Speakers Directory

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They make us awesome, by being awesome!

Speaker of the day

Felix Jumason

Felix Jumason

Wesley Kambale

Wesley Kambale

Erwin de Kreuk

Erwin de Kreuk

Event of the day

ACSA 2025 Every Child Counts Symposium

ACSA 2025 Every Child Counts Symposium

Devfest Milano 2024

Devfest Milano 2024



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Most Active Speakers 2023

Sessionize proudly presents the list of the most active speakers in the year 2023!

700+ speakers

Microsoft MVPs

All Microsoft MVPs that have added their award to their speaker profile.

800+ speakers

Women Techmakers Ambassadors

All Women Techmakers Ambassadors that have added their award to their speaker profile.

20+ speakers

Grant Fritchey Sander ten Brinke Josh Klein Laurent Carlier Kat Beedim Filipi Pires Vesa Nopanen Yves Habersaat Jesse Houwing Morten Knudsen Javier Ramirez Alejandro Cuba Ruiz Norm Young Gabriel L. Manor Alberto Acerbis Thomas Bründl
Doug Leal Michel Schildmeijer Evgeny Mandrikov Torbjörn (Mr T-Bone) Granheden Shaun Lawrence George Doubinski Antonio Cobo Sander Molenkamp Jesse Loudon Ryan Mangan Luke Parker Jorge Levy Heini Ilmarinen François Martin Katerina Chernevskaya Jonathan "J." Tower
Seyfallah Tagrerout Dan Barber Anna-Maria Wykes Vivian Voss Tomas Prokop Rezwanur Rahman Carmen Huidobro Christian Woerz Xavier Portilla Edo Vinicius Apolinario Manasés Jesús Michael Dowden Rex de Koning Jake Walsh Cameron Presley Konstantinos Passadis
Serge Luca Eric Deandrea Nico Orschel Marc Duiker Jeffrey Leung Leo Farias Simon Skotheimsvik Brendan O'Leary Matheus Albuquerque Elder Moraes Nati Turtledove Anjuli Jhakry Becky Bertram Justin Lee Rob Farley Asif Waquar

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  • Mobile app with schedule where attendees can set favorites

  • Cloud based, safe and easy. Fair and simple pricing

  • Smart Task List that will guide you through the whole process

  • Embed schedule, speakers and sessions on your website