The smart way to do Call for Papers, Schedule and Speaker Management.

Cloud based, safe and easy. Your speakers will love it, too!

Managing conference content often feels overwhelming

As conference organizers ourselves — we've been there. That's why we created Sessionize, to help and streamline process by providing guidance and automation.

Sessionize by the numbers

177,000 speakers are using Sessionize to apply for conferences

47,000 speakers have public profiles on Sessionize

7,000 events have used Sessionize up to date

620,000 sessions submitted over time in Sessionize

Call for Papers

Every event starts with the first talk submission — make it easy

No more online forms or emails — you can have your call for speakers in minutes! Custom categorization is very easy to setup, and it can help a lot when building agenda.

Evaluate Submissions

Easily curate content that will make your conference stand out

Invite your content team members to join you in voting for the best submitted sessions. Use our smart voting mechanism to select the best content for your event.

Manage Content

Everything in one place, easy to manage for you & your speakers

Edit all session and speaker info in one place. Allow speakers to edit or add their info. Manage service sessions


Your speakers are rock stars — treat them as such

Congratulate to the chosen speakers, gently reject those not as fortunate. Talk to your speakers, send them info, surveys and invites; arrange travel details. Never leave a speaker behind!

Build Schedule

Building an event schedule doesn’t have to be hard

Just drag and drop your sessions around and end up with a complete schedule for your event. You can embed it on your website, or retrieve as JSON or XML if you feel more advanced.

Mobile & Web App

The big day is here — make the content accessible to everyone

You can have a mobile app with schedule in seconds. Participants can favorite their sessions and build their own schedule.

Do you like what you see?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. View complete breakdown of all the features.

  • The simplest submission experience possible for speakers

  • Smart Task List to guide you through the whole process

  • Customizable submission page

  • Custom session and speaker categorization and tagging

  • Unlimited mailings to accepted speakers

  • Unlimited number of people in content team

  • Drag & drop schedule builder with session coloring

  • Public speaker profiles

  • Copy-paste embed on your web-page

In the spotlight

In love with @SessionizeCom ... while building the @PowerSaturday site. It is just a dream come true and their support is flawless! 👍👍👍

Isabelle Van Campenhoudt #Womxn #PowerBI #DataLove @thesqlgrrrl

Simple pricing

We keep it simple. All features included in each package.

Community event

  • Our way to support enthusiastic communities around the world
  • Good for free community events*
  • Backlinking appreciated
FREE Valid for free community events only** Not valid for internal, private, promotional, marketing, profit and commercial events.

Professional event

  • Save time on content preparation and provide superb speaker experience!
  • Good for most events
  • Priority email support
499 USD +tax Valid for one event occurrence. No credit card required — fully functional test mode available.


  • Managing multiple events or offering Sessionize as a part of a package
  • Good for agencies and corporations
  • 5+ events per year
Let's Talk Best value if you organize multiple events. Purchase activation codes in advance and use them when needed.

*Special mode available for user groups / meetups with tailored feature set for recurring meetings
**Discounts available for community events with standard registration fee less than 50 USD per participant.

Do you want to know what 20,100 event organizers have in common? Sessionize.

Read Testimonials

  • Microsoft
  • University of California
  • droidcon
  • JetBrains
  • Ebner Media Group
  • The Insights Association
  • NDC Conferences
  • DeveloperWeek
  • Google Developer Groups
  • ExpertsLive
  • webflow
  • .Net Foundation

Even your speakers can benefit from Sessionize with public profiles

Speaker Features
Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen Codrina Merigo Dan Bergh Johnsson Lorenzo Vercellati Nicky van Vroenhoven Bryce Howitson Matteo Pagani Gaston Cruz Leonardo Micheloni Geert Baeke Neil Chandler Elayne Jones Lian Li Daniel Yuschick Anubhav Singh Kay Sauter
Emilie Lundblad Patty O'Callaghan Jessica Engström Renato Fajdiga Yitzhak David Gethyn Ellis Achraf Ben Alaya Filip Popović Juan Antonio Tomás Douglas Starnes Freek Berson Noorez Khamis Marc Duiker Magali Milbergue Josef Goldstein Bob Ward
Femke Cornelissen Rohit Ghumare Marcel de Vries Julia Undeutsch Diana Montalion Felix Jumason Sean McQuaid Falek Miah Alexandre Daubois Sari Soinoja Robert Bermejo Xavier Portilla Edo Adrienne Braganza Tacke Nanddeep Nachan Mey Beisaron Koen Verbeeck
Dave Rendon Valarie Regas Chris Klug Patrick Koch Jan-Tore Pedersen Jimmy Engström Matt Eland Sean McDonough Mattias Karlsson Deepu K Sasidharan Bervianto Leo Pratama Vivian Voss Nathaniel Schutta William Huneycutt Eric Boyd Andrei Epure

Sessionize is used across the globe, 131 countries and counting.

Speakers directory provides an easy way to discover great speakers, like Ayisha Felix Wesley

View Directory

Speaker of the day

Ayisha Tabbassum

Ayisha Tabbassum

Felix Jumason

Felix Jumason

Wesley Kambale

Wesley Kambale

Speakers Directory