enlarged my perspective of the world. I supported a large car manufacturer in their Agile transformation, a unique chance to see from the inside how a major corporation mutates and what are the challenges and opportunities in this situation. This experience has been the foundation for the rest of my professional life: since then I have helped large organizations developing physical products to become more Agile. That has allowed me to push the limits of Agile, and to apply Agile values, principles, frameworks and practices beyond the digital world.

I am a regular speaker to conferences in Italy and abroad: the topics of my talks come from my experience from the trenches and are Agile for hardware, Agile for Engineering and Product Development.

I am an Agile Coach and Consultant passionate about my job and I am specialised in the application of Agile in the development of physical products. I am currently a freelance Agile coach and consultant and my mission is to support organisations o... Show more

William Guevara

William Guevara

Soy experto en coaching empresarial y líder de flujo de valor de cultura y talento en knowmad mood, una firma de consultoría global que ayuda a las organizaciones a prosperar en la era digital. Con más de 24 años de experiencia en consultoría de gestión, desarrollo de liderazgo, agilidad empresarial, coaching integral y gestión del cambio; proporciono coaching, asesoramiento y apoyo a los clientes en la transformación de su cultura para crear lugares donde las personas prosperen, mejorando su vida laboral.

Lidero la función de desarrollo de negocio en torno a cultura y talento para los mercados de EMEA, NA y LATAM, y gestiono la asociación estratégica con Scaled Agile Inc (SAFe), el marco líder mundial para la agilidad empresarial. El objetivo es ayudar a las organizaciones y a las personas a navegar por las olas del cambio y liberar todo su potencial.

Como líder intelectual y experto en coaching empresarial, poseo múltiples certificaciones y credenciales que aprovecho para diseñar y ofrecer intervenciones impactantes que mejoren el desempeño y el potencial de líderes, equipos y sistemas.

Me apasiona combinar el coaching, la ciencia de la complejidad, la teoría integral y el pensamiento sistémico para abordar los desafíos del mundo actual. También disfruto compartiendo mis conocimientos a través de publicaciones, conferencias, coaching, capacitación, tutoría y trabajo voluntario.

Soy experto en coaching empresarial y líder de flujo de valor de cultura y talento en knowmad mood, una firma de consultoría global que ayuda a las organizaciones a prosperar en la era digital. Con más de 24 años de experiencia en consultoría de gest... Show more

Lonneke Opsteegh

Lonneke Opsteegh

Lonneke Opsteegh, PhD, is an expert in data communication, with a strong focus on dashboards and data visualizations. A solid data foundation and in-depth analyses are essential, but not sufficient to achieve real change in an organization. Using clear and direct visuals, Lonneke makes data understandable to everyone in the organization, including people without a "math knack"...

Lonneke designed Power BI dashboards, templates/style guides and a 'way of working' for TNO, Rabobank, ForFarmers, InRetail, Roompot, Kapimex, TIGRA and the University of Wageningen, among others. She also helped hundreds of trainees to design and build better graphs and dashboards, both in science, business and (semi-)government (e.g. Radboud University, GasUnie, various municipalities, ABN AMRO, Van Lanschot bankers, Pink Roccade).

Lonneke knows like no other how and why certain design elements work well or not so well in practice. She likes to take you along in the world of dashboard design and data visualization.

Lonneke Opsteegh, PhD, is an expert in data communication, with a strong focus on dashboards and data visualizations. A solid data foundation and in-depth analyses are essential, but not sufficient to achieve real change in an organization. Using cle... Show more

Marcin Zajkowski

Marcin Zajkowski

Marcin Zajkowski's journey with Umbraco (.NET, Open Source) began back in 2008 while he was doing an internship in Microsoft. Today he works with the leading UK/Worldwide Umbraco Gold Partner - Novicell - as Senior Solution Architect and Country Manager in Poland. Marcin is also responsible for organizing Umbraco PL Festival as well as the Poland Umbraco Meetup group + together with his colleague Callum Whyte, he is hosting umbraCoffee LIVE on YouTube, where they're chatting about what happened in the community / Umbraco in each following week.

Besides Umbraco, Marcin is also a co-owner and CTO/CKO in a programming school for children - WOW School - where he is also teaching young minds how to code (Umbraco included! ;)).

Marcin Zajkowski's journey with Umbraco (.NET, Open Source) began back in 2008 while he was doing an internship in Microsoft. Today he works with the leading UK/Worldwide Umbraco Gold Partner - Novicell - as Senior Solution Architect and Country Mana... Show more

Edoardo Binda Zane

Edoardo Binda Zane

Edoardo Binda Zane is a communication and leadership trainer based in Berlin and working across Europe with corporates, scaleups and universities.

Throughout his career he has been leading 7-figure projects, and he now combines that experience with other areas of work to develop skills in teams and individuals.

His goal is to provide teams and leaders with the right communication and leadership skills to thrive in increasingly dynamic markets, to face their frequent and disruptive changes and to increase their capability of generating value - in short, preparing them for the future of work.

Edoardo Binda Zane is a communication and leadership trainer based in Berlin and working across Europe with corporates, scaleups and universities. Throughout his career he has been leading 7-figure projects, and he now combines that experience wit... Show more

J. Grant Mizell, CPM

J. Grant Mizell, CPM

Whether building digital products, molding young minds or growth hacking, Grant finds passion in challenging the status quo, changing behaviors and increasing conversions for good. He's spent the last decade shaping digital products from startup to enterprise, as well as several years managing account acquisition for a Colorado Community Bank. Grant now leads the Product Management practice for Ippon, a technology consultancy that supports digital transformation, cloud modernization and organizational change management.

Not enough of an origin story? Grant's path to product and data-driven decision making came by way of spearheading an early digital marketing arm within a traditional ad agency and leading the earliest digital campaigns driving DC and LA motorists from their Luxury sedans to adopt public transit.

Favorite successes -
1) taking a 2-sided market startup redesign from seed round to multi-million Series A;
2) reducing a community bank's account opening by more than 300% that helped support more than $1B in new assets; and
3) playing a leading role in a F500 bank's deployment and rollout of custom agent servicing app for +1500 agents.

Grant's a unique blend of creative strategist and metric-driven entrepreneur, principled in learning from customer feedback, and iterative improvement. He focuses on increased revenue and impact through assessing market fit, evaluating experience and developing creative, measurable strategies for targeted customer engagement. And coaching organizations to do the same.

Whether building digital products, molding young minds or growth hacking, Grant finds passion in challenging the status quo, changing behaviors and increasing conversions for good. He's spent the last decade shaping digital products from startup to e... Show more

Sara Caldwell

Sara Caldwell

Sara is an accomplished and effective Business Agility coach who thrives on solving complex problems and helping organizations achieve their goals through building software-based solutions to solve complex business problem.

With over a decade of experience, Sara has dedicated her career to mentoring and coaching individuals, teams, and organizations on how to embrace and respond to change, rather than simply reacting to it.

When she's not busy transforming businesses, Sara loves to spend time at home with her four furry companions - all elderly rescue animals who bring joy to her life. She's also an avid jigsaw puzzle solver, and loves the challenge of completing a puzzle without looking at the picture.

Join Sara on her journey as she navigates the complex world of business agility.

Sara is an accomplished and effective Business Agility coach who thrives on solving complex problems and helping organizations achieve their goals through building software-based solutions to solve complex business problem. With over a decade of... Show more

Pablo Perez De Angelis

Pablo Perez De Angelis

With over a decade rooted in the dynamic fields of Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Generation, I've cultivated a multifaceted career bridging the roles of an NLP Engineer, Entrepreneur, and CTO. My trajectory is marked by the founding and technical leadership of various startups and projects, each echoing my commitment to innovation, efficacy, and global impact.

I've been privileged to serve as the CTO and Co-Founder of tuQuejaSuma for nearly seven years, leading technical innovations and overseeing its growth and impact. Prior roles as the Co-founder & CTO of Natural Tech and LVK underscore my adeptness in steering technology teams to create state-of-the-art solutions, evidenced by products like "Julia - A Pick-Up Adventure," which engaged over 350k players globally.

Professional Milestones:
* CTO & Founder Experiences: Led technical and strategic directions at startups including a stealth startup, tuQuejaSuma, Natural Tech, and LVK.
* Global Speaker: Delivered insights at esteemed international platforms, affirming my global engagement and expertise.
* AI Innovator: Conceived QuickTrace, blending my R&D acumen with practical AI applications.

Academic and Community Contributions:
*Program Committee Member: Engaged in the International Conference on Natural Language Generation, contributing to the global NLG discourse.
*Educator: Taught official Android extension courses and contributed to the NLP and NLG academic landscape.

My role as an NLP Engineer at ViClone and Aivo amplifies my hands-on expertise, where R&D met real-world applications, enhancing virtual assistants and open QA systems. My journalistic contributions to 90+10 and SEO advisories for Página|12 echo my versatility, where technology, content, and digital strategies converge.

In the academic sphere, my engagements with Stanford University and postgraduate NLG courses, coupled with my leadership at PyData Córdoba, TensorFlow Buenos Aires, Data Science Córdoba, and GDG/GTUG Córdoba, echo a synergy of knowledge, innovation, and community engagement.

In Essence:
Equipped with a blend of technical depth, entrepreneurial spirit, and a global outreach, every project and role is not just a professional engagement but a journey of discovery, innovation, and tangible impact. In a world echoing with codes and algorithms, I'm at the forefront, where technology narratives are not just written but are crafted with precision, innovation, and a gaze fixed on global technological landscapes.

With over a decade rooted in the dynamic fields of Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Generation, I've cultivated a multifaceted career bridging the roles of an NLP Engineer, Entrepreneur, and CTO. My trajectory is marked by the foundin... Show more

Jeremy Treadwell

Jeremy Treadwell

Futurist | Founder | Educator | Speaker | Author

Jeremy Treadwell is a visionary entrepreneur and futurist from Chicago, IL, living in Maryland, minutes from our national capital, Washington, D.C. With a passion for guiding individuals and businesses toward their desired futures, Jeremy has earned the moniker “Vision Capitalist.”

As the founder and owner of Treadwell Agency, a highly respected consulting firm, Jeremy has been instrumental in helping countless individuals and businesses define their visions, gain clarity, and pave the way toward success. Jeremy has empowered clients to reach their full potential and navigate the complexities of the ever-evolving business landscape through innovative strategies and keen Foresight.

Beyond his consulting endeavors, Jeremy shares his wealth of knowledge and expertise as an esteemed adjunct professor at Bradley University, where he imparts his wisdom in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience Strategy. His dedication to education and commitment to nurturing the next generation of visionaries showcase his leadership inside and outside the classroom.

A true believer in the power of Foresight, Jeremy has earned recognition as a certified Futurist through the esteemed Institute of the Future. As a sought-after speaker, he captivates audiences with engaging talks on Cybersecurity, Strategic Futures, and User Behavior, leaving a lasting impact on individuals and organizations alike.

Constantly embracing new challenges, Jeremy is working on his upcoming book, delving deep into the realm of Foresight. With his unique insights and innovative thinking, he aims to inspire others to harness the power of Foresight to achieve greatness.

In addition to his professional achievements, Jeremy is known for his strong sense of community and commitment to helping others. His philanthropic endeavors have left an indelible mark on those fortunate to cross paths with him.

As a visionary thought leader, Jeremy’s relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering dedication to empowering others sets him apart as a true trailblazer in the business world. Jeremy continues to shape a brighter future for individuals, businesses, and society through his visionary approach and compassionate spirit.

Futurist | Founder | Educator | Speaker | Author Jeremy Treadwell is a visionary entrepreneur and futurist from Chicago, IL, living in Maryland, minutes from our national capital, Washington, D.C. With a passion for guiding individuals and busines... Show more

Claire Thornewill

Claire Thornewill

Senior Web Performance Consultant | Senior Product Manager | UX Advocate | Sustainable Web

Senior Web Performance Consultant | Senior Product Manager | UX Advocate | Sustainable Web Show more

Sean Flaherty

Sean Flaherty

Impactful leaders create systems that optimize for creativity and innovation.

My work helps leaders to scale their leadership by sharing lessons from the trenches about how to use language, hold space, and foster environments that maximize clarity and optimize for innovation.

"The Momentum Framework" is a collection of contextual models and language tools that form a system that creates this space.

The result is >> MOMENTUM which can be measured through relationships and innovations.

My journey in innovation began with building software products at the ripe age of 11, programming on my 8-Bit Commodore Vic-20 in the 1980s. I never stopped. I studied aviation electronics working on F-14 Tomcats in the Navy, molecular genetics at the University of Rochester, and earned an MBA from the Simon School of Business in 2006, where I now teach and have won awards for the class that I developed.

However, most of my experience has come from two and a half decades of working in the trenches with amazing teams building innovative software products that move, touch and inspire the world. ITX is a passionate group of 260+ inspired technologists, architects, and artists that produce magic every day for our clients. We are pioneering how software products are built and creating best practices that are forging the future of how technology interfaces with people.

With my partners at ITX and in other ventures, I have engineered the divestiture, acquisition, and mergers of over a dozen companies. Through CEO and leadership roundtables worldwide and a professorship at the University of Rochester, I have educated thousands of business leaders on innovation, culture, trust, empathy, and "The Momentum Framework."

This work has led to many accolades such as the Vistage "New Advisor of the Year", "Top Advisor", "Top Rated Professor" and the Trust Across America "Top Thought Leader in Trust" awards.

Impactful leaders create systems that optimize for creativity and innovation. My work helps leaders to scale their leadership by sharing lessons from the trenches about how to use language, hold space, and foster environments that maximize clarity... Show more

Lina Gonzalez

Lina Gonzalez

Meet Lina Gonzalez, a trailblazing force in the tech realm as the COO and visionary Founder of Inbound Den. With over two decades of invaluable experience sculpting operations, leading teams, and refining processes, Lina's journey began in the dynamic landscape of IT within the investment sector. Transitioning seamlessly into software development, she orchestrated the rise of high-caliber teams instrumental in shaping the renowned i-ready platform.

Driven by an unwavering entrepreneurial spirit, Lina embarked on her own venture, establishing a bespoke Boutique Consulting Agency tailored to startups and visionaries, delivering cutting-edge web development and inbound marketing solutions. Evolving with the industry, her company underwent a transformative rebranding, now providing fractional support to entrepreneurs, specializing in project management and operational finesse.

At her core, Lina is impassioned by the cultivation of exceptional teams, harnessing the power of automation and pioneering AI-driven efficiencies. As a beacon of mentorship, she dedicates her time to guiding aspiring tech professionals in the realms of leadership, career advancement, and the entrepreneurial landscape.

In 2013, she co-founded a community space in Dania Beach, FL for events and vegan food called Zen Mystery.

Rooted in a robust academic foundation, Lina holds a dual B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, fortified by a Business Analytics Certificate from Harvard University. Certified as a Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM I) and Project Management Professional (PMP)®, she exemplifies mastery in her craft.

Beyond her professional accolades, Lina is an active member of various local tech cohorts, including South Florida Women in Tech, Women in Tech and Entrepreneurship, and Latinas in Tech, championing diversity and inclusion within the industry.

Meet Lina Gonzalez, a trailblazing force in the tech realm as the COO and visionary Founder of Inbound Den. With over two decades of invaluable experience sculpting operations, leading teams, and refining processes, Lina's journey began in the dynami... Show more

Sara El-Ateif

Sara El-Ateif

Co-Founder of AI Wonder Girls, an Evercoach Certified Business Coach/Consultant, Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning, and Google PhD Fellow, is on a mission to demystify AI and innovation, revolutionize Customer Experience, and help Multi-Passionate Curious Creatives Thrive.

Co-Founder of AI Wonder Girls, an Evercoach Certified Business Coach/Consultant, Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning, and Google PhD Fellow, is on a mission to demystify AI and innovation, revolutionize Customer Experience, and help Multi-Pas... Show more

Josh Santiago

Josh Santiago

Meet Josh Santiago, a strategy leader and technology expert passionate about using technology to drive change. With over a decade of experience in the Microsoft ecosystem, Josh has delivered strategic consulting and sales solutions to industry leaders across the US and Europe. He has served in critical roles in various industries, including telecommunications, automotive, and retail, where he has helped entrepreneurs and senior management drive digital transformation and improve processes. 

As Chief Strategy Officer at Dynamic Consultants Group and former VP of Sales, Josh Santiago leads a team that achieved 61% YoY growth and a 138% increase in direct commercial cloud services revenue. He has also made significant contributions to sustainability, diversity, and inclusion and has served as an instructor and speaker in the technology and consulting space. In addition, Josh played a vital role in the company's European expansion project and the development of new lines of business. Under his leadership, while acting as the VP of Sales and Marketing, the company has established a strong brand presence and a global footprint, with a CAGR of over 5,000% in its online and media presence.

Josh Santiago is a highly sought-after speaker with a global presence, sharing his expertise and vision for the future. With a passion for empowering lives, organizations, and governments, Josh draws on his diverse interests as a retired award-winning photographer, avid reader, investor, and pilot—partner with Josh and Dynamic Consultants Group to drive digital transformation and achieve your goals.

Meet Josh Santiago, a strategy leader and technology expert passionate about using technology to drive change. With over a decade of experience in the Microsoft ecosystem, Josh has delivered strategic consulting and sales solutions to industry leader... Show more

Tracy Lee

Tracy Lee

Tracy is the CEO and Chief Technologist at This Dot Labs, a consultancy focused on helping leaders achieve their most ambitious digital initiatives through technology leadership and engineering talent.

She is also a Github Star, Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, RxJS Core Team member, and a frequent keynote speaker at conferences.

You can find her on Linkedin at /in/tracyslee, on Twitter @ladyleet or at

Tracy is the CEO and Chief Technologist at This Dot Labs, a consultancy focused on helping leaders achieve their most ambitious digital initiatives through technology leadership and engineering talent. She is also a Github Star, Google Developer E... Show more

Bevan Williams

Bevan Williams

Bevan has been working in, and with, agile teams since 2009 and is currently an Enterprise Agile Coach at Old Mutual. He has worked as a Software Engineer, Scrum Master, Development Manager and Head of Mobile before shifting to full-time Agile Coaching in 2018. He is passionate about coaching, enabling and leading people to do their best work, focussing on personal, career and organizational growth.

Bevan has been working in, and with, agile teams since 2009 and is currently an Enterprise Agile Coach at Old Mutual. He has worked as a Software Engineer, Scrum Master, Development Manager and Head of Mobile before shifting to full-time Agile Coachi... Show more

Dave Todaro

Dave Todaro

Dave Todaro is a software visionary, entrepreneur, and agile project management expert. Even from an early age, Dave had a knack for technology. At age 11, he wrote his first program. At age 13, he shipped his first worldwide-distributed product. And at 15, he started his first software company. Since then, he and his teams have designed and built award-winning products across a wide range of industries.

Dave has taught agile software development techniques to thousands of people around the world and regularly advises companies on a wide range of product strategy, project management, software engineering, and DevOps topics. He has appeared as a guest lecturer at institutions such as the University of New Hampshire and Boston College, and is a Master Instructor at Caltech.

Dave is the author of the bestselling book, The Epic Guide to Agile. His book has been adopted as an internal reference for multinational corporations and as a text for university classes.

Dave Todaro is a software visionary, entrepreneur, and agile project management expert. Even from an early age, Dave had a knack for technology. At age 11, he wrote his first program. At age 13, he shipped his first worldwide-distributed product. And... Show more

Michael John Pena

Michael John Pena

Michael John “MJ” Pena is a passionate engineer and business leader who loves Data and AI. He has been working with cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, big data analytics, blockchain, IoT, and machine learning for over a decade and a half. He is a Microsoft MVP in Azure and an active community contributor to emerging data technologies.

He works as the Data and AI Director at Playtime Solutions, an Australian tech consulting company. He uses technology to create new solutions like data warehouses, real-time analytics, and reports. In his previous life, he held many positions, such as CTO, Solutions Architect, and Technical Lead.

MJ is an entrepreneur who co-founded and raised funding for a venture in Cryptocurrency and mobile development. He is adept at stakeholder management, team leadership, and business operations. MJ is a balanced individual who enjoys outdoor activities with his family, such as biking and running. He is always eager to learn new things and share his knowledge with others.

Michael John “MJ” Pena is a passionate engineer and business leader who loves Data and AI. He has been working with cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, big data analytics, blockchain, IoT, and machine learning for over a decade and a h... Show more

John Le Drew

John Le Drew

John is a tech whisperer, culture shifter, and the DJ known as Rainbow Laces. With a career spanning over two decades, he turns tech turmoil into teamwork nirvana. Beyond coding, he's about making workspaces where people actually want to be, leveraging his mix of industry savvy and creative zest. His life in London with his husband and cat is as vibrant as his career, embodying a blend of innovation, music, and laughter.

John is a tech whisperer, culture shifter, and the DJ known as Rainbow Laces. With a career spanning over two decades, he turns tech turmoil into teamwork nirvana. Beyond coding, he's about making workspaces where people actually want to be, leveragi... Show more

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