Business & Management

Professionals who specialize in the organization and oversight of business activities, as well as focus on planning, directing, and controlling company operations

Agustin Benito Bethencourt

Agustin Benito Bethencourt

Agustín has guided projects, and organizations throughout the life cycle of OSS based products and services in different markets. He now works as an independent consultant, focused on helping organizations in two ways: applying advanced data analytics to production environments to increase delivery performance, partnering with Bitergia, and increasing their organizational performance by becoming good open source citizens, like in the case of SCANOSS.

Agustín has guided projects, and organizations throughout the life cycle of OSS based products and services in different markets. He now works as an independent consultant, focused on helping organizations in two ways: applying advanced data analytic... Show more

Sonali Das

Sonali Das

Sonali Das, 17 years seasoned Test Automation Professional, is currently working at Accenture UKI as Test Automation Associate Manager. Sonali has worked in various Industries like BFS, Insurance, Retails, Online Education system, Oil & Gas, Healthcare and Pharma Industry as QA Automation Lead/Architect and designed maintained Test Automation Framework using both Commercial and non-commercial tools like MF UFT, Selenium, WorkSoft Certify, SeeTest, SoapUI, Postman. She has expertise in a Programming language as VB scripting, Java, JavaScript, Groovy. She loves coding and exploring and learning new skills and mentoring others."

Sonali Das, 17 years seasoned Test Automation Professional, is currently working at Accenture UKI as Test Automation Associate Manager. Sonali has worked in various Industries like BFS, Insurance, Retails, Online Education system, Oil & Gas, Healthca... Show more

Garima Bajpai

Garima Bajpai

Founder Devops Meetup community of practice -Canada
Co-Organizer DevOps Summit -Canada
DevOps Ambassador with DevOps Institute & Continuous Delivery Foundation
Board Member Capital Carbon Consulting
WCT-FCT Mentor -Women in Leadership -ICT ( Canada Chapter -2020)
Nominee Women in IT of the year - Young Leader ( WIT Award)

Founder Devops Meetup community of practice -Canada Co-Organizer DevOps Summit -Canada DevOps Ambassador with DevOps Institute & Continuous Delivery Foundation Board Member Capital Carbon Consulting WCT-FCT Mentor -Women in Leadership -ICT ... Show more

Molly Rupert-Sullivan

Molly Rupert-Sullivan

Molly Rupert-Sullivan is the Global Adoption Lead for one of the earliest and largest Microsoft Copilot deployments at Accenture. She also advises clients across industries and geographies on how to strategically position Copilot, who to engage and how to support them, how to minimize risk, and how to maximize value.

Molly Rupert-Sullivan is the Global Adoption Lead for one of the earliest and largest Microsoft Copilot deployments at Accenture. She also advises clients across industries and geographies on how to strategically position Copilot, who to engage and h... Show more

Phil Haack

Phil Haack

Phil Haack loves to code. He also loves to build products and engineering teams, with over twenty years of experience in the software industry. He is currently a recovering entrepeneur and independent techno-drifter. That’s a fancy way of saying he’s taking time off and evaluating his options after shutting down a startup he co-founded - A Serious Business, Inc. (YC S21), the makers of Abbot, a Copilot for Customer Success automation.

Prior to A Serious Business, Inc., he was a director of engineering at GitHub and helped make GitHub friendly to developers on the Microsoft platform.

Prior to GitHub, he was a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft responsible for shipping ASP.NET MVC, NuGet, among other projects. These products had permissive open source licenses and was part of a concerted effort to drag Microsoft’s into the Open Source era.

Phil is a co-author of GitHub for Dummies as well as the popular Professional ASP.NET MVC series and regularly speaks at conferences around the world. He’s also made several appearances on technology podcasts such as .NET Rocks and Hanselminutes.

You can find him sharing his thoughts at or on Twitter or Threads

Phil Haack loves to code. He also loves to build products and engineering teams, with over twenty years of experience in the software industry. He is currently a recovering entrepeneur and independent techno-drifter. That’s a fancy way of saying he’s... Show more

Jemma Bolland

Jemma Bolland

Jemma is in charge of operations, people and finance at The Scale Factory. Her 15+ years’ experience in operational, strategic and marketing roles with start-ups and SMEs in the UK and Australia brings a wealth of insight to her role. Jemma's experience in the start-up world provides a distinct lens on the topics of people management, cultivating culture and championing D&I during periods of growth.

Jemma is in charge of operations, people and finance at The Scale Factory. Her 15+ years’ experience in operational, strategic and marketing roles with start-ups and SMEs in the UK and Australia brings a wealth of insight to her role. Jemma's experie... Show more

Nils Lesieur

Nils Lesieur

Je me suis essayé à beaucoup de sports collectifs. Petit, c’était le football ! Puis, un célèbre numéro 23 m’a attiré, entraîné vers le basket, puis ce fut le volley. J’aimais la beauté de ces sports et surtout leurs ballets de sauts. En déménageant à Toulouse pour des études de Chimie, j’ai eu un vrai coup de cœur pour ce qui est resté ma grande passion : le rugby. C’est aussi, à Toulouse que j’ai découvert le handball, sport roi dans les universités françaises et qui partage avec le rugby, la même recherche de l’intervalle.

Les sports individuels ne m’ont jamais attiré, j’aimais partager les victoires, les défaites, la difficulté d’un entraînement, atteindre quelque chose que je ne pourrai viser seul. Certes, j’aimais m’entraîner seul, acquérir plus de technique, répéter les gestes pour plus de maîtrise, plus de réflexes mais en pensant à l’aventure, aux résultats d’une équipe.

Cela me guide encore beaucoup aujourd’hui dans ma vie de coach. J’accorde beaucoup d’importance à l’équipe qui est au service d’un produit, d’un service : beaucoup d’importance aux interactions au sein de l’équipe, au cadre mis en place ou à mettre en place.

Je me suis essayé à beaucoup de sports collectifs. Petit, c’était le football ! Puis, un célèbre numéro 23 m’a attiré, entraîné vers le basket, puis ce fut le volley. J’aimais la beauté de ces sports et surtout leurs ballets de sauts. En déménageant ... Show more

Raul Barth

Raul Barth

Raul is a SAFe Practice Consultant and trainer at Gladwell.

Raul Barth is a seasoned Agile Coach, trainer and SAFe SPCT Candidate with a deep understanding of Lean and Agile values and principles. With a Green Belt in Lean and certifications as a Professional Scrum Master I & II (PSM) and Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO), Raul brings a wealth of expertise to his work.
Over the past 13 years, Raul has gained extensive international experience in Agile, software development, IT, R&D, team management and leadership, having worked in diverse locations such as Brazil, France, and the UK. Throughout his career, he has dedicated more than 8 years to Lean and Agile.

Raul's technical proficiency is rooted in his academic background, holding Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Engineering, as well as a Master's degree in Big Data. His practical experience in Agile spans across various roles, including team member, Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Agile Coach and Consultant. For the past 5 years, he has been actively engaged in guiding organizations through Agile transformations.

Passionate about Agile and Lean, Raul firmly believes that successful Lean-Agile transformations depend on mindset and people. He views frameworks, methods, and processes as tools to achieve goals such as faster time-to-market, quality, motivated teams, and customer satisfaction.

Currently, Raul serves as a consultant and trainer, leveraging his expertise in English, Portuguese, and French. He is dedicated to supporting Gladwell's partners in their pursuit of success through Agile and digital transformations.

Raul is a SAFe Practice Consultant and trainer at Gladwell. Raul Barth is a seasoned Agile Coach, trainer and SAFe SPCT Candidate with a deep understanding of Lean and Agile values and principles. With a Green Belt in Lean and certifications as a... Show more

Marine Marguerite

Marine Marguerite

Product Manager au sein de Zenika et ex-Product Owner chez Bedrock Steaming (45 millions d'utilisateurs en Europe), j'accompagne depuis plus de 7 ans diverses équipes et entreprises à avoir une approche produit centrée sur l'utilisateur et orientée sur l'impact et la valeur 🎯
Que ce soit en pré ou post Market Fit, en B2C, B2B ou B2B2C, mon objectif est de faire le lien entre enjeux business, expérience utilisateur et équipes technique pour construire un produit numérique innovant et à forte valeur ajoutée 💪

Product Manager au sein de Zenika et ex-Product Owner chez Bedrock Steaming (45 millions d'utilisateurs en Europe), j'accompagne depuis plus de 7 ans diverses équipes et entreprises à avoir une approche produit centrée sur l'utilisateur et orientée s... Show more

Emanuele Moscato

Emanuele Moscato

I spent several years working in large companies in different areas (business development, marketing, sourcing, organization, digital innovation) measuring myself in different fields, from software simulation and validation, to strategic sourcing and finally to organizational methodologies. In these experiences I was able to put into practice what I learned in my studies and learn new things using my ability to see and my propensity to think out of the box. Now is the time to help companies improve themselves by providing them with an external, competent and sometimes visionary, point of view. That's why I decided to take care of companies, and even before the people who make them live, from outside as a consultant.

I spent several years working in large companies in different areas (business development, marketing, sourcing, organization, digital innovation) measuring myself in different fields, from software simulation and validation, to strategic sourcing and... Show more

Gemma Honour

Gemma Honour

Gemma Honour is a therapeutic coach, visual facilitator, consultant and speaker. She uses a fusion of visual thinking and coaching skills to enthuse and ignite change in organisations. Gemma moved into the world of Agile where she learned the power of using visuals, psychological theory and play based techniques to build great culture, aid learning of new concepts and solve tricky problems in ways that get everyone involved.

Gemma Honour is a therapeutic coach, visual facilitator, consultant and speaker. She uses a fusion of visual thinking and coaching skills to enthuse and ignite change in organisations. Gemma moved into the world of Agile where she learned the power... Show more

Semira Allen

Semira Allen

Semira Allen is a Solution Engineer and Gen z professional. She started her career interning and then working full time for Deloitte, then moved to IBM for a few years, and is currently working for Pearl Consulting Group, a black woman owned and led company. She is a Northwestern University Alum and graduated in Computer Science. More recently she was a program chair with the Agile Alliance for Agile2023 and 2024 and was instrumental in bringing back their technology track. In her spare time she is an avid science fiction reader (and watcher), tennis player, and mentor to students towards their career goals.

Semira Allen is a Solution Engineer and Gen z professional. She started her career interning and then working full time for Deloitte, then moved to IBM for a few years, and is currently working for Pearl Consulting Group, a black woman owned and led ... Show more

Pete Oliver-Krueger

Pete Oliver-Krueger

Co-Author of "Shift: From Product to People" a novel about what it means to really put people at the center of everything you do. Coaching Agile leaders on how to improve lives and improve bottom lines at the same time. Specializes in Agile beyond IT, including manufacturing, government, education, the arts, non-profits, and more.

Co-Author of "Shift: From Product to People" a novel about what it means to really put people at the center of everything you do. Coaching Agile leaders on how to improve lives and improve bottom lines at the same time. Specializes in Agile beyond IT... Show more

Italo Oliveira

Italo Oliveira

Com 19 anos de experiência na atuação de Projetos (Modelo Waterfall e Agile), para as plataformas: mobile, web e sistemas. Com ênfase na UX do usuário, camada visual e na experiência de poder utilizar os recursos dos devices.

Elaboração de documento de especificação e visão, aplicação dos rituais da metodologia ágil (Daily, Gestão de Backlog, Priorização do Backlog, Criação de Histórias do usuários, Sprint Review e Planning).

Realizo validação de layout, regras e produtos e serviços disponíveis ao cliente para plataforma mobile, e também elaboração de projetos para sistemas web e plataformas multi-gerenciais e sistemas em geral.

Com 19 anos de experiência na atuação de Projetos (Modelo Waterfall e Agile), para as plataformas: mobile, web e sistemas. Com ênfase na UX do usuário, camada visual e na experiência de poder utilizar os recursos dos devices. Elaboração de documen... Show more

Pablo F. Sanchez

Pablo F. Sanchez

Degree in IS & Computing, Universidad Católica Argentina (1997). Professional Ontological Coach. Enterprise Agile Coach, supporting organisations to drive growth by helping them convert their business, governance and traditional operations to Agile, customer-centric and product-led. +30 years experience in ITC's. Member of: Agile Alliance, ICF, IEEE.

Degree in IS & Computing, Universidad Católica Argentina (1997). Professional Ontological Coach. Enterprise Agile Coach, supporting organisations to drive growth by helping them convert their business, governance and traditional operations to Agile, ... Show more

Ed Jaworski

Ed Jaworski

Ed is a 23-year QuickBooks veteran. He has been a multi-year Top 100 ProAdvisor and is a QBO Advanced Certified ProAdvisor, a Certified Enterprise Solutions ProAdvisor, and an SOS Inventory Certified Consultant. Ed specializes in advanced QuickBooks reporting, QuickBooks integrations, inventory management for retail, manufacturing and distribution, eCommerce, and contractors.

Ed is a 23-year QuickBooks veteran. He has been a multi-year Top 100 ProAdvisor and is a QBO Advanced Certified ProAdvisor, a Certified Enterprise Solutions ProAdvisor, and an SOS Inventory Certified Consultant. Ed specializes in advanced QuickBook... Show more

Alla Barbalat

Alla Barbalat

Alla Barbalat began her career as a lawyer, before transitioning into the tech industry as a trade show spokesmodel. In this role, Alla has garnered expertise in lead generation, audience engagement, and technical presentations, collaborating with clients across various sectors.

Alla has delivered presentations on the legal challenges posed by artificial intelligence, and actively promotes the responsible use of AI in software development. She also enjoys honing her skills in software engineering, as she aims to further bridge the gap between law and tech.

Alla Barbalat began her career as a lawyer, before transitioning into the tech industry as a trade show spokesmodel. In this role, Alla has garnered expertise in lead generation, audience engagement, and technical presentations, collaborating with cl... Show more

Jess Brock

Jess Brock

Jess is a dynamic coach, technologist, speaker, and author with a wealth of experience in the tech industry since the mid-2000s, and recently in GenAI. Jess's diverse career journey has become one of her greatest strengths, enabling her to lead with empathy and real-world insight. She has been named an "immersive learning pioneer", and she's the proud author of "The Dojo Coach’s Pocket Guide."

Jess is a dynamic coach, technologist, speaker, and author with a wealth of experience in the tech industry since the mid-2000s, and recently in GenAI. Jess's diverse career journey has become one of her greatest strengths, enabling her to lead with ... Show more

Raouf Chebri

Raouf Chebri

Raouf Chebri is a Developer Advocate at Neon and loves to talk about AI, and modern web development and help developers be more productive. He worked as a Software Engineer and also an Evangelist at Microsoft and ScyllaDB before joining Neon. Raouf enjoys Mexican food, skiing, and riding his bike for hours in the Alps.

Raouf Chebri is a Developer Advocate at Neon and loves to talk about AI, and modern web development and help developers be more productive. He worked as a Software Engineer and also an Evangelist at Microsoft and ScyllaDB before joining Neon. Raouf e... Show more

Ryan Shahbazi

Ryan Shahbazi

Ryan has spent a decade at SoCalGas, the largest natural gas distribution company in the United States, focusing on energy efficiency and leveraging big data to outreach to the hard-to-reach, disadvantaged, and low-income communities. Ryan also acts as a project manager for Microsoft suite related initiatives. He feels privileged to be able to give back to his community and help those in need. In his free time, Ryan enjoys the challenge of trying to replicate his favorite restaurants' menus and supporting his Los Angeles sports clubs.

Ryan has spent a decade at SoCalGas, the largest natural gas distribution company in the United States, focusing on energy efficiency and leveraging big data to outreach to the hard-to-reach, disadvantaged, and low-income communities. Ryan also acts ... Show more

Aditya Guthey

Aditya Guthey

A seasoned engineering leader, he has spent over ten years helping clients develop data engineering solutions. He is also an award-winning international speech contestant and communication skills trainer, having presented on over 100 stages globally and trained over 200 leaders to become effective leaders and communicators.

A seasoned engineering leader, he has spent over ten years helping clients develop data engineering solutions. He is also an award-winning international speech contestant and communication skills trainer, having presented on over 100 stages globally ... Show more

Ifeanyichukwu Nwobodo

Ifeanyichukwu Nwobodo

Nwobodo Ifeanyichukwu Victor is a first-class economics graduate of the University of Nigeria with a robust foundation in statistical analysis, econometric modeling, and machine learning. He is a full-stack data scientist and analytical engineer proficient in python, SQL, Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Tableau, Data Build Tool (Dbt) and so on.

Professionally, Ifeanyi has experience as a Market Research Analyst at Cosy and Agbo Investment Limited, where he conducted where he applied his skills in data visualization and survey data analysis. As a Data Scientist at Octave AI, he contributed to developing Melody AI, a no-code analytics and machine learning product.

Ifeanyi is a Data Analytics student at Turing College and a data analyst at the Digital Explorers program, an EU-sponsored initiative for exceptional young data professionals. He is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and an Associate Member of the International Institute of Project and Safety Management (IIPSM).

Outside work, he is a two-times passionate about discussing and creating notebooks that facilitate learning and teaching data science concepts.

Ifeanyi is deeply interested in causal machine learning and explainable AI, exploring how machine learning can address problems in economics and business settings.

Nwobodo Ifeanyichukwu Victor is a first-class economics graduate of the University of Nigeria with a robust foundation in statistical analysis, econometric modeling, and machine learning. He is a full-stack data scientist and analytical engineer prof... Show more

Vlad Sarov

Vlad Sarov

Vlad Sarov is an experienced Microsoft Dynamics 365 leader who has spent over two decades unlocking the full potential of Microsoft CRM technologies for businesses. As the COO of an ISO 9001-certified Microsoft Gold partner, Vlad brings a combination of technical expertise and strategic business acumen to the stage.

A veteran in the Dynamics ecosystem, Vlad has been working with Microsoft CRM since 2003. He has architected and delivered transformative solutions for organizations across industries - from billion-dollar giants like Shell and Transwestern to non-profits like Citizen Advice Bureau and government agencies like the Civil Aviation Authority. Vlad's expertise spans the entire Dynamics lifecycle, from envisioning and implementing new deployments to optimizing and future-proofing mature instances through continuous updates, extensions and integrations.

An advocate for realizing maximum value from technology investments, Vlad's session promises to deliver actionable insights that C-suite leaders can action immediately. Discover how tailored customizations, integrations with existing systems, and robust analytics can unlock new efficiencies and competitive advantages from your Dynamics implementation. Whether you are just starting your CRM journey or operating a mature instance, Vlad's firsthand expertise from over 400 deployments will reveal the path to accelerating growth and profitability.

Vlad Sarov is an experienced Microsoft Dynamics 365 leader who has spent over two decades unlocking the full potential of Microsoft CRM technologies for businesses. As the COO of an ISO 9001-certified Microsoft Gold partner, Vlad brings a combination... Show more

Dr. Dhru Beeharilal

Dr. Dhru Beeharilal

Dr. Dhru Beeharilal is a coach, speaker, serial entrepreneur, and the founder of Nayan Leadership

Dr. Dhru Beeharilal is a coach, speaker, serial entrepreneur, and the founder of Nayan Leadership Show more

Patricia de Brou

Patricia de Brou

An atypical path : from personal service, through sales, import-export, marketing to the professions of organizational transformation and governance support, I felt into Lean & Agility in 2017. Since, I work with large entreprises to help them solving team and organizational issues.
I love to connect with people, to share each other our mindset, and to develop an entrepreneurial spirit.

An atypical path : from personal service, through sales, import-export, marketing to the professions of organizational transformation and governance support, I felt into Lean & Agility in 2017. Since, I work with large entreprises to help them solvin... Show more

Safia Zouaoui

Safia Zouaoui

Issue d’une formation en psychologie cognitive et d’un Master en ergonomie obtenu en 2005, Safia a toujours eu à coeur de répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs des produits qu’elle crée.

Après une carrière d’UX researcher, elle co fonde, en 2019, un centre de compétence Design et expérience utilisateur chez un de ses clients et manage une dizaine de designers produit.
Elle porte la vision du design et de la culture produit au sein de l'entreprise et accompagne également les équipes produit dans la mise en place de bonnes pratiques pour faciliter le travail collaboratif entre les membres des équipes et les utilisateurs.

Afin de mieux accompagner ses clients dans leur transformation vers une culture produit, Safia se spécialise en product management.
Elle s'intéresse également à l’agile à l’échelle et obtient sa certification SAFe Agiliste 6.0 en 2023.

Issue d’une formation en psychologie cognitive et d’un Master en ergonomie obtenu en 2005, Safia a toujours eu à coeur de répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs des produits qu’elle crée. Après une carrière d’UX researcher, elle co fonde, en 2019,... Show more

Eric Pratum

Eric Pratum

Eric is a seasoned C-level executive with a wealth of experience in marketing, strategy, and team development. He is passionate about helping CEOs and leaders navigate and adapt to change, and has a track record of success in creating more human cultures that drive long-term success.

With a background in language, culture, marketing, and psychology, Eric has a deep understanding of data and analytics, and uses human-centered strategies to help organizations tackle unique, difficult-to-solve challenges. He has helped clients achieve 50% year-over-year revenue growth, develop standout communications programs, and implement cultural change that increases retention and lowers the costs of acquiring talent.

As a thought leader in the industry, Eric has been invited to speak at numerous conferences and guest lectured at universities. He is a well-respected writer and, at one time, was one of Twitter's top 10 most followed accounts before leaving the platform for privacy reasons.

If you are a leader, Eric understands the unique challenges you face, and can help you find integral solutions that meet your organization's needs. His focus on human-centered strategies drives long-term success for clients and helps them anticipate and adapt to market changes.

Eric is a seasoned C-level executive with a wealth of experience in marketing, strategy, and team development. He is passionate about helping CEOs and leaders navigate and adapt to change, and has a track record of success in creating more human cult... Show more

Roman Shaposhnik

Roman Shaposhnik

Roman is a co-founder of Ainekko: a 100% open-source company on a mission to democratize how “the machine learning community collaborates on models, datasets, and applications” and helping “the AI community building the future” have more choices than just a single (albeit awesome!) walled garden. He is a serial entrepreneur, technologist and a co-founder and former CTO of ZEDEDA Inc. who is also deeply involved in the world of Open Source as both VP of Legal Affairs at the Apache Software Foundation and a former VP of Technology at The Linux Foundation. He grew up in Sun microsystems where he learned that as an engineer you don't have to choose what parts of computers you focus on - building an entire, end-to-end computing platform is always much more fun. Although he had committed code to a plethora of open source projects ranging from Linux kernel, ffmpeg, Project EVE and all the way to the Apache Big data ecosystem, he takes pride that most of that code has already been replaced by the responsible adults with multiple Ph.Ds in Computer and other kinds of Science. He loves funky beer (although he very much draws the line at tomato and tom yum gose) and spreads craft beer love around one seidla at a time.

Roman is a co-founder of Ainekko: a 100% open-source company on a mission to democratize how “the machine learning community collaborates on models, datasets, and applications” and helping “the AI community building the future” have more choices than... Show more

Armando Pantoja

Armando Pantoja

A Tedx speaker and a 15-year veteran in the financial technology industry, Armando Pantoja has successfully led technology growth and innovation at some of the world’s largest companies including Home Depot & AAA. in 2016, Armando transitioned from his software engineering leadership role at AAA to the blockchain and crypto world when he created ICORanker, an AI-driven web application that allowed investors to easily assess new crypto projects. After a multimillion-dollar buyout by a publicly traded company, Armando has become a respected thought leader in the cryptocurrency space and known worldwide as a disciplined, focused and influential cryptocurrency, finance & technology innovator.

In 2017, Pantoja chose to sell to Codebase Ventures, a publicly traded company for $2.5 million. This choice made him a millionaire and gave him the foundation and funds to start Quant Index, a company focused on investing and developing emerging tech.

In 2020, Armando was awarded the IBM Blockchain Award for his innovations in using Blockchain to Crowdsource COVID-19 Solutions.

in 2022, Along with Kevin O’leary, Armando was added to the Benzinga Advisory Council for Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

Advanced Bio
College Education
- 2001-2005 – Bachelor of Science, Computer Science/Engineering, Austin Peay State University, Tennessee
- 2000-2005 – Bachelor of Arts, Languages and Literature, Austin Peay State University, Tennessee
Post college
A regular contributor to CompTIA (the largest certification company in the country) as a Subject Matter Expert. I offer my expertise to write and prepare new certification exams for software security.
Regular Contributor to 2600 Magazine.
Continued research in software security, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Presented at conferences in US, Latin America, and Europe as a Thought Leader on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Considered one of the foremost Financial Technology experts in the world.

A Tedx speaker and a 15-year veteran in the financial technology industry, Armando Pantoja has successfully led technology growth and innovation at some of the world’s largest companies including Home Depot & AAA. in 2016, Armando transitioned from h... Show more

Chris Meaker

Chris Meaker

Chris grew up as a software geek; got employed as a developer; moved 'up' the ranks to team lead and project manager. Sometime in 2007 he had the opportunity to try Agile. Now he's a ICE-AC certified coach and he geeks out about teaming and agile adoptions.

Chris grew up as a software geek; got employed as a developer; moved 'up' the ranks to team lead and project manager. Sometime in 2007 he had the opportunity to try Agile. Now he's a ICE-AC certified coach and he geeks out about teaming and agile ado... Show more

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