Business & Management

Professionals who specialize in the organization and oversight of business activities, as well as focus on planning, directing, and controlling company operations

Guillaume Patry

Guillaume Patry

Tombé dans la marmite agile en 2012, j'ai été Scrum Master, Scrum Master à l'échelle, leader d'une communauté de pratiques de Scrum Master, puis Coach Agile, responsable du Centre Agile d'Informatique Banque Populaire, et Lead Coach Agile sur un pôle métier.
J'ai activement participé à l'accompagnement de la transformation en mode produit d'informatique Banque Populaire en accompagnant les managers et leurs équipes à tirer partie de l'agilité pour améliorer leurs performances et la qualité.
Aujourd'hui, au sein du Groupement U, je contribue fortement à la mise en place de la transformation agile, humaine et technologique.

Tombé dans la marmite agile en 2012, j'ai été Scrum Master, Scrum Master à l'échelle, leader d'une communauté de pratiques de Scrum Master, puis Coach Agile, responsable du Centre Agile d'Informatique Banque Populaire, et Lead Coach Agile sur un pôle... Show more

Keith Casey

Keith Casey

Keith “Danger” Casey currently serves on the Product Team at Pangea helping teams launch their systems faster and easier than ever before. Previously, he served on the Product Teams at ngrok launching GTM efforts, Okta working on Identity and Authentication APIs, as an early Developer Evangelist at Twilio, and worked to answer the Ultimate Geek Question at the Library of Congress. His underlying goal is to get good technology into the hands of good people to do great things. In his spare time, he writes at, lives in the woods, and has recorded numerous API courses with LinkedIn Learning.

Keith “Danger” Casey currently serves on the Product Team at Pangea helping teams launch their systems faster and easier than ever before. Previously, he served on the Product Teams at ngrok launching GTM efforts, Okta working on Identity and Authent... Show more

Stacie Bacon

Stacie Bacon

Stacie Bacon is a Team Leader in Technology at Rocket Mortgage, the nation's largest mortgage lender, which is based in Detroit, Michigan. She spent the first part of her 18+ year career writing software for various industries, including telephony and internet communications. While facilitating courses at a local college, Stacie realized her love for mentoring and educating others outweighed the joy she received resolving git merges or converting legacy systems into microservices as a developer. Thus, she reinvented herself as a technology leader. Today, she speaks around the country sharing her personal journey from programmer to servant leader and inspiring others to reinvent themselves. In a past life, Stacie wrote, directed, and helped produce a TV show pilot and hopes one day to make it to the big screen. You can follow her on Twitter @StacieBacon.

Stacie Bacon is a Team Leader in Technology at Rocket Mortgage, the nation's largest mortgage lender, which is based in Detroit, Michigan. She spent the first part of her 18+ year career writing software for various industries, including telephony an... Show more

Antonio Peric-Mazar

Antonio Peric-Mazar

Antonio Perić-Mažar is CEO at Locastic digital agency, based in beautiful Croatian city called Split. Their main focus is to build complex mobile and web platforms for different clients that range from startups to enterprise companies from all over the globe.

He is a proud backend developer that moved into a managerial role after founding Locastic in 2011, since, in a very short period of time the team has grown and they became very popular in the development world.

He is quite a proactive guy - as he is one of the founders of the largest regional Blockchain Conference, he is hosting a free monthly Meetup event in Split, also recently he fell in love with Esports as he owns the best Croatian Counter-Strike team.

During the last few years Antonio also focused on sharing his business and development knowledge with Startups and other Entrepreneurs and he spoke on many conferences including:
2011 - Why Symfony2 framework is good choice? [Web Strategija, Zagreb, Croatia]
2012- Why Symfony2? [ZgPHP, Zagreb, Croatia)
2013 - Symfony workshop [ZgPHP, Zagreb, Croatia)
2013 - Sylius - a new way of developing ecommerce solutions [PHP Conference Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia]
2013 - Symfony workshop [eZSummer Camp, Island Brac, Croatia]
2014 - Building Single page application with Symfony2 And AngularJS [PHPDay Verona, Verona, Italy]
2014 - Sylius Introduction [PHPDay Verona, unconference track, Verona, Italy]
2014 - Sylius as Ecommerce solution [WebCampLjubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia]
2014 - Started Symfony User Group Croatia
2014 - Building Restful API with Symfony2 [WebSummerCamp, Rovinj, Croatia]
2014 - Building Single page application with Symfony2 and AngularJS [ZgPhp, Zagreb, Croatia]
2014 - Mentoring Startups at Shift Conference [Shift Conference, Split, Croatia]
2015 - Croatia entrepreneurship conference 3P - how to build a successful company [3P conference, Split, Croatia]
2015 - Mentoring Startups at Shift Conference [Shift Conference, Split, Croatia]
2015 - Using Sylius as an eCommerce solution with eZ [WebSummerCamp, Rovinj, Croatia]
2015 - A recipe for effective leadership [Better Software Italy, Florence, Italy]
2015 - Building Real Time applications with PHP - [Symfony Camp, Kiev, Ukraine]
2016 - Croatia entrepreneurship conference 3P - why quality services are the most important thing [3P conference, Split, Croatia]
2016 - How we build and lead our company? [Summer Jam Croatia, Pakostane, Croatia]
2016 - Using Sylius in production [Symfony Croatia Meetup, Zagreb, Croatia]
2016 - Maintainable + Extensible = Clean ... yes, Code! [Symfony Camp, Kiev, Ukraine]
2017 - Co-Founded Tinel Meetup [Split, Croatia]
2017 - Drupal8 for Symfony Developers [PHPUK, London, United Kingdom]
2017 - Progressive web applications are here! [Dump Days, Split, Croatia]
2017 - Panel discussion: Developers - most wanted profession in the world [Dump Days, Split, Croatia]
2017 - Drupal8 for Symfony Developers [PHPDay Verona, Verona, Italy]
2017 - Symfony more in depth with events and services (workshop) [DEVit, Thessaloniki, Greece)
2017 - Lessons learned while developing with Sylius [Symfony Croatia Meetup, Zagreb, Croatia]
2017 - Drupal8 for Symfony developers workshop [DutchPHP, Amsterdam, Netherland]
2017 - Drupal8 for Symfony developers [DutchPHP, Amsterdam, Netherland]
2017 - Building APIs in an easy way using API Platform (workshop) [WebSummerCamp, Rovinj, Croatia]
2018 - Go Mobile, or Go Home (TNT Split, Split, Croatia)
2018 - Real REST is easy with Api Platform (workshop) [PHPDay Verona, Verona, Italy]
2018 - Symfony 4: the new way of developing web application [CodeID, Odessa, Ukraine]
2018 - Panel discussion, state of Industry [Digital Labin, Labin, Croatia]
2018 - Real REST is easy with Api Platform (workshop) [WebCampZg, Zagreb, Croatia]
2018 - Progressive web apps are here! [Symfony Camp, Kiev, Ukraine]
2018 - Service workers are your best friends! [GrowIT, Novi Sad, Serbia]
2019 - A year with PWA [DevConMU, Mauritius]
2019 - REST easy with API platform [DevConMU, Mauritius]
2019 - The UI is the Application [Weblica 2019, Čakovec, Croatia]
2019 - A year with progressive web applications [Weblica 2019, Čakovec, Croatia]
2019 - Symfony 4: A new way to develop applications [PHPSerbia 2019, Belgrade, Serbia]
2019 - Panel discussion: How to start working with international clients from Split [ShiftDev 2019, Split, Croatia]
2019 - Symfony 4: A new way to develop applications [International PHP Conference 2019, Berlin, Germany]
2019 - A year with progressive web applications [Webinale 2019, Berlin, Germany]
2019 - The UI is the Application [DutchPHP 2019, Amsterdam, Netherland]
2019 - The UI is the Application [Tinel Meetup, Split, Croatia]
2019 - REST easy with API platform [PHPERS SUMMIT 2019, Poznan, Poland]
2019 - Symfony 4: A new way to develop applications [PHPERS SUMMIT 2019, Poznan, Poland]
2019 - Is SCRUM good for agencies? [Kulendayz 2019, Osijek, Croatia]
2019 - Web Payment API a new way of paying online [Kulendayz 2019, Osijek, Croatia]
2019 - Are you failing at being agile? [Digtal Labin, Labin, Croatia]
2019 - Using API platform to build a ticketing system (translations, time zones, ...) [Symfony Day, Verona, Italy]
2019 - Web Payment API a new way of paying online [IPC 2019, Munich, Germany]
2019 - REST easy with API platform [Phpcon 2019, Szczyrk, Poland]
2019 - Using API Platform to build a ticketing system [SymfonyCon, Amsterdam, Netherland]

Antonio Perić-Mažar is CEO at Locastic digital agency, based in beautiful Croatian city called Split. Their main focus is to build complex mobile and web platforms for different clients that range from startups to enterprise companies from all over t... Show more

Cansel Sörgens

Cansel Sörgens

Cansel Sörgens has been an impactful contributor to the corporate landscape since 2008, where she held roles as a Product Manager and Agile Organisational Development Manager in dynamic, fast-growing organisations. With a wealth of expertise, Cansel excels in leading strategic cross-departmental projects and driving Agile Transformations. Since 2016, Cansel has been at the forefront of implementing OKR methodologies across diverse organisational structures, spanning B2B, B2C, and B2B2C, in industries ranging from E-Commerce, Retail, MedTech, FinTech, InsureTech, Consumer Electronics, to Pharma. Cansel not only shares her extensive, practice-proven OKR experience as speaker and author but also as the founder of OKR Lean Coffee and Reshaping the Future of OKRs. For further details, please explore her website:

Cansel Sörgens has been an impactful contributor to the corporate landscape since 2008, where she held roles as a Product Manager and Agile Organisational Development Manager in dynamic, fast-growing organisations. With a wealth of expertise, Cansel ... Show more

Maceo Owens

Maceo Owens

Maceo Owens, aka The ERG Homegirl, is a Gen Z ERG Enthusiast. After ERGs changed the trajectory of her life, she’s passionate about helping them to do the same for others - by making efficient ERGs as simple as possible. Maceo has served as an ERG LEader and Program Manager to major tech companies. As a former support agent, she’s also passionate about “frontline” engagement in ERG Programs. Maceo has a deep interest in entrepreneurship since her teen years and has spent years studying the craft of building a successful business. When she took her learnings and applied them to ERGs, she realized that she had something different - something ERG Programs needed. Through The ERG Movement, founded in 2022, Maceo hopes to drive much needed change in the ERG space.

Maceo Owens, aka The ERG Homegirl, is a Gen Z ERG Enthusiast. After ERGs changed the trajectory of her life, she’s passionate about helping them to do the same for others - by making efficient ERGs as simple as possible. Maceo has served as an ERG LE... Show more

Daryl Seager

Daryl Seager

Helping Tech/ Media professionals to boost their careers by levelling-up their confidence, communication & leadership skills without burning out. Associate Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation (ICF) and Consultant with 15+ years experience of positively impacting private and public sector clients globally, with a passion for human development, especially in the areas of leadership and communication. I have worked across a number of industries, including: education, government, sales, legal, FMCG, banking, media, digital and technology.

Helping Tech/ Media professionals to boost their careers by levelling-up their confidence, communication & leadership skills without burning out. Associate Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation (ICF) and Consultant with 15+ years... Show more

Vicky Morgan

Vicky Morgan

An OKR expert seasoned in strategy execution, agile and digital transformations. Vicky leverages her passion for reinventing organizations, performance management, and organizational excellence to lead complex OKR recoveries and digital change initiatives.

An OKR expert seasoned in strategy execution, agile and digital transformations. Vicky leverages her passion for reinventing organizations, performance management, and organizational excellence to lead complex OKR recoveries and digital change initi... Show more

Nisla Love

Nisla Love

Nisla Love, a Veteran, Military Spouse, IRS Enrolled Agent, Speaker, and Leadership Coach, brings over 15 years of tax preparation expertise and a Master's in Accounting and Taxation. At Choose Love Solutions, she guides small businesses in growing their wealth within IRS regulations. Nisla's true passion is witnessing her clients succeed! Making tax planning personal and straightforward, she keeps clients informed with the latest updates. Connect with Nisla for empowered financial strategies at

Nisla Love, a Veteran, Military Spouse, IRS Enrolled Agent, Speaker, and Leadership Coach, brings over 15 years of tax preparation expertise and a Master's in Accounting and Taxation. At Choose Love Solutions, she guides small businesses in growing t... Show more

Jeff Wouters

Jeff Wouters

Jeff Wouters, former 9* MVP Cloud & Datacenter Management, PowerShellian, blogger, speaker and Dutchie. He is a frequent speaker at (inter)national events with a focus on Automation, Cloud and DevOps and is the co-founder of the Dutch PowerShell User Group. Jeff holds the role of CTO at Methos, where he guides customers to a infrastructure-as-code and DevOps way of (Azure) infrastructure management.

Jeff Wouters, former 9* MVP Cloud & Datacenter Management, PowerShellian, blogger, speaker and Dutchie. He is a frequent speaker at (inter)national events with a focus on Automation, Cloud and DevOps and is the co-founder of the Dutch PowerShell User... Show more

David König

David König

Over 20 years experience in client management, operations, product owner and DevOps. I started as a consultant in the field of modern workstations (manually pushing PXE chips into network cards, so not so modern), built my own small helpdesk product, did a 3 year tour in product management, worked as a DevOps evangelist and am now back home in IT consulting where I still feel most comfortable.

Over 20 years experience in client management, operations, product owner and DevOps. I started as a consultant in the field of modern workstations (manually pushing PXE chips into network cards, so not so modern), built my own small helpdesk product,... Show more

Deepa Jothi S

Deepa Jothi S

I am a passionate Cloud Consultant with expertise in AWS, committed to delivering outstanding customer success. I firmly believe in the mantra of "Life Long Learning Leads to continuous success, Start early, Fail early, and Stand out of the box," which drives me to constantly grow and excel in my field.

With a track record of providing top-notch training in Cloud Consulting, Project Management, ITIL 4, Personal Development, Startups, Digital Marketing I am dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to thrive in today's dynamic landscape.

My journey is guided by the principles of staying curious, embracing challenges, and seizing opportunities for growth. As a lifelong learner, I am always seeking new ways to innovate and create meaningful impact.

I am a passionate Cloud Consultant with expertise in AWS, committed to delivering outstanding customer success. I firmly believe in the mantra of "Life Long Learning Leads to continuous success, Start early, Fail early, and Stand out of the box," whi... Show more

Maritza Cieza

Maritza Cieza

Experienced Process Analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the RPA development and programming domain. Skilled in Automation Anywhere, Power Platform and Business Analysis.

My mission is to free people from non-creative work by automating manual and repetitive tasks. ❤

Experienced Process Analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the RPA development and programming domain. Skilled in Automation Anywhere, Power Platform and Business Analysis. My mission is to free people from non-creative work by automat... Show more

Olga Vox

Olga Vox

Olga Vox is a seasoned Web3 Strategist with over 10 years of experience in Tech. She has been involved in the Blockchain space since 2016, working closely with various NFT startups, helping them build outstanding go-to-market and scaling strategies to pass over $2B valuation. Currently, Olga is a Chief Strategy Officer at WOWCube, a company that is building the first Web3-native gaming console. In this role, she is responsible for identifying and securing strategic partnerships, expanding the company's network and reach, and creating value for the Web3 gaming community.

Olga Vox is a seasoned Web3 Strategist with over 10 years of experience in Tech. She has been involved in the Blockchain space since 2016, working closely with various NFT startups, helping them build outstanding go-to-market and scaling strategies t... Show more

Lauren Cartigny

Lauren Cartigny

Lauren Cartigny is an Executive Coach and Leadership Trainer. Following a successful international corporate career in Sales for leading Tech firms, like Rackspace, Equinix and LinkedIn, Lauren faced an unexpected burnout and personal trauma. After a journey of self-discovery and healing, Lauren learnt how to connect the science of well-being recovery and high-performance at work.

Lauren supports all levels of an organisation to assure a coherent and lasting transformation. She coaches CEOs and trains Leaders and Managers and has built an on demand training library for Professionals to improve their well-being, their communication and their results.

Lauren is the Founder of The Self-Science Lab a coaching and training company for businesses seeking to support their employees with well-being and performance.

Lauren Cartigny is an Executive Coach and Leadership Trainer. Following a successful international corporate career in Sales for leading Tech firms, like Rackspace, Equinix and LinkedIn, Lauren faced an unexpected burnout and personal trauma. After a... Show more

Mattia Rapisarda

Mattia Rapisarda

For over 8 years, I have been passionately dedicated to supporting individuals, teams, and organizations in their evolution journey. My mission is to help them discover new perspectives and face challenges with courage and determination.

I have worked with associations, startups, agencies, SMEs, and corporations of various sizes and across different sectors.

By nature, I am dynamic, having experienced a life rich in changes (e.g., 7 house moves in 2023/2024 alone, totaling 27 throughout my life). This experience has taught me to quickly adapt to new situations and embrace change with enthusiasm!

Furthermore, since I was young, I have always loved challenging myself and exploring new horizons. This adventurous spirit has led me to engage in extreme sports such as street skateboarding, aggressive rollerblading, and, most recently, rock climbing, where each ascent serves as a metaphor for my life: overcoming obstacles, conquering fears, and reaching new heights.

Beyond my professional commitment, I also find great joy in exploring nature, hiking in the woods or mountains. These experiences rejuvenate me and offer valuable moments of reflection, as I firmly believe that connecting with nature is essential for maintaining mental and emotional balance.

For over 8 years, I have been passionately dedicated to supporting individuals, teams, and organizations in their evolution journey. My mission is to help them discover new perspectives and face challenges with courage and determination. I have wo... Show more

Noah Cantor

Noah Cantor

Noah started working in IT on a service desk 20+ years ago. He rapidly moved into back end systems, eventually being responsible for anything that had an electric current running through it. Over time he realised that solving technical problems didn't solve people's problems, and he started looking into psychology, group dynamics, systems thinking, and a lot more. Noah spent the last ~12 years looking at how organisations function, what they're trying to achieve, and helping them see what changes to make in order to actually get where they want to be.

Noah started working in IT on a service desk 20+ years ago. He rapidly moved into back end systems, eventually being responsible for anything that had an electric current running through it. Over time he realised that solving technical problems didn'... Show more

Shane Spraggs

Shane Spraggs

CEO at Virtira | Best Selling Author | Business Leader | Remote Operations Expert

For over 25 years, Shane Spraggs has been driving successful projects for a variety of notable media and software start-ups and some of the world’s largest brands, including Disney. As CEO of Virtira, Shane’s focus on productivity has generated immense value for our Fortune 100 clients, and he plays a vital role in developing and implementing cutting-edge systems and strategies that consistently boost the performance of their remote-based teams. Shane is often praised for his ability to evaluate complex organizational challenges and implement solutions that ensure sustainable success with continuous oversight and improvement. He challenges himself and the team at Virtira to constantly identify areas that will improve productivity for our clients.
In 2023, Shane co-authored the best-selling book The Power of Remote, an essential guide to modern team management.

CEO at Virtira | Best Selling Author | Business Leader | Remote Operations Expert For over 25 years, Shane Spraggs has been driving successful projects for a variety of notable media and software start-ups and some of the world’s largest brands, i... Show more

Priyanka Shinde

Priyanka Shinde

Priyanka is seasoned Silicon Valley tech leader with over 20 years of experience across engineering, product management, and program management. She had the privilege of working with renowned tech giants like Meta and Cruise, as well as startups. In these roles, she led highly technical teams, successfully launching cutting-edge products in Conversational AI, Machine Learning (ML), LLMs, NLU/NLP and Autonomous Systems. She specializes in optimizing product, process, and people strategies for growth startups and big companies. Today, she is dedicated to enabling tech leaders accelerate their success and build products that change the world through a blend of strategic execution, executive coaching, and development training programs. She is the author of "The Art of Strategic Execution" book and host of the podcast "Unleash Your Leadership"

Priyanka understands the challenges brought on by the complexities and uncertainties of today's fast-paced workplace. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge, insights, and learnings with peers in the industry to help them thrive and succeed. Priyanka brings a unique perspective to her speaking engagements and her engaging and action-oriented speaking style​
- Fosters innovation, enhances team effectiveness, and drives strategic business outcomes.
- Empowers the audience to elevate their leadership capabilities.
- Enables attendees to walk away with tangible strategies they can implement immediately.

Priyanka is seasoned Silicon Valley tech leader with over 20 years of experience across engineering, product management, and program management. She had the privilege of working with renowned tech giants like Meta and Cruise, as well as startups. In ... Show more

Joanna Koprowicz

Joanna Koprowicz

Joanna Koprowicz is a leading Agile-Lean trainer and consultant, specializing in Business Agility, Agile-Lean Transformations, and High-Performing Team Development. With a robust background in business and technology, she has facilitated positive change across diverse sectors including Finance, Travel, Aviation, E-learning, and Gaming.

In 2018, Joanna founded Change Angels, a consultancy offering tailored coaching and training services to both start-ups and multinational companies. The firm aims to build organizational resilience by partnering with Agile-Lean experts globally, offering customized solutions to meet individual organizational needs.

Joanna holds a Masters in Project Management from University College Dublin's Michael Smurfit Business School. She's amassed numerous Agile certifications and is the ICAgile (International Consortium for Agile) authorized instructor for two tracks.

An active member of the Agile community, she has coordinated international Agile-Lean events, including the Global Scrum Gathering in Vienna. She serves on the board of Agile-Lean Ireland and Agile-Lean International, contributing to Ireland's rapidly growing Agile community.

For more information, visit

Joanna Koprowicz is a leading Agile-Lean trainer and consultant, specializing in Business Agility, Agile-Lean Transformations, and High-Performing Team Development. With a robust background in business and technology, she has facilitated positive cha... Show more

Leeanne McManus

Leeanne McManus

Leeanne brings a unique blend of both technical and business background, including serving as a MCT for more than 10 years. As a tenured Qualified CIE Facilitator, she has guided hundreds of organizations through Office 365 helping users through the journey to engage, learn, adopt and leverage the benefits and functionality of the M365 platform to work better.

Change Management, and more specifically people, is her passion! Her experience working with Agile teams is also an area of expertise, coaching software development teams with Agile frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, XP, LASD and building hybrid solutions based on the team and organizational needs.

Leeanne brings a unique blend of both technical and business background, including serving as a MCT for more than 10 years. As a tenured Qualified CIE Facilitator, she has guided hundreds of organizations through Office 365 helping users through the ... Show more

Shipra Kayan

Shipra Kayan

Shipra Kayan has 20 years of experience building products and leading Product & Design teams in Silicon Valley. When the pandemic started, Shipra brought her experience leading virtual teams to coach product teams at larger companies like Apple and Capgemini to help them transition to remote ways of working. She is now the principal evangelist at Miro, teaching product development teams how to use iterative product development as an accelerator, and not get mired in analysis-paralysis.

Shipra Kayan has 20 years of experience building products and leading Product & Design teams in Silicon Valley. When the pandemic started, Shipra brought her experience leading virtual teams to coach product teams at larger companies like Apple and C... Show more

Tom Perry

Tom Perry

Tom Perry is a storyteller. In his 25-year career as a software developer and architect, he has used his talent for storytelling to lead digital transformations, including at Visa, which resulted in a 30% decrease in defects and 60% faster time-to-market, and at USAA, where his exceptional coaching skill led the development team to delivering their Orst features eight times faster than had been projected at the start of the project. Now as an instructor and educator, Tom uses stories and real-world examples to inspire his students to see Agile and Scrum training as something they can integrate into their lives and work right away to create remarkable improvements — not just the eVciency of their work, but their own engagement and morale as well. Tom is an active member of the Agile community, as past president of the PaciOc Northwest chapter of the Agile Leadership Network (ALN), a global nonproOt dedicated to expanding the impact of Agile through community building. He has written a guide to software project management called The Little Book of Impediments, and regularly writes blogs for Hyperdrive and his personal website. Tom also produced and ran the annual Agile Management Northwest conference.

Tom Perry is a storyteller. In his 25-year career as a software developer and architect, he has used his talent for storytelling to lead digital transformations, including at Visa, which resulted in a 30% decrease in defects and 60% faster time-to-ma... Show more

Guy Glantser

Guy Glantser

Guy Glantser, Data Platform MVP, is the leader of the Israeli data platform community and also the CEO and founder of Madeira Data Solutions. His career has been focused on the Microsoft Data Platform for the past 25 years, performing various data roles as either an on-site data architect, an external consultant, or a speaker. Guy is involved in many activities in the Microsoft Data Platform community. He occasionally speaks at community events, such as PASS Data Community Summit, SQLBits, Data Saturdays, and user groups around the world. He also co-hosts the SQL Server Radio podcast.

Guy Glantser, Data Platform MVP, is the leader of the Israeli data platform community and also the CEO and founder of Madeira Data Solutions. His career has been focused on the Microsoft Data Platform for the past 25 years, performing various data ro... Show more

Heather Wilde Renze

Heather Wilde Renze

Heather Wilde is CTO of TheDifference and is also known as the Unicorn Whisperer because of her special focus on entrepreneurs. She is a professional growth expert, executive coach, best-selling author, and speaker. One of the founding team of Evernote, and co-founder of TWIP, she has won multiple awards for her writing, technology, coaching, and mentorship, including the 2020 International Impact Award for her latest book, "Birth of a Unicorn".

Both a patent inventor and game designer, she is trailblazing the way for other women to do the same.
She has appeared on Huffpost Live and ABC News, and has appeared in Mashable, BBC News, Huffington Post, and in the Wall Street Journal as well as many other industry publications. Her clients cover North America, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East and she offers training internationally on tech topics such as Cybersecurity, Anticipatory Design, and the Dangers of Overwork.

Wilde's popular Inc and Forbes columns span social media, entrepreneurialism, startups, leadership, fundraising, and diversity issues. She lives in Las Vegas.

Heather Wilde is CTO of TheDifference and is also known as the Unicorn Whisperer because of her special focus on entrepreneurs. She is a professional growth expert, executive coach, best-selling author, and speaker. One of the founding team of Everno... Show more

Kyle Smith

Kyle Smith

A renowned speaker and seasoned HR professional, I bring 25 years of expertise in crafting and executing dynamic HR and leadership strategies. As a leadership consultant, advisor, speaker, and author, I am dedicated to helping individuals find their calling and succeed. With a passion for human resources, I've showcased a consistent track record of leadership, addressing challenges and opportunities across various HR functions that I share with my audiences.

As the host of the HRKyle Podcast, I share insights on leadership, talent attraction, performance maximization, finding meaningful work, and a range of other diverse HR topics. My approach is rooted in a positive, forward-thinking style that gives the listener usable guidance and information they can immediately put into practice. I excel in providing direction on creating a culture of excellence.

My speaking engagements span colleges, universities, schools, non-profits, leadership events, trade shows, and even classrooms. I am comfortable and confident with both in-person and virtual formats, and groups ranging in size from 5 to 5000 (and more). My commitment to staying current with industry trends ensures that my messages are not only effective but also relatable and relevant.

I am eager to connect with professionals and organizations seeking a dynamic and engaging speaker on topics related to leadership, talent attraction, employee retention, and employee and candidate success. Connect with Kyle at to talk further.

A renowned speaker and seasoned HR professional, I bring 25 years of expertise in crafting and executing dynamic HR and leadership strategies. As a leadership consultant, advisor, speaker, and author, I am dedicated to helping individuals find their ... Show more

Matt Phillips

Matt Phillips

Matt Phillips is a leading expert on innovation. For over 20 years, he’s advised leaders across the Fortune 500 and at large nonprofit organizations. Matt is the founder of a leading innovation consulting firm, Phillips & Co., based in Chicago whose clients include Paramount Pictures, Pepsi, Dell, Verizon, Purina, the World Trade Centers Association, the TSA, and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. Their team delivers an accelerated approach to innovation – using fewer and smarter steps to unlock teams’ potential, solve challenges in less time, and define the future of organizations, faster.

Matt holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and is a graduate of the Conservatory Program in Improv at The Second City.


Keynote #1: Accelerating Innovation
Discover proven strategies to navigate change and unlock breakthrough solutions faster than ever before.

In this powerful keynote, learn how successful, serial innovators achieve breakthrough results. One secret? They work smarter, not harder, tapping a set of strategies to avoid roadblocks and build teams that can innovate and flourish. You’ll learn the Accelerated Innovation Model, a six-step process designed to solve tough challenges and drive change faster. Along the way, we’ll explore stories of leaders and organizations that faced massive challenges and see how they discovered breakthrough solutions. And, you’ll take away specific strategies you can use immediately to solve problems in innovative new ways.

The audience will leave with:
- The six-step Accelerating Innovation Model to use on challenges large or small.
- More than a dozen stories of real-world leaders who faced strategic challenges and developed breakthrough solutions.
- A practical toolkit of methods to use immediately with their teams.
- Confidence to apply the tools of innovation, regardless of your role in the organization.

Matt Phillips is a leading expert on innovation. For over 20 years, he’s advised leaders across the Fortune 500 and at large nonprofit organizations. Matt is the founder of a leading innovation consulting firm, Phillips & Co., based in Chicago whose ... Show more

Carlo Lagorio

Carlo Lagorio

Carlo has worked in Scotland since 2016 as Scrum Master and Agile Coach. He's an active member of Heart of Agile Scotland and The Future of Work Scotland meetups.
In 2021 he started the Italian podcast Sprint! Guida italiana all'Agile.

Carlo has worked in Scotland since 2016 as Scrum Master and Agile Coach. He's an active member of Heart of Agile Scotland and The Future of Work Scotland meetups. In 2021 he started the Italian podcast Sprint! Guida italiana all'Agile. Show more

Elle O'Flaherty

Elle O'Flaherty

Engaging and funny, performance strategist and workplace satisfaction leader Elle O'Flaherty delivers game-changing messages that interweave real-world examples and cutting-edge research. Elle's presentations are full of insights, highly interactive, and fun. She helps clients tailor their professional life to their unique brains, allowing their talents and genius to shine. Following a 17+ year legal career and certifications in ICF-accredited executive, ADHD, and career coaching, Elle founded Interlace Solutions, a coaching firm that taps into clients' potential to accelerate their achievement. Her team coaches executives, executive teams, and professionals with a subspecialty in ADHD coaching.

Elle is a sought-after keynote speaker and facilitator who consistently draws large crowds. Her goal is for participants to walk away with meaty new learning for practical application. Elle has been published in national and international outlets and speaks on productivity, professional motivation, creating ADHD-friendly environments, and innovations to support mental health, among other topics. Elle is a subject matter expert on international agricultural trade, which doesn’t come up a lot. She lives in Washington, DC, with her dog Penny, the most beautiful dog in the world. And a great family, but the dog is hard to beat.

Engaging and funny, performance strategist and workplace satisfaction leader Elle O'Flaherty delivers game-changing messages that interweave real-world examples and cutting-edge research. Elle's presentations are full of insights, highly interactive,... Show more

Andrew Greenstein

Andrew Greenstein

Andrew Greenstein is the CEO and Head of Product at SF AppWorks, an award-winning custom web and mobile design and development agency. An entrepreneur and storyteller with an insatiable curiosity and passion for what’s next in tech, Andrew is also the host of The Next Great Thing, a popular technology podcast that explores new digital products and experiences — and conversations with the leaders making them great. Notable podcast guests include Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, CEO at Grammarly; Jenny Arden, Chief Design Officer at Zillow; Aaron Easterly, Co-Founder and CEO at Rover; and Shravan Goli, Chief Operating Officer at Coursera.
For over a decade, Andrew has collaborated with Fortune 500s and startups to design, develop, iterate, and grow custom web, mobile, and software projects that create impact. An expert in lean startup methodology, design thinking, product development, and rapid prototyping, Andrew and his team have partnered with AARP, Humana, West Elm, the Golden Globes, Vanguard, Google, and many others, helping them transform their game-changing ideas from concept to code.
Prior to SF AppWorks, Andrew was a startup founder and consultant. He received his JD from the UCLA School of Law. When he isn’t thinking about effectuation theory or behind the podcast mic, you can find him behind a drum kit keeping the beat for his band, cheering on Steph Curry at a Golden State Warriors game, or walking his golden retriever, Taco, through the streets of San Francisco.

Andrew Greenstein is the CEO and Head of Product at SF AppWorks, an award-winning custom web and mobile design and development agency. An entrepreneur and storyteller with an insatiable curiosity and passion for what’s next in tech, Andrew is also th... Show more

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